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A Magical Search Thread [Seeking literate, long term MxF RPs]

Magic Breeze

Dec 4, 2011
Home is where the bra isn't.
Hello, and welcome to my search thread!

In this first post you'll find my roleplay preferences and requirements and what not. Basically the stuff you need to know to see if we'll work out as RP partners at all.
The following posts will have things like general pairings and what not, as well as cravings, maybe plots, depending on whether I have either of the last two at the time.

If after having a look you find yourself interested in playing with me, PM me!

Oh, one last thing before all that. A heads up: I just started college. I only play with people who can be patient in general, just doesn't work out otherwise...but, yeah, just to let people know things are going to be particularly tricky as I adjust.

Basic Requirements

  • I'm looking for literate, creative partners.

    I seek partners with a good grasp of the English language, who can write at least one or two decent paragraphs per post. (Preferably more for an introduction. o.o) I know roleplay is for fun, but...well, that's actually the point, in my case I won't enjoy myself if I got nearly nothing to read, the writing is awful, or both.
    (Basically, Quality over Quantity any day, but some quantity is also nice.)

    As for creative, I don't just mean it in the...usual sense, but also people who can and do contribute to a roleplay. Give input! Help with decisions! If I wanted to think and work out everything myself, I'd just write alone, no?

Roleplay Preferences

  • Roleplay Medium
    I play over PMs or email. (Email slightly preferred. It's easier to organize for me.) I rather not play in the forums, I'm kind of shy about it, but I may consider it.

    Roleplay Length
    I'm only looking for long-term, story driven RPs.
    This doesn't mean no smut, or even very little of it (I do want smut, I like smut, and am, in fact, sad when people want almost none), just that it's...well, plot driven. Not PWP. =p

    Roleplay Elements
    Speaking of which - I most definitely aim for sex (here is my f-list for do's and do-not's on that front) and romance to happen, as they are a must for my long term RPs. <3

    Also, fantasy. It is an absolute must.
    If you want slice of life, or modern or historical settings of the realistic variety, I'm really not what you're looking for. ^^;

    I tend to prefer things with high-stakes plots, as well.
    Meaning I love romance, and whatever drama might conjured up between two characters and how that unfolds is awesome. However, I also like there being more to the story. Big things, high stakes! Wars, conspiracies, rebellions, political intrigue, heck, the fate of the very world hanging in the balance! (Not necessarily any of those things. But, you know. Stuff like that.)
    This is the one must that isn't...100% a must? It's pretty damn important to me, but there's a very slim chance I'll go with an idea that doesn't have this.

Bonus points!

  • (Just things I consider bonuses. Though they are far from required!)

    Having Skype, Discord, AIM or YIM. (Especially the first two, it's what I'm on the most, at the moment.) I don't roleplay over them, but IMs are great for planning more quickly, and chatting OOC. I love chatting OOC! <3

    Anime pictures!
    Again, I remind you it is just a bonus! I don't require the use of pictures to roleplay. So if you don't like pictures, or don't feel like using them or such, don't worry, I'm fine with a good description.
    Otherwise...I admit, I've come to really like people using pictures to represent their characters. (Just anime style ones though, most of the time I actually prefer a description to a real life photo.) If you're willing to look for one, awesome! Or feel free to ask my help looking or choosing, if you like. o.o

    Writing well OOC.
    This is a bonus point rather than a requirement because I try not to judge people's writing when they message me OOC. But, from my experience, a lot of people who don't write correctly out of character aren't usually much better when we get to roleplaying. @.@; Also, good writing makes messages much easier and pleasant to read.
    So, I really don't want to pressure anyone, this is really more of a heads up: Anyone who messages me will get my attention much more quickly, as well as get me more excited to play with them, if their message includes at least punctuation and capitalization and the like. o.o
    Also, on a related note: Chatspeak kills my soul. x.x

    One Partner, Multiple Roleplays
    I am very happy to meet new people, I am! But, I gotta say, I also love it when I find RPers who I really click with that are willing to do more than one RP together at a time.
    It’s obviously not a must, that’s why it’s here, but...yeah, just putting it out there. X3
    Word of warning, though, if you don’t like seeing the same character in more than one RP, you’ll likely be disappointed.

