Savior and Saved (Atroxa & Banthefoxsin)


Mar 16, 2013

Omega was about one of the seediest and most dangerous places you could find in the galaxy and the only people who were there willingly were generally criminals or mercs. Everyone else, the little people who were just trying to get by, were only still there because they couldn’t afford to escape. And there were a lot of them, poor unfortunate souls who had to suffer the abuse of those with more power and money. Making an honest living was nearly impossible, being a good person would get you killed, so most people had no choice but to resort to whatever methods they had to in order to survive.

Tamsin was one of the few people on this station who actually tried to stay honest, which she credited mostly to her parents. Even despite them dying she was trying to stay true to all the effort they’d made her entire life to be honest, good people. It had seemed like it might actually work too, but in the end Omega had won, and now they were dead. Tamsin was left alone, which she had never been before, and trying to survive. She didn’t know how her parents had done it for so long. She was a very pretty young woman, beautiful even, and the number of offers she’d gotten to be a stripper, or even a prostitute, since being essentially dumped from the nest was outrageous. Even more outrageous was the money that she could make doing that, but…

There was one thing that her parents had taught her that kept her from it, not her morals or humility, but the fact that all it took was selling yourself once, and Omega owned you. Not her. Tamsin was going to get off this rock, and in order to do that and be left intact when she did leave, she was going to have to do it the old fashioned way. So she worked as much as she could at a bar not too far from her apartment, called The Red Tag, as a waitress and whatever else they needed, saving up money as much as she could on top of what her parents had left her.

The bar never actually closed, Omega had no day and no night, it never slept, but she did, so when her shift finally ended Tamsin headed home, feeling dirty and exhausted. Her long blonde hair, a genetic rarity these days, was pulled back in a pony tail out of her face, green eyes tired, still wearing her work clothes, a knee length black skirt and a v-neck blue t-shirt. A lot of the girls at work wore far showier clothes, Tamsin only made herself wear something that showed this much cleavage and skin so she got better tips. She got felt up and harassed enough even just with this relatively modest style, she didn’t want to think about what it would be like if she wore some of the stuff her coworkers did.

Even walking home she could feel eyes on her, she was young, pretty, alone. Tamsin kept a gun in her purse and had had a taser installed into her omni tool, she wasn’t stupid after all, and she’d had to use both. This was Omega, there was only rule, and that was not to fuck with Aria, if you weren’t her you were free game. And batarian slavers loved to snatch people if given the chance, and there were other predators out there. So Tamsin walked quickly and kept her eyes down, hoping that if she ignored everyone else, they would just leave her alone.
Omega, what a shit hole. From it's slums, to it's merc groups, it is filled with scum. Eclipse, Blue Suns, Blood Pack... All left to operate freely, the only semblance of order coming from the most dangerous one of them all. Aria. It would be a lie if Garrus said he felt safe operating freely throughout the scummy world's different sectors. Out of all his growing enemies, the only one he truly feared pissing off was the only one he knew could snuff him and everything he worked towards out within an instant. Here she was queen and hopefully with this man's help.... He would know exactly how not, to step on her toes. "So, Gary, how the kids." A man's voice spoke out, as he began to lean next to Garrus. Garrus, looking slightly confused, quickly turned the mans way. But instantly played along, seeing the mans ploy. "Not bad, all pretty green around the ear but they are learning to stand on their own two feet." The Turian replied with his usual, melodic voice. Echoing slightly with it's rasp's as his mandibles twitched in the air. "Good." The man said, raising his shades, the glasses appearing not all to in with the current era. Nor space for that matter. Black shirt, brown jacket and blue jeans as his current attire. As soon as the last person passed them by, the man stood straight from the wall he leaned on. Walking forward to pass the Turian a small drive. "This is my credit chit, try to transfer the fund's smoothly. After all this job is dangerous and discretion is key if we wish to ever part from this arrangement with all our bit's intact." Garret spoke concisely, ensuring his Jacket covered as much of their space as it could without drawing attention. "Bit's?" Garrus asked, swiping his omnitool near the device. "Figure of speach buddy. Besides, Aria's a women, do you really put it past her to cut off a few peices you really want to keep?"

