Street Fighter girls VS Lady Octopus (Majormario & Lillythelez)

Apr 26, 2014
It was a rather uneventful morning for Sakura Kasugano and her friends at Kojima High School. No thugs came out from the shadows to pick fights with the schoolkids, no evil mastermind was plotting a diabolical scheme and even Karin Kanzuki, Sakura's rival, decided that today wasn't the day to be a complete and utter bitch with both her money and influence. Ibuki and Makoto, who both went to the same school as Sakura, oddly enough, found the slow morning to be relaxing and in no way at all foreboding. Still, Sakura could feel that today would be something for the history books, and she wasn't at all wrong!

You see, there in Japan was the site of the seventh annual Street Fighter tournament. Fighters from all over the globe had traveled to this place for their chance to win big money or plenty of reknown for their efforts. They wanted to be known as the grand champion, the Earth's mightiest warrior! The fact that the tournament was sponsored and orchestrated by Shadaloo didn't seem to bother them as much as it should have, though for some types like Cammy, Chun-Li and Crimson Viper, they were on their toes for anything suspicious or juicy that could help them bring down that organization. However, for someone like Sakura, the tournament was like one big fiesta, a grand party that anyone could attend. Once school was over for the day today, she would head out and meet with all her friends before participating in the tournament.

Oh, she could just feel that this day would be so much fun for everybody!
Space, the final frontier a place where man has yet to explore even .1% of this massive horizon and Sea of stars. Hanging over the little blue planet known as Earth. A small twinkle in the sky could be seen clear as day heading straight for Earth. The Space Satellites in the way of the rampaging space based object would be blown away in an instant. The unknown object then broke the atmosphere of planet Earth. To conveniently, smash right into the courtyard of Kojima High School.

The smoke and debris cleared, and when it did, and the early morning folk gathered around to see what had landed. The sound of a door of some kind opening was made out. The object laying in the center of the schools courtyard was in fact a UFO. Carrying within it a single E.T woman, with wriggling tendrils for arms, legs and hair. Her face was pretty, but the moment she saw all the people gathered around her petite lips raised in a happy little grin. "Such... delicious looking carriers.." Her tendrils soon shot out aiming numerous appendages around they bind about targets surrounding her, tendrils ripping at uniforms and clothing, tearing at that which she couldn't reach.

The screams of terror, and well the sounds of women and others getting their orifices drilled by numerous tendrils. Let's just say anyone who stopped to stare was soon being grabbed left and right stripped and then drilled and pumped full of a strange substance along with what felt like rocks being piled up inside their bodies, which would prove to be the extra terrestrial's eggs. This being seemed to have not come in Peace at all.
Things were happening far too quickly for anyone to really get a good bead on what was going on. At first the day was going on as normal, then there was an explosion of sorts in the courtyard, then something sleek and metallic, then... an extraterrestrial? By the time most girls got it through their heads that they were being visited by another species, one that was intelligent enough to know that they could survive on this planet, it was already too late. Wrapped up in tentacles, bound and gagged, clothes torn and ripped about before being littered at their feet, the girls were soon aware that things were going horribly wrong for everyone. Add that to the slimy tentacles writhing through their orifices, pumping inside their pussies, assholes and even plugging up their mouths, and it was clear that things were going to get much, much worse. Those who could scream did so, but they were soon cut off by the fresh tentacle or two that slipped inside!

"W-what the... What's that noise? What's happening?" Sakura wondered as the other young adults in her class either fled, cowered or looked to the windows. The young fighter didn't even hesitate when she noticed the ominous tentacle woman attacking her classmates... "Hey! A monster! W-what's everyone standing around for? I'm gonna fight that and save the day!"

Indeedly doo, Sakura dashed out of her classroom and down the halls to soon find herself in the courtyard. It seemed that most of the girls there were already being ravaged by the tentacled alien, and the details went unnoticed by Sakura for the most part. Either she had noticed and wasn't afraid or she was simply oblivious and dense. Either way, she brought up her fists and went to challenge the tentacle monster- because that was logical here in Japan!