    Multiple Characters
    I don’t mean NPCs. Those are pretty much a given, unless we’re doing something like...out in the cold desolation of space without anyone else, or with two survivors of an apocalypse or a deserted environment (both are unlikely, because it’s not really my thing). I mean more like playing more than one main character each, or having important secondary characters. This goes in the bonus points because while it can make roleplays much more interesting, I suppose can live without it.

Extra Information

  • About myself. Not a must read by any means!
    Part of what I'll put here is things that are apparently just super important to some people, the rest are things that I think might be good to know.
    → I'm female.

    → I'm 24 years old.

    → English is not my first language.
    You are free to let that scare you away. Though, do allow me to say that I've been speaking English since I was quite young. Also, that most people I've met didn't guess and/or were actually really surprised to hear this.
    Oh, I'd also like to note that I welcome people correcting me! When I'm making a constant and consistent mistake, at least. It's how I've gotten better over the years and I am always happy to improve even more. ^^

    → I'm on the GMT timezone.

    → I'm on at somewhat unpredictable hours.

    → I don't care who is behind the screen.
    My wanting to know if a player is male or female is purely curiosity. Aside people who're underage (though those shouldn't even be here o_O), I'm happy to play with anyone.

    → I seriously don't handle pressure/impatience well.
    If I'm taking some time to post... a poke or friendly reminder or such about it is alright once in a while.
    But constantly bringing up that I haven't posted yet, asking when I'm going to, every day, or every hour...that is just going to make it take longer.
    It's not something I do on purpose, I just really don't do well with pressure. It makes me block.

    → I'm likely to give priority to partners I talk to OOC.
    This is also something I really don't do on purpose... But if I'm talking to someone, they're obviously on my mind, thus I will remember to post for them.
    I won't forget people I don't talk to or anything, they might just sadly skip my mind more often.
    This is why having an IM for OOC chatter is a big, big bonus.

And that's it for this post!

RE: Feel that Summer Breeze [Seeking literate, MxF, long term RPs.]

Plots & Ideas

From pretty vague concepts to more thought out plots, here are any ideas I have that I'd be interested in doing at the moment.
Please remember what I mention in the first post about contributing and helping with decisions, me having an initial idea doesn't mean I want to work everything out on my own. ^^;

In pairings, this color represents the character I wish to play, the female role, while this one represents my partner's, the male role.

When I list more than one pairing or such (Example: "Demon x Human, Rival x Rival"), it doesn't mean it's to pick one out of them. It means it involves ALL of those elements. (In case of the earlier example, it would be a plot which involved a demon and a human as the main characters, and that they start out as rivals.)

In many cases I won't be putting the summaries here. It would just end up being way too much text to manage for this lil box. xD I will put up a link instead. So when you see the big "LINK!", click it if you want to know the actual details.
When I do put anything up here, it's likely the less developed ideas and/or things that don't take up as much space.

Also, yes, I am terrible at titles.

  • Seeing Color
    Dragon x Human/Magical Human
    Specific-ish medieval fantasy setting.
    L I N K!
    !NOTE: I'd also be happy to play with the set up of dragons in this setting with another plot.

    Heirs to the Throne
    Prince x Princess, Half-Brother x Half-Sister
    Medieval fantasy.
    Despite my love for sibling incest, this actually doesn't even work well for my kinkiness sake, since they don't grow up together or anything. It's more about intrigue and threat of war and royalty/nobility power struggles I guess?
    L I N K!

    Rightfully Mine
    Exiled Prince x Lady/Princess, Captor x Captive
    Medieval fantasy.
    L I N K!

    Demon x Angel, Captor x Captive
    Can be done in a modern or medieval like setting. Or both? Heaven/hell settings technically leave room for multiple settings. o.o
    L I N K!

