Dividing Darkness (Me & AKMM)


May 13, 2016
It was just after the downfall of Voldemort, everyone which and wizard in the UK and in other small parts of Europe however there were two who were not so happy. Reya Riddle was her name and she happened to be the daughter of the Dark Lord himself. However she was no longer alone but she was in hiding, praying that her father's most loyal supporters would believe that she was dead. Reya was nothing like her so called father, no she happened to be a rather sweet, kind and loving eighteen year old. Though she was powerful and her familiar was a snake, she happened to support the famous Harry Potter and what he stood for, in fact she believed that she owed him her life, which was somewhat true.

At this moment in time however she had just managed to get to number 12 Grimmauld place where she was hiding away with an injured friend and old teacher of her's. Severus Snape had not died from Nagini's venomous bites. No, Reya had managed to stop some of the bleeding and applied an antidote to him. She was pretty much alone since Snape had been asleep for a few days tops, she was not sure how she had managed to get him around. Though thanks to a bit of help from Hermione she was hidden for the time being. Now she sat in one of the guest bedrooms beside Severus, a cold cloth resting on his forehead, a frown on her face.

"I brought you something to eat Professor, you have to try. I know its not much but it will have to do." she whispered and brought a soup spoon to his lips. Reya managed to get some down his throat before she put the bowl down. Slowly she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders and leaned back against the back of the chair she was sitting in. She had been injured herself, she had been blinded in one eye while a long painful gash ran down her spine from where she had been hit by a curse. Luckily it had not been a killing cruse, but the wound was still fresh and was having trouble scabbing over since she could not seek help from hardly anyone.

She felt sleep coming to her, slowly pulling away at the back of her mind. She allowed the darkness to enter and she fell fast asleep, leaning forward in her chair. Her head rested on Severus's chest, his heart beat seemed to grow stronger to her, though nightmares were raging through her mind. His warmth was the only thing keeping her from crying out for her mother who had died long ago. Reya would wake a few hours later and stare down at Severus, slowly she would stand to grab more of the antidote that she had made and brought it to his lips and made him swallow it. "Come on Professor, hang in there, don't die on me." she whispered into his ear.
Severus Snape was made out to be someone he wasn't. Ever since he was asked to go into hiding and seek confidence and trust from the dark lord. Snape was also a more caring and nurturing person, nothing like he pretend to be, in order to gain the trust from lord Voldermort. But he was always willing to do everything he could, to save the world which he loved, and more importantly, the child of his first love.

Long before the attack he received for the dark lord and Nagini, he had seen something in someone. He knew from the time he spent gaining the dark lord's trust, that his own daughter, Reya, would not turn out to be like him. Her presence when she was around, was different then the presence around her father and any other death eaters. But he had no clue that she would be the one to have saved him from the vicious attacks he received from Nagini. He had already wrote off his life to be done with. Snape had figured long before the attacks he received from Nagini, that he would not be alive to see the fall of the dark lord.

During his recovery, he was in and out of it. He wasn't able to pin point the voice he heard and the person that was nurturing him back to health. He knew it was familiar, but was never awake long enough to narrow it down, until now. He could feel the warm soup sliding down the back of his throat, the taste of warm tomatoe soup against his cold lips, caused goose bumps and his hairs to stick up then he quickly drifted back off.

He figured it hadn't been much longer after he had tasted the soup when he woke once again, as he still had the taste of the soup in his mouth. This time when he woke, he was able to open his eyes slightly. First just barley, as he was getting adjusted to the light. Opening his eyes and then quuckly closing them, as his vision was still blurry and fuzed. As he continued to blink his eyes and struggle against the light, before finally being able to open his eyes fully and keep them open. Looking around the around, seeing the empty and bare room, before feeling pressure on his stomach. Looking down and seeing the familiar face. Smiling the little that he could, as he pulled her jacket up slightly, to cover more of her shoulders, as the jacket begun to slide down. He was still tired from it all. As he leaned back against the pillows and closed his eyes as he begun to slowly drift off to sleep.
Reya grunted softly as the warm robes where adjusted around her shoulders and she felt her body relax some more. But she would wake up only a few hours later, her wounds throbbing badly as she went about the house getting other tings ready for Severus. She was unsure if she was really awake or not until she pinched herself and shook her head. She cleared her throat and went to wash her pale face and return the room where she would start to spoon feed him chicken soup this time, something she had been able to make from scratch. Her body was aching worse each and every day but she had not the strength to really care for herself. She only managed to bathe a few times, but it hurt when the warm water touched the massive burn that covered her back, not to mention the bite mark to her shoulder and the strange stab wound to her thigh. She had kept herself bandaged up the best she could, but her wounds would seep now and again.

