Accelerated Sugar Rush (Marie & Absin)


Jan 13, 2016
In the long history of the Hogwarts Quidditch teams, there had never been a more reckless team in Hogwarts history than the current Slytherin Team, even the ones that had resorted to flagrant and unabashed breaking and flaunting of the rules.

The current Slytherin team consisted of no less than three Carver students, taking up one of the Beater posts, one of the Chaser posts, and finally, the Keeper post. Two of them were fraternal twins, while the third was their cousin. Calling them “Reckless” was actually a bit of an understatement, considering how often at least one of them went to see the nurse after a game.

At present, the team was out practicing on a fairly nice day, already up in the air on their brooms.

Keeper: Danielle Carver
Chasers: Marcus Klein, Kami Brier, Donovan Black
Beaters: Darius Carver, Mason Eugene Seymour
Seeker: Daniel Carver

And at the moment, they were doing more screwing around than actual practicing. While Darius and Mason had, once again, gotten into an argument and were smashing bludgers back and forth at each other at high speed. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to get into it, and this had occurred during a game or two where they’d accidentally knocked out other players while trying to destroy each other. It was almost awe inspiring to watch them shooting across the sky, a blur of black and green as they swung, dodged, spun, and careened about.

The three chasers were busy practicing throws and catches, expertly keeping away from the irate Beaters as they throw insults at each other.

Meanwhile, sitting on one of the goal posts, their Seeker was currently hung upside down while he talked to his sister, stating “So how’s your date with, uh, whasername, Avalon?”
“Carmina Avali, but it was good. We went to Hogsmeade. She’s surprisingly bashful when you compliment her butt” Danielle grinned, balancing on her broom as she glanced over at their teammates “Shouldn’t we be practicing?”
“Nah, I don’t wanna go see the Nurse after getting hit with a bludger again” He stated, shrugging idly.

The Carver twins were well known for being the most similar fraternal twins most of them had ever seen, no that it was hard for that to be a thing since that type of twin is already excessively rare. Either way, it was to the point where a few clothing options, a concealment spell or two, and a shifting of voice pitch meant that either or could pass as the other without too much effort involved.

It didn't help that they both had the same ungodly yellow eyes, or that their hair reached to their shoulders. His cascaded in a luxurious wave down his back where as hers curled up in bouncy twists around her shoulders, both something they had gotten from their Spanish mother. Both were lithe, the biggest difference between them being Danielle's curviness and her... ample assets, and breastets. (I apologize for that joke >_>; )

It was pretty hard to tell the difference at the moment, considering the robes they were wearing, but neither was attempting to disguise their voice, so it was considerably easier to tell.
Seemed like every year started the exact same for Lilith. The teachers droning on and on about class, and how important that they were. But to her, none of that mattered. What was important was Quidditch. It was her love and passion. Though, most would call it an obsession. She ate, slept, and breathed Quidditch. If she wasn't on the pitch practicing, she was in her room, drawing up plays and getting ready for the games, or working out so that she stayed in appropriate shape in order to be the best she could be.

Lilith Cross was the captain of the Ravenclaw House Quidditch team. And the sworn rival of Oliver Wood and the entire Slytherin team. And this year, her seventh year, she was going to win the cup. No matter how much hard work it took. She had secured her place on the Holyhead's Harpies the year before. Now it was time to win.

She never dated. It wasn’t because she was unattractive, quite the contrary really. She was very pretty. But she hadn’t found someone yet who was as passionate about Quidditch as she was, who could put up with her passionate discussions of the topic. There were other reasons she didn't date, mostly her discomfort with the idea of revealing her gender identity to someone that might not fully accept her and then in turn reveal her to the entire school. So she played it safe, avoiding dating all together.

She rushed out to the pitch. Her work out gear on, she needed to get a work out in before practice later. She did two-a-day work outs, along with her normal practice. Most thought she was completely insane. But it kept her in shape. She always started her workout with a run around the pitch. Her lengthy blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail that swayed as she ran. A pair of clingy pants that fell just past her knees that revealed every muscle of her legs as they flexed, and a sports bra without anything over it, showing off her taut abdomen. It made her glad for the hormones she took, she had a curve to her hips, a defined waist, small breasts.
Daniel teetered backwards, using his fairly strong grip to keep himself from falling as he looked towards the field to see the rest of his team mucking about. Currently, their Chasers had gotten into it with their Beaters to practice dodging bludgers, the pair of club wielding maniacs having decided it was better for the team to be practicing rather than the two of them be trying to kill each other for whatever possible reason they had been fighting for.

