Call to Service [DeliciousLust//Frost]


Oct 22, 2014
Seoul, South Korea

Night had fallen over the city, but to only stir the city to life with its second wind as the city was illuminated with a mixture of activity and neon lights. The streets found themselves with busy cars as daily routines were put aside in favour for the less predictable nightlife. The youth discarded their obligation that took to the arcades, the bars, and the clubs. The streets were filled with cars that seemingly moved with a practiced unison, barely avoiding gridlock as the steady stream of LED lights could be seen from a distance, almost making the traffic here looked like the literal lifeblood of the city, flowing to and fro the populated heart of downtown. After the victory, Seoul returned to normality and the city's nocturnal celebrations hardly made it a truly dull place. To this day, it was a shining jewel of Korea that was saved from the brink of destruction by its valiant armed forces.

However, there was an internet celebrity who had no real interest in what was happening in the world and rather stay indoors to cater to the world of the internet where there were no boundaries. One of the internet's most popular niches as a site known as "Yeon's Corner", which was a streaming channel held by Yeon Paik, a supposed senior school girl from Seoul. She would typically appear during the night hours of her country, broadcasting herself playing non-competitive single player games to an audience that numbered in the great thousands. There were a variety of games that were featured on her show, from K-RPGs to indie horror games. It might have been easy for her to fall in line with the hundreds of other cute girl streamers on the internet if it weren't for the fact that she had a striking resemblance to another celebrity in Korea. There were be many who could exclaim in wonder when they see her on her stream, claiming 'wow, you look exactly like her!' and 'omg, you're like a twin separated from birth!". The celebrity in question she had an uncanny similiarity to was the famous and celebrated Hana Song, better known as D.Va from the Korean MEKA force and professional gamer. Often, many dreamed that Yeon would one day do a stream head to head with Hana to see who was the best gamer. Yeon would typically smile shyly at such a fantasy and claim that she didn't like playing competitive multiplayer games because she wasn't good enough for them. Despite the match that was never to be, Yeon still managed to keep her viewers as she ran through her collection of game, streaming them online as she played from the comfort of her bed.

Tonight was just like any other night, as Yeon braved herself by playing through one of the newest horror games on console, the 3rd installment of the Fatal Dreams series. She huddled closely to herself as she played in the darkness, only bathed in the glowing light of her computer monitor for comfort with an open window to a chatroom full of viewers watching her through the stream-cam. Even though donations were completely optional, she found herself typically raking in a good deal of money from her efforts that she didn't need a full-time job. Through the thick glasses she wore that reflected the glare of the screen, it was almost obvious that she was focused on the intensity of the game and her electronic avatar crept slowly down a dark hallway. If anyone just tuned in, they might have mistaken her for a statue until she delicately guided her character a save point and gave her some respite for the night until her next stream. The screen flooded with praises of her bravery and her cute looks soon after she was done. She was dressed as a school girl of her apparent age, favouring a short plaid miniskirt with black thigh high stockings that had stripped tops, and a short sleeved white shirt that fit well with her modest form. Soon, the comments turned direction, almost as her fans were guided by the same thought from all across the globe. They began to ask if she was going to be playing with anything tonight...

"<...Maybe?>" Yeon insinuated in her Korean tongue at the suggestions. She smiled modestly at the camera and coyly began to lift her skirt for them, only to reveal a rather large green cock between her legs. The cock was seemingly made of a jelly-like material and it wasn't hers naturally. Ever since she started playing her game this evening, she had taken one of her new dildos and wrapped her legs around it for comfort. She shamelessly gave the appendage a few loving pumps of her hand as if it was hers and massaging the large tip with her deft fingers, just until she released it from the vice between her thighs. She wore no panties under her skirt as she was freely riding the large toy with her shaven womanhood against it, having glistened it with her juices. Even though her audience couldn't smell it, the scent of arousal was heavy enough in the room that it was obvious with the slight flush on her cheeks. She gave a teasing wink at the audience at formed a heart with her hands to show her appreciation. Her shameless and sexual nature was perhaps another reason Yeon found popularity on the internet and the other half of her show was about to start...

There was a reason why Yeon would never find herself in a match with the legendary Hana Song, that was because she was Hana Song. Underneath the thick-framed glasses and the school girl outfit was actually the great hero of Korea in disguise. She liked to think her disguise was something akin to Superman and Clark Kent. Admittedly, she didn't try very hard but people seemed to think that Yeon was a real person and the famous Hana would never stoop herself to the level of an internet camera girl. The world was big enough for coincidences, after all. Hana continued with her show as she toyed with inserting the tip to the tip to her entry and struggled as it easily seemed too monstrous to actually fit her. She loved the attention she received and was even more adept at playing the audience to her whims, building enough suspense until she could get a sizable donation from them...that was until the door beeped to announce she had a visitor. Despite being hot and bothered, she tried to think who would visit her at such a time and who knew the location of this apartment, which she dedicated to her streaming studio. She quickly flipped the camera around, much to the chagrin of her audience, and much speculation began to ramp out that either she had a boyfriend or her fictional parents were returning home from their trip abroad.

Hana quickly scrambled to the door and opened it in haste. The persona of Yeon she held earlier was gone, instead replaced with the great annoyance that was more becoming of D.Va than anyone else. "<Hey! What gives? Can't you read the sign? No visitors!>"
Seoul was even more beautiful at night time, the damages were less obvious and the people moved on with their lives, the city was rebuilding and recovering, and it was all due to the MEKA force. Each year that monstrosity would emerge from the ocean and each year they would scramble to stop it. Last year it was finally put down, and the young woman who put it down was the reason that Valentine had set her eyes on the city in the first place.

When "Yeon" opened the door, she might easily be surprised by the figure standing standing the doorway. Tall, masculine and heavily armored, looking something like an elite soldier mixed with the appearance of a spellslinger from a fantasy mmo MMO. Silver armor plating reinforcing a black combat suit, similarly reinforced and high-tech-looking, complete with those silvery gauntlets that held part of the famed gravity manipulation system, covered with sleek black robes that descended to the ankles. The intimidating guise was complete with a simple and smooth helmet with a featureless black visor that started at the "jawline" and rose to cover the face almost to the back of his head, giving a natural field of vision and decent protection. More importantly, that the armor and the helmet would help the young woman identify the person standing on the other side of the door.

Warlock; a former agent of the Overwatch program, a man known as a Hero across the globe 5 years ago and even now an important and high-ranking agent of ValenTech; a monolithic and high-profile corporation was standing on the other side of her door, seemingly in his prime and quite possibly for the first time in person... It was surprising and slightly disconcerting that the greatest hero of Korea lived in such unimpressive settings. Still, Warlock was at her door with an opportunity to change all that.

"<Hello Hana.>" The voice that emerged from the helmet was undeniably masculine, practically perfect husky tone was deep enough to rumble through the speakers installed in the helmet and quietly enough of course that the rabid fans chatting back and forth couldn't hear. She had likely heard that voice before; Warlock was not one of the most popular overwatch agents even in his heyday, especially cpmpared to icons such as Tracer and Winston, but had come to the rescue many times and many were intrigued at the mystery of who hid underneath the emotionless faceplate of that distinctive mask. There had been days when the internet was ablaze with theories as to who exactly he was. Some suggested that due to his often mischievous persona Warlock was younger than overwatch's "official" database suggested at 30 even in the height of his career, was some sort of beautiful young prodigy under that mask, or perhaps was hideously scarred in some sort of accident. His frame was slender and relatively short, at least compared to beefcakes like Jack Morrison and especially Reinhardt (Maybe whoever that 'Rays'* jackoff was.) but his frame was undeniably masculine and of course that voice meant that the majority of people had decided that he was in fact a man and likely quite the hunk under that armor, with the "scarred bishonen" look popular in fan art. At least before overwatch fell and their agents were scattered to the four winds. Though more than 10 years had passed, making the man around 40 years old according to the info gathered by fans.

He tilted his head to the side, scanning her intently, a grin creeping across the lips under the mask. "<I hope you don't mind, but I have come a rather long way to see you, though you look like you were... busy.>" His voice came through in exceptionally well-translated korean, a deliberate lilt to that tone implying his amusement to her situation, standing in front of an open door with another famed hero on the other side. He paid no attention to her obvious state, the soaked stockings and of course the smell of arousal inside. Warlock shifted his stance, keeping his posture correct, looking the professional for the time being. Warlock knew full well of Hana's rapidly growing favored hobby and had actually timed the approach for this mission, all part of the plan at least, as the small image to the lower right corner of the HUD specified, a freeze frame of "Yeon" struggling to squeeze that monster inside from her livestream, that look on her adorable face enough incentive to maintain a professional facade at least for now.

"<Mind if I step inside? I have a proposal you might be interested in.>"

In his hand was a single black folder, complete with Her offer and of course many details of that specific position. He extended his hand long enough for her to take that folder, inside the basic information regarding the very well written offer of employment, complete with a sizable salary offer and invitation to the corporate headquarters to meet with the CEO of the company. "<My employer, Miss Valentine, has taken an interest in you, and if you are interested has an offer you may like. If you arent busy I might be able to answer any questions you may have... among other things.>" The helmet tilted down and to the side, first directing to the fans waiting for her return on her screen and of course then to her, with a slight tilt of his head.