She gently woke him, the room was dim and not might light in it other than a few candles. "Easy Professor, don't eat it to fast." she whispered softly to him. She held his head up and kept spoon feeding him until the soup was done. She would then adjust his blankets and slump weakly into the chair beside his bed once more. "I am so thankful you survived, I thought you wouldn't but your so much stronger now." she muttered more to herself than him. Silently a snake slithered up her arm and wrapped around her wrist. Her blinded eye was covered by a bandage while the other wounds where as tightly bond as she could keep them. The snake hissed something to her, she replied back to it in the same tongue her father had spoken. Her head shook and the snake slipped from her, dropped to the floor and vanished from sigh.

"Good new, he said that the Death Eaters have no clue where I am but they still are looking. Lucius has brought the others back together and is determined for me to gain power once more." she said to Severus. "Its rather silly isn't it, the Dark Lord' daughter...I am not anywhere as powerful than him. I can hardly keep myself together or handle much of this pain my Father put me through." she coughed before she backed away and stood up. She held her shoulder coughing harder and harder, her back turned to him as she wiped blood from her hand onto a spare scrap of cloth she had in her pocket. Shivering badly again she pulled her ripped ropes tighter around her while she had given Severus all the blankets. She owed him her life really, he had done so much for her. However he would be able to see something was wrong with her and it was getting worse.
As she woke him up completely, he sat up against the headboard of the bed, using for pillows for some support. As she spoon feed him a few taste of the chicken soup, he pushed the next one away. "That's good, I'm not really hungry as of now." As he was still slightly naustedand dizzy, which he believed to just be side effects of the medications and potions she used to bring him back to health.

He sat there and watched as the snake at slithered in and then back out. Watching closely as she spoke to him."Well as long as we stay cut off from the others we should be fine. We would just have to find a way to stock up on some supplies or have someone to be able to deliver us what we need. We csn use owls, they will be able to back track use from any owl we use. We will have to be smart and careful about this. And you a real much stronger than your father was at your age."

As he sat back and watched her struggling with the bandages and wounds she had. As she had patched her self up, and did the best she could. "Here come closer and let me take a look at your wounds. The bandage job you did isn't holding up." As he scooted closer to the edge of the bed, in order to get a better angle and view of her back and thigh wounds. After he had scooted to the edge of the bed, he was able to look down and now see just how bad her thigh wound was. If had already begun to seek through the bandage and then slightly through her pants. He could see the blood spot growing slowly on her pants. "You need to let me wrap that better for you, or its just going to keep seeping through."

As he leaned over, twisting his body, as he grabbed the gauze and bandages that were on the bed side table. There wasn't much left, but he knew he would have to make it work."Go ahead and get some warm water and a rag for me. We are going to clean this up and get you taken care of now." As he turned and looked around the room, "Oh and grab that old bed sheet over there and a knife as well. We need to make a tourniquet, to keep pressure on the gauze and to stop the bleeding."
"I already thought out how to get supplies delivered to us and how to contact people." she said to him before she raised her brow slightly shocked when he began to order her about. She sat there on the edge of the bed allowing him to stare her wounds over that she had not really covered, she frowned when he said basically it was his turn to look after her. "Please Professor, don't push yourself too much. You might fall from the bed or hurt yourself." she said a worried look on her face. She then stared down at her thigh wound and let out a sigh, slowly she nodded and stood getting everything he has asked her before she returned to the bedroom and sat down on the bed beside Severus, she coughed again as blood seeped from the corner of her mouth.

"How can I be as strong as my Father when my body is about to give up on me?" she said trying to lighten the mood. Flushing a bit she remembered he would have to see her mostly naked to deal with her wounds. However she pushed thoughts out of her mind and pulled her robes off, dropped her pants and pulled her shirt up and off her head. She stood their in her bra and boy short underwear. She slowly moved upon the bed and lay down slightly, but she slowly turned to show the massive burn on her back to him. "You have my father to thank for that. Its a bit better after I put some salve on it that I had made." she replied and dropped a container onto his lap from her hand. "Fenrir Greyback bit me as well, the stab like wound is from...Minerva I think but that was meant for Bellatrix." she whispered weakly.

"Remus and Sirius where the first ones to get me out of there before the Death Eaters returned but I refused to let them help me. I was by your side as soon as I could get there. Thanks to the first antidote I gave you...your life was a bit further away from death." she said before trembling. "Harry and the others refused to let me leave on my own with you. They made me stay here and come by to give me supplies when they can. Harry can be rather bossy, but he says he owes me a debt, though I do not understand why." Reya said before coughing again and she wiped blood from her lips. "I am glad you made it though, losing the only one who really cared for me...would have made me lose hope." she said timidly and she winced when he began to work on her wounds.
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