Garrus gave a slight laugh, his mouth gaping slightly before retorting. "Asari dont really have a gender one way or the other but I think I get your point. And while you needlessly worry about your private part's I will be doing some actual good on this planet." Garret backed away, leaning against the wall as a very attractive blond women passed them both by. "Oh, say's the guy whose bit's are probably tucked away somewhere in there." Garret said, leaving Garrus to cock his head slightly. "What, your like some, lizard, bug fucking bird thing. Im assuming your stuff is... You know, deep in there." Garrus shakes his head, groaning slightly in annoyance. But soon laughing it off, the Turian rubbing his hand across his face as a pretty clear sign of his stress. "Ya know, your a funny guy. But in the not so endearing way, like a simpleton everyone just ignores because he is the way that he is and just cant help it."

Garret smiled, looking over to see a rather dangerous looking group of thug's pass them by. "Weeell, ya know. We all have our charms. Mine just so happen to be unedited and filthy. Any way, I wouldn't worry to much about my part of this deal. Just remember, we don't know each other. When we are together, your my old pal from the Citadel I nicknamed Garry. I dont know your real name because, fuck if I care. And you owe me a looot of money. That's our story, stick to it. Aria mainly employ's Battarians and to them,you Turians look all the same. As long as we are quick and quiet, no one will know." Garret began to let his eyes follow those hooligans, Garrus doing the same, as they seemed to draw closer and closer tot he girl that just passed them by. "How do I know I can trust you to not betray me?" Garrus asked. "What a dumb question, you cant be certain. Don't trust me, just trust my greedy, gleeful haste to take home two separate checks. Guard some sexy space babe, spy on her and in return lot's of profit. Besides, this wouldn't be hurting her none. It is just making sure you DONT, fuck with Aria right?"

Garrus nod's, as one of the goon's began to grab the blond's shoulder. "Good, well then cowboy you have a missy to save." With that, Garret was off and Garrus was already on his way towards the girl.

"Hey, your looking lonely." The Turian goon began to say, as Garrus slowly walked over. "Care to join us?" The Batarian asked in a deep, low voice. The man practically groaning like a filthy pig, as his hand carelessly gripped against her ass. They slowly began to pull her into the alley. As the human's omnitool formed a short blade, using it to rip into her shirt. With little chance to respond, the Turian already ripped into her bra, his scaled finger's kneading into the soft flesh, a satisfied hum reverberating from his throat.

But unbeknownst to them, they may as well all have been named schrodinger's cat....As they were already dead. Garrus walked slowly behind them, like a whisper, to quiet then his size gave him any right to be. Slowly, placing on his helmet the Turian made his way over to the would be rapist's. Slamming, then dragging the human's head into the alley way's metal wall, indenting a stud into the mans temple. Before either of the other two knew what was happening, he had already pulled forth his pistol. Whipping it into the Batarian's face as he tripped the Turian to the ground. Point blank, the Batarian was shot right in the head. The Barrel close enough to muzzle the noise slightly. After all, it was still gang territory... Garrus then placed his foot against his fellow Turians throat, pressing long and hard against it, until he heard the sound he was waiting for.... Crack.... Looking down into the woman's eyes, he knew this seemed so cold, calculated and callous... And it was. But he had slowly grown to become so numb to violence, especially as he had now sunk into that darkness. Treading the deep water's of vigilantism. "Are you ok?" He asked, his helmet working to mask his voice. He could only be one person, one man... The famed Archangel. And, as a gentle hand pressed against her arm. The Turian pulled her slowly away from the alley. "Come on, quickly. They wouldn't be alone, I would hate to scare you any further but I insist on taking you home mam. Dragging and screaming if necessary." He said so in such a sweet tone, but his word's were completely serious. The man's long arm, wrapping around her. But only to help cover her now naked frame, revealed to the world for any passerby to see. For her sake, he had hoped she did not live to far.