That's when Daniel noticed that they very suddenly had company, noticing the blonde girl jogging around the pitch. He recognized her as, what most people considered, "That complete maniac who loves Quidditch more than Oliver Wood, if that was even possible". He hadn't really paid much attention to her over the few years he'd been on the Slytherin Team, considering he was pretty much completely oblivious to most people unless they had something to do with whatever ridiculous scheme he was participating in. His reaction, however, was pretty priceless.

"Who the hell is thaaaaaahhhshiiiitttt" He started to speak, lost his grip, and began to plummet straight towards the ground, at least managing to twist himself around so that he was going to land on his stomach rather than his head. All of the air in his body left in a great "hfh!" sound, the oxygen driven from his lungs as he hit rather hard. Luckily, he had landed on a flat patch of grass that managed to break some of his fall, but not much.

Pretty much everyone in the area froze at the sound and looked towards him, Mason barely managing to dodge the bludger that had been going for him. He caught the thing as Danielle swept down from the sky on her broom, hopping off and running to her brother's side, saying "What the fuck just happened?"
"...Who... blonde?" He asked, trying to catch his breath.

His sister looked around, then looked over at Lilith before saying "Are you telling me that you fell out of the fucking sky because you were staring at Lilith Cross? Are you stupid or just dumb?"
Lillith heard the commotion as she entered the pitch, looking back. She saw someone plummeting from the air. If there were a time she wished she had her wand with her it was now. She didn't carry it while she was running though, as much as her father would've liked her to... She saw him hit the ground and changed her path. Running over, worried that he'd injured himself. If he had, she'd take him to Madame Pomfrey so she could fix him up.

"Bollocks mate, are you okay?" She asked. "Anything broken?"

Lillith had a thick Irish accent, it sometimes made her a little hard to understand when she was winded or excited. She was panting from sprinting across the field to check on him. Her chest heaving. No makeup on her face, she never wore it for a workout, there wasn't as point.

He may have been Slytherin, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to check on him. She still held a respect for them, even if most of them were cheats. She knelt down next him. She hadn't heard Danielle's words, as she's arrived before Lillith did. So she didn't know that she was the reason Daniel had fallen out of the sky.
Oh, that was just perfectly mortifying. The very reason he'd fallen out of the sky was running over to check up on him, as if he needed anyone else to seem him fail so spectacularly.

He was already struggling to sit up by the time she got there, but eventually gave it up as he huffed "I uh... ribs broken I think... Parachute fall only does so much"
"Oh for fuck sakes" Danielle turned her attention to Lilith, asking "You think you could get my brother to the nurses office while we get everything cleaned up? The Snitch is out here somewhere so I'm going to have to go and catch it"
"I can do just fine on my own" Daniel growled at her, but shrunk back a bit at her glare, which was entirely too much like their aunt's own look for his comfort
"If you hit you have a concussion and pass out before you get there, what are you going to do then?" She said, sounding far more dangerous than Daniel's growling could ever hope to achieve.

"...Alright, fine" He sighed, placing a hand on his ribs as he started towards the school at a reasonably quick pace.
Lillith gave a nod as Danielle asked her to take him to the infirmary. A kind smile on her face. Sure, she was a little sweaty but she didn't mind heading back to the Castle like this.

She let the twins bicker for a moment between them before piping up.

"She's right. I heard you hit from across the pitch," she said.

She saw him starting toward the school and took off after him, shaking her head. She knew what it was like to get injured. She remembered a few years prior Flint had knocked her right off of her broom in the middle of a game. Broke every bone in her arm that day. Thank goodness for Madame Pomfrey, that woman was a healing genius...

"Madame Pomfrey will have you fixed up in two shakes, I wouldn't be too worried about it," she said. "She can heal just about anything."
"I've done worse to myself without having to see a stupid nurse so I don't know why I have to go now" He grumbled childishly as they made their way along, looking rather sullen as tehy made their way "Stupid sister think she knows better. Least I'm not dating some dumbass I can barely understand from Canada!".