    Paths of Fate x(Currently Craving)
    Lost Princess x Knights/Multiple Men
    Medieval fantasy.
    Warning: a total cliche. You don't need to even say it, I already know. But whatever, I'm not afraid of those - in fact, they can be plenty fun. :3

    Iridith has lost their ruler, taken by a terrible illness, and leaving no true heir to take their place. At least, so is the official story, but some suspect their death to be the doing of the man who now holds the crown, having first taken place as Regent and later claimed the throne.

    However, there is, indeed, a legitimate heir. Sent off and hidden away while her mother sought to find the betrayer in their midst, only to grow never seeing her real home nor anyone knowing of her existence as said betrayer did away with the Queen first.

    The girl lived years oblivious to all this, somewhat far from Iridith and unaffected by it's troubles with their new ruler. Alas, eventually came the day when the man discovered her existence, and feeling threatened, sent people to get rid of her before those against him...or, preferably, anyone could find out about her.

    His men fail, however, and she meets a Knight of Iridith (there on other business) who helps her, and though she doesn't know why there are suddenly people suddenly after her life, he promises to help keep her safe as well as find out.

    But another soon finds her, a man thoroughly opposed to the current King and investigating his odd activities in a place so out of the way. When he finds out who they're after he is able to provide her with an answer as to whom is after her, however not a why.

    So the bad news is, people are out to kill her, her life is a mess, but the good news is at least she's not alone in said mess.

    Like I said, pretty cliche.

    I've been wanting to do something with multiple males paired with one female character (as I mention below in the prompts section - you may want to read that bit if this interested you) for a while now. But...I never really had a good idea for it. Then this came to mind and I decided to add it, I mean why not?
    So yes, in this I would want my partner to play more than one main character (the two roles I mention above, or possibly one or two more, if they wished!) who would all come to be romantically interested in my character. How we play it from there is up for discussion...though, ideally, the endgame (the relationship endgame, that is, I would want to play beyond them sorting out their feelings! there's a murdering traitor on the throne, that's not ok o_O) would end up as a polyamorous relationship. Which could possibly be common for Iridith (or their rulers?), and bonus points if it's not where she was raised... or not. That's something to work out. :3

    This is just a base, plenty to work out and ideas are very welcome. ^^

    Accidental Summoning
    Mage x Demon
    Modern or medieval fantasy.
    My character is a mage, though still in training. When she had a look at one her teacher's (or school's?) older tomes, filled with things that weren't quite for her level, it was just to see what awaited her ahead. It was just a little peek. Maybe she memorized one spell or another, but she really had no intention of making use of what she read! Curious as she might be, she did know how dangerous that was.

    When some time later she gets attacked, however, and finds herself greatly outmatched, she remembers what she believed (from construction or some wording, perhaps) was a protection spell. The risks of not using it seem to outweigh the risks of trying, and so she buys a little time, draws the runes and utters the words.

    As it turns out, it wasn’t a protection spell...Though the demon she summons does get rid of her attackers.

    Now she’s stuck with said demon, however, and he with her. Improperly performed, the summoning left him bound to her but not quite under her command. For the same reason, she doesn’t know how to send him back, nor how to release him (not that she would do the latter).

    And that’s it. It obviously needs work to...well, work well. xD

    It's Not So Bad
    Werewolf x New Werewolf
    Modern fantasy.
    Until not so long before, my character was dating a werewolf. However, she unfortunately was not aware of this until she became one, herself. Or rather, he made her into one. Making the decision that they were going to spend their life together for the both of them, he decided to turn her and not so much as let her know until she'd changed.
    It was something she couldn't do much about, there was no way to just become human again. Their relationship was another matter. Thus why he was now an ex.
    He'd spoken of their love and talked about how she couldn't do that, couldn't just leave him, they were going to have a life together. That part was wrong. He'd then said she wouldn't last without him, she wouldn't be able to handle it alone. That...was proving not so wrong. Still, she'd said she'd figure it out, and she was sticking to that.

    My partner's character wouldn't be the ex-boyfriend, whether he is very involved in the RP or not is up for discussion. Rather, it would be another werewolf. I kind of imagine one in a pack, perhaps even a leader of one, though that is also up for discussion. As for my character, she either fled home (if I make her 17 or so for example), she's in college or she dropped out of college after the whole mess. Either way she'd be struggling with the whole thing, and be wary and mistrusting of all wolves.
    How our characters meet, and most of all where we go from there, I don't really know. There's a variety of ways to play with it.