"Hey! Hey you, alien! Put those people down right this instant!" Sakura shouted.
The tentacle woman turned her sights on the girl. She exuded strength... this one would be more delicious then these petty sacks of weak flesh. The tendrils dropped most of their prey. The sound of bodies hitting the ground may have been quite sickening, but the creatures juices inside them would make their insides and body far more durable.

Even if a majority of the female students and staff were now bloated and full of eggs. The tendril woman looked to the short haired girl and licks her lips with her tongue, which also happened to be a tentacle. The woman slithered in close, then around the girl observing her from every angle. She sent a single tendril towards the girls leg to see if she couldn't steal the bloomers peeking out under Sakura's skirt right out from under her. "You smell powerful, you will make a wonderful host..." She said as her tendril soon shot from the ground near Sakura's feet up towards the bloomers under her skirt, the limb would attempt to steal them right away to make her body that much more vulnerable, unlike the others, this one was given just enough of a chance to dodge, should she want to take it.
"Me? A host? What? No, no, never! Is that what you did to the others?"

Sakura wasn't sure what the alien meant by host, and she didn't know what had happened to the female students and staff around her. They looked bloated and sick, not to mention they were whimpering and leaking unseemly fluids from their orifices. It was enough to make Sakura sick, but still she held onto her breakfast and turned back to fast the alien just in time to notice the tentacle that was attempting to sneak up her leg and under her skirt. While the slimy appendage managed to grip and pull at her bloomers, it didn't completely dislodge it- only just enough for the tentacle alien to catch a glimpse of the young woman's clean-shaven sex as Sakura backed off.

"Ack! Grrr... A-answer me! What did you do to the others?!" Sakura shouted, now showing some nervousness as if she had gotten into a battle she couldn't win. "W-what... what do you plan on doing?!"

The young fighter slapped away one of the advancing tentacles before grappling with another, but that only resulted in the tendril slithering out from her hold and coiling around her wrist to hold her at bay.
The girl could fight that was clear. She had good reflexes. "You are a good first host." The girl would learn futility, the tendril woman shot her tendrils into the ground which came up from under the ground. A mass of Tendrils wrapped about Sakura's legs, arms, feet and neck. Pulling her to the ground forcefully. They coiled, and gripped the more Sakura struggled the more constricting the tendrils got. The woman got real nice and close, looking down at the woman. "Do you have a name Earthling?" She spoke towards the girl.
Lillythelez said:
The girl could fight that was clear. She had good reflexes. "You are a good first host." The girl would learn futility, the tendril woman shot her tendrils into the ground which came up from under the ground. A mass of Tendrils wrapped about Sakura's legs, arms, feet and neck. Pulling her to the ground forcefully. They coiled, and gripped the more Sakura struggled the more constricting the tendrils got. The woman got real nice and close, looking down at the woman. "Do you have a name Earthling?" She spoke towards the girl.
Somehow Sakura managed to get that one tentacle off and away from her wrist, but in doing so she lost sight of the main alien. It didn't seem to bother her too much as she fought against the slimy tendrils trying to grab her- even managing to toss in a few kicks and little hadoukens here and there (and those actually seemed to do something unlike the little flinches and winces her kicks provided). In fact, the progress that Sakura was making in fending off the tentacles was giving her a false sense of security, that she might be able to reverse whatever was going on. Even if she couldn't, she could at least buy some time for Makoto and Ibuki who would most certainly come around to lend a hand.

And then Sakura felt the surprise attack, the tentacles swarming around her limbs to toss her to the ground and wrap around her body. Of course she struggled, but that in turn made the constricting tentacles worse. If she kept at it the tentacles would surely kill her, and already it was extremely difficult to move! Wincing from how close the tentacle woman was to her face, Sakura wrinkled her nose and finally cooperated.