[Sadly, This was the best reference I could find to the warlock suit. At least for the visor. Obviously it doesn't have the longcoat-esque robes and some surplus blue LED's. XD)

(*Note: Spelled incorrectly on purpose, cuz fuck you Reaper.)
Hana gasped loudly when she found herself before one of the great legends of Overwatch. Prior to answering the door, she had thought it might have been the lousy landlord demanding some more money from her for a second-rate crash pad or, at worst, could have been some creepy stalker that was trying to track her down from her streams. She was easily ready to deal with both, in the middle of a live stream. The last person she expected was to find herself before both a professional soldier and a celebrity, which perhaps mirror much of the qualities found in herself in a male counterpart. Perhaps, except the sexcapades on stream channel. He even called her name and spoke her language, which added more to her awe over her sudden guest with a personal touch. She almost didn't even notice herself taking conscious steps back from the door to give Warlock further space and allow him in if he wanted to. Her eyes remained fixated on him, scanning him up and down to catch every detail of both his physique and personal hardware, there was so much to take in at once. She slowly enunciated in English netspeak to capitalize on the occasion. "Oh. Em. Eff. Gee!"

"<No, no! I don't mind at all! Please come in and have a seat Warlock! I'm not busy, not too busy to have you here. Just don't mind the mess around here.>" She quickly managed to say in her ethnic language again. Her eyes quickly darted back to the bedroom where she was broadcasting from and the slight mess around the rented apartment at the moment. This wasn't her main address of residence, as the money she made from her hobbies allowed her to afford a few places where she could live out her alternate persona or just get some peace and quiet away from her normal routine. However, none of her residences were exactly very glamorous as it cost a fortune to get a good place in downtown Seoul. She almost didn't notice what she was dressed as the shy persona of Yeon almost evaporated away and was replaced with Hana. Gesturing with her hand, she motioned toward the couch of the living room if he wanted to have a seat.

She was still rather aroused from her activity earlier, even though she was caught off guard by a guest that she respected and revered by his accolades. The blush she had from her live stream still remained on her face, easily evident past those thick glasses that she wore for her sexy and geeky school girl persona. She was wet with her folds soaked from riding the dildo for a while and her sex ached for attention, little wet droplets had indeed rolled down from her thighs to the tops of her stockings. Squeezing her thighs together, she tried to change gears away from the dirty acts she did earlier. However, desire still remained in her thoughts when she was faced with a figure that both very real and easily reachable at the moment. She wasn't embarrassed for herself, but more ashamed that she was caught off guard with her own personal pleasure that she wasn't able to see to a very important guest on such short notice. Taking off her glasses from her face and casting them aside, her bright and vibrant eyes remained intent on Warlock, rather curious about the enigma of the mysterious celebrity and her mind began to fantasise about his identity. In person, he looked much more dashing than the media depicted him and she didn't know any more of him than anyone else.

When the folder was offered over to her, she eagerly reached over and took it in her hands. It was hard to pull her eyes from Warlock, but she didn't want to waste his time any further when there was important business here. She opened the folder and gave the content a quick read, eating up all the information that was given to her, leaving a few streaks of moisture on the first few pages with her damp fingers. She knew so little about the company that this Miss Valentine owned, as there were a great number of corporations that took to the business of war. One of the successes of Overwatch was that it did spur other countries to advance to new heights in technology, while the quality of life improved, war and arms were always the on the forefront of advancement. She had heard that that's what some of the members of Overwatch were doing as of late, branching their careers elsewhere into the private sector when they disappeared from the public. While this wasn't anything new, it seemed that she was personally invited to work for one of these mega-corporations, the same place where Warlock was employed at the moment. Her heart began to flutter, finding an opportunity to challenge herself further. It was like she found a new level in life with a difficult setting catered to her skills. Not only that, that added perk was that she got to work alongside the famous Warlock!

When she had finally finished going through the contents at a breakneck speed, she shut the folder and her eyes darted to Warlock. There was so much opportunity she could see in this offer, it was like she was given a wish that was served on a gold platter by a technologically advanced soldier. However, there were so many questions in her thoughts. The salary offer that was made clear and it was a very generous offer in that, but she didn't know of her specific responsibilities beyond serving Miss Valentine directly as her attache. She put on her best charming smile at Warlock and slid closer to him, perhaps far closer than polite distance when she slowly great more comfortable to his presence. "<There are some things you could say and do for me. I want to know what I'd be doing for Miss Valentine exactly, and if I would get to serve alongside you. I want to know about the perks of the job and whether or not there will be some downtime for other things...I take playing, fucking, and honing my skills very seriously! I don't take standing around very well, even if it military duty!>"
The girl's reaction was amusing to say the least before she spoke to him in netspeak; it wasn't that shocking for a girl who had spent most if not all her free time playing video games - a respectable passtime of course for a young woman her age, especially with the fame and popularity she had pulled in with it... Her other persona though, well that had been a surprise. Miss Valentine had been very pleased when she had uncovered this information after all, and rather than pull the typical evil crap with the young woman had decided to offer her a job instead. She had switched to korean again shortly after of course, and in korean he responded as he walked through the threshhold into the apartment. With his face hidden behind that featureless visor it was impossible to gauge his reaction to entering the small apartment, not likely the home she lived in all the time but a girl with such talent certainly deserved better. The glow from his armor provided some slight illumination to his surroundings, and that visor focused on her until he did find a spot to sit.

"<Not a problem, I can understand how things can get out of hand when one has such a time-consuming hobby>"

A compliment with a bit of underlying snark, warlock's signature. He walked into the room and glanced down at the couch that she had offered him, lifting his hand and 'sweeping' any debris clear that had lifted with the low-power antigravity pulse before taking his seat and waiting for the young celebrity to read the document he had handed her and waiting patiently for her to respond. While he waited, one of his legs came up and folded the other. The couch wasn't terribly uncomfortable, but he had a lot of padding. The way she moved and the way she talked was quite different from what one would expect a young woman who had been caught trying to enjoy a thick dildo to act, speaking brazenly, something that only won her points in Valentine's eyes. His head tilted slightly once she finally finished and spoke to him regarding her duties with the company. Truly, Valentine's company was easily one of the first choices out of the larger technology companies for many people to try to work, having the most positive reputation out of most of the larger corporations post overwatch, where Vishkar was burning slums in brazil and kidnapping children in india and Volskaya was under siege by omnic war machines, the CEO, formally known as Miss Valentine often kept much of her work keeping the company with her name either out of public eye or performing high profile acts of charity or focusing efforts on public-well-being. She had emerged years ago and her company had done a 180 since. Her employment of high profile heroes and actually using them as heroes was one of those choices that slightly harmed the public reputation, but also earned her as many friends as it did enemies.

The Valentine name was on many things, not just military property but civilian markets as well, the hallmark being antigravity technology and improvements on Fusion energy. Valentech had provided units to most major cities for transit programs and cut down pollution early in its history and now almost all transport technology used the grav drives patented years ago, furthermore a saying had cropped up, inspired by the popularity of Valentech gadgets. "If it floats, Blame Valentine." That Gravity manipulation technology was the core of their tech, and of course weaponized in the form of Warlock, who used a heavily modified version of their original designs.

"<Your work for ValenTech will be fairly straightforward, your skills and... talents... are of much use to the CEO personally, as such your official position will be as a personal assistant and security officer to the CEO herself - The same position I myself hold. You of course will be outfitted with a uniform bearing her logo and given the tools needed to perform your job>" Of course, the details of that were classified and he wouldn't say even if she asked. That was a surprise for later.

That explained the salary at least. The estimate in the folder of course had deductions on it, the two largest being for living quarters and one large one for "equipment" but was still more than she was making before by a long shot, and that was AFTER rent. Valentine herself was known for being eccentric, closer to the people, and had radical views on sexuality and love. It wasn't the best known factor of her personal lifestyle but she enforced an absolute equity between her employees, male or female, human or omnic and promoted ideas that more conservative players despised. Female empowerment was one of those ideas, and almost of all of her highest-ranking players were female, dispersing age old gender myths and encouraging women to work up and do what they need to do to get by.

"<As for your duties, you will be answering directly to Miss Valentine and attending to her needs, primarily focusing on her physical security... Your ability in combat and skill with operating a combat suit could very much make a difference between life and death for many if I myself am unable to engage the enemy should she find herself under attack from Talon or another one of the corporations enemies. Miss Valentine may also ask of you to venture out in operations essential to the operations of out company, secure a payload of goods from hostile forces or perform Public Relations work, much like myself.>"

He waited for another moment for her to soak this in. She would be the personal bodyguard of one of the most powerful women in the free world, long story short... The way he voiced this offer left her other needs ambiguous, didn't want to be too blunt about her personal needs or desires, to avoid lending too much insight as to her personal desires. He leaned forwards slightly, not at all bothered by the less than proper distance she had taken from the great Hero seated in her living room.

