sic parvis magna | randomname98766789 & sixlikesgore

Dec 22, 2014
United States


"greatness from small beginnings"

a one x one between myself and sixlikesgore based on the Uncharted video gaming series

Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher


Nathan Drake

For Nathan Drake’s entire life, it has been tough. When he was only five years old his mother committed suicide and his father gave up custody to the state. He ended up in the Saint Francis Boys' Home, where he was raised by nuns and taught Latin. As he grew, he learned a great deal about the voyages of Francis Drake. By the time he was fifteen, this knowledge led him to Cartagena, Colombia, where the Maritime Museum was holding a Francis Drake exhibit. Included in the exhibit were Francis Drake's ring and astrolabe. Nathan's intention was to steal the ring, although he later stated that he was there to "reclaim" it, as it belongs in his family. While making preparations for the theft, he encounters both Victor Sullivan and Katherine Marlowe. Sullivan had been hired by Marlowe to steal the ring, and a confrontation ensues when both parties attempt their heists at the same time. After Marlowe ordered her men to kill Nate, Sullivan turned against her and helped Nate escape. They strike up a friendship, and Sullivan, impressed by Nate's skills and potential, becomes both a mentor and father figure to Nate. From this point forward, Nate and Sully went on many adventures together and enjoyed being able to make a living with doing something they love.

Now, at the age of thirty, he was searching for something dear to his family. Nate had found some clues from old family papers that traced back to his ancestor Francis Drake. One of the papers gave him a tip of where the coffin was located. Throughout history no one has ever found it and no one ever thought it would be found. The story was that Drake was buried at sea over four hundred years ago so Nathan found himself right off the coast of Panama. With him was a TV show host and journalist Elena Fisher. For the past month, they have spent pretty much every second of every day together. They hit it off immediately with one another and soon found their relationship growing much more than being just a business partnership. Elena was getting her story and Nathan was going to find the coffin but they were both getting so much more.

It started out with just the plan to have Elena tag along to get her story then leave. However, Nathan and Elena agreed neither of them would feel happy if that happened. So after the treasure was recovered and the footage was captured, they would return to the United States and start their lives as a couple. Still, they had not kissed and Nathan was waiting for the perfect time. Almost every night they spent together, they spent huddled up together and cuddling. Nathan loved the way she felt in his arms and he knew already that there was no letting her go after this was over. On the other hand, his mentor Victor Sullivan was not sold on Elena being in it for the long run. Sully, as his friends called him, provided the transport to whatever island they needed and evacuation when necessary. He also needed to find this treasure so he could pay off some debts that he owed.

Regardless, the older man feared Elena was not in this for Nathan and was only in it for money. If she won Nathan over, not only would she get her pay for the documentary but she might even try and clean Nathan out of his cut, too. Sully had never seen his young protégé fall so hard for someone and he knew that Nathan cared for her and Victor cared for Nathan so anyone that tried to do him harm really made him upset. He knew this was a change in Nathan because before, he spoke about how settling down would not be best for him since they traveled a lot but for whatever reason, this TV reporter had captured his heart.
Presently, Nathan and Elena were in the waters off the coast of Panama. This location was supposedly where Sir Francis Drake was buried at sea four hundred years ago along with his treasure inside his coffin. After a day of searching, they were able to detect that something was clearly down in the bottom of the water. Nathan was currently dressing himself in the scuba diving gear, his heart pounding in his chest. He could not believe this was finally happening.



last years model ...


Since the beginning of this journey, Elena hadn't been quite sure what to expect. There were a lot of treasure hunters out there - people who claimed they could kind the lost legends, and expose their truth to the world. But would this Nathan Drake guy really be someone who could actually do that? The twenty-seven year old hadn't been all that convinced when she had first boarded onto Sullivan's boat, camera in hand. After all, her first impressions of the two men weren't exactly the most professional, but she couldn't hold that against them too tightly. Elena knew that her presence here was probably an entirely different experience for the two of them, and that acting natural might not come so.. natural with a camera pointed constantly at them. But such were the rules of engagement; she'd agreed to fund their expedition, so long as Nate and Sully agreed to let her get the full story on it. As rocky as things might've been in the beginning, they all needed each other for this.

As the nights passed, however, Elena had started to feel her guard dissipate completely, and she couldn't keep herself from trying to earn the company of Nathan. Not for anything sexual - no. But for a conversation, a small laugh before bed. She wasn't much for relationships, ever since high school's discovery of indecent people, so it was an experience the reporter definitely hadn't been anticipating on a voyage like this. But when she felt Drake's arms pull her more securely into his chest at night, Elena was completely at peace. And the idea of possibly losing that was something she wasn't ready to face just yet. That possibility was there, of course, but she refused to acknowledge it until it was mentioned in conversation. Asking him to stay with her would be a little much, but if he offered.. she wouldn't be able to refuse.

Several days had passed, and it took them some calculating to properly find the coordinates Nate suspected held the coffin, but Elena was there to patiently capture everything on tape; the views, the frustration, navigating through the waves to try and find their proper location. She'd only taken a break from pressing that record button when the boat had finally come to a stop, and was anchored down, following Nathan's lead with finding her wet suit. The adrenaline that was coursing through her body had her moving a little faster than normal, a bounce to her skip as the thrill of the find was nearly upon them. Having come into this expedition, unsure of what to think, it was more than obvious that the TV host was getting extremely excited.

"Do you think it's really down there?" she asked casually, coming to lean on the doorway of his room, inspecting the lens on her camera. Slowly, hazel orbs lifted from the camera within her hands to Nathan's back, catching her first glimpse of his bare skin as he pulled his wet suit the rest of the way over his torso. Resisting the urge to clear her throat, Elena shifted awkwardly against the door frame, adverting her gaze as the woman's cheeks grew hot with a blush. "I mean, what if it isn't? Back to the drawing board, or.. ?" as she asked her question, Elena slowly glanced back towards him, shifting to give him room to leave his quarters, and follow him back out onto the deck.



Nathan Drake


Pulling on the wetsuit flippers, Nathan’s gaze slowly raised and turned to the doorway to stare at Elena. Before answering, he tugged the final piece over his torso before grabbing his mask and oxygen take to ensure it was full of oxygen and ready to go. The male pushed himself up with his feet and walked to the doorway, stopping right in front of the reporter. One large, gentle hand placed on Elena’s upper arm. “I am confident the coffin is here. I won’t plan for otherwise.” Indeed, Nathan was a confident man because this was his area of expertise. Starting this at such a young age with his brother Samuel meant by the age of thirty, Nathan had close to twenty years of experience in similar situations. Granted, they seemed to get crazy with age but this was Nathan’s entire life’s work right here. He knew nothing else.

