Romance of the Overlords (Grinberet X doctorwho27)


May 21, 2016
Behind you
The son of once the most powerful demon of the Feudal Era of Japan, Sesshomaru claims himself as an heir to the great demon. In his arrogance, he even claims his father was no match for him. As complacent as he is, he also claim to be the gentleman with most class. He may destroy lives without hesitation, but he does not kill needlessly. Other creature would be praying that they do not stand in the way of the demon lord.

Sesshomaru have been searching for his father’s legacy, the Tessaiga. A powerful blade made from his father’s own fang.
“My Lord Sesshomaru. Why are you looking for Tessaiga? You are the most powerful creature in the world. There is no equal” said Jakken, Sesshomaru’s lackey trying to impress the lord like a little shit he is.
“Fool. Did you really think it is strength that I seek? A most powerful blade are only fitting to be wielded by the most powerful man” Sesshomaru loathes.
“So you acknowledge your father’s legacy as the most powerful blade?” Jakken added, in which he did not think twice before saying.
Sesshomaru stare at Jakken with murderous intent. Quickly as always, Jakken went down on his knees and beg for mercy.
“Forgive me Lord Sesshomaru! Forgive me Lord Sesshomaru”
Quite disgusted, Sesshomaru ignores him.

Sesshomaru suddenly stopped, followed by Jakken who smash his head against Sesshomaru’s back leg. He smells a strong scent. Being a dog -type demon, he have a very strong olfactory senses. He likes the smell so much that he tried harder finding the direction where it came from, and move onto that direction. After a brief dashing, he was surprised to see what he have found.
RE: Grinberet X doctorwho27

Okami let out a soft sigh, her hair brushed her face gently as the wind stirred around her, causing her long blond braid of hair to sweet behind her along with her black tail. Her blood red eyes stared around her as a scent hit her nose, she lifted her head higher and sniffed the wind. Her black ears tipped with a light dusting of red twitched as she picked up the sound of two voices headed towards her. She narrowed her eyes and let out a low growl, her fangs showing slightly as she grasped one of two swords that hung at her right side. The young female demon hybrid was part fox and part wolf but fully demon with no human blood in her veins. Okami pulled Jigoku (hell) from its sheath at her side and held it at the ready as Sesshomaru appeared before her a few feet away from out of the trees.

She glared at him her sword glowing blue as the silver blade turned black. She knew who he was but she wondered why the hell he was in her territory. Okami's father was a very powerful wolf Demon Lord and her mother was Queen of the Kitsunes, thus she was one of the most powerful female demonesses out there. "What brings Lord Sesshomaru into my territory?" she spoke with a cold tone, her eyes almost slit as she kept her anger at bay. Jakken stood behind Sesshomaru with slight fear in his eyes as he picked up the scent of miasma entering the air around her. "I have heard of Princess Okami before but I have never seen her in person, she really is beautiful yet deadly." the imp said as he pulled at Sesshomaru's pants.

She female's wolf tail twitched back and forth and she bit her bottom lip waiting for the demon Lord to answer her. Okami would not attack unless she was provoked but so far she had no reason too just yet. The air began to grow thicker around her as the sun was cut out by darkness, Jakken yelped and ducked behind Sesshomaru. "She can control darkness, light and fire, along with many other things that she has never shown, she is mighty powerful my Lord." he said. "What your imp says is true, now will the Lord answer my question or shell I turn away and let him leave with his dignity?" she said simply as she waited with sword in hand. However as she moved slightly they could see a bow and a quiver of silver arrows on her back, their feathers blood red and hidden in the quiver their tips black.
RE: Grinberet X doctorwho27

Sesshomaru did not expect to have encountered such a beautiful wolf-fox demoness. Along with her marvelous scent and the power she emitted, she is perfect to be his mating partner, or to be a demon queen, where he will be the king. He had never felt as attracted to a female like this before in his entire life. He had always looked down on other being, especially women and had never been interested in finding a mate, until now.

Sesshomaru smashed Jakken's head with his foot after he heard what he said.
"I am Lord Sesshomaru. No one in this world are as deadly as I am," he said with is head held high.
"Forgive me Lord Sesshomaru. Yes, my lord. You are the most powerful demon in the world. How foolish am I to even fear anyone else," said Jakken, again trying to impress the demon lord.

Sesshomaru turns his intention to the fox demon, Okami. He observe her body from head to toe. He really got attracted to her but in his arrogance, he refuses to express it.
"So if you know who I am, why do you draw your weapon against me? Do you wish to die so soon?" said Sesshomaru.
As much as he adores the fox demon, he will not accept weakling. He would test her strength and if he finds her disappointing, he would not hesitate to end her life. Claiming to be the strongest demon, he would never expect her to be his match in strength.

