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Wanna be a Lumberjack?

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Jun 21, 2016
United States
I have always had a weird fantasy of going camping by myself and a lumberjack/other camper comes and somehow seduces me.

I'm Vanilla, I like realistic actions, and I love a good writer.

In all honesty I am not going to require a writing amount because I definitely understand writers block. I will ask though to give me a paragraph (3 sentences a least.) Be somewhat grammatically correct. I am not perfect but I have a huge pet peeve with capitalization.

If you want to learn more about my kinks you can look at my profile.

I hope to here from one of you soon with a private message!
Free bump!
Just wanted to also say a few things:
1) I am in a rustic older cabin now.
2) Many older males in my direct lineage were career lumberjacks. I have done some myself.
3) I am pretty damn confident in my writing.
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