Before moving past Elena, Nathan wanted to do something. Every night, they fell asleep with Elena wrapped up in his arms and vice versa. Usually, Nathan was not one for a relationship either. His last relationship ended poorly with another like-minded treasure hunter named Chloe. After this relationship, Nathan figured he was more of a “one or two nights” kind of guy. When he met with Elena though, his entire perspective had changed. Honestly, there were multiple things they needed to talk about but Nate wanted to save it for after they find the coffin and get ready to head back to the mainland. No matter what happened, he was going to ask Elena if he could stay with her even after this was over. He cared far too much for the blonde reporter to let her go after this.

Sullivan, on the other hand, was not happy with this. To him, Nathan was his best friend and the man he mentored for many years and still continued to mentor, actually. Sully did not trust Elena and he did not believe she actually cared for Drake. Countless times, he tried to warn his younger partner that Elena only wanted a piece of the treasure for herself and would just leave him hanging afterwards. It was his job to be apprehensive though. Nathan was like a son to him and Sully just had a difficult time trusting others. Regardless of what might be said, Nathan would never listen to Sully and just assured him Elena was not like that.

Back in the present moment, his hand slowly removed from Elena’s arm and then he leaned down so their faces were close before pressing the softest, gentlest kiss he could onto her cheek. Before kissing her, his brown eyes noticed how they seemed to be blushing and it was no doubt from his physique just a moment ago. How could a woman fake this? Nathan believed her intentions were true. With a half-smile, Nathan strutted on out of the room and onto the upper deck. He peered down into the deep water before placing his mask on his face and then latching in his oxygen tank onto the back of his suit. After final checks passed every test, Nathan was ready to go. The last touch on his attire was a waterproof camera courtesy of Elena that he would attack against the top of his goggles so she could also have footage of him swimming down in the ocean. Before jumping, Nathan turned to Elena and gave her a thumbs up, waiting for her camera to get rolling. Once Elena gave the signal, Nate turned to the water and took a plunge into the ocean, immediately swimming right down to the bottom.



last years model ...


“I am confident the coffin is here. I won’t plan for otherwise.”

Elena was almost immediately reassured by his words; she'd never really been out in the thick of things before. This was her first chance being with a group - two person or otherwise - that had done something this brilliant for most of their life. Hunting for treasure had always been something that Elena was extremely interested in, but she'd never actually thought that she was going to get the chance to go on an expedition for anything ancient or lost. The adrenaline that was already starting to fill the twenty seven year old about the situation had her grinning from ear to ear; Nathan's closeness and reassurances only adding to that goofy look. A goofy look that was almost immediately put on pause when Nathan seemed to hesitate in front of her; his arm lifted from her own, allowing him to lean down to her height better. Immediately, the woman's breath caught in her chest, and her eyes froze in their spot, unable to focus on anything but the wall over Nathan's shoulder. The smell of his cologne wafted into her nostrils, intoxicating Elena's senses as he leaned forward, surprising her with the soft peck against her cheek.

If she hadn't been red in the face beforehand, Elena was definitely feeling the heat and the blood rush to her cheeks upon feeling the pressure of the kiss. As soon as Nate had shifted to motion that he was going to continue down the hallway and out onto the deck of the boat, Elena's eyes squeezed shut, and a deep breath erupted from the back of her throat, suddenly aware that she'd been holding her breath. Taking a moment for herself, making sure that her cheeks had been given enough time to slightly fade out to their natural pale colour, and to fix her pony tail, Elena slowly made her way down the hallway of the boat, heart still thumping a million miles per second. A breath of reassurance ebbed from the back of her throat as she exited the threshold of the ship, readying her camera to check the battery level. "C'mon, Fisher.. get your head in the game." Inhaling the salty air, the woman gave herself a soft nod of reassurance, lifting the camera up to her face in order to see through the eye hole.

Pressing the record, Elena raised her free hand up over her head to give Nathan a thumbs up, signifying that she was ready whenever he was. Approaching the side of the boat as he pushed off into the water, Elena made sure to get a good shot of him descending into the depths of the water, it only taking a matter of seconds before Nate's form was indistinguishable from the surface. As soon as she knew she couldn't see him through the lens, Elena spanned around, taking the opportunity to get some long distance shots, or filler clips. But she'd have to pay attention to the camera that was attached to Drake's mask; a small camera that'd give her just enough sight to see what Nate did down there. It was, cleverly, also a marker for when Elena needed to have her camera ready for when he was surfacing; missing that shot would be too much of an amateur mistake. So, after she'd felt comfortable with the footage she'd been able to capture along the sides of the boat, Elena made her way into the Bridge to see how Sully was making out, and to keep an eye on the camera feed to Nathan.




Nathan Drake


Deeper and deeper Nathan traveled into the ocean blue. His heart was pounding in his chest and hammering loudly in his ears. Despite the scuba tank, it almost felt like he was lacking oxygen into his lungs. Looking down on his arm and viewing the radar, he noticed the pinging was becoming louder and more consistent. The coffin, or something, was nearby. Finally reaching the ocean floor, he found what looked to be a coffin. He knew exactly what to look for and this coffin definitely fit the role. The architecture showed it to be over four hundred years old and it looked just like what Nathan expected. Sand and other ocean pieces buried it underneath. It took some trying but Nathan finally wrenched it free and pulled it from the ocean floor. It was rather heavy but it could be the stone used to construct the coffin. However, Nathan was adamant and confident that Sir Francis Drake’s body was inside here. With a deep breath, he allowed the camera he was wearing to capture all of its beauty before slowly ascending towards the surface. Now, Mr. Drake was quite the fit man but even this was putting some toil and tear on his body.