"<As for your second question, yes, you will be working alongside me, in more ways that you might think.>" There was a slight knowing chuckle and his hand rose, gently gliding along her arm with an alarmingly soft gloved hand before one of his fingers touched her chin, gently lifting as he turned his head to look at her. Even through that plate, the vibe was obvious that he was gazing directly into her eyes. At this distance she could easily have kissed him... or at least planted one on his faceplate as amusing as that thought was. "<Believe it or not, I am a big fan of both, and Yeon, and chose you for the position myself. As for perks - you will be outfitted with the equipment and uniform at minimal personal cost, as reflected in your salary estimates, and will be provided with a living arrangement that compliments both your of hobbies and allows close proximity to Miss Valentine and myself if needed. Your schedule will be flexible, but assume it to be busy, you could in a way assume yourself as always on duty, or at least on call, but otherwise are free to do as you please>"

Warlock moved his hand and made a dismissive gesture "<Of course you are also perfectly welcome to state your terms when the contract is signed>" He laughed again, a subtle tone but pleasing none the less, allowing his thumb to run over her lower lip rather sensually, his other hand moving to her thigh gently yet firmly, the moisture from her sex soaking into the fabric of his glove, and the illumination from the mechanical bits in the center of the gauntlet illuminating that needy sex. He could almost feel her heartbeat like this, enjoying the plumpness of her lips. "<I am certainly glad you take all those things seriously, you need to, especially working in such a position, we have many needs to be fulfilled, and I am glad to say we certainly can, together.>" A smirk touched the lips under the helmet and Warlock scooted even closer, openly accepting her invitation in that regard.

"<Miss Valentine has requested an audience with you before this contract is signed, but we have a few hours at least before your flight needs to be scheduled. In the meantime, I am sure I can assist you in any other regard you might need>" His voice turned to a sensual purr at that last bit, heavily suggesting his attention.
Their current setting didn't exactly set a good impression for Hana when it came to impressing Warlock if he was here for anything else other than recruiting her into Valentech. It was a rather cramped apartment in the heart of Seoul, but some ways from the actual downtown and found itself above an internet cafe, some computer hardware stores and a few fast food places. The apartment barely hosted two cramp bedrooms with a kitchen that spilt into the living room. The appliances and furniture she bought for herself with her own savings were top of the line, especially with the trendy-looking leather couch that they were currently sitting on together. It was a rather neat crash pad for the extra cash she had laying around. All in all, it seemed to present the image of someone with great ambitions that was stunted by opportunities. It was perhaps everything a teenage girl like herself would have wanted, if she had absolutely no other pursuits in life or the experience of the adrenaline of battle. However, Hana Song was easily somebody who wasn't just comfortable with loafing around in her apartment and getting her rocks off by performing in front of an audience of hundreds. It was fun and very pleasurable, but it hardly did much to pay the bills around here. Her desires were perhaps easy and simple, but truly pleasing her was a complicated ordeal.

It seemed that this offer from Valentech and Miss Valentine herself aimed to change all of that and give her another chance to return to the fray of duty. Hana could guess why she would choose her specifically to work in Valentech, seeing as she was indeed known for her elite talent and skills, but she wasn't a member of Overwatch to equal the likes of Warlock. They found her even worthy enough to be guarding the CEO personally, though she was wary of how Valentine would be like in person. Miss Valentine had a rather sparkling and strong persona when it came to her public image, but she didn't know if truth and reality fit well together. However, it wasn't just the money that her interested, but the thought of getting back into action that had her really think. Ever since she graduated from playing video games to fighting in the real deal, it was a sort of 'game' that she enjoyed doing but wasn't so accessible at the push of a button nowadays. Her video skills remained as sharp as ever since her discharge from the army, but she didn't want her skills to atrophy as combat fighter. It felt like she had been a while since she got in a mech, straddling down with two joy sticks in her hands, pwning noobs left and right...

It was ultimately an offer she couldn't refuse, seeing as she was presented with an exciting job in her field, with all expenses paid for and everything related to her ego and desires catered for. How could she say no? She gave him a sure nod, more than ready to embrace this challenge. "<That sounds good to me. I'll do it! Take me to Valentine!>" She said to him, sounding more than sure, almost like she could even do it immediately. That is, if they didn't have some time to spare...

Warlock had been rather cool and objective since his arrival, taking the time to prioritise selling the position to her Hana, explaining the position and assuaging and concerns she had to make all those benefits rather clear. This was what made it even more surprising when he drew closer to her and even went so far as touching her in a very intimate manner, shifting from business to pleasure in almost a heartbeat. She did toy with the fantasy of being intimate with one of the heroes of Overwatch, but she didn't think it would actually happen. He had one hand on her chin and the other on her thigh, feeling the dampness of her juices reflected back on her with the soaked fabric of her glove. She closed her eyes in a dreamy fashion and gave that thumb on her lower lip a few prodding licks with the tip of her tongue, as testing the grounds, and place her hand on his arm to encourage that attention further. With her subtle guidance, she drew Warlock's arm closer and her soft lips found their way around the tip of his thumb to give it a subtle suckle. She hummed out contemplatively as she savoured him, or rather the outer dressing that made Warlock, "Mmm..."

She slowly opened her eyes one more, realizing that she probably didn't have to imagine more than she had to, especially when the Warlock before her seemed so accommodating and addressed her desires in the calm manner of speaking that he did before. He was willing to assist her in any other regard she might need? She was wet and horny, to say the least, now the prospect of getting intimate with one of the idols of Overwatch grew more exciting than broadcasting her acts of sexual exhibition on the internet. Her bright eyes looked intently at him as if they were almost sure to pierce the helmet he was wearing and see the identity through it. However, to her, the man on the outside was as much as the man on the inside. It didn't bother her too much that she didn't know what was laid beneath, only that she wanted Warlock. She drew closer to him and straddled his lap with those curious and demanding eyes, laying a small kiss on his forehead in something of a gentle intimate gesture that seemed to say far more than any words in any language at the moment. She really liked him and she wanted him. Her hand left his was she rested it on his shoulder, to secure herself in place as she got comfortable with sitting. She gave a slow lick of her lips in a tantalizing gesture, brushing once more on the thumb if it was still on her chin. Her eyes were so full of intent, even as they drifted off and looked down to her pleated miniskirt. She hiked it up to reveal that she was without panties underneath, the folds of her needy sex were wet and aroused with little rivulets of her moisture streaming down from her thighs. Looking back at him intently, as if to get a read of his expression through that helmet, she smiled eagerly.

"I want to get rekt by Warlock," she said carefully in English as her wish, lightly accented by her Korean tongue. Her gaze was lustful, but intent on what she wanted.
"The plane can wait just a bit longer"

Warlock nodded his head when the beautiful young woman accepted his proposal, and -purred- when she returned his advances. Despite the faceless helmet, Warlock was clearly smiling, his body language spoke clearly of his intent and of course his explicit pleasure in her actions. She responded so well~ Such a lewd response~ The male shuddered visibly when those luscious lips took on his gloved thumb. Hanna had such lovely lips, an item of fixation for the former overwatch heroes in both the live streams of Yeon AND D.VA, whether she was kicking ass, or playing with one of her toys, eyes were on her face and of course those lips. As she opened her eyes it was without doubt that he was focused entirely on her. It was arousing seeing her suckling on the thumb of the glove, even with the slight pressure from her lips felt through the fabric, a slight metallic taste due to the conduits underneath. Her arousal was entirely contagious and her interest swelled an interest in the Hero. She didn't doubt him or ask who he was even once, instead settling on trusting the stranger dressed in the futuristic combat suit. Her intuition of course was correct, this was the REAL warlock, the hero from the holos who once stood shoulder to shoulder with Jack Morrison and Mercy. More importantly, that hero seemed to be perfectly satisfied with having the Hero of Korea strattling his lap and her behavior only spurred him on further and further. She drew in closer and gently kissed him on the faceplate, leaving a kiss-shaped smudge on before scooting into his lap and revealing her needy sex to him. Those gestures were all Warlock needed to act. His gaze followed hers to that miniskirt and another purr could be heard, oddly enough this one bearing a slightly feminine lilt.

"I would more than happy to grant your wish" Warlock spoke again, this time in English, his right hand moving from its place on her chin to caress the side of her face, and his left moving to assist supporting her slender teenage body, gently cupping her rear through her miniskirt as he pulled her closer to his body so she could rest against his chest and shoulders. Under those robes it turned out that Warlock was actually quite slender. In fact, he wasn't that much bigger than her at all! She could easily feel the armor underneath, masking a toned and athletic body. there were soft parts to the armor, thighs, and sides were for the most part unarmored, though Warlock wouldn't allow her to focus on that for too long. His fingers gently brushed over her cheek, close enough that she could hear the soft hum of the emitter inside his gauntlet and even feel the fuzzy sensation of static from both the gentle touches and the power underneath. His hand moved over her cheek, raising her gaze into her eyes while the person inside looked into beautiful eyes and chuckled. Though the signs of arousal were hidden, blush underneath a faceplate, and arousal hidden under armored leggings the suit gave subtle hints. The armor clearly had no idea what was going on, heartrate monitors and thermal readings spiked and popped up in the HUD, life support system thinking that the person inside the suit was injured or ill. He kept the mood intimate though for now, that hand trailing down over the curve of her breast, then to her hip, slowly moving down her form until it finally dipped below her miniskirt.

