Marinara's M x F/M Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

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May 8, 2016
Figured it was about time to make a proper thread! Admittedly, I've been having pretty poor luck with Blue Moon, but here I am, making one more shot for the stars! So, let's get down to it, shall we?

But Marinara! Where do you roleplay?
Well, my imaginary questionnaire, I roleplay through PMs. I generally avoid threads because I can't keep track of them too well.
Just how 'literate' are you?
Generally I'll spell and punctuate correctly and I've got no problem with writing long posts (or short, if such is your preference); but as a general rule of thumb I'll match whatever you give me. I'm alright as far as actual content goes, but I won't deny there are plenty of people on BM who've got me beat. Hoorah for mediocrity!
Alright, alright, but this is a site for perverts! So what are your kinks?
Jeez, that's a tough one. I'm generally against dealing with F!List personally because I'm just too lazy to dig through all of the listed kinks, but I'll list a few of the things I like for any interested parties.
- Dom/Sub Relationships and Sadomasochism: I can play either role but I don't really like playing against weak male subs. It's only fun when you're pinning down and roughing up a strong guy, y'know?
- Ageplay/Age Gaps: Pretty self-explanatory, I like younger, inexperienced characters versus more experienced, dominant parties. Or I just like age gaps that border on taboo in their degree.
- Incest: Good every once in a while, though I don't much care for Mother x Son.
- Risk of Pregnancy/Internal Cumshots: Never really played it all the way out to full pregnancy, but it could be interesting. Pairs well with a lot of other taboo subjects.
- Dub-/Non-Con: Can play it both ways, but if I'm the aggressor in the situation, I prefer a strong male counterpart, just as before -- likewise, the situation being reversed mid-way through can be pretty fun.
- Size Differences: Hnng, nothing can beat this! It factors into both cuteness and sexiness!
- Non-humans such as Beasts/Animals, Aliens, Monsters and Robots: The more exotic/weird, the better, either as or against.
- Double, Triple, Quadruple Penetration: Just shove it in every hole, eh?
- Face Fucking and Messy Oral/Deep Throating
- Messy everything
I'll think of more eventually. By no means are these items that need to be in the roleplay, they're just little tid bits of things I particularly enjoy; and while I'm not constantly on the lookout for them, I'm generally fine with some elements of gore and abuse.
So then, what do you NOT enjoy?
This is a pretty short list, but it's basically down to: Bimbofication (corruption is fine, though), scat and diaperplay. As far as settings, I've always found a lot of modern settings to be pretty boring unless they have a good twist or taboo element.

Alright, enough with the general information! You came here to know what I'm willing to play; or so I would assume! So here we go.


ANYTHING not human or from the standard catalog of human-like races: Aliens, Monsters, Robots, Specters and so forth, humanoid or not, playing as or against.
DARK themes revolving around fear, psychological as well as body horror, cruelty, and the high probability of a "bad end".
Big Male paired to Small Female in the case of heterosexual pursuits. Can range from just a foot of difference to someone of Herculean stature and beyond. I'm not alone in thinking this is cute/sexy, right?
Dubious or Non-Consent, or Consent that is for some reason retracted.
Alternate Settings (talking outside the typical period of 1200s-1500s) featuring Religious Orders hunting down and persecuting heretics and forcing them to recant.
Twisted, unreciprocated love, stalking, kidnapping, feigning love for a monster to prolong one's survival and stockholm syndrome.
Long family lines mired in intrigue and too many skeletons to count, consuming their own flesh and blood.
Sci-Fi, Derelict Ships/Space Stations, Extra-dimensional visitors and Machines expressing desires beyond their once thought rigid programming.
The friendliness of a stranger in a time of need belying nefarious intent.
YOUR Ideas, Plots and Suggestions!


(Essentially, if it's a video game, it interests me.)
More coming soon..?


After the modern world crumbled under the weight of human want of destruction, the tatters of society came together to try to rebuild, following the example of societies past. With limited resources and danger in spades, towns rise on unsteady legs. Civilization returns slowly, but resembling the old American West. Each settlement very much has its own law, and you're bound to lose your life on the whim of another. Only the strong truly thrive, exploiting the weak to etch out a living in the harsh new world. Among the weak are those who did not make it through the fall of the old world unscathed. Mutated, seen as below humans and unfit for rebuilding mankind. Some are wild, living outside of the rest of humanity as feral men. Others are no different from humans on a cognitive level, but they are widely reviled, looked down upon as simple working stock or burdens of the townsfolk, living on the street or on the fringes of civilization. Many are quite strong, and so they are used for manual labor, and like a stud bull or a thoroughbred horse, they are rewarded with as close a life to luxury as a "non-human" can afford, if they do well. Your role in life, even as one of these mutants, is very much at the whim of the rest of mankind, but you're still a far cry from relegation to a life of misery.

