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Jun 19, 2016

You have stumbled upon my request thread and I welcome you to read it. If you don't feel like doing so I won’t force you but it would make me happy if you did. Please feel free to relax and enjoy what is to come. Everything that is below I would like you to read not as absolute musts but instead as guidelines.

A Pleasure to meet you, my name is Rebecka and I will start this paragraph with random stuff I like or don't like. I like minimalisc design, the fewer things and colours there are in room, almost the better. I like matte colours and sleek design. As it comes to literature though I find the opposite to be charming. A thick fleshy text about everything from the light to the smell to whatever can be mentioned without making it all too messy. I will try my best to give you enough to dig your teeth into yet hopefulyl not so much that you will be full and unable to eat more. I don't like the sweet tastes but would rather prefer something sour or bitter in my plays. So far I have tried playing "submissive" which I have been enjoying but I’m also interested in other things and themes from adventure, horror to romance. I am willing to write with both men and women, I prefer playing through thread but am just as okay with PM. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, send me a PM but don't just write "I want to roleplay with you!". Write about what made you interested, what you want to roleplay and why that is what you are interested in playing. Give me something to respond to and I probably will, with great enthusiasm. I'm sexualy open to alot of things, this does not mean I don't have limits but there is no use listing them here since they won't come into play without talking about them beforehand as they more or less are the usual things.

Below are some ideas, I feel as if they are quite open to interpretation. They are not set in stone so I would love it if you came with ideas of how they could be changed for the better or to give them a nice twist and make it original. If you show interest and I in turn find you interesting I will gladely give you multiple other ideas and try to come up with something fitting for both of us.

During the 60s and the cold war with another world war closing in on humanity the danger of the end of humanity is growing greater and greater. The solution to avoid humanity's eradication? Send a space ship out with some of America's greatest scientists to start anew. The catch? The journey will take generations and is full of dangers. Hundreds of people travelling together with nothing but some metal between and the empty vacuum; people living full lives without ever leaving the ship and corrupt leaders without true equality. Inspired by the show with the same name it is basically a quite realistic science fiction play about colonizing a new world. If it so is a love story about couple that can never be together because of their different positions or a woman sleeping her way to the top in the small society and so on I think it could be fun. I would love to hear your ideas on where to take this play since I have presented a setting more than an actual idea.

Even though the idea is based on a show I don't care if you are familiar with it or not because I don't want to base it on the show as a fandom but instead just take inspiration from it.

50s Space
The future is here! Take your flying car out and visit your neighbours on the moon, call your friends on your videophone and leave all your problems to the modern computers not taking up more than a small room in size! Imagine 40s-50s art of beautiful men and women smiling, lightly dressed in some sort of utopia on a silly grand adventure. Tight colorful space suits and retro-futurism like never before. Silly looking guns and heroes saving the universe from evil geniuses to win the heart of the damsel in distress. A very positive undertone that doesn't always have to make sense. The same goes for the story as it doesn't fully have to follow the laws of our world. It doesn't even have to be an adventurous story but it could be an everyday play set in a more light hearted future from the 50s.

One more I'm suggesting a setting over an actual idea. The main reason to why I do this is because I want to have a discussion rather than a "I liked this one, let's go!" approach.

Nonsense Can Make Sense
I'm very interested in doing a play with dream logic or porn logic which I believe to be close to the same things if I have understood it all correctly. Nonsense that makes sense because of the rules of that world. It can be something so small as believing you have to hold your promises without hesitation or know things you couldn't possibly know just because of some minor insignificant detail. If you have read Alice In Wonderland you have a great second example where it just doesn't make sense but since nothing really does, everything does. You can walk through the woods and suddenly without explanation be inside of a house without ever entering one, it is all okay as long as you don't mention anything about it being weird. Then again, nonsense has to make sense so it can't be written that it is impossible to open a door and then someone opens it without an explanation. There has to be some rules or it all would just fall apart.

Once more nothing more than a theme which I know isn't the smartest but I bet you have some idea that would fit perfectly with one of these themes in one way or another.

Every government has their own type of secret service that spread their spies out all over the world. Trained and ready to handle almost any task they stop villains and wars and yet almost no one knows about them. A female and a male spy from different agencies end up on the same case but will they be able to leave each other alone or will the first be in the way for the second? What happens when a spy, trained to be able to complete any task decides to hit on a potential partner that isn't interested? Will he/she accept his defeat or have their dangerous life style made them stop believing in failure and take up any means necessary to complete what they put their mind to do? Imagine something along the lines of James Bond or something like that.

I like this idea but at the same time I don't, I hope you liked it though.

Virus 6
A small new virus is spreading across the globe. The small package of genetical matter is almost impossible to find and spreads quickly from host to host, infecting through sex, blood and saliva. The biggest problem is that the infected doesn't even notice it. The virus only affects women but can be carried through men and the symptoms comes in stages. The first stage can be seen as the woman finds it harder and harder to disagree against her will. The second stage is greater sexual sensitivity, the infected female gets a larger and larger urge to mate with both the opposite sex as well as other women. In the third stage, when the virus has reached its final stage, the host starts to lose intelligence and starts to devolop traits similar to those of a bimbo. It is adviced that men turn down any sexual advances from women until more is known in the matter.

This idea has very deep roots in my submissive side I believe and I'm looking for someone to play a man/men who take advantage of the situation. Possibly a very selfish character. I'm not exactly sure what I want from this but I feel like I still want it here.

Send me a PM if you are interested in what you have read! If you have something else you think I would be interested in I would love to hear your ideas.
RE: Another Try?! New Ideas!! Wow!!

I have rewritten my ideas and deleated alot of them. Interested? PM me!
I think I'm looking for another roleplay. PM me if you are interested in my request thread; I feel a little bad over how loose and poorly written my ideas are though... Or if you just want to have a chat about nothing, PM me!
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