Sesshomaru move in lightning speed and appear right in front of her. At this very close proximity, he appreciate the softness and warmth of her cheek with his hand, and stroke her blonde hair and black ear. He took another good sniff. A sound of relief and content can be heard as he expel his breathe onto her face. Before she could even swing her sword to strike him, he is already back at his previous spot.

Sesshomaru recognize Jigoku as a weapon from the underworld. Therefore, with a hidden smile, he draw out his Tenseiga, a weapon that is only effective against elements from underworld.
"Having to fight against Tenseiga brings no honor but a disgrace, a disgrace as you are now," he mocks her. He never had any passion in his own weapon.
He rushed towards her, but this time, she could block it. A series of blade clashes occur, but Sesshomaru overwhelm her most of time, causing her to get beaten from one part of her body to another.
"Foolish creature, to think you can even match me," he taunted.
RE: Grinberet X doctorwho27

She was aware of who he was but the whole time Sesshomaru spoke she did not answer him once, she did not even flinch when he touched her, she allowed him to do so. As he began to clash swords with her she still did not reply to Sesshomaru, her black sword soon began to vibrate and a smirk came across her face. She moved her hand, dodged his attack, slid her hell sword back into her sheath and pulled the one beside it out. "Tengoku."(heaven) was all she said as a bright light shown from her blade and she brought it up against Sesshomaru's fighting him back with almost matched strength. She had only a few scratches on her, her sword grew bigger and she smirked some more her fangs showed. "I will not allow your arrogance to effect my emotions." she said simply and stepped back as she slammed Sesshomaru far enough back a few trees where blown up.

Tengoku slammed over and over again against Sesshomaru's sword every time he attacked her. "You were the one to attack me first, I know you can be fast to act. I only drew it to protect myself." she said simply before she fell silent again. More and more they would fight and the more she would take his harshness with her. She and him would fight for what seemed like hours until he finally seemed to act fast and pin her against a tree, she stared up into his eyes knowing why he was there but she knew he had also been testing her as well. A shiver shot up her spine as she felt his hot breath against her face.

"Impressed you are then." she said as she let Tengoku return to her sheath, she would yield for they seemed evenly matched or almost. The whole area around them was bare and the ground scorched and burned. "It was like watching two gods fight." Jakken said as he slowly backed into the darkness of the trees. He knew what his master was up too so he decided that he would leave the two of them alone. "I never thought Lord Shesshomaru would really act this way around me." she whispered allowing the dog demon to stare her over, even though she never chose to be his mate from the very start.
Sesshomaru finally defeats Okami and had her at his mercy. As she is pinned to the tree and defeated, he looks down onto her and admire the beauty of his "prize". Again, he took another sniff and it smells even better.
"Impressed? You are not even close to my power," said Sesshomaru arrogantly, though deep inside she really did impresses him.

Sesshomaru stare into her fearful eyes. Seeing her so helpless, he knew he could do whatever he wants. He stroke her hair again and her cheek. For him, she is so beautiful and attractive that his inner beast starts to be in chaos. His eyes turns red but at very brief moment. Back to his calm face, he place his palm behind her head, making her head face upwards as he closes his eyes and kissing her soft lips. Pulling his hand back from her head, he use the back side of his palm to touch her hair, cheek, and neck while kissing. His hand goes further down to her breast, as he stroke it gently.

After a full minute of kissing, Sesshomaru let go of his lips from hers, and breathe rapidly onto her face.
"Know your place, lower demon," he undermine her.
He went on kissing and lick her cheek, neck, and her breast. He proceed by sucking her erected nipples, and kissing and licking her side and under part of her breast. A soft moan can be heard from him as he breathe harder.
She groaned softly and stared up at him as he stood before her, pressing her more into the tree. "You are so arrogant Seshomaru, I can tell that you are lying. No need to hide it your imp is gone." she said as she felt his hands move about her body. She however widened her eyes as his lips pushed softly down on her own and she arched up into his grasp, enjoying the way he made her feel. However when he pulled away she stared up into his eyes for a few seconds. She was not scared of him and she knew it would take time for him to open up to her some more. She was still worried about mating with him however.

"Lower demon, pah...I am a princess. I am just as pure blooded as you." she growled softly at him. However when she felt him open her kimono and work his way from her lips and down her neck from her cheek she moaned. She then arched up as his mouth moved to her breast and she felt him start to lick her breast, working her nipple and the the underside of her chest. She squirmed slightly and pushed up against Sesshomaru knowing if he kept this up he would bring her heat out and she knew it would get worse.

