Supernatural Nanny Diaries (Krys/Jamie)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal touseled her long blue hair as she rang the doorbell of her friend's house. She hoped that he wouldn't be working. She'd told him she would be in town, but she'd meant to surprise him by coming to his place. It had been a long time since she had seen him. They were childhood friends, but his family had moved back to LA when his grandfather had started getting sick. They had stayed in touch, and every summer he would come and stay with her and her family.

Peter opened the door, looking like he had just woken up. She chuckled lightly at him. "Morning Sleepy-Petey" she greeted, and his eyes widened. He hadn't physically seen her in a year, and he could mske out her dark blue prius in his driveway. His mouth dropped opened. Did she really drive all the way here? He knew his friend had always wanted tobexplore the country, she had told him about her dreams of developing childrens learning games, but he hardly thought LA was the place to do that.

Krystal chuckled. "Yeah. I drove here. This country is full of such pretty things." She told her friend, hugging him. He ushered her in, grinning at her. It felt like a long time since he had seen her. Luckily Perter had the next weeknoff, so he was able to show her around, and bunk with him, the two of them innocently sleepinv in the same bed like they always did. Krystal smiled, singing to the radio as she vookedbup a good breakfast for her friend and his roomate breakfasht when she came to a decision. Even though she'd only been here a week, she loved it here. She was staying.

Once her friend and his roomate were off at work, Krystal started looking through the want ads of the 3 different papers they got at the house. Then she saw an offer she had to at leasr get an interview for. She called the number hesitantly, closing her eyes as she waited for somrone to pick the other side of phone, she grew nervous.

Krystal hoped that they would like her. She often didn't feel good enough to do anything right, even if she'd maintained a B average in college, her major being greaphic design and her minor being early chilldhood developement and education. She was defiantly qualified to be a nanny, and she loved kids, so hopefully after she got back from the interview she was about to set up, she'd have a new live in Nanny job, and be able to visit her best friend more frequently.
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