His fingers pressed into her pubic bone for a moment before dipping between her thighs and running themselves gently over the folds of her sex, pressing an insistent pressure and slight friction along her sex. Oh she was certainly ready, those slender and dexterous digits explored her for another few seconds, testing her and teasing her before one dipped inside. Her juices only made his gloves slick and assisted the penetration, one finger slipping in to the first knuckle, then the second, before pulling out and moving to his robes. It took him a few seconds to undo the buckle and pull down the zipper of the armored leggings, giving her enough time to gaze down at the prize being revealed. Seemed Warlock was Heroic both in and out of the suit, as that impressive length was exposed to the warm air of the apartment he glanced down and spoke. He first positioned this wonderful tool between her thighs much like she had her dildo just minutes before before lifting her and pressing up against her sex. "Not quite as big as your favorite toy, but I guarantee It feels much better" He nodded towards her bedroom and that oversized green dildo she enjoyed using. Of course this "toy" even looked like it would be a tight fit. He gave her a moment to admire it before pulling her flush up against her chest and allowing his member to slip in between her legs, the shaft gliding along her folds and soaking up her juices to let her feel the girth and texture before slipping back and prodding her entrance, spreading her folds slowly as the thick head slipped into her. Warlock wasted no opportunity to tease her, lowering her onto his manhood oh so slowly so she might feel every inch of that thick cock and so he could enjoy her tight embrace around him, only stopping fully once he had buried himself in to the hilt.
When it seemed Warlock would willing oblige to her little lewd request, she followed his guidance and happily laid against his chest. She was rather giddy when he accepted her carnal invitation and practically overlooked the feminine tone he displayed with his purr. Perhaps a point of curiosity, but not enough to overlook her great desire that she needed to sate with the celebrity. Her gaze fixated itself on his helmet intently as she rested against her with a dreamy expression on her face, almost curious to see what was going on underneath that visor and what sort of emotions must have been coursing through the former member of Overwatch as he handled Hana's needy body and did so without any reservation. She couldn't help but tighten her grip around his shoulders as he took the lead, just as she reluctantly pulled her gaze away from the visor to look downwards to see where those probing hands were going around her body. Those gloved hands were now holding her bare buttons under the skirt and she felt the dampness that she left behind when he placed his hand on her thighs. It felt so great to have THE Warlock cater to her needs, but also to be at the mercy of her idol provided another brand of pleasure. She wasn't shy about making her enthusiasm heard and she let out an unabashed soft moan of pleasure as she just grew more excited, practically making herself as wet as possible by the time those probing fingers felt the folds of her sex, exuding both warmth and moisture on his fingers that quickly soaked through the fabric. Hana gasped softly as she raised her hips up to avoid the touch but then lowered herself again when she openly allowed herself to receive those skillful fingers inside her. She gave him a pout with those lovely lips of hers and gave her a small bat of her fist in a complaint. "You're such a nasty tease! You're getting me fucking hot!" Yet, she was still loving the attention that was given to her.

It seemed that she wasn't going to be left on her lonesome for long, nearly naked and left wanting. She looked impressed at the length that was produced from the interior of the suit and perhaps the first show of flesh that Warlock ever revealed to her. The sight brought a mischievous glint in her eyes as she rode against it, almost seeming like it was her own cock for a moment. She let out cute little sounds and gasps as she lowered herself on that mighty cock, especially when she was deliberately teased. "Ahhn! Yeah! So big! Ahnn!" Despite being moist and well-lubricated for intercourse with her own juices, she still proved to be a snug fit as her inner heat drenched the cock that entered her and sealed in a tight vice as her entry expanded and took all of his girth in, feeling every inch of that head inside her as it roughly foraged into her inner walls. She finally left out a happy gasp when it was fully in, not knowing how much more she could have taken and especially when it was prodding so closely to her limit to add both a faint bit of discomfort with that great pleasure that was crossing through her body. She brought herself close to Warlock and whispered to him with an intimate tone in her voice to set the terms of their little match together that they found themselves. "Gee. Ell. Heche. Eff." Were said to him as she shaped her hands together to form a heart of appreciation.

Hana was hot and practically felt herself burning up with all of these clothes still on her, still wearing that skirt after she had snugly taken in Warlock into herself and all of his full glory. Her breathing picked up as their game had just begun. Her hand roamed around her body with all of this pent up energy that needed to be released as her desire burned within her. She ran her hands over her chest in need, her fingers teasing those sensitive nipples of hers a few times. Soon, she had enough of being trapped and began to undo the buttons of the shirt of her little school outfit that she was wearing when masquerading as the shy but lewd Yeon. She didn't wear a bra underneath, but her teenage breasts were modest and perky enough for her size that she didn't really have a need of one yet. Enough buttons were undone and she could free her breasts with her erect nipples exposed to the cool air, all while her shirt still loosely cling on to her shoulders with her skin hot with damp body heat. She brought her hand once again around the shoulders of Warlock and begin to grind herself against that shaft that had stuffed her so well, letting out a few hot breaths as she slowly got to working on him. "Oh, yeah! Yeah!" She sighed out contently as she moved in circular motions with a deft roll of her hips. However, she wasn't entirely content with that and her grip on his shoulder firm as she began to bounce herself on that cock eagerly, those lovely hips of hers allowing herself to ride that shaft with eager as she wanted to ram herself with Warlock's girth. Her face was flushed red with heat and she panted as she bounced herself on Warlock with great enthusiasm. As a former MEKA pilot, she straddled her share of mechs but she always liked straddling herself around a good cock more.
(Sorry again for the delay in reply dearest)

Warlock seemed, for the most part utterly unrepentant about having caused such buildup in the young female, and it was already clear that his experience and skills were significant and his intent was to enjoy her in all the ways he could. Such a charming first meeting between two heroes, and perfectly within even the contract she was about to sign! It was a well known fact that Miss Valentine herself was big on the "modernization" of human sexuality and escape from the prudery of the past, "Sexual Liberation" she called it. It was unlikely that it might have been terribly surprising that her right hand man had more than a passing personal interest in Hana as a result, and as she grew to know her employer, it would also become likely that Hana would realize that her attitude was one of the reasons she was so selected for her new position. The male made no efforts to avoid the playful bat of her fist, and instead focused on the task at hand, enjoying even the teasing sensation of his member slowly entering the heated embrace of her body, enjoying the ride all the way to her limit and feeling her muscles trembling around him. The girl of course kept making things better and better, offering him her own little gesture of affection before taking initiative and beginning to roll her hips and work herself on his shaft. During this The hero seemed to be smiling to himself under that mask, tilting his head as the hero of South Korea struggled to take the entire girth of that magnificent member, withholding any further comment until she had taken it as far as it seemed as it would go. As he had suspected, her teenage body was tight and toned, and her attitude was even more beautiful, his hands gently raised and helped her free herself from that frustrating schoolgirl uniform, leaning back to sink into her couch and allow her to ride him while grinding his hips up all the while to bury that thick member as deep inside her as he could reach. Once she was free of that his hands wandered her body, roaming over soft skin and supple curves and of course joining hers to feel over one of her lovely breasts before finally lowering a hand to her hips to assist her while she bounced on his cock.

For now at least it seemed that had turned the tables, and the mighty former hero was at her mercy. He rolled his hips with her bounces and if she listened closely she might be able to hear the pleasured and heavy breaths and occasional suppressed moans of the man who was going to be working with her soon enough. He also had stamina, even as males would have caved, Warlock seemed to endure. He also seemed to know the right angle to get his member into her as deeply as possible, leaning back and arching his back slightly, his suit accommodating everything else, though.

The hero ignored the various heart-rate and body temperature warnings and assisted her with her motions, helping drive himself in as deeply as he had initially with each bounce of her hips soaking in her every moan and gasp of pleasure, honing in on what caused them and focusing on what did. As the pleasure began to intensify Warlock paused and tilted his head, seeming to get a devious idea and released his hands from her hips, reaching to his gauntlet and twisting a small dial on the back. Almost immediate it seemed their bodies seemed to be sheathed with energy, a buzz of pleasure that was channeled through his cock straight into her. His hands guided her legs, welcoming them to wrap around his hips as that all-too familiar of ones sensation of ones weight steadily vanishing in an antigravity field set in. They were't totally weightless, at least yet, but Hana would find her movements suddenly much easier to make and body lighter. Warlock allowed the suit to do most of the work monitoring the fields while his hands pulled her body tightly against his. As a former pilot it was likely that Hana was trained to deal with all sorts of g-forces, but gravity control on command was one of Warlock's tricks, and evidently a favorite bedroom maneuver. Items nearby, pillows and the like began to float up into the air and the hero moved, slowly maneuvering himself and into a "standing" position and pushing off lightly, allowing the two of them to follow them. Her sweat, and maybe any juices that escaped began to bead and float away and the air seemed a bit cooler with the new freedom of movement.

