After a long journey and playing gigs along the way 'Deer in Headlights' finally made it to Miami. Though the Miami freehold is in conflict. The king of Summer refuses to relinquish power and change the seasons like he is supposed to. This breeds discontent and a civil war is on the horizon. Rumors of the true fay lurk on the outskirts waiting to pounce. Opportunities and danger awaits our changeling heroes.
Deer in Headlights are on their final song for the night. The crowd is cheering their performance so far. They demand a kick ass guitar solo from Rudy! The lights focus on him.
OOC: Standard check Presence+Expression. Describe how awesome you are on stage.
Deer in Headlights are on their final song for the night. The crowd is cheering their performance so far. They demand a kick ass guitar solo from Rudy! The lights focus on him.
OOC: Standard check Presence+Expression. Describe how awesome you are on stage.