    The "rare females" element I have could be put into play, if my partner was inclined. Could make it not so unusual for werewolves to turn humans for mates, though I kinda imagine said mates to not usually just leave them. xD (Whether they have more tact than the one my character was turned by, or something else.) Would also make it particularly dangerous for her to be without a pack, possibly, so my partner's character could either be concerned, want her for his pack/himself, or both.

    That's all I got. o.o

    Making Peace
    Queen/Princess x Prince/King, Arranged Marriage
    Medieval fantasy.
    The royal families of Selin and Arevis are said to have descended from heroes blessed by the Gods, who defeated a terrible evil long, long ago, and brought peace to the land. That is, until a century ago, when they turned their swords on eachother. These days, it’s hard to picture a time when they when they were at peace.
    The heirs to the throne of this generation, however, aimed to change this. Despite opposition from a fair amount of people on each side, they decided they would marry, merge their two families and kingdoms to finally put an end to the war.
    Alas, the wedding day ended in tragedy, the Prince killed before the ceremony ended, his assassin evading capture.

    Hope for peace seemed once again lost, as many of Arevis quickly assumed it to have all been a plot by the Selinians. The young Queen of Selin swore it was not so, but did not truly expect them to believe her.
    So it came as a great surprise when her would-be husband’s brother, next in line to the throne, sent word that he wished to go through with the merger.

    Aaand that’s pretty much what I have. It’s not much, which is part of why I’m so iffy about it.

    Alternatively, they could have actually gotten married, THEN the King got assassinated (any time from the wedding night to I dunno, a couple of months later?).

    Who killed him? Up for discussion, though it wouldn’t have been Princess’ doing. Is he even dead? Who knows! Does the Prince actually believe that his brother’s bride wasn’t responsible? Is it an elaborate plot for revenge amidst which he’ll then find he believes her? Is he offering a worse deal in exchange of going through with it? *helpless shrug*

    I don’t know, give me your thoughts. Heck, if you want to go a different direction in some way or if this just inspires any other good forced/arranged marriage sorts of plots, I’ll be happy.

    Prisoner x Prisoner
    Medieval fantasy or modern fantasy. Works for both, I guess, though thought at the moment is something more medieval.
    Our characters have just met under some unfortunate circumstances. Namely, they are both prisoners to unknown captors, for reasons equally unknown, as those holding have not cared to be enlightening. From the few things overheard all they have figured out is it seems something big is coming up, and they’re to be part of it.

    One day, your character wakes up with a fair amount of...discomfort, hyper aware of the young woman he’s sharing his restricted accommodations with. At first it doesn’t seem anything out of the ordinary, he has needs, obviously. However, even after finding a moment to help himself, maybe even after finding several, it persists, and in fact get worse. It becomes an increasingly consuming need until eventually he hits breaking point and loses control, turning all the thoughts he’s had about her into reality.

    When it’s over, the two are a heap of exhaustion, yet...different. Upon recovering they find power within themselves they didn’t have before, enough to break out of their prison.

    Yet after making their escape, they find they have new bindings to contend with. Some strange magical connection has formed and now they literally cannot leave each other, finding themselves weakened when they try. Perhaps it’s for the best though, right? They do still have some wicked organization out to get them.

    Alright, first of all, all those things I don’t mention aren’t a “oh, I know, but I’m leaving it a surprise!” sort of thing. Like who imprisoned them, for what purpose exactly, etc...I really do not know, I have nothing specific in mind. So that’s something to work out (meaning feel free to bring ideas, or we brainstorm, of course!).

    I also don’t have a specific setting in mind, nor defined ideas for who/what the characters are, but I wasn’t quite thinking of them being like...average joe humans totally out of their depths in any magical business. I could possibly go for it, Iffy about it.
    I would quite like them to be...different, in what way and to what degree is pretty open though. Different race, country, circles (social, economic or what have you), etc.
    I would also be happy with them being total strangers getting along while they’re prisoners together, though things would likely get tense after your character goes through his “heat” and what not...but it could be really fun if they were rivals or enemies in some way, be it some sort of natural enemy, part of opposing sides in some way (in which case going to one’s allies would mean trouble for the other, or at the very least be in a very uncomfortable situation), or personal rivals or such.