"You don't play with gravity as much as I do and not get a couple bright ideas every once in a while" Without gravity's oppressive grasp on their bodies D.Va was free to enjoy her partner however she liked. "We could continue on the walls, maybe even on the ceiling Or just in midair?" Seemed he was dedicated to rocking her world, as he guided her legs and grasped her hips, easily pulling her onto himself to bury himself into the hilt. If Yeon looked carefully she might notice the "bubble" around them, their current domain. If there had been any doubt before, from both the display of his powers to the mischievous tone in his voice, this was the real warlock.
Despite the outfit doing a good job of selling Hana Song as a delicious sexy little school girl Yeon, she happily took Warlock's initiative to unclothe from the dressings of her persona. There were some things she would still keep from the outfit, however, still clad on her legs were those white stockings. The striped tops of her stockings were dampened and soaked by the abundance of juices that escaped her, streaking down her supple tanned thigh. She almost became a well of arousal as she bumped herself against Warlock's cock that was buried deep inside her. Despite being a former MEKA pilot who was known to do most of her work from the cockpit of her ride, a pilot was also required to be physically fit in order to be in the South Korean army. This was certainly showcased here as she was able to tirelessly ride on Warlock with smooth bucks of her hips that allowed her soft inner flesh to glide on his cock in a snug hold. She purred softly when she felt her hands around her, both feeling her assets and comforting her as she enjoyed herself on this ride, this mutually erotic ride that they were both locked in at the moment. She arched her shoulders back and let out an exasperated gasp as she wished this would last forever. It was only a slight unfortunate side-effect that her pleasure was mounting and she knew that she could burst at any time. Even though she just met him, she could tell that Warlock was at least going be considerate enough to allow her to finish.

Her eyes widened and she gasped loudly when she felt herself suddenly grow weightless as she sank slowly down Warlock's sizable shaft. Her slick juices of arousal no longer dripped but began to float away. The combined effects were all side effects of the increased force she felt between her legs and the wet friction she heard from the intensity. She only had a vague understanding of what was happening when her partner was applying his famed powers on their erotic union and the space around her. Her eyes and expression soon sank back to hot arousal when she was no longer bewildered to what was happening and returned to doing what she enjoyed, with the lack of gravity spicing the sensation of it. However, she was near her limit already and sank herself down on Warlock's shaft as she knew her end, his cock ramming down to the doorway of her womb and wedging its tip further in. It only occurred to her now that they were sexing without any protection at all, which was usually something she minded when it came to having casual sex. However, their affair was spontaneous and she was completely at awe with Warlock that she toss all regard of safety to the wind. It felt too good to pay any consideration at all and her short-sighting thinking only wanted the attention of the present, flesh against flesh. She arched her back and cried out Warlock's name in adoration. "W-w-Warlock! YESSS!" She could only stammer out in a hurry before she hit her orgasm, erupting her from within and without. Her tight muscles twitched against the shaft that was stuffed into her deeply and she gave a short squirt of girl-cum in her climax. At this point, she was barely in control of herself and allowed Warlock to hold her as she wrapped herself tightly around his body. He came too it seemed, as a gentleman should after a lady, coating her from the inside and out with his thick seed. Much of it was taken into her womb, and she was very much a young woman who was ready for motherhood if she was blessed with it. It was unlikely that she would be pregnant with this chance occasion, though that wasn't to say that Hana would not welcome the opportunity to carry his children if the fates were to punish her for her recklessness. They would hold each other long after their pleasure faded and Hana would look at Warlock, beads of sweat on her forehead from their physical exertion. "Gee. Gee." She said proudly with a victorious wink and a 'Vee' with her fingers.

A contract was a contract, and Hana had to get ready for her trip to see the CEO herself in Prague. She regrettably slid away from Warlock, leaving her pussy very much wanting as she was no longer stuffed by his impressive cock. The aftermath was evident at least, as his seed oozed from her tender and abused folds, soaking the edges of her stockings. She paid no mind or shame to it but was instead chipper as she got set to packing up. Warlock certainly exposed to a good deal of eye candy too, as D.VA seemed in particular hurry to clothed herself. She would grant him a show wherever possible, both of her body and his handiwork from his conquest of her, bending her hips is very enticing and teasing way as she packed. She was to pack light it seemed, perhaps enough for a carry on for a plane ride. D.VA had a lot of possessions that she usually kept on her and she was something of a packrat. She jammed as much as she could into a duffle bag, which included things like her gaming gear and some extra clothes. There were some additional things she was sure to pack with her, given her new relationship with Warlock, like toys and some contraceptive. The contraceptives were only for show, of course, as she already had a devious idea in her head. After packing was done, she was sure to cram a shower in there, leaving the washroom in another school girl outfit that seemed to befit Yeon more than Hana. She wanted to keep a low profile until she left Korea, as low as she could keep it when hanging around someone like the famed Warlock! She gave him a playful wink, indicating that she was ready to set off on this great ride. "I am ready for you..." She teased with a lyrical tone in her voice.
Hana certainly hadn't lost her touch at all physically. Maybe it was the practice she had while playing yeong, or perhaps she kept up the physical training even after the army no longer needed her or the MEKA program. She was tight and fit, and it didn't need to be said that Warlock enjoyed feeling those slick, hot walls milking him for everything he was worth. Each buck of her hips was greeted with a buck of his, ensuring be buried himself as deeply as he could into her with each thrust. When she came he also gasped, the wordless sound of pleasure, from both the sensation of her clamping down on him as well as the swell of pride from making the famed Hana Song came on him and before him. He came as well not long after, his cock throbbing deeply within her and that blissful sensation of hot, thick seed filling her in hot ropes that seemed to last forever before leaking down around his member and heating her entire core before he pulled out of her with a satisfying pop. In the aftermath of course it also occurred to him that they had done it totally unprotected, though he didn't seem concerned at the least. Perhaps he felt similarly, or perhaps there was a factor she didn't know about, instead tilting his head in a silent smile and affectionately cupping her cheek, repeating her sentiment. "GG" He said with a soft chuckle, breathing heavily in his mask. The Warlock suit was not designed to read the biometrics of someone mid-coitus, and seemed to think that the person wearing it was in some sort of distress. As a result he spent a moment while both of them recovered re-calibrating them so it didn't call for backup and find him hilted in a famous lets play star.

Warlock readjusted himself while Hana packed after she pulled off of him, the way she busied about while putting on a show for him, reminding him of his conquest every once in a while and earning a hearty chuckle every time she would bend and show off his cum dripping from her. It was incredibly arousing, and suffice to say it took a bit of willpower to keep him from sauntering over to her and adding to the mess. In the meantime he easily cleaned off the mess that had managed to drip onto the suit and the robes with a bit of cloth extracted from the pocket. The suit was designed to be easily cleaned, dirt grime and bodily fluids could have a negative impact on a soldier's performance on the battlefield after all. He also busied himself with a holographic display that emerged from the back of one of his left gauntlet, arranging his ride while Hana packed her belongings. When she finally emerged from the washroom - in another sexy schoolgirl uniform Warlocked chuckled and approached her, again reaching out and affectionately curling an arm around her shoulder to properly escort her out the door, even taking her bag for her. When the two of them emerged into the South Korean night Warlock escorted hana down the stairs to the streetside, where a car was waiting. It was an impressive vehicle, a little longer than your conventional car yet not as obvious as a limousine. The car was also oh so high tech, even standing out among the other vehicles on the street, brand new grave plates and a discreetly armored body, jet black and with tinted windows. Standing outside was a single woman, wearing the standard outfit of a Valentech employee, a smart black dress with silver trim and the Valentine Technologies insignia in brilliant amethyst on her lapel.

["Good evening Miss Yeong, Warlock"] The young woman was Caucasian and blonde, she also had a rather heavy accent when she spoke Hana's native language, enough to hide the hint of snark in her tone and leave it ambiguous whether she actually knew who Hana was or not. She however wasted no time opening the door for them and taking Hana's bag from Warlock, stowing it away in a compartment in the back and welcoming them both into the vehicle with a small bow. Inside the car was even more luxurious than it looked from the outside, the black tinted windows keeping the view from inside and soundproofing keeping any conversation safe and quiet. "The flight to Headquarters will be about half a day" Warlock said matter-of-factly as the vehicle began to move, gliding effortlessly over the ground and speeding away to the location the jet would pick them up. "Don't be afraid to take a nap on the way there" The urge to recommend other activities was overwhelming, but sadly Warlock had other business to take care of and during the trip to the jet, that display emerging again as more details and orders were taken care of. In a short time Warlock's prediction came true and the car arrived at a similarly designed aircraft, VTOL and sleek, powered with the same technology that the famous dropjets used by Overwatch, though much classier in appearance (and lacking basketball hoops). The flight would take approximately 8 hours, and luckily they had accommodations available for Hana to sleep in luxury, play video games, or of course chat with Warlock on the 8000 km trip, though during the last leg of the trip Warlock himself seemed to shut down and fell asleep himself.


