Snake Lord [Anna and Malfrost]


Jun 26, 2011
If there truly was such a thing as Hell on Earth, Karin assumed it would be very similar to this place. The scent of old, dry blood filled the air, along with the distant (but definite) sound of agonized and tortured screams. Of course, that didn't bother Karin nearly as much as he did... The others didn't understand her fear because they couldn't sense him, and pushed onward, forcing Karin along with them. “Move, girl, or we'll kill ya ourselves.” The leader grumbled, glaring down at the redhead as he gave her a rough shove forward. She had been their eyes this entire way. For the past two month, Karin had been dragged around by the twelve men, forced to seek out the chakra signature of him… Orochimaru.

At first, Karin didn't think much of the guy. Obviously he was dangerous, otherwise he wouldn't be so wanted, but was he really THAT strong? And, without having even faced him yet, Karin knew the answer to that question. It was a resounding yes. Only she was the only one who knew it of the entire group.

“You bastards, you're just gonna get us ALL killed! If we leave now, he might not even notice we were here- ah!” Karin hissed when the man, known as Yosai, grabbed a fistful of her crimson hair and gave it a firm yank backward, twisting her around so she was facing him, his narrowed eyes bearing down into her own with pure irritation. To them, Karin was an object. An object that was prone to back-talking and resisting, but her usefulness outweighed her faults.

“Listen here, you little wench. We're too close to just leave now, got it? You're job is to show us where that snake bastard is, and heal us. That's it.. Now get to it!” Growling, he again shoved her forward by the back of her skull, causing her to stagger forward, her glasses coming loose and clattering to the ground as she fell to her hands and knees. A few of the men snickered, others too focused on the fact that they were within Orochimaru's stronghold to even care about her.

Regardless, the girl hissed as she grabbed her dark brow glasses and pushed them into place, nudging them up the bridge of her nose as she stood to glare back at the group of men. They had treated her like shit her whole life. They wanted to kill her, much like they killed her mother… 'If you fuck-faces really wanna die so bad, fine!' The girl thought to herself, turning to head down a different hallway that led to a narrow set of stairs. She would lead them right to Orochimaru, if that was truly what they wished. And she hoped they died violently, afraid and full of regret!

As for herself, she was outta there as soon as there was an opening. Maybe while Orochimaru was preoccupied with killing Yosai and his pals…

As she contemplated her potential escape, Karin led the group down the stairs, her heart clenching fearfully at the way it seemed to get darker and quieter the further down they were. Finally, they reached the bottom, where the visibility was so low that Karin could only see a few feet in front of herself. She did, however, managed to see the outline of a massive wooden door, and behind it…

“He.. he's back there,” Karin whispered dryly, breaking out in a cold sweat as her heart sank into the pit of her stomach like a rock. His chakra… it was so dark… so terrifying!

“Move,” Yosai shoved her aside, and she was all too happy to press herself against the wall so the men could pass her as Yosai kicked the door open and marched inside. Meanwhile, while they were all focused on the tension of FINALLY facing their enemy, Karin had turned and, immediately, booked it up the stairs. She had managed to memorize the way out. So, as the men 'fought' Orochimaru, she made a break for it.

“Hey!” One of the men yelled after her, but was too late. Yosai wasn't concerned though and just shrugged it off. In his mind, they would find her and deal with her after they dealt with Orochimaru...
It was over before Karin had even reached the exit. She could hear the screams of pain and fear behind her as she ran as fast as she could towards the exit. As she ran, a pack of snakes slithered beneath her feet and raced ahead of her. They grew in number as she neared the exit, their hissing clearly audible in her ears.

Just as she could see the light of the exit though, they all grouped together and began to form a humanoid figure. From it emerged a blood covered Orochimaru. He had dispatched the squad of twelve men in just a few moments, proving his power and that he was indeed one of the legendary Sannin.