It took all of thirty minutes but Nathan resurfaced with the coffin. Outside the boat, a small lever was resting where he could just lift the coffin onto the boat. After placing the coffin onto the surface, he climbed back into the boat once Elena captured a nice shot of him returning to the surface. Nathan smiled at the camera, but he was actually just smiling at Elena. He figured she understood what he meant. Pulling the lever, the coffin was raised into the air until he could grab it and set it down onto the boat. Pulling off his mask and snorkel, Nathan inhaled a deep breath before nodding towards the blonde and then returning his focus towards the coffin. Grabbing the hinges, he grunted while sliding off the top after knocking off the locks with a hammer. Inside, there was no body to be found. However, it was not empty. A small book was placed inside by itself. Reaching down, Drake took the journal and looked through a few pages until he realized that it was Francis Drake’s diary. Most of the pages were ship logs, like a normal Captain might keep but later on through the book, he noticed how everything changed, looking like he was writing in some kind of secret code and puzzles. Even worse, the last page of the diary was missing.

Before this whole ordeal, Sully warned Nate about this. After retrieving the coffin, he should cut off all communication with her and they were done. All that she paid for was to get this footage on the boat and that was it but Nathan was just lovestricken. He took the diary and showed it to Elena, even letting her hold it and look through it. “This is Sir Francis Drake’s diary.” He explained both to her and the audience that would watch this documentary. “Many people believed that Drake actually faked his own death to protect this huge treasure he was about to find. There are a couple maps inside but the last page is missing.” Basically, their journey was not over but it was only beginning. He only hoped that Elena would tag along for the ride. Looking up into the distance, he noticed something awry. A large ship was quickly speeding towards them. Modern day pirates and they were not looking for friendly company. “Oh shit… Elena… we have company.” Quickly, he grabbed the radio and called in for Sully to send them an evacuation in his plane. After doing so, he grabbed a handgun and slid one over to Elena. “Hope you can shoot…”



last years model ...


The underwater camera was absolutely marvelous. Elena had never been able to see anything like that up close - not unless it was on a television screen, hosted by National Geographic. The reporter had never had the chance to see something so amazing in person, to be involved with the expedition of something. It was an accelerating adrenaline rush that left her heart pounding, an uncontrollable feeling that grew the deeper Nathan's strokes took him. If they could find this coffin.. If there was actually a body inside of it.. It would mean a great deal of many things; that Francis Drake had existed, for one. And that his treasure could be real, too. No one had ever come this close to finding his remains.. nothing but a few Spanish coins. But here she was, watching Nate dive to try and find a lost piece of history.

The twenty seven year old was so enthralled with the idea of Nathan finding something, that she didn't even mind Sully's slight huffs and disapproving grunts when she'd make a comment about the atmosphere on the television, or ask a question about him and Nate. By now, she was more than used to the way Sullivan was treating her - she was the girl next door, barging in and stealing the son away from the dad. It was obvious for Elena to see the worry in Sully's face when he looked at the two of them together, and there wasn't a bone in her body that could come up with a way to try and convince him she wasn't horrible. That this - whatever this was between her and Nate - wasn't a bad thing, and she wasn't taking advantage of him.

When Drake discovered something, Elena was instantly ecstatic. The blond did her best to contain it, wanting to keep a professional outlook for the viewers out there, but it was exceptionally hard when she came back out onto the deck, camera in hand, pointed towards the crane Nathan was now operating. His smile definitely didn't go unchecked, and she gave him a small wave behind the camera, returning it even though she kept her camera focused, not wanting to miss a second. As the crane hoisted the coffin and shifted the structure to rest on the deck's surface, Elena was quick to come to Nate's side, getting a good look of the outside markings and natural changes over time. As she rounded to the opposite side of the coffin, she nodded her head, allowing him to silently know she was ready for him to pry it open. Automatically, as Elena rounded to reveal what was inside the coffin to the camera, she let out a sightly disappointed, but confused, gasp. "He's.. not here."

Film still rolling, Elena watched above the camera as Nate leaned down and grabbed the only parchment within the coffin. A waterlogged journal. The moment Nate announced who the journal belonged to, her jaw slightly went slack, and a confused glance was passed between the journal and the empty coffin. "So wait. You're.. you're saying that he faked his death? He actually managed to do that to hide a treasure?" There wasn't any disbelief in her voice, although her surprise was extremely apparent.

About to ask another question, reaching to slide her fingers over the material of the page to try and decipher what it was made out of, Nate's words took her completely by surprise. “Oh shit… Elena… we have company.” Shifting her body to face the direction he was face, Elena's hands gripped harder against her camera, now resting against her stomach. The moment she heard the gun slide along a crate towards her, Elena almost fumbled and dropped her camera to catch it, mind still in a dismay as she tried to wrap it around the oncoming situation. "Okay.. Pirates.. We just found a dead guy's empty coffin. This should be a piece of cake." Giving herself an encouraging nod, the young woman set the camera in a spot where she was hoping would be out of gunshot, but kept the film rolling, just in case.

Taking cover behind one of the crates in the middle of the boat, Elena gave Nate a quick glance before checking the magazine within her gun. Clicking the safety off, she inhaled another deep breath, almost flinching as soon as she heard a stray bullet being fired off from the opposite boat. "Don't suppose they'd just go away if we asked nicely, huh?" the woman whispered in a hopeful tone over to Drake, keeping her head low, gun poised at the ready.



Nathan Drake

“I don’t think these people are the talkative type.” Nathan answered while looking towards Elena. Almost immediately after this sentence was spoken, a couple bullets riddled the crates they hid behind and made Nathan flinch slightly. “See… we’re going to fight our way out until Sully can pick us up.” They couldn’t exactly call the Coast Guard or anyone for help seeing as they did not have permits to be here.

Regardless, Nathan was a good shot and hoped Elena was too. The first smaller boat to arrive swerved towards the left. Two pirates were shooting at the couple. Waiting until both pirates were on the lower deck and beside a barrel, Nathan smartly peeked over and shot the barrel, exploding the pirates and the boat itself. Ammo was going to be a necessity here so it was important to not waste any bullets.

The second boat was also handled the same way. Nathan kept himself and Elena ducked down behind the crates, only peeking out when both pirates were close to a gas barrel before shooting and exploding it into a fiery blaze. It seemed that his strategy was foiled because he watched a few pirates jump into the water and start climbing towards their own boat. His eyes darted back and forth quickly, unsure of what entrance might be used.

A few seconds later, the pirates climbed aboard. Their proximity to Nathan allowed for some hand-to-hand combat. All by himself, Nathan was able to take down about three of the foes and pick up their ammunition after disposing of them. At first glance, Drake might not look to be overly strong but he actually was quite strong and it showed with his fighting skills. Plus, he felt an adrenaline rush to keep Elena safe.