"You plan to already mate with me when we only just met? You want to do it out in the open as well?" she said and pushed him back gently and pulled her kimono closed. "I was thinking it would be better to do it in a more closed area, where other demons will not stare, they might want some of me." she warned him as kn smirk came across her face and she slowly backed away from him heading over into his territory, where she knew his cave was that he was living in at the moment.
While Okami tried to lead Sesshomaru into his cave, he swiftly grab her and put her into hoist cuddle. He had her arm wrap around his back of the neck to prevent her from falling.
"You not bringing me anywhere!" he said in a bossy way.
What he actually meant was that HE will bring her, not HER bring him. With her in his arm, they travel toward his cave by leaping high and far. He take another look at her beauty while carrying, at the same time focus on moving ahead. His long hair and his fluffy shoulder fur can be seen flying backwards by the wind.

Sesshomaru reaches his cave in a short time. He kiss her again on the lips before he lie her on the ground, facing upwards. He lie at her side with his head supported by his elbow on the ground.
"You are...beautiful. I'm desiring you," a very rare thing for him to do, as he stroke her hair while uttering those words.
His pair of eyes move rapidly, staring at her beautiful face and body. He then take a few sniff repeatedly and breathe out in pleasure.
"I like your smell too. Incredible!"

Sesshomaru undo the butterfly knot of her blue kimono, revealing an armor beneath it.
"You are really protecting yourself," he smirked with a quite evil laugh.
"I'm going to take off your armor and whatever that protects you. You can never resist Lord Sesshomaru" he smirked again and took off her whole body armor. Beneath her armor reveals her undergarment, her last line of defense. He continue kissing and licking her face while fondling her breast, stomach, and crotch area over the fabric of her undergarment. With his long palm, he sweep her whole length of both her thighs, teasing her pussy area.
She yelped when he lifted her up and grunted as he began to take her towards the cave of his own. She wondered why he was being this way with her, however she did not argue against him. However when he lay her down on some skins in his cave she stared up at him wide eyed. "You really are a confusing male." she said and shifted her body as she lay beside Sesshomaru on the ground. When he said she smelt good she flushed slightly but was not sure how she would be able to reply to that, he was moving far too fast with her, even though she wasn't in heat yet.

"Hey...hey slow down Sesshomaru." she whimpered as he opened her kimono bringing her armor to his sight. She glared at him when he began to grow more cocky with her. She grunted and watched her amour fall away and cling to the floor not to far away. "Your one to talk, your covered in the same amour yourself." she whispered then yelped when his hand ran over her clothes pussy and body. She stared down at the strips of cloth that covered her breasts and the loin cloth around her legs, covering her pussy.

She felt strange as his warm lips kissed her face as his hand moved over her body. "I never thought you would act this way around me. You have a whole nother side to you." she whispered. Her body felt strange as she pushed her head back on the pillows under her head. Her legs closed though after a bit and she didn't want to be rough with her down between her legs. "Please...I am not even in heat yet you know." she said to the older demon.
Unlike Okami, Sesshomaru's armor is external. His armor consist of two parts, the one made of bone that covers his shoulder and chest, and the black piece that covers his front abdomen. As he tried to take of his bone armor, he was surprised that it broken into pieces. Only he realized his armor had been protecting him from the fight, making him awed towards the fox-demon princess.
"You are very feisty my little princess," he compliments, followed by a brief evil chuckle. This only made him to want her even more.

Sesshomaru took off his other armor which was not as damaged. He then place his long white fluffy fur onto the ground and untie his yellow ribbon. His body can be seen through the bisection of the kimono, with only his loincloth beneath it. He places her on his fur, hoping her to feel comfortable, making her lie down sideways, facing away from him. He lie down sideways, right behind her. Another few sniffs can be heard.

From her behind, Sesshomaru kisses her neck and cheek, gently bite her ear, playing with her black tail, and rubbing around her breast. He hug her very closely, and her back can be felt against his boner. He started to breathe harder, probably very audible for her as his mouth is very close to her ear. His hand went upward as he softly and gently places his two of his fingers between her soft lips.

After few minutes, he withdraw his fingers and go downwards towards the thigh. Teasing those thighs, his wet middle finger teases back and forth the labia few times before it gently enters the pussy. He enjoys the wetness and warmth oh her pussy. He does a "come here" gesture with his finger that is inside her pussy, while cupping her clit with his palm. The motion is repeated and gradually, increases the speed.
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