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(Pathfinder: The Leacherous Arena) The Rulz


Jan 30, 2010
In the Moonwood, chasing unicorns.
This is a pathfinder arena game for Freeko and another friend of mine who may not make it. Feel free to peanut gallery and, should you take interst, send me a PM.

(There will be non - con.)

Characters are 3rd level virgin girls of 21 years of age, or their racial equivelent. Alingment is some form of good--though they will surely be tested. They start in the arena and so own no equipmetn, but key equipment like spell books, holy symbols, masterork arms, and skimpy armor will be provided by your masters.

Atributes are 25 point buy.

PVP willl be either non existant or minimal, and only if all parties are comfortable with it.
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