Right now, that was his only goal. The treasure did not matter, Francis Drake did not matter, only Elena did. Never before had a woman he met so soon meant so much to him. That fact was established but her life was really in danger right now and being the true man he is, Nathan would fight until his death to protect her. She was actually the safest she could be considering if anyone was going to hurt her, they would have to literally kill him first.

Four more pirates climbed aboard and Nathan used his pistol to kill two of them while engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the other two. Around this time, a larger boat arrived. It was a gunboat and it carried a mounted turret and a rocket launcher. Quickly returning to Elena’s side, the boat was being shot up and blow to shreds. “Where the hell are you, Sully?” Nate mumbled to himself, keeping an arm around Elena to protect her as they were forced to constantly move from cover to cover as the gunboat circled them.

Right on time, a loud buzzing of a plane shot through the sky. Victor Sullivan was here to save the day, landing right beside of their boat with the enemy boat closing in. “Come on! You guys better hurry up! Your boat is going to explode!” Looking towards the area he pointed, the boat was catching fire in a hurry. Grabbing all of their necessary items, Nathan took the plunge with Elena, jumping from their boat over towards the wing of Sully’s plane as it exploded. Keeping a firm grip on Elena, Nate pulled her with him safely inside the sea plane.

While Sully was taking off, the automatic turret was continuing to fire off rounds at the plane but Sully quickly pulled up high enough out of sight and they looked safe for the time being. Exhausted, Nate just fell against one of the seats in the back. “Elena…? Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?” That was his first worry right now. He wanted to check her and so he did, looking all over her body to see any wounds or blood.

It looked as if they both made it out of the situation rather unscathed and unharmed but it was certainly a close call. Plus, Nate was also able to make out with the diary but that was not his priority right now. It was just holding Elena and being thankful for her. He removed the diary and placed it onto the seat beside of him.

“So… I am guessing the coffin didn’t have a body, kid?” Sully asked, seemingly worried about the treasure more than anything. “That’s right. No body inside but I found Francis Drake’s journal. There are a couple maps inside and I think I was right. He must have faked his own death to hide the treasure.”

“I hope so. A journal won’t bring us a pay day.” Sully answered back, always worried about how much money they can make.



last years model ...


Being a reporter meant a lot of things; you had to be what the situation needed you to be. At all times. Elena's surroundings were always constantly changing, whether she was back at the studio, out on the field, or at home. She had to be a flexible woman, and squeeze herself into all sorts of different situations, and appear like she had the experience to deal with them properly. Being in a situation like this, however, was entirely new to the woman. Never, in her life, had she manned a gun before - the closest thing that she had ever aimed at anyone had been a camera lens. But, luckily, even something as harmless as a camera gave her quite the experience in holding something steadily. Although the twenty seven year old had never once, in her life, fired a gun before, she'd shot multiple different cameras, and had a lot of experience with a steady hand because of it. Surely, a steady hand wasn't the only thing required in order to fire a gun, but it would definitely help in the situation.

Something Elena demonstrated very well from her round-about cover, only peeking up every so often when she knew she'd be able to either take a shot, or at least access the situation they were in, without anyone noticing her too heavily. It helped that Nathan was the main source of their assault; most likely because Drake was very much capable, as he displayed, when it came to hand-to-hand combat. That man's right hook was enthralling to watch.. Even so, distractions aside, Elena made sure to watch his back, firing off a pot shot whenever she could line one up with an individual that was choosing to try and do damage from afar; giving Nathan a chance to clear up some of the attackers with his hands, while Elena took care of the ranged opponents. Even so.. The exploding barrels definitely weren't a common occurrence for Elena.

Neither was the large gunboat that had decided to join the party.

"Uh.. Nate.. !?" Elena questioned as the ship rounded their vessel, causing the duo to have to shift around to gain different angles of cover. Gritting her teeth through the rumbles of debris flying every which way, and the shake of the rocket launcher connecting with the ship, Elena kept herself close to Nate, allowing them to guide them to their next destination the moment the gunboat would round about again. His voiced question about where the hell Sully was met with a nod of agreeance, completely beside herself with trying to figure out what their options even were. Bailing over the side of the ship would be just as hopeless as remaining on it without Sully's help..

The sound of the plane's propellers hit Elena's eats like an angel's voice; her body was ready to get moving the moment the fire was pointed out. Shifting onto her feet better, Elena took off to grab the camera, not willing to risk losing all of that footage, and was quick to escape the burning vessel with Nate. The crash landing into the rough sea below hadn't been anticipated, and the shock of the cold water almost completely expelled the air within Elena's lungs, but Nathan didn't give her body a long enough chance to take any of it in; he was pulling her onto the plane, easing her into its safety before her mind could completely register what was going on.

Collapsing beside Nate, a few rough coughs ebbed from the back of the journalist's mouth, spitting up a small mouthful of salt water. Rubbing her mouth with the back of her hand, Elena's body eased back against the seat she had fallen into, eyelids opening to look at Nathan as he asked if she was alright. The woman couldn't even get her mouth open before he was already searching her over, trying to locate if anything had been hurt, or broken, in the disarray. Weakly, she shook her head 'no', shifting the camera to set it beside her on the next seat over. "No, no.. Fine. I think I'm fine." There was a bit of a graze along her right upper arm, where a bullet skimmed along her skin, but it was nothing more than a bit of a scratch; a luckily mistimed bullet. "What.. what about you?" Almost instantly, the fatigue Elena had been expressing in her body language seemed to disappear the moment she turned the tables back on him, lifting a hand to smooth it over his cheek.

Falling silent as Sully asked Nathan a question, her face slightly twisted after the old man's later response about their pay day. It made her grip around Nate slightly increase, hugging him a bit more secure than she had been moments before. "Yeah, and I bet Nate feels fine, Sullivan. Thanks for asking." the blond grumbled from their position behind the cockpit, unsure if Sullivan would've been able to hear her snarky remark or not - and, to be honest, wasn't too concerned if he did.

"Speaking of pay day.." the blue-eyed woman started, glancing towards the camera she'd barely made it out of there with. "My.. producers really aren't going to like hearing that we blew up the boat. Don't suppose you boys got a savings account, or anything, right?"