    When it comes to the bond, all I have set is that it is what gave them their enhanced power, and that they weakened if they go too far from one another. The degree of it and other possible effects are up for discussion!

    New Experiences x(Currently Craving)
    Supernatural Being? x Human/Gifted Human/??
    Modern fantasy? Medieval fantasy???
    Alright, bear with me, because this is barely an idea. Hehe. Bear with my bare idea.
    I had a dream, and (unlike most dreams) now it won’t leave my head. I want to do something with it. It does need a fair amount of work as, to be honest, though the dream teased at an interesting concept, but it was more hot than rich in story. I'm basically taking a premise for smut and looking to make more out of it. (And... also keep the smut. <.< )
    Involves the "innocent" sexuality kink in my maybe list, as well as dub/noncon.
    Your character is a celestial being, an incorporeal type of supernatural being...who has recently earned himself a physical body. Harboring and doing her best to help with this adjustment is my character. How did this come to happen? Who knows (I certainly don't). However, somehow, they are stuck together, surviving any danger that may come their way and...making sure your character doesn't stick out like the sorest of thumbs.

    My character is generally forthcoming and helpful about things and yours usually inclined to trust her. After discovering physical pleasure of the most innocuous variety, though, as he's curious and eager about more, his new friend is rather less cooperative about it, getting awkward, unwilling to go into detail and changing the subject (as if he can't tell, really now, he's inhuman, not an idiot).
    When he tries to touch her she can be even more weird about it. He just wants her to feel nice too. Yet he can touch her back, not her front? Or any too soft places, apparently? He can't see why, she clearly likes it. Honestly, if she's going to be so unreasonable he's not going to listen.

    (Ahem. Like I said, very much a smut premise.)

    Now, notes and clarifications:
    This is basically what my dream gave me. I have no idea what a "celestial being" actually is, could be some sort of angel, demon, creature from outer space, I don't know! That's just what it called 'em.
    Him being previously not set in stone, I suppose. He would have had a very different existence than usual, though. o.o
    I do mean it when I say I don't know how they got together, I also don't necessarily know what keeps them that way. Maybe it's moral obligation on her part, be it due to just feeling some sort of responsibility to help him being the first one he meets, or even her having something to do with him being here. Or maybe they're connected magically, which I’m always in favor of. Or it's just out of necessity somehow.

    So, yeah, many things to work out. How and why is he here, how did they meet, what's going on, what challenges (beyond his complete lack of knowledge of social norms) are they facing? All that fun stuff.

    It could possibly work sort of mixed with the "Accidental Summoning" idea (above, also in this post), but that only partly fills the blanks, as it itself also needs plenty of details worked out. o.o

    Oh, as for the dream itself, if that is what you were expecting...well, feel free to ask I suppose, but it will really only give insight to smut, not really any help for plot. xD


A Magical Search Thread [Seeking literate, MxF, long term RPs.]


Here go general prompts, things I'd like to play with!

You should definitely feel free to mix more than one thing in this post, if you like. ^^

As before, in any pairing, this color represents the character I wish to play, the female role, while this one represents my partner's, the male role.

Oh, and lastly, when I say “gifted human” I pretty much mean a human with some sort of magical abilities, be it more limited (control of an element, healing, or something) or more of a mage (wider spectrum of magic). Generally speaking, I’m likely willing to play an average human, but usually prefer to play a gifted one. Depends on what we come up with for it though, really.

