A Bat in an Unexpected Belfry( ApplepoisoneerxMaiesiobreed)

Edward Nygma stood on the rooftop where Batman had instructed him to wait. Although his face was the picture of composure, behind his eyes was a bursting excitement that threatened to dislodge them from their sockets. Batman had asked for his assistance. His assistance! The World's Greatest Detective needed his help with something and it left him practically giddy. Of course there was the impending challenge, as if Batman would ask for help for anything less than the unsolvable riddle. But then there was the simple fact that he, the Batman, would then be beholden to him, The Riddler. What a treat!
"Nygma." A voice said from behind the Riddler, causing him to spin around. Batman stared at his once foe and kept a stoic face, but he secretly delighted in shocking people with his trademark entrances and tonight was no exception. He snapped back into business mode in a flash, however, and quickly approached the brilliant villain.

"Two weeks ago, the Joker injected me with something after I arrested himself and Harley after they knocked off a chemical plant in the Old Borough of Gotham City. It had no effect on me....at first....but after several days I began to have intense abdominal pain and severe nausea. I've scanned myself, poked, prodded, and have used all of the technology at my disposal, but nothing is working. I...." he said, pausing and then putting a hand on Nygma's shoulder. "I need your help to figure out what the hell is wrong with me."
Edward caught himself grinning and dropped into a neutral expression. He wasn't so much pleased that the Batman was in pain, but at the words he'd used. He decided to try and say something reassuring to make up for appearing to smile at the caped man's pain.

"Have no fear, Caped Crusader. We are the two most brilliant minds in this, or more likely, any other city. Between the two of us, I'm quite sure we will have a solution very soon." He hoped it was enough to convince his former nemesis that they were on the same side for once.
"Hmmm....well I guess we'll see about that if we can figure out what the hell is going on with me. But first things first....Edward, I'm sorry I have to do this," He said, his hand jumping out and a cloud of powder suddenly enveloped Edward. Everything started to go black......

"Edward....nice of you to rejoin us. I apologize about that, but I just can't have you knowing where the Batcave really is and there is no way we're going to figure out what's wrong with me anywhere else," Batman grumbled, as he carefully extended his hand to Nygma and brought him to his feet.

"Ever since I was injected by the Joker I've been nothing but nauseous. I just feel....off, it's not a pleasant feeling," he said, as he put a hand to his stomach. The caped crusader studied Nygma, hoping to see what the young man thought of his situation. He was certainly an odd looking fellow, the outfit did him no favors....but there was something about him, something that made him feel, well, warm when he looked at him. He felt himself blushing slightly and looked away, not wanting to show any weakness.

"What do you think? Where do we go from here?"

Applepoisoneer said:
Edward caught himself grinning and dropped into a neutral expression. He wasn't so much pleased that the Batman was in pain, but at the words he'd used. He decided to try and say something reassuring to make up for appearing to smile at the caped man's pain.

"Have no fear, Caped Crusader. We are the two most brilliant minds in this, or more likely, any other city. Between the two of us, I'm quite sure we will have a solution very soon." He hoped it was enough to convince his former nemesis that they were on the same side for once.
"Bl... Blood work?" Edward asked groggily. His head was starting to clear, and somehow, the image of the Batman looming over him was less threatening than it used to be. In days passed, he would ready himself for a sufficient beating. But now, the dark figure hovering above him was almost comforting. Like, a guardian of some kind.

He took the kevlar-clad hand and raised himself up carefully. "I assume you've run blood work. Let's review the results."
"I'm just getting some weird readings with these....it has to be incorrect, but I've run them several times. My hormones are off the charts and I'm seeing more estrogen in my system that is normal," Bruce said, as he blushed, feeling the form of Edward standing next to him. Damnit, was it hot in here all of a sudden? He felt so....odd...
"Hmm," Edward pondered, only then letting Bruce's hand drop. "In that case, there are a few things we can assume it was meant for; presumably, it was meant for use by women, or those with the desire to live as women." The red head sighed. "I know the Joker is a madman, but really? Who just injects someone with unlabeled chemicals? What could possibly be gained?"

The Riddler already knew the answer, and the questions were merely rhetorical. The "answer", the thing that frustrated him the most about dealing with the clown, was that there was no answer. The only thing to be gained was chaos, and even then, the Joker would only see its outcome when it was too late.
"Those who wish to live their lives as women? I'm not sure what you mean," He said, as he thought back to the blood samples. His estrogen was truly high, almost off the charts for a man. Ever since he had been injected he had been feeling so strangely, so very odd, and...well....it really only happened when he was around other men.

He shuddered a bit, noting how close Nygma was to him. A desire to run his fingers through his red hair suddenly washed over him and he moaned, loudly, and to his absolute horror he felt himself becoming hard under his suit. God....what....what was happening to him!?

"I apologize about that, Ed, I'm not sure what came over me. This serum is just doing strange things to me," he said, another image of him on his knees, in front of Nygma, suddenly forced its way into his brain. He had never done that to a man before, never thought of doing that to a man before.....but suddenly it was all he could think of. He craved it....he needed it.

"I.....I'm not sure what's happening to me....what the clown did to me" he stammered, hoping he wasn't acting too weird in front of Nygma.
"Are you going to be sick? Do you need to sit down?" Edward asked in a careful voice. The dark colors of Batman's suit hid the hardness well, and the Riddler was too busy looking over data to be sure that he'd seen anything at all. He had been about to answer the question Batman had posed, but a loud moan interrupted him. Edward had not found it overtly sexual, though it seemed a little strange when compared to the other moans of pain he'd heard. He puzzled over the fact, studying his former foe before picking up the data again.

"Well, we could try and wait for this to disperse, or we could try hormone replacement therapy with testosterone..." He hummed a little as he worked over the details.
"I don't know what to do....it's just....I've been having thoughts, new thoughts have been pushing their way into my brain every day since the Joker filled me with this nonsense. I've been having strange dreams as well, it's just.....so odd," He said again. "About...well....other men."

Bruce couldn't believe he said it, finally told someone....and Nygma of all people was the one he opened up to. He saw himself again, in front of Nygma, opening his mouth and taking the huge manhood of the Riddle into his mouth....he moaned again, is that what he had always truly wanted.

"I can't stop thinking about...well....you" he said, moving closer to Edward.
"Oh." Edward had the look of someone watching a hideous train crash; facinated, terrified, curious and perhaps even a little disgusted. Somehow, the idea that the Dark Knight would come to him first with this was somehow flattering and unsettling all at once. And the Riddler was unsure of how to proceed.

"Well," He began uncertainly. "I'm sure that... Well, with all these new hormones overwhelming your..." He let his hands flare a little and fall at his side. "I must say, I'm at a loss."
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