In several hours the plane would also come to a stop, the same woman who had welcomed Hana to the company car rousing her and alerting her to their arrival. The VTOL jet landed so softly that those inside could likely barely even feel it, just a tug of deceleration followed by a gentle bump of landing. A soft Hiss followed as the doors opened and the vastly different-smelling air rushed into the cab. Many hours had passed and the sun was once again up, peeking through the clouds and lighting up the capital of the Czech Republic's Capital, brilliant daylight reflecting off of gleaming towers and flying vehicles in the congested skies while the streets below them buzzed with people. Valentech's presence in the city had kicked off an economic boom, and clean technology and civil order only further increasing stability since the time of the Omnic Crisis. With the downfall of Overwatch Valentech had quickly snapped up as many former heroes as it could, and though many slipped through their grasp, and at least Warlock seemed to genuinely care about their cause and that only helped the corporations efforts (while hurting their reputation) Warlock would meet Hana on the landing pad when she emerged from the jet. Around them stood the many buildings of the capital, tall and with fantastic and futuristic architecture forming gleaming spires of glass, steel and concrete. The Jet itself had landed on one of the landing pads atop one of the smaller buildings that connected to the Headquarters via skybridge. The Headquarters itself also stood almost as tall as many of the other buildings in the heart of the city, its windows tinted dark and adorned with the similar silver and amethyst sights.

"Allow me to be the first to welcome you to Valentine Technologies Headquarters" Warlock's voice sounded cheerful at least. He had rested on the way as well. At the bottom of the ramp, he offered her his hand for the last step, leading her after into the building and past the receptionist. A Slender Omnic female was sitting behind the desk, her sleek metallic form dressed in the same manner as the chauffeur and pilots, standing and bowing when the two entered. Valentine Technologies decorated their buildings well, and here in the headquarters was no exception, ultra modern with smooth edges and angles, slightly aged to indicate that the building was in fact older than the current CEO but well-maintained at the least. The Omnic gestured to the elevator and made a gesture that was the closest thing she could manage to a smile, a soft feminine voice emitting from her. "Ah! Welcome Warlock, Hana; Miss Valentine is waiting for you two in her office" She reached for a button installed on a device on her arm and tapped a code quickly into it, the doors of an express elevator nearby opening up as she retook her seat and went back to work, glancing up at Hana and once again emitting a soft coo. "Welcome to Valentine Technologies Miss Song" Her optical sensors lit slightly and she bowed her head before returning to work. Warlock directed Hana to the elevator and once they were inside entered another code, a tug after the doors closed indicating that the glass elevator quickly was speeding to the top, passing by floor after floor of people working and living in the Headquarters.

"Did you have any questions for me before we meet Miss Valentine?" He asked, glancing down at Hana while he stood, carefully adjusting his outfit and making himself presentable.
Hana happily followed Warlock out of her secondary apartment and into the busy night of South Korea. Despite the time they've spent together and the hours dragging later, the Asian metropolis showed little signs of slowing down as there were a good number of youths out even on a weekday night and some of the neon signs were practically bright as day as they pointed to destinations considering of nightclubs or soju bars. She smiled brightly as she walked out into the streets with her night partner, placing a hand reassuringly on his as she gave the streets another long look before they would approach the car that was already waiting for them. It was rather wild what just happened, to say the least. She began this evening with a live show to her fans under her fake persona, then went on having a good fuck with one of the legends of Overwatch and finally, shipped off to join the legend's current employer! Not that she wasn't used to trips where she has whisked away to foreign locations, especially as a professional gamer in the Korean competitive game circuit, but this was all moving at a breakneck speed. It wasn't like she fought hard to earn this, instead won a contest where she was suddenly rewarded, despite that being further from the truth as she was discovered because of her hard-earned achievements.

She was giddy as she walked with Warlock, making sure to add a small sway of her hips in a sensual walk. Even though their play was over, it didn't mean that the chase was finished. Hana was a competitive girl, and certainly, someone who appreciated thrill wherever she could find it and that included teasing her new partner here. Much like before, she was dressed in something of a farce of a school girl outfit, a fitting short sleeve shirt that hugged her modest figure, short pleated miniskirt with white thigh-high stockings that drew attention to her legs and the small gap of exposed flesh to her skirt. Hana was not seen as the hero of Korea, but the insatiable Yeon. She smiled brightly at chauffeur that arrived to pick them up, giving her a small nod before she stepped in. Her Korean could use some work, but she accepted it for what it was. She might have preferred English as she did excel in her English for a reason, thanks to her travels and local pop culture. "<Good evening to you, it's great to be here! About time I get back to travelling again!>" She said in return to the driver and stepped in after unceremoniously tossing her duffle bag inside as if she owned the car herself, making the space inside the car hers than the company she was going to be employed by. In many ways, she was like a cat and could easily make anything hers. It seemed especially true as she languidly laid on the seat without any fear of modesty, as her skirt shifted easily and gave obvious reveal to the panties she wore under. Now that they were along in privacy again, it was tempting to resume where they left off in their games together. Just because they were finished, didn't mean they couldn't have another round, right? However, she accepted that Warlock had certain responsibilities he had to attend to and let him be. As for napping, she was restless enough to keep her awake up to the trip to the airport where their personal plane waited for them. With the same bounce in her step, she hurried inside the jet that was waiting for them. She was awed and amazed by the interior of the private jet, far more military grade than anything offered to the public, even to a gaming champion as herself. She sat down to one of the seats, feeling the material she was sitting as her short skirt easily shifted. However, perhaps her excitement tired her more than she thought and she would easily drift to sleep for a majority of the trip as they made their way out of the continent and into another. It had been a rather long day with her and she had been oh-so-very exerted.

By the time the plane was lowering its altitude to make its landing in Prague, that shift was enough to wake Hana from her long slumber and dreams of replaying what transpired last night in her head and all the possibilities that it could go from there. It wasn't like anyone of them was impossible at the moment, but she did have other things to attend too. She took her duffle bag and made her way to the lavatory to give herself an outfit switch. As enticing as her school girl outfit was, it was more meant for Warlock than Valentine. She didn't really have anything formal to wear from her secondary apartment, however merely throwing on a blue tracksuit with pink stripes, exposing a good portion of toned midriff and a stitched lettering of her call sign on her butt. Her hair was swept back and tied into a ponytail. It wasn't something that was exactly fanciful but she looked a bit more presentable at least to see a mysterious CEO of a company. She took the rest of her time to sit in her seat and watched the slowly descended down to the European city. Hana can't say that she had been to this part of Europe before, merely gravitating around the United Kingdom if she was ever called for a tournament. It turned out to be far different than what she imagined the city to be at first, a mix of old churches and castles but now a modern and technologically advanced metropolis. Whatever change had swept the city must have been done by Valentine's hand, though much of the old beauty of the city still remained with its famed Charles Bridge.

She smiled broadly when she saw Warlock once more at the landing pad and took his hand happily, almost holding it on to it but she imagined that he probably had some professional image to maintain here than to be walking around with her hand in hand. Hana smoothed down her tracksuit with her hand and made her way through the headquarters, smiling and nodding to the receptionist that greeted her. "I do not want to keep her waiting for too long. Then again, it's not like I just came from down the street. Is there anything I should know about Miss Valentine? Anything I should or should not do around here. Sometimes these business people are weird and I don't want to accidently piss one off if I ate from their candy bowl or something." As much as she was a maverick that liked to do things her way, she didn't come all the way here to be sent home.
Truthfully, the omnic crisis had not been kind to Prague, much like the rest of Europe the city was hit hard - it was in fact Cassandra's parents that restored the city to and beyond her former glory as Valentine Technologies rose to the , and many of the beautiful landmarks such as the bridge and the castle had in fact been restored from their post-war state. From the windows of the jet, Hana would be able to see all the modern wonders mixed with the wonders of the old - the young CEO had done everything in her power to maintain the history of the city she made the seat of her corporate power and of course though glittering glass and steel had risen well above, people still got to marvel at the old stone below.

Warlock did not say much to her until they were in the elevator, merely seeming to watch her actions as if evaluating the way she interacted with the employees, finally turning to her once the door slid shut and chuckling. "No need to worry Miss Song. Miss Valentine is not the type of woman who is easily insulted, in fact, you might quite like her personally" He said, slipping his hand down silently and discreetly to lay it on one of the round cheeks of her ass, gently giving her a squeeze. "Basically, just relax and act if you were talking to me, she is very interested in your skills and you have certainly already passed any other test we have administered" Oh she had no idea and certainly couldnt see the smile. If there were cameras in the elevator, Warlock did not seem to care. He only did this for a moment though as the elevator rapidly rose past the floors of workers and labs, soaring up to the top of the building. He did of course remove his hand when they finally reached the penthouse office and the glass doors slid open to reveal to Hana the office ahead of her. As the doors opened, Walock stepped out of the elevator and into a waiting room, lavishly decorated with wooden floors, comfy leather sofas each facing each-other and a small table in between, with a single black glass bowl full of sweets on it. It was evident that Cassandra had impressive tastes, but that candy wasn't even the expensive sort. They passed through this room, crossing through another pair of tinted black doors into Cassandra's office.

