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Looking for an RP Partner (YIM,Skype,or AIM fantasy or realistic rp)

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Jun 1, 2015
Update-Since people on here have a habit of NOT reading the entire post let me place this here there WILL be cheating of some kind in rp's with me period I like that due to enjoying playing multiple characters whether its cheating due to an open relationship,things that go to far,or what have you it WILL happen if that bothers you that's fine just don't message me. Hey there thanks for checking out my ad have been rping since the day's of yahoo pager,cheeta chat,and user room's so have been at this a while! I have character's that I've had since those days so least for 15 year's...I RP almost anything from Medieval/Modern fantasy (If fantasy I do lately lean towards Medieval),Modern realistic,sexual,romance,etc. I have few limits not a big fan of shit,piss,vore,torture,or death. I have many idea's I tend to like working cheating into ideas due to my like of myself playing multiple characters but know of other ways to work other characters in as well! So whether you want a story based RP or romance/sexual based I'll gladly listen and try and above all I'm PM friendly both on here and on my many messengers Skype/AIM/YIM-requiemofdarkness3083 so feel free to message me I can show my idea's and story based character's. Just say you are from here maybe your likes and limits too look forward to rping with you soon!
Bump again wrote new ideas and ALWAYS looking for new rp partner's message here through private messages or send me a message on one of my many messengers (I tend to prefer messenger's as I'm not always on here but always have those up.)
Bump again always looking for new rp partner's so send me a message and we can probably work something out.
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