F seeking M for Fantasy RP (Furry, Incest, Non-con, Pics, etc.)

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Jun 10, 2016
Hi, I'm Dawn, and I'm looking for RP partners. I have some pretty specific requests, but I'm hoping I can find someone who'll be interested.

I'm looking for someone willing to play a male character against/opposite a female character (or characters) played by me. I don't mind doubling up, and for a few of the scenarios listed, I expect to be playing two or more characters. However, I don't expect or require that you play multiples (unless you want to, of course).

I like: Brother/Sister Incest, Non/Dub-Con, Knotting, Heat/Estrus Cycles, Master/Slave, Fantasy Settings, M/F, F/F, M/F/F

I don't like: Gore, Vore, Snuff, Unsanitary/Bathroom Kinks, Extreme or Lavishly Detailed Violence, Foot Fetishes, Realistic Non-Con/Trauma

I RP: Over PM, Thread, or e-mail. Sorry, no messengers. Also, if you're interested, please contact me via PM.

I can give you: 1 - 2 decent paragraphs and around 1 response per day without burning out. I'm not picky about how much you post as long as it's interesting and contributes to the RP. If we have to toss out a few short posts to keep things moving, I'd rather do that than have the RP drop.

The RP

I want to do an RP set in a fantasy world where everyone is a furry. I've deliberately not done a lot of world building, because I'm not committed to any specific details (if magic exists, if there's a caste system based on breeds, etc). Though, if you're thinking of Jade/Ironclaw or 'Zootopia but it's a fantasy world', you're on the right track. I'm aiming for porn with plot, because I love my smut.

I'll note that other than my 'dislikes', I'm not fully committed to the any particular 'canon'. If you're sitting there going, 'Wow I love that first plot, but I only want to play wolves!' or 'that seems really cool except I don't like sparkledogs,' hit me up and we'll work something out.

Brother/Sister: The first scenario assumes that a royal family/dynasty of dragons has been ruling their nation for thousands of years. The populace view them as distant, powerful, and mysterious. Creatures of immaculate bearing and divine descent. Your character would be a prince/general/lord of this dynasty, and my character would be his younger and/or twin sister. I'd want these characters to be furries/scalies, or even the wolf-dragons you see sometimes, but if they had the power to shapeshift into a 'truer' dragon form (like a D&D dragon), I'd be fine with that too.

I don't really want angst or waxing poetic over how their love is forbidden (though, yeah, it totally is) or anything - or if they were angsting, they got over it a long time ago. I sort of picture a situation where they're both mutually attracted to each other and fairly enthusiastic about their secret relationship - with neither taking advantage of the other. If we want to throw plot into this, maybe they're scheming to take the throne, or my character is married to someone else who's causing problems, or a politician catches them and tries to blackmail them.

Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Master/Slave: This could be done on its own or as part of the above plot, where the Prince is given/buys a slave girl in order to use for himself or to bring along to watch his sister with/have a threesome with. For this, I probably wouldn't want to play a dragon (unless they have no special status and can be enslaved like anyone else), but a different animal that they might consider 'lesser'.

Alternatively, we could flip things around, with a powerful warlord overrunning a city and claiming a number of women as his own. Possibly even the princess from the above example. Or another tribe, desperate not to be conquered, sends along a woman (or women) as tribute to the warlord.

Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Adventure!: Our characters are renowned and/or notorious mercenaries/rogues/sellswords/adventurers. Either with a pre-established relationship (they've known each other for a long time, and are already lovers), or perhaps they could meet for the first time when they both try to loot the same tomb/dungeon/temple/etc. If we want to bring incest into it (and I always do), then they could also be siblings. To be clear, I'd rather this skew more towards 'regular D&D game but with sex' than 'fuck all monsters to proceed'.

This would be the scenario that involves the most worldbuilding, with our characters traveling around the setting, meeting new people and getting into all kinds of trouble. For plot, I'm pretty open, but as a first suggestion, maybe they stole or discovered an artifact that multiple powerful groups are trying to get their hands on.

Examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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