Tamsin walked quickly and kept her head down, but that apparently wasn’t enough to keep her out of harm’s way tonight. She heard footsteps behind her and tried to walk a little faster when they didn’t fade as the owners’ turned or stopped, but the thugs caught up with her just as she was about to break into a run and grabbed her shoulder. “Leave me alone!” Tamsin growled, fumbling for her purse but one of them snatched it away from her as the batarian groped her ass. “Stop it!” she demanded, trying to pull away, but just got dragged into the alley.

Her heart was hammering in her chest in panic, gasping with fear when her shirt was ripped and then her bra. “Stop!” She tried to push away the turian’s hand as he groped at her chest, activating her taser as she did and actually managing to shock him, much to her satisfaction. It didn’t really help her though, in fact it only served to piss them off even more, the Batarian grabbed Tamsin’s arm and twisting it behind her back hard enough to make her cry out in pain. The panic really began to set it, making her struggle all the harder, then the human was suddenly jerked away, making his two friends pause and look around in confusion, but before they could they could really process what was happening, the stranger attacked again.

Tamsin stumbled back and fell on her ass on the hard ground, staring as the helmeted turian killed all three of her attackers one by one. He did seem cold and cruel, so even though he had stopped her from being raped, she was left fearing he was just going to try and finish what they started. He didn’t though, he just stopped and looked at her for a long moment, and then he did about the last thing she expected and asked her if she was okay. That seemed to snap Tamsin out of her shock a bit, and she seemed to suddenly realize she was naked from the waist up, her face turning bright red as she tried to cover her chest, but she wasn’t very successful. “I-I,” was about the only thing she stammered, not able to form a full sentence.

She got to her feet though, starting to shy away when he reached for her, but ultimately went along as he guided her away from the alley. Everything was happening so fast, Tamsin was finding it hard to process it all, she’d just been assaulted and nearly raped, and now saved. He didn’t have to drag her away, she seemed rather dazed, perhaps in shock, but she walked with him, her arms crossed over her chest to try and cover herself at least a little. Tamsin jumped a bit when the turian put his arm around her, understandably a bit spooked from what had just happened, but didn’t try to get away from him.

At first she didn’t even realize where she was going, but she had walked this way so many times her feet had seemed to go on autopilot, taking the familiar path. She glanced sideways at the stranger, and started to remember hearing talk about a turian in blue armor playing hero. Or that was what people said out loud, whether they meant it or not, as praising a vigilante made you a target. Was this him then? Archangel? She remembered thinking that Omega would be a better place if more people stood up to the mercs and gangs like he did.

They made it back to her small, hole in the wall apartment and the girl paused, looking at him, she’d managed to hold herself together the whole way over surprisingly. “Thank you, I-” she started to say, but it seemed that talking was a bad idea, as she interrupted herself midsentence to let out a shuddering sob, tears welling up in her green eyes then spilling over her cheeks. Tamsin covered her face with her hands, sobbing as the emotions that had been sitting in the back of her mind, kept in check by her shock, rushed over her.
Archangel took a deep breath, keeping his gaze to the street's and alley's. He did not want her to feel uncomfortable and, it was more important to watch for any unsavory types... Despite how beautiful she was or how distracting her current 'attire' was either. Garrus couldn't openly admit it but, he always had a fascination with humans... It was hard to describe without calling it Xenophilia. He simply just found human women, irresistibly gorgeous. And this women was no exception. With her golden hair, emerald green eyes, her soft white skin and lithe frame... Shaking his head, he continued to hold her close, allowing her to lead him to her apartment. And soon enough, they were there. To soon, one may say. Unless your a man like Garrus, who concerned yourself more for a persons well being then anything else. He was glad to make sure she was safe. But by the way she figited, perhaps she did not feel safe? "Shh, dont speak." Archangel said, his hand gently reaching towards her. Gloved finger's, rubbing the tear from under her eye away. "You just went through something terrible, but there is No need to thank me. I only did what was right.... Be strong. You seem like a sweet girl, that's a rare thing to find around here... So don't let a bad day like this define you." It really was rare to find innocence out there, it was to easy to let this galaxy make you jaded, angry and cruel like.... Like he was these days.... He just vented it in the correct direction.