Nathan Drake

Thankfully, Elena looked to be alright other than a small scratch on her upper arm. Small as it was, Nathan was going to immediately tend to it. Before he could move, the woman was checking him out as well and in response, he wrapped his own arms tightly around her, chuckling quietly and her response to Sully. Of course, Sully meant well by everything. He just naturally assumed Nate was alright since Nathan Drake was always a man of great reserve and action. Rarely did he see Nathan Drake falter at anything so after everything was over, the younger male stared into Elena’s eyes and curiously watched her. His hands cupped her face in a gentle touch while thinking about the boat. “Oh yeah… the boat. I’m sorry about that. I hope with this treasure we eventually find will be enough to buy you an even bigger boat.” He spoke, giving her a little pout so she wasn’t mad about that. Before pulling away though, he did tilt his head slightly and lean forward to give her yet another kiss. This one was a tease, right on the corner where her lips met her cheek, not wanting to be too forward but wanting her to be desiring more. Winking, he finally stood up from the ground and assisted Elena into the chair beside of them.

After commanding Elena to stay put, Nathan assessed the situation. Her bleeding was definitely not excessive and it hardly even existed so there was no need for any kind of tourniquet. Taking a bottle of water, he handed it to her good hand and allowed her to take a few sips. A second water bottle was taken and a hole was poked through the top so a jet stream of water could be sprayed on her small wound to clean it. Even the smallest wounds can become infected, though. That was the biggest possible problem. An antibiotic ointment was applied which completely stopped any bleeding that might remain. Lastly, a bandage was applied and then a tight wraparound of cloth was added to keep the dressing in place and the proper treatment of her wound was taken care. It just showed how much Nathan cared about Elena. His first priority was not reading the diary; it was actually taking care of Elena. So after he finished, Nathan leaned down to press a kiss over the bandage before joining Elena on a chair beside of her.

Upon double checking the blonde reporter, Nathan decided she was doing just fine so now he allowed himself to relax and check out the diary. Sully warned Nathan to not let Elena have anymore information than what she paid for and this was much more. Sully thought they were going to ditch her on the pier but looking behind the cockpit, he figured Nate must have a different plan. “Francis Drake must have hidden this to keep his final treasure from getting out when he returned to England.” Nathan murmured, his eyes darkened and squinting in though. His forehead wrinkled slightly and he stroked his gruff, forming beard along his chin while in deep thought. Opening to one of the pages, he pointed to the words “El Dorado”, thinking that this could be the treasure. “El Dorado was believed to be a lost city of gold but nobody ever found anything. The last, missing page might tell us something about it but there is a map here. It’s somewhere in the jungles of Central America so either the city is there or another clue is but I think our next stop is the Amazon.”

Nathan figured all of this out in a matter of ten minutes at most without any outside help. He was truly a natural at this and he smiled triumphantly at Elena before pocketing the diary again while Sully landed the plane and arrived back to the pier. “Looks like we’re back now. I guess you should call in with your producer, check in and tell him the news?” He suggested since she often did that with any major updates, standing up and grabbing both of their bags like a gentleman as the exited the plane and got onto the docks.



last years model ...


“Oh yeah… the boat. I’m sorry about that. I hope with this treasure we eventually find will be enough to buy you an even bigger boat.” Elena smirked at Nate's response, unable to help but soak up the adorable pout his lips had formed. "I'm not really concerned with the whole boat explosion thing," the reporter replied with a small wink. "My producers, on the other hand.." her light-hearted tone trailed off, slightly hinting at the actual seriousness of her words. Boats were never really Elena's thing - cars, on the other hand, was something she had dived more into. But that didn't change the fact that her producers were the ones responsible for paying for the boat rental, considering it was the only way they'd get the chance to shoot the television show. No funding, no show - there wasn't much of a choice on their end. The little kiss Nate had placed on the corner of her lips instantly had her mind very far off from thinking about the boat complications, however, and a soft pulse of heat flushed within her cheeks as the blond raised her hand to idly touch where he'd placed the kiss.

If the tingles along the corner of her lips wasn't enough, the butterflies that kept looping within her stomach was enough to make her head almost spin. She hadn't felt like this in years - since she was a child, to be honest, with her first crush. Naturally, it didn't go anywhere, because of their age, and the innocence of it all. But the same weightless feeling pulsed around her whenever her and Nathan's eyes connected, and it was starting to slightly make her head spin (of course, not in a bad way.. just a way that Elena wasn't accustomed to).

Sitting still, or as still as she possibly could, Elena couldn't keep the grin off her face as Nate fussed and treated the cut along her bicep. The twenty seven year old had never been tended to like this in her life, not even as a child. Cuts and scraps were usually ignored, rinsed off whenever she bathed next, and healed on their own. So, to be cared for like this from someone she was getting to know.. it was too great of a feeling to be able to mask. The added touch of a kiss over the clean bandage was the icing on the cake for the young woman; only adding to the small blush that'd been starting from the gentle kiss he'd given her. Luckily, after he was satisfied that her arm was well-cleaned and secured, it didn't take long for Nathan's attention to alter to the diary he'd found; something that Elena was more than glad to focus on in order to drain the blush from her face.

The reporter watched as Nate fingered through the pages, reading the details and muttering to himself about the lore behind Francis. His passion for this was more than awe-inspiring, and she couldn't keep the smile off her face. She scooted a little closer, in order to see the pages in which he was pointing and referring to as he went over them, content with listening and learning. It wasn't until Nate came to his sudden conclusion about where their next location was that she let out a small surprised breath, eyebrows rising to emphasize how impressed she was. "I.. really regret not having the camera rolling for that," she mused afterwards, glancing up from the diary to Nate. "That was incredible."

At the mention of checking in, Elena nodded in agreeance, shifting to collect the camera as Nate retrieved their bags. Offering him a smile as thanks, she followed him out, stepping onto the pier's dock a bit eagerly. It was good to feel something solid under her feet again that wasn't nestled in the water's waves. Stretching her arms out above her head after retrieving her phone from her things, Elena took a moment to get the feeling back in her limbs before taking a few steps from the duo, letting them discuss anything they had to about their next travel arrangements, while she made her phone call. The beginning of it was good - her producers enjoyed hearing from her, nine times out of ten, considering it was nothing but good news up to this point. Key words being up to this point.

".. it kind of, well.. exploded?" the blond tried to explain in the softest of tones possible, lifting her free hand to scratch at the back of her neck. The response she got from the other end of the line had her slightly visibly cringing, but Elena was quick to try and turn the situation around. "I don't want to hear about our budget numbers - do you even realize what kind of history we could be uncovering here? Well, these kinds of things are covered under insurance, right?" The hope within her voice was more than noticeable, and it was instantly visible when that hope was crushed the a million pieces. ".. we, we don't have insurance.. ? That could be a problem.." Biting the inside of her lip through the rest of the conversation, Elena made nothing but agreeing grunts and sounds into the receiver, sensing the intensity of the situation she was now in. Muttering her goodbyes and apologies for the last time, Elena hung up the contraption, instantly releasing an over-accumulated sigh.

