Seeking Long-Term Partner(s)

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Oct 19, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
Alright so I've just gotten back to the site after a couple years, and would like to see if I can't find some long term partners to RP with.

Waning now. I might play my characters a bit fast, or at times a bit slow. There really is no way to really tell till things get going.
If I feel the plot is slowing, then yes, I will have my character(s) move a bit quicker in the plot(s).

My F-list(If people still use these that is) -

I'm looking for partners who don't mind waiting on responses time to time, I can't be on 24/7, nobody can.
I can play both Female and Male characters, but i'm looking to play Female Characters the most, right now. I'm open for any plot ideas. Head's up, while my girls have attitude, they enjoy being submissive, and yet also sometimes getting to be ever so slightly dominate.
My girls seem to always some how get into trouble, or trouble finds them.

Looking for a partner who can handle such things, can be gentle, but also firm. You must be able to not only get her into trouble at points, but also be able to get her out of trouble, just the same. He is dominating, but willing to let her explore, though keeps her on a leash.
My girls will fight being dominated yes, but, it doesn't last forever, promise.

I am also open to less dominating ideas just the same, but my girls don't seem to change as far as there attitude and the trouble finding them. I can play from Past to Future, Human, to Fantasy. After all, i'm not a to picky person, and always willing to often try out new things. I will say i tend to base my girls off myself(Though, not fully) to be honest, just makes them easy to play with that way.

I'm open to doing Role-Play with Males and Females, since i can play both gender of characters. I just ask that you can make a paragraph or more one we have. While i like to try and work around what it is you are craving and wanting the most, i'm rather flexible and willing to often try out new or different things.
If you can't type out a paragraph then i feel the RP will go nowhere fast. I need something to go off of. If i have nothing to go off of, you won't either in the end.
Details details details.

Roleplays will have to be in a PM, as they are just easier to really keep track of right now for me.

ALSO! You will need to be able to keep a plot going. If you can't put your own twists and turns into a plot, let alone manage to work around ones i may toss in, then you may not be able to keep up with me.
While i tend to try and get plots or ideas a little more set in stone, i may often veer off path, just to twist things around, drop the plot out, instead of just running right into the end of it.

You MUST be at least Semi-lit or higher. I can understand typos, I get a lot of them myself, but if i can't even read what you are sending, there is no reason to bother. No chat speaking, other then small things like lol... Out of character that is. I character, no chat speak at all.

I'm a switch, but i've never taken on a role of a full dom, so... But i've done a sub a few times. My girls just have a nice fight to them.

I do NOT want anyone that will power-play or godmold. I'd like to play my character out. No landing hits if a fight breaks out. You may attempt, and i'll choose if i get hit or not. Same the other way around. So long as you keep in mind, it's like dice. You can't stay safe forever, you MUST get hit. Nobody is a god. Everyone takes damage... Hopefully you get the point.

I'd like at least a post a day, more if loved. We all have a real life though, so we know not everyone can be on 24/7. Let me know when you will vanish at any point, and i'll do the same. If not, you may get replaced.
I myself as a heads up, do art and gaming(Should you not see me on for hours at a time past work). So there may be times i don't reply for a day, half a day. And time i'll reply in simple minutes all through the day.

Depending on things, i've got a habit at times as well for playing in 1st person on some of my characters. Depending on character and if they are a legit main character i'll be playing or not. Just as a heads up there.
I give my character's my own looks, don't think you can change who i want my character to look as well. I'd almost forgotten that one. But, you may list some ideas on what you might be hoping for at the most.

And yes i might be being a bit picky, but i'm wanting this to get legit people who want to be in a long-term RP with me here.

You should be able to know how to work with more then just one character at times.
Know how to twist the plot, give it curve balls, keep it going. In other words, you must be able to have a tone of ideas in your head to help keep things alive.

If, you try tossing sex into the plot 24/7 or darn near close to it, i'll more then likely drop the plot. I'm NOT here for smut, unless i've got a plot, that calls for it.
The RP, needs action. Not all the time, but, scattered here and there, to help keep it moving along.

You must be ok with doing PM RPs, as i don't get around to checking the forums all that much to start with. Though, you might be able to convince me into a thread RP. You never really know.

That being said, bumps are welcome, but please contact me through PMs as the only time i may check here is to bump this as well when i feel like trying to find more partners.
There is a princess that's about to forced into a mirage to keep her city from being attacked by the man that is to marry her. His reasons for this is much darker, and the threat is to marry him r loss her home in ashes.
However for whatever the reason is that this is, she's kidnapped by pirates. The goal for this can be anything, from stopping the man's plans that she doesn't know as to why she is t marry. It could be for gold, or anything. But the fact is, there is a bond that starts to form between her and the captain of this crew that took her. She learns more about him, and he starts to learn the truth about who she is as well.

Also i did just work up something more on what Shade is actually like.
So maybe even at some point this pirate captain learns as to whom she really is. She didn't use to be that of royal or whatever it might be. I've not worked the kinks out on that part for this idea as of yet.

Sent with her brother, the two who ruled there home a land of their own. They are sent a letter, her brother must head to another and help them to in turn save their own from what could be a brutal attack on their home. As ninjas they must work to be sure that only other ninjas know. So they must live two lives, each of them. They are on their way to the allying clan that he is to help. But along the way something happens. Her brother is killed and she then hides the fact that she is a girl and takes her brothers place. Those thinking she is a he, she slips at some point when she gets to close to one of them, or something happens and her secret is found out by one who might use it to some advantage to help her keep it hidden. Those two may then start t grow close over time.

Another idea.
She's a simple girl that works in a tavern in her home town with her mother and younger brother. some thug like prince is always bothering her, to the point that when she's turned him down for the last time if she wants to keep her diner open her little brother must be called to server a prince else where as a poison tester of foods the prince i to eat.
In the middle of the night she does the unthinkable and takes his place. Again trying to hide that she is a she, she somehow get's close with the prince. But somewhere along the line she is found out. Once it's known it takes a bit, but she is accepted for the fact of who she really is and they start to get close.

All of these ideas should and will have twist turns and as always some kind of problems for shade to always run into that might give her away and/or help bonds grow, among other things.
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