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May 29, 2016
Interesting subject title, I know...

In all honesty, I'm absolutely horrid at coming up with titles and what not. My creative capacities do not involve do not belong in that field. Although, I would like to believe that my writing abilities are more than just average. Then again, it may just be my introverted narcissism talking. Who knows. Nonetheless. I'm just going to start off with listing different things that may or may not be important to either of you. I think that this should give you some kind of idea of what I am like or who I am before you consider starting a roleplay. I believe that it is rather important for people to be 'compatible' before they start off anything together otherwise it would just lead to stories dying off completely because neither party is all too thrilled about the other.

Anyways. I'm looking for a male roleplayer (Sorry ladies) for a M x F roleplay at the moment and, unless asked/discussed, I'll be sticking to that until I say otherwise. I am searching for someone who can write detailed responses with solid SPG (Spelling - Punctuation - Grammar)

as possible, especially when it comes to physical features. Therefore, if your character has to sling his cock over his shoulder to be able to get to places or my character has to use a wheel barrow to carry her breasts... Then I'll pass. I'm over exaggerating of course, but I really do plots that stick to realism although fantasy/supernatural are welcome. I just don't want to be in a situation where characters are
I have been roleplaying for almost a year and have been writing for longer (Not that this should matter all too much) but it does not mean that I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

In saying that, I do have pet peeves (Is that what they're called in English? -Shrugs.-) that really just... Make my organs rot.

I really am looking for a roleplay partner that is literate and provides a good amount of detail when posting. So, no. I do not want you to "fuk me in da pussy 2 mke me feel gud."

I am quite open minded and flexible[/align]
In saying this, I do mean that there isn't much that I would say no to, but, of course... Everyone has their limits so I thought that getting a F-List may be of considerable use.
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