Cassandra Valentine had obvious tastes and her office reflected it. As they walked down the hallway and into the office the tint of the wooden walls and floor grew darker until they were walking across ebony. Another thing that Hana might notice is that compared to other corporate giants, this office was not seemingly not defended, no autoturrets, no cameras, even defensive personnel seemed to be missing. She did have warlock after all, but wouldn't even a renowned hero draw more trouble than he could defend? The office itself was lavishly decorated in deep blacks and purples, ebony wood and bright lights gave the room a feel of elegance. Two large windows gave an unparalleled view of the city skyline and bathed the room in light, long and rectangular in design. The room itself was elegant, and lead to the desk of the CEO herself, a large ebony desk covered with scattered papers and the occasional office toy, a large leather chair for comfort and two elegant fountains flanking the desk to either side providing a soothing sound. Hunched over the desk appeared to be Cassandra Valentine herself, from across the office her features were difficult to tell, but even Hana can see that she was quite lovely. Surprisingly she did not look much older than Hana herself, with pale skin and raven hair that was currently covering her face while she gazed down at a screen projected in front of her, only glancing up at the two while they entered the room. A small smile played over her face and she seemed to light up a little bit, correcting her posture. "Ah, warlock!" She said, her voice clear and chipper. A chuckle seemed to emanate from the hero and he returned her greeting. "Miss Valentine, I Am Home" The words sounded oddly clear, and the purpose became more and more clear when the windows quickly and rather suddenly tinted solid black and the lovely Ceo flickered and then vanished. Shortly after Warlock began a stride towards the desk, several panels on the walls hissing and releasing a small hoard of drones that floated to him. "Please, take a seat Hana, we shall get this meeting started and all will be made clear to you." Warlock gestured to a comfy chair positioned in front of Cassandra's desk while he moved, the little drones quickly attaching themselves to the plates of his bodysuit, carrying his coat to the panels in the walls and stripping bits of armor off of him bit by bit, armor that had previously thickened his neck and shoulders, padded his chest to make it seem more broad, and of course covered his arms, legs, and backside to hide bits of curve and protect his body.

Was Warlock really disrobing in front of her? They had even done it with the suit on!

However as the cute little drones silently picked pieces of armor off the hero's body it would slowly and shockingly become clear. With the coat off his slender body seemed even more slender, even a little feminine? Then the drones removed the armor and padding on his shoulders, taking off even more of his masculine frame until his body actually looked curvy. As the armor was removed, leaving the now much more feminine looking warlock striding slowly towards her desk, leaving D.Va with only the view of the famous hero stripped only to his gauntlets and helmet, slipping behind it and leaning forward to fit her hands into the grooves on either side of her console, the desk removing her gauntlets to safely store them in the desk. Finally the last part of the reveal, the helmet releasing a soft hiss as the seal was broken and the black armored glass slipped up and back, the entire helmet pulling away from her face and concealing itself into the form of an elaborate collar and a curtain of black hair taking its place. Now sitting before her was the same woman she had seen in the hologram, only seemingly even more attractive, her dark lipstick complimenting her hazel eyes and inky hair, lips that pulled up into a smirk and eyes that focused on Hana while she pulled a small earpeice and set it in her ear. The woman who was warloc was indeed a beauty, everything she seemed to be on the holos and billboards, her hair an asymmetrical bob, and messy, cut shorter on the left than the right and with long bangs that covered her right eye partially. She said something, her voice quiet and soft, though in czech, to someone on the line and finally turned her full attention to "Yeong".

"I apologize for any dishonesty on my part, but Warlock's identity is one of our closest guarded secrets, Iv managed to keep it from the public since long before I left Overwatch. While I certainly have introduced myself as Warock, my real name is Cassandra Valentine and I am the Chief Executive Officer of Valentine Technologies" She giggled softly, certainly she had "properly introduced" to Hana as Warlock, and the look on her face was certainly a source of amusement for her; the eccentric corporate ceo as the superhero, it was such a cliche it actually worked. (It didn't help that most of Cassandra's popularity was due to a crack team of PR specialists). "I can answer any questions you have, but one at a time" Perhaps it might dawn on her the opportunity that had been laid out before her, not only had warlock fucked her earlier, he had even revealed revealed who 'he' really was. Cassandra really hoped that this would sink in quickly and help her understand the gravity of the trust that she held in Korea's Hero. She also lifted one of her hands to beacon for one of the drones, one that cheerily chirped and whirred over to her with the envelope that contained Hana's contract and the benefits of the position that was being offered to her. Cassandra ran her gloved fingers through her hair in a vain attempt to straighten it and rested the envelope on the desk, pushing it to her silently and with a smile.
Hana gave Warlock a peculiar look when he finally spoke to her in the privacy of the elevator. She suspected that Warlock might have found some enjoyment in watching her fumble her way around the headquarters. Also, she didn't think that she looked either timid or worried about her opportunity here. If anything, Hana was more than confident that she could stand on her own merits in whatever situation or challenge she found herself in, especially as an ace combat pilot and a Korean celebrity. Admittedly, she might be exuding a little more anxiety than she would have liked in her current situation. Opportunity didn't come often knocking on her door, then later to plow her and lay its thick seed in her...Suffice to say, an opportunity had never been presented to her by a celebrity a few ranks higher in tiers than herself, currently. She hadn't met this Valentine before but it was perhaps hard to compare a leader of a company to a war veteran. If someone was going to be calling the shots between her, Warlock and Valentine, it was likely going to be Valentine.

She straightened her posture at first defensively but found herself caught off guard when Warlock laid it on her ass and gave her a teasing squeeze. Unfortunately, Hana found herself easy to distract sometimes, perhaps the flip side of being a pro-video gamer and constantly needing to change her attention the fly. There was a small blush that formed on her cheeks and she smiled back at the hero before her. She got a little idea, wondering if it would be a good idea to stop the elevator here and have a second round of that little match they enjoyed when they first met in her secondary apartment. The windows would certainly give all of the employees here a wonderful view and something that Hana too wouldn't mind so much. If anything, it did make the act of it all the hotter. However, the elevator they were riding wasn't a slow crawl reminecent of her secondary elevator and they found themselves at the top before Hana could even suggest it. She gave a side-long look at Warlock, unable to read him completely behind the gear he was wearing, wondering if he had the same mind at her when it came to naughty thought or perhaps he was relishing at the fact that he almost had her wrapped around his finger. Maybe both, though she hoped less of the latter. She didn't like to be played, despite being a player of a good share of games.

She strolled in with a skip in her steps as they walked into Cassandra's office and she took a gander of the grandeur around her, as well as the bits of personalization in the background that were perhaps more complex to read. Placing her hands on her bared midriff, she walked with something of cocky confidence as she casually acquainted herself with Cassandra from the scattered bits of evidence she left behind. Strangely enough, it seemed like only her and Warlock here, while she was expecting more. Maybe a cute assistant or a coterie of businessmen whom she delegated her task to. Her eyes did light up when she saw Valentine waiting for her at the desk. She took a bold stroll forward but quickly stopped herself from saying anything when she noticed that something rather was peculiar with the set-up. Despite her first time being here, she gathered there was something fishy with how Miss Valentine appeared. She spent her time in front of screens and playing games long enough to notice where the pixels stuck out, regardless of how high-tech Valentine's gear might have been. After all, did find a living off of getting every advantage in the game she could get, even if it was sniping at mere pixels that only appeared for a few milliseconds. She frowned deeply and crossed her arms over her chest. Cassandra flew her all the way here, albeit at her expense, and she wasn't good enough to see her herself. She'd better have a good explanation for this...

Hana flopped down on the chair without much formality, much in the same way she would do so on her gaming chair after a long day of chores, making the chair very much hers as she had hoped for a credible story of Cassandra's absence. She even propped her legs on Cassandra's desk as a foot rest. It was a bold move but Cassandra wasn't here to complain about it, or so she thought. Surely, she could have postponed her meeting and had Warlock entertain her further until he was free of whatever obligations she had to tend to. As she watched the drones circle around Warlock and slowly latch themselves on the pieces of his gear, her anger began to subside and she was once more distracted by Warlock before her. There was silly smirk that formed on her lips as she watched him undress bit by bit. Was this supposed to be a show to appease her, not that she was going to complain about it. However, what started as an entertaining show slowly puzzled her bit by bit. She was quite sure that Warlock was a man, given his reputation and image, along what she clearly felt from him in her apartment. It seemed she was wrong, but not entirely so. Her cheeks reddened when she noticed that Warlock was more woman than a man, save for some obvious exceptions. It wasn't that she was shocked by the sight, instead, she was rather embarrassed that she couldn't tell earlier and had been very much fooled like the rest of the public.

"<What...>...Double Yoo, Tee, Eff!" she stammered in a combination of languages and her eyes was as wide as saucers. Her gaze was trained strictly on Warlock, now Cassandra too, as she also revealed. Her gender wasn't her only reveal that made the unravelling rather shocking to Hana. Her feet quickly fell from the desk as she realized that Cassandra was here after all and she made liberal use of it. She straightened from her seat and bolted up to her feet as she stood rigidly, as if at the attention of a commanding officer. Cassandra was going to be her boss, after all. Her hand went to the bottom hem of her top as she gave it a few tugs self-consciously to straight it, a futile attempt to cover her midriff. However, a part of her was held back in some reservation at the situation as Warlock was still in the room and the same person that took her as lover so easily. There was a part of her that was very conflicted, even as she took the offered envelope from the nude futa before her. She had a few questions before coming here but she mostly had one now before she could even bring herself to sign on the dotted line. When her shock fell away, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Cassandra suspiciously as she looked demanding of an answer. "<If you're that, then...what are...we?>" She questioned carefully, meaning more of her reveal as Cassandra than her gender. Clearly, being a lover and her boss was going to complicate things and she was wondering if they merely had a working relationship after a fun romp or their relationship was anything but formal...
Cassandra certainly held her amusement with how Hana reacted to the lack of presence in the office. She hadn't expected the young woman to so easily tell her hologram from the real deal, though thinking about it again with her sharp eyes she was already helping improve security. The Hologram was not flawless, but for now she guessed it would be enough to at least fool a sniper, but made mental notes to request an improvement on the technology, perhaps even import something from another corporation. Her company's specialty was anti-gravity tech after all, not holograms. Once she had fully revealed herself those dark lips twisted into a smirk, followed by a girlish giggle from the reaction Hana had to her sudden revelations, of both her true gender and her identity.

