Craving Eloquent Punishment (F seeking M)

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Jun 13, 2016
...Nothing too purple, flowery or overwrought, of course, just wishing for a partner with a brain and a streak of cruelty. Oh, hi there! You caught me daydreaming again. What about? Oh, horrible, filthy things. Shocking, really. You'd be scandalized to hear. Or maybe not.

Here's me, in a nutshell: I'm a submissive, though not a passive/"doormat" sub (in other words, this isn't one of those "entertain me while I lay here and barely respond" deals. I'll do my best to bring as much heat to a story as you do. I don't claim to be the best RPer or writer in the world, but I promise an effort). I prefer playing via PMs; I CAN hop onto the messenger of your choice, if you prefer real-time play, but my shifting work schedule means I can't do that every single day and there may be delays between our encounters. Your choice!

I have an Flist, over at To recap, though: I enjoy noncon (either complete noncon from start to finish, or a scenario where my character is gradually broken down and comes to accept or even embrace her degradation). I'm curious about bimbofication, but not so much intelligence reduction (at least not around the clock) or mind control; I'm more intrigued by a situation where I'm forced to act as a stereotypical bimbo, while I'm free to be humiliated and seethe in silence. Or start to get shamefully aroused by the experience.

I have a rather pronounced misogyny fetish. It's not my RL worldview, just something that gets me hot and bothered, which I enjoy exploring in fantasy. If this is to your taste, I'll be your main dish. Or I'll cook your favorite dish and have it waiting on the table for you while I fetch your slippers. Whichever.

Here are a few idea-tidbits that've been percolating between my ears of late...

-- In a fantasy realm (an established one, or we can just make it up as we go), my character -- an elite female knight -- is captured by enemy forces. Her fate isn't looking very bright, especially when it's decreed that instead of executing her, she'd be put to better use as a propaganda tool, punished and paraded as a symbol of defeat.

-- My character has drawn the eye of a dark supernatural power (a god, perhaps -- always thought Anubis was pretty hot -- or an ancient demon, or the devil himself), and fallen into his realm. Taken to become his plaything, to join his harem of slaves or face torment for eternity. Or, more likely, to join his harem and face torment for eternity.

-- Ever since the Gamergate thing, I've had a particular daydream. A feminist game designer or journalist is blackmailed into becoming the opposite of everything she stands for, from publicly renouncing her earlier beliefs to doing cosplay as some big-budget game studio's sex kitten mascot. Oodles of public humiliation, groping, and who knows what'll happen at the convention party room once the liquor starts flowing...

Anyway, those are just a few standouts in the disturbingly naughty cesspool of my brain. If those don't strike your fancy but you feel our 'likes' are compatible, feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you would like. And if I like what you like, then, like...sorry, train of thought got derailed there. Just PM me. I'll be standing around, until I have a reason to kneel.
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