(This is more a setting then anything, and I'm open to playing Mutant x Mutant or Mutant x Human as either role. The physical attributes of the mutants can be anything, from something akin to fantasy races such as elves, to creatures a little more exotic.)

[Pairing and kinks are open, more of a setting than a concrete plot, Master x Slave?]

A desolate village nestled at the center of some perilous natural element (a bog, treacherous, snowy mountains, etc.) has, as of late, been plagued by disappearances. Rumors are abound of a man (or creature) living in the abandoned keep a ways off the beaten path, bringing with him a horde of lesser monsters. The stories aren't given much credence until the elderly Father passes; and though the reasons are wholly natural, rumors of foul play can only be ignored for so long. A young Sister has raised concerns among the religious folk with new ideas, and they seek to temper her new-age thinking by exposing her to just the sort of terrible things their rigid, ancient tenets protect them against. So she is sent out to assume the role of the recently departed, but her curiosity inevitably gets the better of her. Self-assured and thinking the vanishings to be the work of mere bandits, she heads out into the treacherous wilds, possibly never to return.

ALT TAKE: I had at one point considered giving this plot an incestuous twist. The short of it was that as a child, the Sister was raised among "heathen folk", along with her elder brother and parents. Both children exhibited the "affliction" of magic, though this was not known to the enforcers who came to clean up the undesirables. The boy happened to be out in the woods foraging, while the girl was young enough that she could hardly be expected to remember her life, and thus was spared, taken in by the church as a ward. The boy, now void of family and guidance for his gifts, survived in the wilds. His untrained magic twisted his form, leaving him incapable of lingering alongside humans. His sister, meanwhile, had all magical talent repressed, and the strict, pious life she led kept them from ever emerging. As you might expect, the "Little Sister" became the Sister of the story, while the Brother, now in control of his power (and perhaps plotting his revenge) has taken up refuge among the only creatures who will accept him. They might not realize their blood relation at first, especially considering neither resembles the sibling from their memory -- but it would come to light eventually.

[Priestess/Cleric/Sister x "Mad" Sorcerer]

It's summer vacation, and everyone's ready to let loose! Except some poor schmo who's been saddled with his baby sister for much of his cross-country road trip. His parents lent him the car and a fistful of cash, but under the condition that he and his friends drop her off a few states over. It wouldn't be such a big deal if not for his little sister being such a terrible prude. No fooling around or drinking allowed when she's around, as the veritable buzz kill is always reminding him that she'll let their parents know of all the things he's doing. On the verge of accepting that his fun road trip with friends has turned out a total bust, the group happens across a dusty old town, seemingly abandoned. Desperate for a night without the constant reminder of his inhibitions, brother and friends dare the sister, who in spite of all her nagging merely wants to fit in with the mature college kids, to enter one of the town's dilapidated and abandoned buildings in nothing but her skivvies. Caving to peer pressure, she accepts, nothing but a flashlight to her name, not knowing what might lay in store for her.

[Pretty open ended here; can be anything from a creep on the road to something a little more monstrous. Maybe the town was abandoned for a reason?]

That's all I got for now, folks! Otherwise suggest a pairing, a genre or a theme. I love to plot and go back and forth over details! /cuts imaginary red ribbon
Please, please, PLEASE message me with something more than "I want to play ___!" Tell me a bit about what you're looking for, your kinks, any ideas -- just something specific for me to work with!
RE: Marinara's M x F/Futa Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

Someone play with her. She's one of the best partners I've ever had.

RE: Marinara's M x F/Futa Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

Bumping myself. Please, somebody, anybody, send me a PM with a bit of substance.
RE: Marinara's M x F/Futa Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

Quick bump while catching up on things.
RE: Marinara's M x F/Futa Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

wew wew wew
RE: Marinara's M x F/Futa Search, Fandoms and Originals Ahoy!

I'm alive! Also may post up some ideas tomorrow.
Actually updated the first post. Still can't be bothered to list a plot, though.
Finally got a break from some (exhausting) work. Time to work on replies. Also, to actually write some plots.
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