His eyes locked onto hers, peering into her soul as he let out a low, menacing chucked as he licked some of the blood off his face with his long, snake like tongue. "My my, a stray little sheep I interesting one are the one that found me...weren't you?" He let out a small laugh, already knowing the answer to his question as he pulled out his sword and pointed the tip at Karin's neck. "Tell me, or live as my slave and test subject, or to die like your friends....what option will you choose?" He asked her with a smug smile, as if already knowing the answer she would pick.
Almost simultaneously, the chakra of the men she left behind dissipated. Tch, she had warned those assholes, which was more then they deserved. They definitely deserved to die for what they had done to herself as well as her mother, but now she had to worry about herself. Breaking into a nervous sweat, Karin ran even faster, skidding around corners clumsily in her haste. It was then that she felt it… something was coming after her, and fast. There was nothing more frightening then knowing you were being followed then knowing you were slower then the one following you. Especially when that 'someone' was fucking Orochiamru.

So, of course, by the time the snakes went barreling past her she knew it was over. Already, in her head, she was formulating a way to save her ass. After all, someone like Karin had to have a backup at all times. She couldn't fight, but she was clever. Clever enough to know when she was on the losing side, which usually meant it was time to swap sides, right?

All thinking stopped, though, when the snakes twisted together ahead of her and took the shape of none other than the serpent himself. Gasping, Karin skidded to a stop just was he completed his transformation, both amazed and completely unnerved by just how skilled Orochimaru was. His chakra had been proof enough, but now she was getting a little taste of his abilities.

And his looks definitely suited him. He was tall, at least a head taller then she herself stood, with skin as white as snow and hair as dark as the night. But what really, really froze Karin to the core was his eyes. They were a vibrant, mincing yellow, peering unblinkingly into her very core and striking fear there just with his glance alone. That was when that long, inhuman tongue escaped his thin lips and licked the blood away, causing Karin to shutter visibly as her brow twitched and shoulders tensed.

His first question was more of a statement then anything, so Karin remained silent for the time, simply observing his motions while contemplating what to say. Obviously he didn't want her dead, yet. Otherwise she would be. However, when he drew the sword on her and gave her the second question, she knew she better think faster. Her eyes widened a little, nervous droplets of sweat beading down the side of her face as she fidgeted where she stood.

“Th-.. that's a stupid question.” She finally spoke, words stammered as she tried to regain some level of confidence. As she did so she lifted a hand to readjust her glasses while her other hand rested on her hip. “Those idiots weren't my 'friends', for your information. I'm glad they're dead, b-but I don't plan to join them,” That's right, Karin, keep your cool! She cheered herself on in her head, gulping dryly as her eyes momentarily flickered to the sword before going back to Orochimaru.

“I don't plan to be a slave either! I.. I think I could be a useful tool for you, y-ya know. Like… I have better sensory abilities then anyone you'll ever meet! And I have healing abilities that might be useful!” She nodded, doing her best to sell herself off as invaluable. So he really wouldn't kill her.
Orochimaru kept his eyes locked onto her Karin's own as she stammered out her statement, trying to be as confident as she could be. He let out a laugh, her attitude quite different from what he was expecting from her. "I like your attitude, girl...but don't think you can hide your feelings...I know you are frightened." He spoke the truth as he removed the blade from her neck, but with a quick flick of his wrist, he gave her a small cut on her soft, lovely and white cheek.

The blood dripped down her cheek as the snake ninja stepped forward and licked her blood from her cheek with his forked tongue, letting out a content hiss at the taste of her blood. "Very could make a good tool indeed, but you must earn that status..." He spoke softly into her as he stepped away and glared at her with his eyes, showing just how powerful he was, and how seriously she should consider his words. "You will start as my slave...if you prove useful to me after awhile...I might promote you to a tool and even a co-researcher...but only if you obey." He pointed his sword at her, waiting to see how she would reply to his first command. "Now then....strip." His command left his lips with a grin.
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