Nothing but her camera now, Elena took a deep breath and walked over to a storage barrel on the dock, perching herself on top of it. Crossing her legs, the blond started to go through the footage she'd already been able to capture, her teeth working her lower lip nervously. It was more than obvious that her producers were close to cutting her off completely - without their okay, this whole expedition would become bankrupt. But they weren't happy with their results, and the idea of having to possibly pitch in more than what their budget had called for. It was obvious they just wanted this for the story, the big pay off that was going to be in their pockets after all the editing was finished. Elena just wasn't sure if she'd be able to go along with their ploys for long, if that was their agenda.



Nathan Drake

It was not really his own fault for the boat being exploded. The pirates were the culprits but that probably made no difference to Elena’s company and producers. Out of caring for the young woman, Nathan made a mental promise to Elena, ensuring he would pay her company for everything and more just to save her tail. He did not want something like this to ruin her career and ruin her reputation. Her success was important to him. Knowing that she was smiling and happy and doing the job she loved was what he wanted. Nathan just hoped they were able to continue this after all. Up to this point, he still did not believe she only wanted his money or some of the treasure even if Sully did. Once the boats arrived on the pier again, Nate watched as the blonde exited the boat and walked towards the pier and the water. The sun was setting over the horizon and just looking at her standing in the water was a beautiful sight even though her facial expression changed, showing that she probably talked to her producers about the boat and the thought made him cringe. It might be a big deal truthfully but Nathan was happy they were safe and alive right now. That’s all that mattered in the end, no matter what the producers might say. Nathan would rather lose the boat and lose the treasure, even, than losing Elena. It was a big deal for him to think that about someone.

“Earth to Nathan. Are you there?” Sully boomed, plunking Nathan’s temple with his forefinger. Nathan hissed at the sudden surprise of a touch and shook his head. “Oh yeah, I’m here. Sorry. Where were we again?” Nathan asked, remembering they were talking about their next location and when to go before he got sidetracked while watching Elena. Sully talked some more but he found himself staring again and Sully just stood in front of him, blocking the view. “You know it’s a bad idea to keep her around. The only thing we agreed to was her getting to film you recovering the casket. Nothing was there so she should go, Nate. I know that you care about her but you know that people only want money. That’s why she’s been so close to you and tried to win your favor. She expects a big pay day once this is over and then you’ll probably never see her again.” Sully spoke with a sad look on his face. “I love you, kid. I just don’t want to see you hurt. It would be best to just leave right now and keep her on the pier.” Sully suggested and nudged him.

Frowning, Nathan shook off the older man. “No, Sully. We’re not doing that, okay? I get it. You think she doesn’t really care for me and only wants my money. That’s not what I think. The moments we have shared, I don’t think that can be faked. I might be blinded but right now I’ve never cared so much for a woman as I do with Elena. I want what we have to last longer than this trip and I want her to be beside me on the trip because she makes this adventure even better. I don’t care if we never find the treasure, Sully. I’ll be the richest man in the world whether we find it or not.” Obviously, Nate mean being rich as having Elena one way or the other. If the treasure hunt was a bust, they would probably both be looking for work, but at least they would be together. Finally, Sully begrudgingly accepted Nathan would not change his mind. He also promised to give his best shot and giving Elena a chance and not automatically assuming the worst every single time something happens. The male decided they would leave early in the morning and just rest tonight since there was no real hurry. Thanking Sully, Nathan finally was able to exit the seaplane and walk onto the pier. He found Elena sitting down at the end on the barrel with her legs crossed and looked rather upset. Nathan wanted to cheer her up and he knew exactly what to do.

Upon reaching Elena, Nathan did not speak a single word. Instead, he wrapped both of his strong arms tightly around the young blonde woman and squeezed her into a tight hug. This forced their foreheads to touch and their noses touched as well. Titling his head to the right slightly, Nate closed his eyes and pressed a firm kiss to her lips. It started out slow and chaste, just pressing their lips together and touching them for a few seconds. However, it quickly grew into much more when Nate began moving his upper and lower lips against Elena’s to increase the passion. After his brown head of hair tilted further to the right, Nathan allowed his tongue to peek out and trace the outline of Elena’s lips until he poked and prodded enough to be granted entrance inside of her mouth. His hands were resting on her thighs while he slithered and slipped his tongue across every inch inside of the reporter’s mouth that he could possible reach. When pulling away from the passionate kiss and embrace, Nathan found himself breathing heavily while looking down at his swollen lips from the kiss. That was alright with him, though. Everything was worth it for Elena and he just stood there with the girl against his body. “I guess the call didn’t go so well but I want to take your mind off it. We won’t be leaving until tomorrow morning after the sunrises so I guess we can spend tonight together if that’s alright with you.” The last part was teasing and playful because he knew good and well they would be in each other’s arms again tonight, as every night so far.




last years model ...


Between the focus on the camera screen within her lap, and the sound of the waves crashing into the shower, Elena was rather clueless to Nate leaving the plane, and furthermore, didn't hear his footsteps approaching her on the pier. Although her eyes seemed occupied with going over what she'd been able to capture, her mind was miles away; entrapped with the idea that she had possibly started leading Nate on when it came to what her producers were expecting from him. She didn't know the full story behind it, and by the sounds of things, they were getting pretty close to just cutting the three of them off altogether; stranding Elena with no way home, let alone to survive in her current location.

So, when Nate suddenly appeared and wrapped his strong embrace around her, Elena let out a bit of a surprised gasp, and dropped her camera into the security net of her crossed legs. "Jesus Nat-" had been the beginning of Elena's exclamation of shock, her smile still clear through her surprise, until Nathan had cut her off with his lips. Immediately, it was as though the twenty four year old melted into his arms, coming to bring her now free hands to wrap around him in return, right palm sliding up into the back of his hairline, playing with the strands idly between her fingers. She'd been expecting, and more than happy, with a gentle, soft kiss. But the moment she felt the increase of passion, Elena's breath nearly caught completely in her throat.