"I uh, sorry, what are you saying?" He asked her, looking over quickly, then looking away just as quickly. Lords in Halecorft, she was pretty. How had he not noticed her before? Well, he did spend almost all of his time being ridiculous and getting into shit. How many times had he been yelled at by Dumbledore now?

"So, uh, What're you doin' out on the pitch today anyways? Did we accidentally steal someone's practice day again or..?" Daniel asked her, glancing over at her again "We've done tha a couple of times, so if we did, sorry about that"
Lillith laughed as he acted so childish about the whole thing. It was almost endearing in a way. She shook her head as she walked with him. Looking up as he asked about why she was out on the field.

"I don't just use Quidditch to keep in shape. I also work out regularly... Well.. Twice a day..." She confessed. "I've got ta stay in shape. I've been offered a spot with the Holyhead Harpies. Gotta make sure I don't get out of shape. Lose my spot."

She stretched her arms as they walked. The hormones had toned down the building of muscle mass. So she didn't look as masculine as she used to in her earlier years of Quidditch. She'd started taking it early enough that it had kept her voice from deepening, she didn't develop facial hair, there was little to give her away. Only what was between her legs. Which at the moment was tucked tightly to give her a more feminine appearance.

"I'll just make up for this during my after practice workout," she laughed.
Daniel nodded lightly and said "I get what you mean. Daniel and I have a tendency to get into the weirdest places, and I can guarantee you that most of those places aren't exactly easy to get to. Hell, getting onto the roof of the North Tower is almost impossible without a broom. Note I said "Almost"

Of course his eyes were drawn to her, looking her over as she stretched, lingering on that surprisingly taut and toned stomach. She was a good looking girl, definitely worth the interest, but he probably oughtn't stare for too long. He didn't feel like getting slapped alongside a potential concussion.

"Well, assuming I don't die from concussion later, how about I make it up to you by joining you for a run?" He suggested, ignoring the paintings they passed as they moved. Most of them were pretty lively, and a bit noisy he had to admit, but easy to ignore once you got used to it "I could use an exercising buddy aside from my sister. She keeps going on and on about her oh so wonderful girlfriend and it makes me want to vomit rainbows"
"Almost?" Lillith asked. Lifting her row curiously. "That you'll have to tell me about sometime."

She noticed his eyes lingering on her, making her face turn a bit red. Hoping he didn't notice it. She bit her lip gently. She couldn't afford a distraction... Not this year... She needed that Quidditch Cup. Not to mention Slytherins were exactly known for having the most open minds...

Though she couldn't help but smile a bit at his offer. The idea of someone to talk to during her runs was appealing. They got tedious when she was out there for hours by herself.

"That would nice. I.. I don't usually have anyone who can keep up with me... It'll be nice have someone who can push me for once," she said.
Daniel pushed open the door to Madame Pomfrey's office, saying "I'll be out at the lake once dinner is done. I hope you're ready to bring your A game because I don't do anything without going at it as hard as I can. You don't need to wait for my now".

He headed inside to see Madame Pomfrey, getting the cracked ribs fixed up. Luckily, he did not have a concussion, but if he hadn't come to see her, he'd have had quite the black eye come morning.

Later that evening, Daniel was stretching out at the lake as the sun began it's slow descent across the sky. The yellow eyed male was working his arms and legs, wearing only a tight white tanktop, a pair of black shorts and sneakers, and not much else. A group of girls were sitting over underneath a tree, obviously enjoying the show as they chatted with Daniel's sister, who'd given him shit for falling off the goal posts once he'd gone and gotten himself fixed up.
Lillith made her way down in the same workout clothes she'd been wearing that morning. She was covered in sweat not though, she'd just finished an intense practice with the Ravenclaw team. Her skin sticky as she headed down to the lake. She stopped next to him.

"Really? An audience?" She laughed softly.