With the softest touch he could muster, his armored hand led her towards her door. "Well, I am not the best with goodbye's but do keep yourself out of trouble ok?" Slowly, he waited to see what she would do. Would she hug him? Run into the apartment? It didn't matter, his gut was filled with butterfly's as he watched her. All memories of how brutally he saved her, washing away... It felt right to save her, he felt proud and above all it filled him with a sense of duty. Something that drives all Turians forward. However... There was more to it. And as the deepest recesses of his mind pushed the thought forward, he couldnt help but feel invested in her well being... 'Maybe I should.... Check on her...' He thought. 'It wouldn't be to weird, just see her as Garrus Vakarian. Washed up C-sec officer.... Just to make sure she is alright.' As he thought this, his hand was already reaching forward. Turning on his omni tool to perform a quick, silent swipe of her's... It was not weird was it? To hack her information like that? It's only for a quick check up. With her now safely inside, he looked into his Omni tool, shifting through the little bit's of her information... "Well Tamsin, look's like I have what you humans may call, a new watering pit." He said, trying to mean Watering Hole but... Close enough.

Turning to leave, he gave the apartment another look around, then the street as well. Just to make sure they weren't followed... There is no such thing as being to cautious on Omega. Walking forward, he began to reach for the side of his helmet, turning on his communications device. "Eye, Im going to be a little whie getting to the base. Took a bit of a detour." Garrus said, practically smiling under his mask. "Oh, who's the lucky lady." The voice jokingly said on the other line. Garrus chuckled, turning back one last time... Those same butterfly's fluttering just as stong as before. "Her name is Tamsin..." He said, to the shock of everyone hearing it on the other end. "Garrus you sly dog you" Eye said before he was cut off, Garrus shutting down the communications so he can walk in silence. He needed to contemplate what just happened. So, their questions and praise can wait until he got back.

The next evening, Garrus found himself just outside a certain bar. Gone was the blue armor that fit's him so well, replacing it was some more, casual attire. But still with his quintessential tactical visor, on one eye. He was waiting for something, or should he say some one... He had to see her again and make sure she was alright. But there was more to it then that. "Eye." Garrus asked, as before coughing onto his hand a bit nervously, to check his breath. "Did you find what I asked for?" He continued, waiting for the mans response. "Yes Archangel. What happened last night in the alley, it was cuaght on the street's surveillance system." Garrus sighed at the tech's answer. "Then she is still in a bit of a pickle. There's no way they haven't seen that. And since they cant get at me...." Garrus said, as he began to walk into the bar. A chuckle comes from the other end, Eye finishing Archangel's sentence for him. "Then they will go for the girl. Good thing you are like a lost puppy." Eye said jokingly, provoking a forced laugh from Garrus. Shutting down com's, Garrus slowly found his way to a unoccupied booth in the corner of the bar. Somewhere he can have a good look of all the goings on, from the door, to the whole bar and even a slight look into the back area. It was perfect. And as he sat down on the bench, he slowly peered through the room, looking for a familiar face.
Tamsin nodded weakly when he told her not to speak and tried to comfort her, wiping a few tears off her cheek. She wiped at her eyes and tried to stop crying, taking a few deep breaths. She knew she’d cry again later, but she didn’t want to do it in front of a stranger, a little too proud for that. It was more than a little surprising that he seemed so concerned for her, that shouldn’t be strange considering he’d just saved her but it was one thing to kill bad guys, it was another to actually care about people. She nodded as he told her to stay out of trouble and nudged her towards the door, one arm still crossed over her breasts to try and keep them covered, her other hand wiping her eyes a bit. “Thank you,” she told him quietly again, then went inside. She didn’t hug him, about the last thing she wanted right now was physical contact, but she didn’t run, just went inside.

She was right, when she got in she started crying again, ending up sitting on her couch sobbing as she worked through all the emotions that were rolling through her. When she got up, she went and took a shower, feeling dirty after having those thugs groping her, and then went to bed, having to take some sleeping pills to fall asleep. Anxiety and depression since her parents had died were enough of a problem that she’d gone to a doctor about it, and gotten those for the nights when she felt like her loneliness was slowly crushing her to death. This was one of those nights, and the last thing that Tamsin wanted right now was to be awake and deal with it. So she slept, glad that the medication was strong enough that she didn’t dream, she didn’t want to think about what kind of nightmares she would have had otherwise.