Sliding her lips open just the slightest, allowing Nate entrance into her mouth, it was almost like someone had flicked a switch for the reporter. Instantly, upon feeling and tasting Nathan's tongue, she worked against the kiss, intent on returning just as much as she received. The grip within his hair tightened a bit, pulling him closer to her, unable to get enough of the man's embrace and taste before her. It wasn't until he broke the kiss that Elena's eyelids slowly started to open, and her heavy breathing became very apparent; her shoulders and chest both shaking with the deep inhales she had to take just to calm her lungs. If that wasn't enough to make it obvious, the blush and bewildered face on Elena's features should've been more than enough insight that her entire body felt like it was on fire, and it was all thanks to the simplest of touches from him.

Nate's next batch of words had Elena's lips piercing into a wide grin, and she playfully cocked her gaze at him, pursing her lips in fake thought. "Hmm.. I don't know," the blond started teasingly. "I've been putting some thought into spending time with you, Nathan Drake. And, after that last explosion.." the woman trailed off for a moment, sliding her hand from the back of his hairline to cup against his cheek softly. "I think I've deemed you just too darn dangerous." A joking smile pulled over her lips, and she leaned forward, rubbing the tip of her nose against his own. Dropping her hand to casually drape her arms over his shoulders in a small embrace, she slowly nodded her head to really answer his proposition, unable to keep the grin from her face. "I'd love that, but.. I have a feeling you already know that." The reporter's hazel eyes narrowed in his direction, showing that she was fully aware her words were most likely true.

Releasing her hold from around his shoulders, Elena picked up her camera after shutting it down, and secured it within the grip of her left hand. Untangling her legs from their crossed position, she let them rest on either side of Nate's waist for a moment, stretching up to plant a soft kiss to the tip of his nose, before she wiggled off the surface of the barrel back onto solid ground. "Plus," she started, taking his hand playfully and giving it a soft tug to initiate their walk forward. "I gotta get outta this thing. And finding some food wouldn't be so bad, either." Naturally, Elena was referring to the wet suit she still had on, since she hadn't had the chance to get to her bag long enough to do so, yet.

Over dinner, she imagined they could finally relax for a moment - get over the small hiccup about pirates wanting to blow them up - and figure out their next heading a bit better. With some better planning.. and hopefully not another boat.


sic parvis magna | randomname98766789 & sixlikesgore





While Elena was only teasing, her words underlined Nathan’s biggest fear. Now, the average woman would probably be done with Nate after twenty-four hours because of all this adventurous and dangerous stunts he pulled. She was correct: being around Nathan Drake was a dangerous thing to do. However, Nathan appreciated that Elena did not mind the risk. She must have enjoyed the trip so far because she still seemed so excited about the next step even if her producers were growing angry. Elena Fisher was one in a million, Nathan would never forget that. The gentle touch of her small hand cupping his cheek or wrapping loosely around his shoulder sent a cold shiver up his spine yet it ignited flames all across his body at the same time. A matching grin spread across his handsome features when Elena nuzzled their noses together and his brown eyes slowly closed to focus on how wonderful it felt to have the blonde reporter so close to him. This time spent together truly started something beautiful and Nathan hoped it was going to last. For him, finding Francis Drake’s treasure was not the ultimate prize anymore. The ultimate prize was already won, it seemed.

Once the teasing finished and the real answered began, Nathan just chuckled quietly because he already knew the answer to his own question. All he wanted to do was hear Elena confirm his thoughts. Allowing their hands to tangle, Nathan followed wherever she wanted to go. “I think we can arrange for this to happen.” The dark-haired male grinned, following her back inside of the boat docked onto the pier. Sully normally slept in his seaplane or on the pier while they did have his own boat docked just in case anything went wrong. This usually was the location of Nathan’s and Elena’s resting place. Plus, it provided them some privacy from the older male. Tonight, Nathan felt more comfortable around Elena than ever before. Upon entering their little shared bedroom area where they formed a mattress with cushions and blankets, Nathan stripped off his wetsuit right in front of Elena. Soon enough, he stood only with his soaked boxers but they were quickly removed, too. While standing completely naked, he decided to be bold and not hide himself or even make a comment about what he did, acting as if it was completely natural and casual to do.

The suite and boxers were tossed into a far corner where he could remember to dry them sometime soon before turning to a duffle bag where his clothes were kept. During this time, Nathan ensured that he spent an equal amount of time between facing Elena and facing away from Elena so the young woman could take in and learn about every inch of his body. Unsure if she was okay with it happening, he would cover himself if she asked but if she did not say anything negative or if she reacted positively, he remained naked until finding a clean pair of boxers to slide over his hips. Once this was finished, the explorer made a decision that he wore enough clothes for now. Elena spoke about being hungry so he began rummaging around their food supply before finding some canned food and protein bars to eat. This was usually the diet whenever Nathan was on the run from something or towards something. When they reach the amazon, they might could find something different than canned food in a village or a big city along the way as they did here off the Pacific while searching for the coffin.

For tonight, they were just dining simple. After gathering food for both, he plopped down onto the makeshift bed and brought out a couple water bottles for them each. From that point on, he dug into his own can of food and started eating while watching Elena. He hoped his actions would allow Elena to let down her guard further than before. Even if nothing resulted from it, he simply wanted to see her body and feel her skin against his. If it turned into anything more than being innocent and comfortable, he would not complain yet he would not push the issue, either. To him, Nathan already knew how deeply he cared for Elena and he saw no reason why he could not show off his body around her. Besides, as far as he was concerned, she could have access to his body whenever she wanted but no other woman would ever get to see him like this again.





last years model ...


“I think we can arrange for this to happen.” At the compliance received from the darker haired man, Elena's lips pulled into a wide smile as she lead him down the dock a few feet to the branched off line that Sully had settled the seaplane at. Dipping into the entrance of the wave-flowing vessel, the blond lead her taller companion to the room she had had very little time to share with Nathan. Usually, Sully's nights were kept off the plane, and within whatever society they had taken refuge in while exploring or traveling. Elena imagined Sully was more than happy with that arrangement, giving him plenty of space from the two being together, but for nights like these.. The twenty four year old wasn't sure what kind of response they might get. Hopefully he wouldn't be too concerned - she was already aware of how much Nathan meant to the older male. Stepping on his toes wasn't exactly scribbled down in her agenda.