Her chest rising an falling a little more quickly than his, she was still a bit winded from practice. So the run tonight was going to be fun. She bent down, grasping her toes to stretch her hamstrings, she knew that before they took off she needed to stretch well. Especially after that nightmare of a practice. She was beginning to think her team pushed her buttons just so that she would make them do more of the hard stuff.
Daniel actually had to make a point of not staring at her ass as she bent down to stretch her hamstrings, clearing his throat and looking away as he said "Yeaaaahhhh. According to Danielle, it is not entirely unpleasant to watch me run? I think she's so full of shit her eyes are brown but hey, what do I know"

"Anyways, I'll try to hold back a little bit, just so you can keep up since you started earlier than I did" He stated as he stretched both arms over his head, then bent at the waist until his fingertips touched his toes. He straightened up, then made a point of rolling his neck to pop the joints, then did the same with his fingers, elbows and shoulders before he startedin on a slow jog.
Lillith laughed a little bit as he mentioned holding back, shaking her head. She stretched her legs a bit more, making sure to hit every muscle group in her legs before taking off. It wasn't a slow jog, it was a pace that would get her a good eighteen minute five kilometer pace. Which was what she planned to run tonight. Much more than her usual run, but she needed to step it up after today's failure.

Her legs looked even long when she ran getting full extensions and landing on the balls of her feet before bounding off again. Tightening every muscle up her legs as she did. She had tried to partner with people in the past for working out and it just never really meshed. Her intensity tended to scared people away. This could be said for both working out, and in her day to day life as well.
Daniel fell into step alongside her, easily keeping pace as they jogged around the lake. He had to admire that intensity, how she seemed to be going for her dream and knew exactly what was needed to get it. It wasn't long until his head was wandering off into the clouds as he kept with her, wondering what he was going to do once school was out.

Maybe be an Auror? His father, and his grandfather had both been the same, not that his family didn't have their fair share of black spots on the record. He could probably play Quidditch, if he actually disciplined himself and took it seriously. In all honesty, he and Danielle only played because Darius needed something nice, and the only way to get him to go was if a few familiar faces were alongside to support him.

He glanced over at Lilith as they ran, watching her out of the corner of his eyes before he spoke, eyes turned back to the 'track' "So, the Holyhead Harpies huh? You must be more serious about this Quidditch thing than I've ever been. To be fair, I've never known what I wanted to do after school"
"I can thank Oliver for that actually..." Lillith said as they ran.

She was keeping her breathing steady, in through her nose, out through her mouth. Calmly as they went. Making sure that she didn't let herself get too out of breath at any point. That would simply be unacceptable.

"He wrote them a letter telling them there was a female player they needed to see. They showed up during last years finals, when Flint knocked me off my broom, broke my arm, and I kept playing," she said. "They were so impressed with how determined I was they offered me a spot right then so long as I didn't screw up between then and the time I graduate."

Lillith smiled, Quidditch was her passion, it had been since she had discovered it. It was a way to release her frustrations for everything she was dealing with. When she'd learned that she had other wizards in her family, other Quidditch players, she was shocked to say the least.
"Not a lot of guys would be able to do that, in all honesty. Bunch of my fellow Slytherin aren't exactly the most steadfast people. One little scratch in a duel and they start complaining like you'd just removed a limb" He shook his head as they ran, chuckling lightly "Not sure why I got sorted into the house with the wussiest wizards".

"I gotta say, one way or the other, that your training has been good to you. I know a lot of girls who'd kill for legs like that" Daniel teased her, grinning brightly "Then again, i've heard that the better a girl looks, the crazier they generally are. Should I be worried about that?"
"Well, I have to say the only thing I'm I'm crazy about is Quidditch," Lillith laughed. "And not all the Slytherins were wimps. Flint could always take a hit. I gave him as good as he dished out... I wasn't going to let him bully me on the pitch. I broke his nose one year and he kept playing. Blood gushing down his face."

Her face turning red from his complement, she was glad that it was already red from being winded and running. Lest she would've showed her embarrassment. Which wasn't something she liked to do often.
"Hmn. Well that just makes you more of a challenge then, doesn't it? I'll try my damnedest to get in your way during our matches from now on, if only to prove to you that I'm worthy of your attention" He stated, once again giving her a bit of a hard time with that suggestive tone and the mischievous grin on his face "Yeah, I'll admit that Flint was a bit of a beast wasn' he? I'd say, at least with the recent years, that the only really strong Slytherins are probably related to my family in some way, or whoever is on the quidditch team. Don't tell Mason I said that, I'll never hear the end of it"
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