The next day she was back at work, and she didn’t even bother telling anyone what had happened. What was the point? They wouldn’t really care, not because they didn’t care about her but because this was Omega. Someone getting mugged or raped was as commonplace here as people getting colds. It was just a part of things. So Tamsin kept it to herself, though a couple people noticed that she was being unusually quiet. The ones who bothered to ask were told that she’d explain later, as now she was in the middle of her shift and the last thing she needed was to get upset and start crying. She just kept her mouth shut and did her job, noticing that her tips were as good as usual with the fact that she was being kind of quiet, even standoffish. She couldn’t help it though, she kept wondering if any of these men had ever done that to a woman before, if they’d do it to her given the chance, or if they were maybe friends of the men who had been killed. People had noticed, more than once she heard someone talk about it, about Archangel striking again, but she said nothing.

Tamsin didn’t really pay a whole lot of attention when someone else came in and sat at one of her booths by himself. It was a little odd that he was alone, but he could be waiting for someone. She gave him a smile that she hoped didn’t look too forced, “Hi, can I get you anything?” she asked him, completely unaware that this was the same person that had saved her last night.
Garrus began to rest his elbows on the table as he placed one hand under his chin. He watched her closely, inspecting her for perhaps any damage she sustained and was unaware of or if she was still scarred ....But the truth was he just wanted to look at her... Completely unaware of if he was eyeing her to closely, he felt nervous when she came over. Would he seem weird? Would she remember him? No, more importantly why was he nervouse? The Turian placed his hand up to his mouth, clearing his throat as he looked up from his seat. Peering into her beautiful eyes and not having to look to far up either. As, even sitting down, he was still a large and imposing man. As a Turian should be. "Uhem... Excuse me, yes. How are you today?" He asked, one of his mandible's slightly twitching towards one side. "Yes I think I would like some Turian Brandy" He tried chatting her up a bit. He needed to hear her voice, sound. He needed to see her expressions, know if she was indeed ok. See if she was in no danger that he was simply just unaware of. But he also just wanted to hear her speak... Was that odd? He felt flushed, a rare occurrence given his confidence. However, her smile did seem somewhat forced. Perhaps she was not in a mood to talk?

Unbeknownst to her, men were already on her trail. Her purse was left at the scene, providing more then enough to find where she lived, where she worked, everything. And as she was trying to, unknowingly serve her protector a drink. Two men walked into the establishment, having been dispatched to make a lesson out of her.

And as Garrus talked with her, he would slowly discover he needed to keep her busy. Looking behind her he noticed a familiar element, men baring colors of the gang that tried to rape her just last night. He was concerned she would be in some danger of being recognized from the street footage but this was more so them looking directly for her. Did she leave something? More then likely her purse. Well regardless he wanted her to stay close, until either those men pulled something or he was given a chance to.... Dispatch them carefully. Giving a slight hum, he motioned his hand for her to sit across from him. "Believe me, as a ex C-sec Detective I have had more then enough experiences that I's hate to divulge. But, you seem troubled. If you'd care to talk about those troubles, id listen."

While his employer was in the slums of Omega, paradoxically looking to save a life and get a date. A certain merc had found his way just outside the heart of all Omega. Walking past the line, he brushed his hand through his brown hair. Looking the Elcor guard square in the eye as he did so. "Aria's expecting me. Names Garret" He said, confidently. "Welcome to Afterlife." Said the Elcor in a dry, emotionless tone their race is quite well known for. Reaching to one side with it's behemoth arm, he grabs the rope, parting it long enough for the young Mercenary to walk through. Taking in a deep breath, Garret took in the smell of sex and booze. After life was the heart of any visit here and now, he was going to work for it's queen. What a good arrangement he made, hopefully he doesn't fuck it up.
“I’m fine,” Tamsin answered automatically when she was asked how she was doing today. She wasn’t fine at all really, but customers didn’t want to hear about her problems, if they asked about how she was they were being polite. Which was pretty rare on Omega. She nodded when he told her what he wanted, not really listening to his little story, so his attempt at chatting her up fell pretty flat. She didn’t feel like talking today, she knew she should, being friendly made tips come more freely but she just didn’t have it in her today. If he were anyone else they probably wouldn’t think a whole lot of her behavior except that she wasn’t sucking up enough, but with his knowledge of what had happened the night before, it might be more clear to him that Tamsin simply wasn’t alright.