"Gaaack... Hugh... S-Sakura Kasugano..." Sakura gritted her teeth and, after failing to get her head to turn, began to whimper like some trapped hound. "Oh come on... Please, please don't hurt me! Lemme go!"
The alien woman smirked. The hadoken's had singed a couple tendrils. But they quickly recovered and grew back in. The E.T woman walked over the School Girl. Kneeled down her shapely ass above the girls abs. "You may call me... Lady *" Her name to any earthling sounded a lot like Octopus. "Now then, I hope you come to understand resisting this planets new queen is futile." She leaned in her naked body pressed into Sakura, arms embrace the girl, and she leans in kissing Sakura upon the lips then parted her lips to force her tendril tongue into Sakura's mouth.
"B-but you're not our new qu- Huurrmmmphhff!"

Given the way that Sakura was restrained by all those tentacles swarming her body, resistance truly was futile. She couldn't do a blasted thing to resist the way this Lady 'Octopus' was kissing her, even forcing that sinister-looking tentacle tongue down her throat! Sakura felt so strange being taken advantage of like this, and to be kissed like this with a completely naked alien woman pressed against her body. Despite the tentacle arms and legs, also the other alien characteristics, there was no denying that the alien woman had the body of a shapely model, perhaps that of a porn star. And yet all this would go unappreciated by Sakura for she didn't even like girls that way, or at least, she didn't know it yet. And besides, even if she did like girls, this situation that she was in didn't call for arousal just yet.

The young woman's eyes narrowed to mere angry slits as she tried to bite the tendril in her mouth but to no avail. Sakura could feel it winding around her tongue and playing with it, and she blushed with great intensity when the long, boneless limb touched the back of her throat.
Indeed biting the tendril tongue did nothing. Just like kicking or punching them had done nothing. The tendril alien woman soon let her tongue thrust in and out down in Sakura's throat coating it with a juice that would not only lubricate her throat allowing her eggs to slide down unharmed. But it also seemed to act almost aphrodisic, each swallow would be something unspeakably pleasing. The Alien after a few minutes with the girls throat, shot something from the tip of her tentacle tongue this thick liquid would spread through Sakura causing the girls body to change. The Lady 'Octopus' sat up her tongue retrieved. "Now then..." She stood up and Sakura would be lifted into the air, the queen snapped her tendril fingers. Sakura's clothes would then be drenched in a type of acid, that would slowly eat her clothes.
(( Gimmie that detail- gimmie that lovely sentence structure! There's gotta be more of a jingle jangle in my core, ya know?! HOP TO IT. ))

"Mhpphmfh! Mmmphmmh!"

Sakura felt so strange with this tendril- this musky, slimy alien tendril- sliding down her throat. She wanted to gag and force it out of her, but with the way that the other tentacles were firmly wrapped around her body and holding her tight, it was impossible to resist. No, all that Sakura could do at this point was just let go and let this happen to her. There was no mistaking that she hated this situation with a great burning passion, but as time passed and that strangeness pervaded her form to her core, she soon grew to tolerate the attention. The foreign juice that leaked from the tendril and splattered against her throat tasted alright at first- like water with a little bit of sugar- yet once that aphrodisiac kicked in, Sakura couldn't help but mewl and suckle at the tendril. In due time her throat was indeed lubricated, now with a potent mixture of the young woman's own saliva and that strange, arousing juice.

There was something else in the juice as well, or maybe it was a completely new substance. Whatever it was, Sakura could feel her body shiver and convulse just a little. Her 'inner flame' kept the substance at bay, but it wouldn't be for long. The body was trying so hard to keep this thing out of her organs and whatnot that any further stimulation would surely spell the end for her and allow Lady Octopus to make as many changes to her body and mind as she wished. Just a little more... Yes, just a little more!

"Mhmmph mpmmphmh..." Through the haze of a potential metamorphosis, Sakura was faintly aware of her clothes- all of them- dissolving away to reveal her perky tits and muscular legs and arms. She could hardly hold on!
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