So by using this skeleton, here's me. I'll fix it up if I need to.
Name: Daniel
Level (Age): 24
Strength: 13
Endurance: 13
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 15
Language (French): 7
Computer Operations: 8
Weapon Proficiency (sword): 6
Weapon Proficiency (blunt): 8
Weapon Proficiency (guns): 7
Swimming: 7
Reading: 10
Writing: 9
Brawling: 7
Problem Solver: Has a knack for finding a solution to any problem through careful thought and consideration. (free action)
Sleight of Hand: Can hide small weapons away or out of reach. (free action)
Chutzpah (Fast Talk): When pressured, he can offer someone a slip of the tongue to get himself or others out of the worst situation. (free/combat action, 80% chance of success due to Brutal Honesty)
Taunt: Can direct an opponent's aggression towards him. (combat action)
Quick Draw: If armed with a medium-sized or smaller weapon, he can bring it out quicker than someone can blink. (combat action)
Dodge/Tumbling: Can duck an incoming attack to then mount a counterattack. (combat action, 75% chance of success due to Bad Balance)
Intimidate: Can get someone to either slink away in fear or back off through a menacing glance or threatening gesture. (free/combat action, fails against those that are larger or a group of people)
Handy: Whenever something needs to be repaired, he can fix it to just about new with the right tool.
Tech Savvy: Has a good understanding of how mechanical or computer-related things function.
Knock Out Specialist: With the right weapon in his hands, he can pick out the sweet spot on his intended victim and use it to his advantage to put the hurt on just about anyone.
Diehard: Even when beaten to a pulp, something inside of him seems to kick on at the last moment and keep him up on his feet for an extended period of time even if he's on the verge of getting KO'ed.
Photographic Memory: Has a great memory of events, times, dates and things he has seen, read or heard.
Natural Charisma: Under the belief that one should be true to themselves, he speaks in a way that many can understand.
King of the Road: Has seen the world, knows every inch of every town and anyone that has ever met him.
Trustworthy: If he borrows something from you, he will look you dead in the eye and tell you straight to your face that he will give it back to you.
Honorable: Under the firm belief that all should be given a fair shake, he will give someone the floor whenever they have something to prove to him.
Sense of Humor: Often has a joke for any situation to brighten up anyone's mood.
Overweight: Because of his weight (all 320 pounds), his running speed and stamina suffers as a result.
Bad Balance: Because he was born with bilateral clubfoot which was surgically straightened, his balance suffers as a result.
Addiction (Nicotine): Though not as bad as it appears, he goes usually 30 minutes to three hours at a time without a cigarette.
Crude Behavior: Has a tendency to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Loner: When other people are out having the time of their lives, he usually stays off to the side and doesn't speak unless spoken to.
Distrustful Towards Others: If he felt as though someone had done him wrong in the past, then he will not say one word to them even if that person has apologized to him. Other times, if he feels that he can't trust you with something or suspects you're lying to him, then he will "kindly" tell you to piss off.
Wrathful: Though he never says it to someone's face, he has been known to wish ill will towards those that have caused harm to others or to him personally if they earned his ire.
Brutal Honesty: Despite he refrains from doing so, there are times when he uses this whenever he wants to prove a point. Sometimes, it can cut a little too close to home and gets him into trouble.
Absentminded: Tends to be forgetful about certain things or time.
Stubborn: Has an unshakable theory of how things should be.