The young woman was still far from nude; though the outer layers of the Warlock Suit had been stripped off her form, certainly revealing her to be female under that armor and padding she was still at least covered in the base layers. The last layers, of course the combat-grade boots he had worn as well as the BDU pants that that lovely cock had emerged from were still in place, hugging her curved hips, but on her torso she wore what appeared to be a similar bodysuit that Hana herself had worn back in her days as D.VA, one that hugged her frame tightly enough to show off her belly button and the curves of her middriff, tightly compressed on the front to lessen the curves of her breasts and seemingly reinforced along the front, as her nipples did not show even in the tight fabric, suggesting that her breasts were likely bound underneath. Finally the bodysuit covered the woman's neck and arms, completing a rather interesting look for her, far from the sharp-dressed businesswoman that the hologram represented. Really, she did look like a war veteran, or even what some might have expected Warlock to look like in his off time, with of course the exeption that she was in fact a rather fetching lady under all that armor and glass.

Cassandra leaned forward on her desk and rested her elbows on it, the hologram of her screen vanishing as she did. She gently pressed her gloved fingers together and smiled rather sweetly at Hana. Oh she had no intention of killing their relationship after just one romp, indeed, Hana could likely still see the lust in that woman's eyes, as well as the sensual smirk that had been hiding under that helmet all along. "We." She began. "Are Employer and Employee, while our corporation does not frown upon fraternization as strongly as some others, I as CEO have certain responsibilities that I must place before my own personal life... officially..." She began, sounding almost as if she had let her down, but then continued. "However, the intimate lives of my employees are none of my concern... In fact, if you wish to continue your relationship with Warlock you have my permission" The official sounding decree was a joke, she was behind all those fancy words telling her that they were still quite On, notable as Cassandra relaxed and smiled at her, unclasping her own hands to lean across the desk and gently run her hand across Hana's cheek just as she did in her apartment, none of the deception present this time and the sparkle in her eyes. She gave her a little wink and gently slid her free hand across the desk, muting her even to the security system. <"perhaps consider it a job perk?"> She translated directly into Korean, keeping her hand on the key for the time being and complimenting with a sly wink. Of course such a high level VIP in the corporation wouldn't care about personal dalliances with even her employees. Cassandra was infamous for her ideas of 'sexual liberation' even before she took the seat from her parents. She didnt mind even an official relationship with Hana, most people probably would not be that suprised if she turned out to be officially dating her bodyguard, though of course actual dates would depend on how Hana took to Cassandra as a person.

Cassandra finally released the button and rested back in her chair to continue her address. "Not that it matters. Valentine industries prides itself on being free from conflicts of interest" She smirked and leaned back in her own chair. "I selected you Hana, because I saw potential I haven't seen since Overwatch. Courage, Skill, and Kindness. You risked your life to protect your countrymen on such a regular basis and yet you still have such a colorful personality as an individual" High compliments coming from Warlock herself. "And when we picked you up, I of course found that your... personal abilities were quite to my taste as well" That smirk again, oh she remembered the feeling of Hana climaxing around her thick cock. "I would love to have you become a member of my family here at Valentine. In that envelope of course is my standard contract; it contains your benefits, insurance, and payment plans. Your official position in the corporation will be as a 'Specialist' within our security department, the same potion as Warlock and other individuals with similar skillsets and experience" With that, Valentine had of course informed her that they weren't the only two Heroes working for the corporation. "Additionally due to your military training I have hand picked you for a very special assignment; the personal security of the Chief Executive Officer of Valentine Industries - you will answer directly to me and will be responsible directly for my well-being and safety during your stay here, needless to say I feel you and I will end up -quite- close." She chuckled at her own play with words; Inside the envelope were the papers detailing her salary (Nothing to sneeze at) as well as the full healthcare and dental plans offered to all employees with added and enhanced emergency benefits due to the risks she may be taking.

"Of course, all of this is up to you" The woman behind the desk continued. "Will you accept our offer? If you are interested, we may have you begin immediately, your quarters are located within easy reach of mine in case of an emergency and our systems are ready to have you fitted for your new uniform, Plus an additional surprise I feel you might like" She offered her hand to her, to shake if Hana was so inclined to do so, a kind smile on her face hiding any anxiety she might have felt. .
While Cassandra wasn't actually naked, imagining her in the nude did cross her mind. Seeing as their rather ambiguous relationship blurred some rather strange lines and how close Cassandra's clothes fitted on her body, Hana couldn't see herself taking the blame entirely. Warlock, Cassandra, did encourage and enable her. However, she thought she knew how Warlock looked underneath the outfit when the first met, even through complicated weaves he wore and the helmet that covered his face. She always imagined she was a young man that was perhaps only just a few years older than she was, with boyish looks and some chiselled accents. His body would be toned, made possible from a regimented workout to compliment his duties. It was a rather rough idea, but when she had the pleasure of being touched by time and even so far as feeling him inside her, it was a sort of intimacy that she thought would connect missing parts of what was hidden away from her sights. Someone vaguely dreamy and the aura he project did make him just that without needing to show anything. Cassandra standing before her was much different than what she imagined initially. Not that she found her looks revolting, far from it. The woman before her was still quite attractive and exuded the same command of her imaginary male-version of Warlock. She was still muscled and toned in the same way. Last, and not least, she also had the parts that she enjoyed and had the immense pleasure of bonding with. Hana never thought herself as the sort who liked women in that way, but someone like Cassandra was someone she could easily lust after. As Cassandra ran her hand on her cheek lovingly on her face, Hana felt her touch and it was flesh on flesh. It wasn't the first time she was touched by Warlock, of course, but the gesture did provide some reassurance that wasn't there before. That was a sort of definition that those perfect holograms had yet to perfect completely.

She relaxed a little more from her stiff stance and reached up, placing a hand over Cassandra's own as it lingered on her cheek, just to prolong its touch longer than necessary if she was thinking about dropping it anytime soon. It was something to go through contracts and jargon about the terms of their relationship, but it was something else entirely to feel the person and get a better read on their emotions through their eyes. To be truthful, Hana wasn't as good of a reader when it came to people as she was when it came to everything revolving digital mediums but she was a tactile person in more ways than one. After the touch lingered as much as she would like, she would release her hand from Cassandra's own and allow her future boss-to-be to do as she would have liked. She would smile faintly when she winked at her, but stopped herself from smiling completely. Even though she was in agreement to what she was offering, she didn't want her to think that she was folding so easily. She would take a quick moment to open the envelope around her and take as much of the details as she could in under a minute. It seemed that Cassandra might have already said more than what these papers would really project to her and she didn't really want to waste any more time with them. 'Tee el, dee arr' was something she would have said in this circumstance if she was asked to read the papers for all of her information. She slipped the papers back in the envelope and placed them on the chair behind her, she'll go through them again when she needed a bedtime story. Her hands did gravitate to the edge of the desk for a moment as she gave it a quick sweep to get rid of any smudges, as she did put her feet on the desk earlier as if it was her own space without knowing that the owner was in front of her all of this time. She took a breath in, which was a tense one at that and still kept her professional 'game face' on as she was ready to tackle a challenge. Her hand went to Cassandra and took it into hers, not in a loving gesture this time, but in a sure grip as she shook her head with confidence. "<Consider me in, Miss Valentine. With all of the difficulties, benefits and...perks, as you said,>" she answered in her own tongue with a slight smirk showing on the corner of her lip, acting coy and playful.

When she would let go of her placed her hands behind her head in a small stretch, letting out an exhausted sigh. "<I have to admit, I feel like we're starting from scratch here...and continuing on a relationship at the same time. It's going to take some time to find our way together to know where we truly stand when you're both my boss and co-worker.> Complicated ehh-eff." She said with a slight dip into English to express her exasperation in gamer net-speak. Her hand dropped from their place on her head and she gave an open shrug. "<I mean, you could just put on your outfit as Warlock again and I could easily play dumb. It still doesn't change that how I feel about him and what we've done together. It's just you that I want to figure out in time, Miss Valentine, you know? You can't be in the field of combat and sitting behind a comfortable big desk at the same time. Eh, maybe I'll get over it in time.>"

She gave a quick graceful spin in her place to take in a surrounding view of the office once more and nodded in admiration. "<And it's a very big office you have here too, nice place. So you said that I would begin to work immediately. Where do I stay and what do you have for me? Do I get a place like this? I had enough mysteries today, let's get started!>" Hana said with an air of impetuousness.
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