She was unaware of the danger she was still in, and that it was growing by the minute as men looking for her entered the bar. “Alright, brandy it is,” she told him with a nod, starting to turn away to leave but he spoke up again and motioned for her to sit down with him. Tamsin couldn’t help but frown a bit, taking a small step back, “I’m fine, thank you, I’ll go get that brandy for you now.” She seemed more than a little put off by a stranger asking her to tell him about her troubles. People on Omega didn’t just do that, they didn’t care about one another, especially people they didn’t know. So if he was showing concern, then he had a reason, and a reason she probably wouldn’t like.

Tamsin headed for the back, not noticing that one of the men spotted her and pointed her out to his friends, but they didn’t move right away. By the time they’d all seen her she was disappearing into the back. The bartender was glaring at them as well, they had a rule about people not coming in wearing gang colors to keep people from starting fights. A lot of bars were neutral spots, it hurt business to have gang members shooting and fighting one another inside all the time. He came around from behind the bar, wiping his hands on a rag, a big burly krogan, a sawed off shotgun on his hips. “Can I get something for you boys? Something to go maybe?” he rumbled at them, more or less asking them to leave.

Tamsin came back out just a moment later, glancing at Kursk, the krogan, as he spoke to the gang members, keeping an eye on what was going on as she made her way back to the turian who had asked for the brandy.
Garrus understood where she was coming from, it made sense for her to act so reserved. To a stranger no less... So she was not doing much better, she has stopped crying but she is still afraid. And she is still in danger, so she had every right to be afraid, guarded or distant. Garrus watched as she walked away, grabbing his order. Admittedly, his eyes did linger on her, the way her lithe frame moved as she walked. Her firm rear, athletic build, the way her blond hair bobbed in the air... "Come on Garrus, get a grip." He whispered, shaking his head... He always found human women to be so attractive, he couldn't help but to stare. At least a little. But, staying professional, his alertness to his surroundings did not diminish in the slightest.

He watched as the Krogan began to walk towards the men, making sure the man did not come into any trouble. Garrus had no particular fondness for the species but he was no racist, Wrex was a good enough friend to stagger any notions he used to have on the race. Soon, she returned. The Turian taking the glass of brandy and the bottle accompanying it. "Thank you, I appreciate the fast service." He said with what could only be a smile. After all, it's hard to tell with Turians. Taking a sip, Garrus slowly began to get up, out of the bench. Walking over towards the two gangsters. Unbeknownst to the Krogan, they both had their hands on their guns, pointing at the Krogan from under the table...

Garrus walked near the table, fliping it up, over and on top of the one, as he ripped the gun from the other. Hitting the guy square in the nose with the but of his own pistol, Garrus gave a low growl. "What kind of idiot pull's a pea shooter like this on a Krogan in close range? All it would take is one pull of this trigger and then your throat would be crushed before you got off a second shot." Garrus proclaimed, his left foot kicking away the others submachine gun. "I think both of you over stayed your welcome. I'd hate for things to get ugly in here, I like the look of this shithole without blood all over the walls."

In a panic, they both began to run out, one clutching his bleeding nose as the other limped off behind him. Garrus gave another low growl, as he let the adrenaline kick in. Grabbing the submaching gun with his free hand, Garrus handed both guns over to the Krogan. "Their probably ilegal but I dont think that matters much here on Omega. A gun's a gun and you can never have to many." Looking down, Garrus put the table back in place, Followed by pushing the chairs back under it. "Also, sorry about that. Im certain you had it covered but I thought i'd spare you some bad blood with the local gang. Well, I also hate vermin. So scarring them off was a plus."

Walking back over to his booth, Garrus gave Tamsin a nod. Sitting down before taking a drink. "Do they bother this place often? That gang I mean. I hope they dont give you much trouble."
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