About me. I prefer to play my real age (mid 40s) but will play younger if it helps the story. I like characters who think and feel as well as doing stuff. As for the stuff, there needs to be more than just sex, but the sex itself is always best when it's interesting, unusual, unexpected of taboo. I'll play in PM, IM or email. I'll try to be on reasonably regularly but I understand that life sometimes gets in the way, so don't worry if there's a break - I'm not going anywhere. I don't do scat, gore, vore or tentacles. I prefer humans, but the setting can be varied.
About you. The only criteria is that you're in the UK. i love writing and playing with my international (mainly US) partners, but I'd like a few people in the same time zone, with the same vocabulary and with some of the same cultural references. Beyond that I'm quite happy to explore something you've always wanted to play.
If you want plot ideas I like extreme, taboo and incest. But it's easiest to drive a story from the point of view of the kind of character you want to play and the type of situation you'd enjoy, I'll make suggestions from there. Just PM me if you want to discuss things
Here's a sample of my writing if it helps (ignore that it's in first person - unless that's how you want to play)
About you. The only criteria is that you're in the UK. i love writing and playing with my international (mainly US) partners, but I'd like a few people in the same time zone, with the same vocabulary and with some of the same cultural references. Beyond that I'm quite happy to explore something you've always wanted to play.
If you want plot ideas I like extreme, taboo and incest. But it's easiest to drive a story from the point of view of the kind of character you want to play and the type of situation you'd enjoy, I'll make suggestions from there. Just PM me if you want to discuss things
Here's a sample of my writing if it helps (ignore that it's in first person - unless that's how you want to play)