Elena had turned after they'd entered the room to shut the door, and as she shifted back on her heels to face Nathan again, and almost let out an audible gasp at the sight of him stripping his wetsuit without hesitation. Swallowing thickly, the blond froze for a moment, trying to find the will to retrieve her gaze from the sight before her, but the more skin he revealed, the more her breath caught within the base of her throat. When Nate's fingers laced within his boxer's waistband, Elena hadn't even realized her staring had started to fester into a more.. provocative leer. Her teeth had caught the left corner of her bottom lip, and the more Nathan pried his boxers from his body, the harder her grip nestled into the bite. It wasn't until he'd tossed the soaked material and the sound echoed throughout the small room that Elena finally snapped to, nearly stuttering an apology before she realized if she did that, then the reporter would also have to admit to her staring. Instead, with another thick swallow and obviously flushed face, the blond shifted to make her way over to her bag, slipping out of her shoes as she went.

The entire time she was routing through her luggage, all Elena could envision was Nathan's form within her minds eye. She'd never seen someone so confident with stripping themselves naked before - especially after being so enthralling, without having a sexual relationship. Just seeing him made her thighs quiver with anticipation of what could be, and it was definitely a distraction the twenty four year old wasn't accustomed to. Mostly considering she'd never made it past third base with anyone before. But being just near Nathan - let alone seeing him as she just had - gave her more of an intensity than she'd ever experienced in any of those past experiences (which didn't chalk up to that high of a count). Luckily, the first two things Elena found within her bag that were considered clothes were suitable enough for sleeping, so the reporter didn't have to fight her distracted mind too much in order to find something to wear.

Straightening, her pair of boycut shorts and baggy tee shirt within reach, Elena unzipped the wetsuit. As she parted the sides, and started to slip her left arm from its confinement, her blue orbs happened to glance over her shoulder towards the treasure hunter, and remained lingering on him for the duration of withdrawing from her wetsuit. By the time she'd tossed the garment in with his own, Nathan had just finished sorting out what they could eat from their perishables, leaving his attention available for her to grab; something that she purposely pretended not to notice, feeling like she could act more confident if she 'didn't know' his eyes were on her. Leaning down, just enough to grab the shirt she'd grabbed out, Elena wasn't quick to pull it over her body, untangling it from its half-assed fold job to find the head hole. Slipping that over her head, the blond slowly started to work her arms in, shifting on her feet so that Nathan could catch a glimpse of the underside of her breasts before the material dropped to just below her bottom - something that, after getting a small surge of excitement from knowing Nate had been able to see her change, promoted her not to slide on the shorts she'd intended to wear with it.

The faint flush that still lingered over Elena's cheeks grew a bit as she came to take a seat beside the brown haired man. Wordlessly, she leaned down to grab one of the protein bars he'd retrieved, and as her fingers worked away at opening one of the ends, Elena stretched her legs over Nathan's lap, giving him a soft smile as her skin glided along his. Taking a small bite from the corner of her bar, Elena chewed and swallowed the content within her mouth before pressing a sudden kiss to Nathan's jawline. "Thank you," she mused afterwards, gesturing with the bar in her hand as to what she was thanking him for. Although, as Elena straightened back into her normal position from the kiss she'd planted, her eyes couldn't leave Nathan's lips, and the protein bar in her hand wasn't cutting it for the kind of appetite Nate had sparked.






Nathan Drake paid close attention to Elena while he undressed. It might not have been that obvious but he watched the blonde reporter closely. Why? He simply wanted to note her reaction to his body or if she even looked at him for that matter. Upon further investigation, not only did he realize that she looked at his body but she practically could not take her eyes off him. At first, he was worried if she would get pissed off at him for doing something like this but she seemed to enjoy the sight before her. That was a great thing in the young adventurer’s opinion. It meant that the future and the possibility of what they have continuing to grow was strong. He turned away from her at the last second and smiled to himself. Nathan was confident and seemingly arrogant so he knew that his body was a nice thing to behold. He hoped Elena would enjoy having all of him to herself but that was one major reason why he kept in shape other than these adventures. He wanted to have a desirable body so he could have desirable women but now it meant more than that. He wanted Elena to have the man of her dreams, to have a man so good looking that combined with his looks and personality, nobody else would even exist.

While Elena changed, Nathan absolutely watched her body. Every inch looked perfect from her head down to her toes. The smile remained on his face as he watched her, particularly enjoying the sight of her breasts and the sight of her ass. This was where the two of them differed in a slight manner. On one hand, Elena was trying to be secretive about looking at Nathan and worried about her finding out he saw. For Nathan, he did not hide it nor did he try and hide it. He just stood there and watched, thinking about how perfect her body would fit against his own and feel against his own. He thought about being inside of Elena, being able to touch and kiss every inch of her body, to make her feel so much pleasure that she forgot her name. Nathan wanted all of these things and a fire started to burn within his core. He tried to push that to the side though because while he was being bold by undressing in front of her, he did not intend to scare her off or do anything that made her uncomfortable. While he wanted to take her tonight and make her his own, Nathan did not want to rush into anything.

While they were eating their little dinner, he noticed how Elena stared at him and could not stop looking at him after the kiss. His fears from earlier were all but squashed. He looked deep into the woman’s brown eyes and leaned down to start another kiss between the couple. He smiled broadly while wrapping his arms tightly around the reporter and pulled her ever tightly against him. The look in her eyes showed one that wanted to put down the protein bars and maybe have something else in her mouth. Regardless of what might happen, Nathan knew that this was right where he wanted to be. Everything he had ever wanted or hoped for in this moment was becoming true right now. The amount of emotion he felt running through his body was exhilarating but also scary. He was not only attracted to her looks. Everyone knew Elena Fisher was drop dead gorgeous but this was more than wanting to have a sexual encounter for one night. This was something he wanted for a long, long time. He wanted to spend time with her all wrapped up tight in his arms and never letting go. He wanted to keep her there forever.

Their lips attached again but Nathan did not wait before making it more passionate than ever before. Immediately, he slipped his tongue inside of her mouth and started to rub the insides of her mouth, pinning down her tongue and moaning rather loudly. Her tongue was still underneath his own while both hands cupped her cheeks so he could hold her face still while tilting his head slightly to the right and opposite from her face so the kiss could become deepened even further. The smile just grew on his face and he was getting lost in the moment. Without even realizing it, their crotches were rubbing together and touching, allowing Nathan to have a boner to form. With only the thin material of his cotton boxers separating the erection from outside his body, it should be obvious for Elena to feel it against her leg, showing just what she was doing to him right now whether they took it any further or not.


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