A Chance In The Force (Seven x Capt)


Feb 7, 2016
Kiayra was running. It was, all things considered, one of the many things she was good at. It was something, along with her odd ability and canniness to judge distance and height and make near gravity defying leaps across buildings and ledges that the watch guards cursed her for. Kiayra, on the other hand, had no limitations, and very little fear. She leaped from the path walk to the bottom of a speeder bike, holding on as the bike rose into the sky, before swinging off to a higher level path. Her feet, clad in light cover armor, were already moving. There was little chance she would be caught. As she always did, she would fade, an invisible face, lost. Gathering secrets that could not be shared, and sharing them.

Except, this time was different.

Kiarya had spent years doing this. She was a thief, a rebel. Her city called her a traitor, the Order called her an disturbance and threat, but the people called her a liberator. She stole from the Jedi Order that had segregated themselves from the rest of the Jedi here, stealing the secrets they so wanted to protect, stole from those who rebelled against the order, and stole from the rich. She gave to the poor, and shared the most important truths. Kiayra had a bounty on her capture (alive) of more than anyone in the ten cities.

They called her "White Shadow". She dressed in white, a signature dark red scarf around her neck and lower face; she wore a full mask, and had never revealed her face. The Jedi refused to send their kind to stop her before. Today, the King demanded it. The Order complied. The White Shadow had taken a hologram chip containing the names of each Jedi of the Ten, and those who hid as guards for the King. It was priceless information. Today there was not just Watch and guards chasing her. There were Jedi.

She skid as she ran into them, six Jedi of the Ten, easily circling her. She had been trapped, lead straight into them. Twirling, underneath her googles, bright green eyes searched in a raging panic for a way out when six minds reached out at once, touching her mind with a heavy, heavy weight. "No!" Kiayra screamed, backing away, as if it could help before trying to run. The weight on her body, pushing into her thoughts brought her flat on the ground in a painful fall. Her body reflexively curled into itself, trying to protect her thoughts, her memories. These were not the Jedi of The Old Republic; their sense of right and wrong had long since strayed, despite their general policy to never interfere.

"Get out of my head!" Kiayra screamed once more before the world went black.

It had taken six of them to break through her thoughts; they had only had a second, but they knew things about her that she did not, and the things she knew. She would be strong in the force if she learned to harness it, her knowledge and clearly stealth useful. She was taken to court, and kept subdued, hand cuffed. Some Jedi argued that the girl should be taken into training, that she is an asset. Most said she needed to be stopped before she began.

The King was a blood-seeking fool, who had a knack for games. He had a great maze in a stadium in his city, where he sent prisoners and traitors to die. Once he pulled her mask off, stroking her cheeck as she spit on him, he laughed. "She dies," he said. His word was law.

The next morning, the next game began. She was left with her clothes and armor, given her mask back, and was given an entrance, a solid room with three walls and one door, that opened the maze. Ki had seen the maze before; it was a terrible fate. One she accepted. A televised event was a terrible stage for one with secrets. She clenched her fist as she waited for the door to open.

Outfit reference: http://i63.tinypic.com/rsvkfc.jpg
Underneath the mask: http://s8.favim.com/orig/72/beautiful-brown-hair-fashion-girl-Favim.com-701082.jpg
The entire situation was certainly not going according to Kaden's expectations. Once this young man of the mere age of twenty five was a rising warrior in the Sith Order. Originally a mere orphan attending the academy he proved himself to be one of the strongest in his class before being singled out by a powerful Sith Lord, a legendary woman known as Darth Nox. Under Nox, Kaden's connection to the Force and skill with a lightsaber improved further by margins making him renowned for his raw power.

However despite this, the young man was not what the Sith considered ideal. Stopping to question the cause of the order and has even openly defied several orders issued to him by superior Sith Lords who would have been more than willing to cut him to shreds or torture until his mind broke. Only the persuasive tone of Darth Nox was able to stay the hands of those who desired to cut down her apprentice. Yet with time even she began to question if Kaden followed their ideals or not.

The constant questions of why a Sith does this or doesn't do that. Why not instead try this? What if this? More and more the seeds of rebellion grew. By no means did any suspect Kaden would turn to the Light Side and follow the path of a Jedi Warrior. However this still set many at unease with the path he aas beginning to follow.

A path that led him to his current predicament. Standing trapped in a room in a room dressed in only his trousers, boots, and tank top all black in color and simple in design, Kaden tapped his foot impatiently against the floor. Upon arriving on this isolated planet in the Outer Rim he was not only assaulted but captured by four individuals each beading a Lightsaber and were Force Sensitive! To say that he was surprised this planet was thriving despite it being virtually unknown in the galaxy bewildered him and shortly after his arrest he quickly discovered how unpleasant they were to interstellar newcomers.

The four Force Users that detained him attempted to probe mind and learn of his identity. It was quite impressive really, despite bearing no allegiance to either Jedi or Sith their combined strength was like a forest set ablaze. However despite their attempts to search his mind for answers Kaden was able to resist by the only means he knew how. Restrained and without his Lightsaber he called upon the Force to aid him in his time of need. He wasn't able to fully protect his mind from their search. They learnt much of who he was yet despite it all Kaden was able to protect the most important detail of all. His purpose for being on their planet.

At least the four that attacked him were more pleasant than the next person he was introduced too. Dragged in restraints that hampered his connection to the Force -No doubt this wasn't the first time they were needed- Kaden was dragged before the ruler of the planet himself. King Gazen Rames Olympia. Quite the fancy title for a man who reeked of arrogance and power, while sparring no expense to revel in his position as ruler of the isolated planet.

Gazen was more than thrilled to meet a person from off world. One that had abilities similar to his men. By thrilled Kaden meant that Gazen was more than eager to see the young Sith killed before he could become a potential problem. Turns out his majesty had just the idea of how to kill him.

So now here he was without his blade, tapping his foot as he waited for the door to the dark chamber he was into open. Outside he could hear the roaring applause of a crowd no doubt eager for violence. Hell Kaden could feel their bloodlust through his connection to the Force. The sounds of Gazen making some kind of speech was heard and sure enough the door slowly began to creak open letting sunlight seep in.

Raising a hand to shield his eyes, Kaden slowly stepped out to see metal walls easily to high for him to scale leading down a path and breaking off into alternate paths. So it was some kind of maze was it? Judging by the minds he felt, he wasn't alone either. One in particular caught his interest. One that was stronger than others. Cracking his neck a few times Kaden sighed as he entered the maze with the door to the chamber he previously occupied closing behind him.

"Here we go..." he mumbled to himself as he attempted to make his way to the Force Sensitive mind he felt.
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