  • General Prompts


    Angel x Demon

    Demon x Human/Gifted Human x(Currently Craving)

    Human/Gifted Human x Angel x(Currently Craving)

    Offering/Sacrifice x Supernatural Being/Demi-God
    Obviously, if it's a "sacrifice" type of thing, it won't end up as an actual sacrifice. xD The male being/god/whatever he is (can be many things really, thus why I leave it open!) could be expecting it, have requested it, or just find the girl and be "what the fuck is this?". It can be played a few ways. ^^

    Elf x Human/Gifted Human x(Currently Craving)
    Generally more easily done in medieval fantasy settings, but I'm far from opposed to doing it in a modern fantasy one somehow. ^^

    Dragon x Human/Gifted Human
    Shapeshifting dragons only, though. Must have an at least mostly-human form.

    Prince/King x Princess

    Princess x Knight

    Thief/Rogue x Princess/Noble

    Rebel x Princess/Noble

    Rebel x Prince/Noble

    Assassin x Target
    Would pretty obviously have to involve a change of heart on the Assassin’s part, at whatever point.

    “Bad Boy” x “Good Girl” x(Currently Craving)
    Gotta love the classics. =p
    Craving wise, I guess specifically I've been wanting...Something with the girl reaching out/being the only one willing to help the outcast/bad boy everyone's generally intimidated by or such. Show of kindness in turn bringing out a more tender/protective side in him. Just. Hell yes. Eeee~ x3
    Ahem. That said, I'm still willing to play with it in other ways.

    Vampire x Human/Gifted Human
    Fair warning - I can be pretty picky about "kinds" of vampires... ^^' I don't like Twilight ones, but I don't like very traditional versions, either. In fact, left to my own devices, I can stray a lot from the usual vampire mythos. Doesn't mean I will or have to, though! Let's just talk it over, oki?

    Werewolf/Wolf Shapeshifter x Human/Gifted Human
    I'm usually not for the traditional sort of werewolf. Thus why present the pairing like that. I prefer more the shapeshifter sorts...As in, ones who can control their transformations, rather than those who turn only on the full moon and all.

    Werewolf/Wolf Shapeshifter x Werewolf/Wolf Shapeshifter

    Older Brother x Younger Sister
    I am pretty selective about it, as I do like it a lot, but only some ways.
    Step and adopted siblings don't count for me, nor do long lost siblings. Starting off with a pre-established relationship doesn't really interest me very much (incestuous, obviously they'd have a relationship as brother and sister). It's also extremely unlikely that I'll to want to play this without noncon (starting off).

    Rival x Rival

    Experiment x Scientist's Daughter
    Iffy about this one. Only so long as we find a way for the female character to be interesting too. =p

    Enemy x Enemy

    Themes / Story Elements

    Arranged Marriage
    Despite all my time roleplaying, I've yet to do a good one of these. o.o I feel it has such potential, though!

    Myth Based (I lack a better name for it.)
    More specifically, something inspired by the myth of Eros and Psyche.
    Something inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone would also be interesting.
    To be clear, though, I don't mean playing out those stories, I mean something INSPIRED from them. Setting can be modern or not, characters may or not be deities or anything like. o.o

    Rare Females
    Settings or races where females are rare, be it as a whole or just certain types of females (such as ones for magical abilities, for example). Thus being highly valued, a commodity, "ticket" to higher stations/greater things in society, or such.

    Multiple Males x(Currently Craving)
    So, this is something that...honestly, I feel a bit embarrassed looking for, maybe a bit selfish asking. But hey! I've seen people look for odder things, and I'm demanding nothing, so why not? Might actually find someone who thinks it's fun. Moving on! I'd like to do something with multiple male characters (for one female character).
    I'm open to playing it a few ways...Competing, sharing (be it with a setting/society/race where it's common, or not) or both (more than one wanting the same girl, but getting sexual/intimate separately while she doesn't choose, for example). Though one of the last two might be preferred. *cough*

    Twisted Fairytales
    This is just something I've always wanted to try.

    Culture Clash / Cultural Differences
    Fantasy cultures, mostly. Basically characters from different cultures. Differing views on roles in society, gender roles, love, sexuality, any or all of those or other things!

    Girl in All-Male Organization
    Whether the first ever, or just a very rare occurrence. Other than that, pretty self explanatory I think?


RE: A Magical Search Thread [Seeking literate, MxF, long term RPs.]

I'd love to talk to you about a roleplay but I can't PM you.
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