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Occasional Musings of Nature Girl (Comments Welcome)

Nature Girl

Feb 27, 2016
The Forest
So I've started new roleplaying and it's great! But can't help wondering why nobody's interested in playing Daryl Dixon - sexual/asexual/gay/straight/bi/pan/anything.....?

Maybe I should post a dedicated request thread in the sexual roleplays area, but somehow I don't hold out much hope.

Maybe he's just too complete and enigmatic a character for anybody to inhabit and make their own.

Maybe it's because he directs his testosterone in ways that just aren't sexual in nature.

I dunno.....still pondering....still hoping.....
RE: What Is It About (Not) Playing Daryl Dixon?

So my cell's starting to comes to us all. I've been researching all over the place for a replacement and can't help but notice phones are getting BIGGER!!!!!! But why? We have tablets, so why grow the phones? I don't get it. My hands are small and I yearn for those cute little cells we used to have. Okay, you could only text and talk and peer at a teeny screen but....they felt so good in my lil paw.

So what to do? Buy an enormously inflated new cell or go back to a cute matchbox and save all the typing for the tablet and laptop? Something else to Daryl Dixon doesn't suffer this dilemma.....
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

So I was thinking.....Trump's possibly clinically insane and Hillary's got the ugliest voice my poor lil ears have ever been subjected to.

Both will be crap as hell and definitely dangerous. What gets me is that in a population of over 300 million, how come these are the only choices? the post apocalyptic world, Mr Dixon doesn't have to worry about this. Merle would've already dispatched them!
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

So I've been reading some personal threads and stuff and am astonished at how angry some folk are. It's like they're addicted to drama, feeling belittled, needing to lash out etc. I realize this is a community and it takes all kinds, and some are definitely willing to intercede to cool things down as best they can. But why all the negative histrionics? If you're hurting, just say so. Folk will help, but anger kills everything. Why not take that drama addiction and channel it via writing creatively either solo or in a roleplay instead of causing such 'public' mayhem?

There's been one recent thread where I honestly thought I could offer some constructive help, advice and solace. But, frankly, I was too damned scared to offer anything and it saddens me.

Ah, what the heck. I finally bought a big new beautiful cell phone.....;)
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

Happy Summer Solstice to One and All, here in the Northern hemisphere!

And, of course, happy Winter Solstice to everyone in the Southern hemisphere of our glorious planet Earth.

May all be happy, healthy, wise and true :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

Note to Self:

On no account offer twice the hand of understanding or healing, however tentative, to anyone whose default psychological setting is hatred, the desire to cause suffering, the repeated expression of hatred, pseudo-arrogance and true ignorance.

May all be peaceful and happy right here, right now.
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

Just watched one of my all time fave movies, The Hours. Makes me feel unbearably sad every time, but in a good way. It's not for everybody, but if you want to really know how to weave narrative into a coherent whole, then you could do a lot worse than study this mesmerizing masterpiece.
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

So my best friend of almost twenty-six years died suddenly at the weekend.

I'm in shock and won't be role playing for a while; just a little private chat here and there.

Am going to read out a poem at her funeral and will type it here when I have more concentration.

But for now, don't forget or put off telling those you love just how much you DO love them.

You may never get another chance.

RIP beneath the willows, my sweet friend :heart:
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

So here's our fave poem ever, Sweet Soul. I can still remember you handing me the book at college. The tears in your eyes were simultaneously anguished and awed, and I soon understood. It became "our" poem and then, right there, we agreed we'd read it out at each other's funerals in some aeon to come, depending on who left first.

At the time we thought we had an eternity before us, the declaration made with the passion of an astounding poem and the promise of that seeming, but not to be for you at least, eternity...and none of us gets that anyway. Just seemed like it at the time, my friend. But oh how I miss you. Folk thought we were kind of twins....but that doesn't even come close. Please be there when I have to take those long, leg-melting steps to the lectern. Please be there when my mouth dries, my eyes fill and I can't see the words. Don't be afraid to prompt. A yell or a whisper, I'll take either, and cherish a last sound of your voice.

"Antidotes to Fear of Death" by Rebecca Elson

Sometimes as an antidote
To fear of death,
I eat the stars.

Those nights, lying on my back,
I suck them from the quenching dark
Til they are all, all inside me,
Pepper hot and sharp.

Sometimes, instead, I stir myself
Into a universe still young,
Still warm as blood:

No outer space, just space,
The light of all the not yet stars
Drifting like a bright mist,
And all of us, and everything
Already there
But unconstrained by form.

And sometimes it's enough
To lie down here on earth
Beside our long ancestral bones:

To walk across the cobble fields
Of our discarded skulls,
Each like a treasure, like a chrysalis,
Thinking: whatever left these husks
Flew off on bright wings.

:heart: :heart: :heart:
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

I so love this song and it's helped me a lot this last while.

RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

Lol I just love Tim Minchin!

RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

Today it occurred to me that the majority of the human species is way too petty to bother with. Just saying. :mad::mad::mad:
RE: Occasional Musings of Nature Girl

My kind of love song.....:heart:

I know, I love it! Almost as much as If I Didn't Have You.

Miriam Margolyes proves over and over she's the epitome of British eccentricity!

So I've been thinking thinking thinking. Way too much thinking. And distracting myself constantly with watching YouTube stuff and movies, always knowing that what I'm REALLY doing is avoiding.

Yep, I'm avoiding my own creative writing. I don't mean RPs, but my own, singular creative writing. And I really want to get on with it. Rudolph Quin's Journal brought me up so sharp with this regard (thank you!) because I used to always write my own stuff as well as some RPs for fun.

Okay, to be fair, things have been flaky lately. I've been flaky lately, but that's no excuse. Not now. Time has passed and I owe it to myself to honor whatever creative gifts I have, not only by sharing them with RP partners, but letting them flow unfiltered by the needs and expectations that a writing partner naturally has.

So I have a few ideas kicking around. Nothing concrete enough yet to dive into with wild abandon, but interesting stuff that I'm going to have to do some research on while trying out some voices.

There, I've declared it here on my little corner of the Blue Moon. Now I have to act on it, no excuses accepted!
Have just squeezed in the teeniest bit of Tim Minchin before actually starting writing. Honest, I am about to start. You can tell by these words I'm typing. But I thought I'd get myself in the mood with this soothing and inspiring song.

Take it away, Tim, I ferment while you sing.

One of my favorite novels ever, and one of the most tragic.

Today's Oblique Strategy is particularly pertinent!

"Don't be frightened to display your talents."

(Am feeling well fermented....)
Go get'um girl! Write that sucky first draft! Don't let it scare you! <3 doing, Rudolph! Am here mainly to read another chapter of your gripping Boogeyman. Man, that Frye's a piece of work! Thanks again for the encouragement. This solo stuff's still a bit of a shock but am going for it! :dodgy:
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