Old Man Logan (Me & zellsantal)


May 13, 2016
Lynx let out a heavy sigh as a shiver ran down her spine, it hadn't been long since she had found out the Government was after her again. She had broken out of the laboratory not many months ago and she was happy to finally be free. The blonde shook her head and pushed more of her hair out of her eyes she made her way past Stark tower and making her way into the a back alley, she headed over a fence and into the darkness of an abandoned building as a smile came across her lips. She was glad to be finally free but it scared her that people where after her once more and she had no one she could really trust other than Tony Stark who she had saved his live a few times before. He had always been there trying to help her out now, since he thought that he owed her that much.

Lynx laughed softly as she thought about the ways he would flirt with her and try to get the 18 year old into his bed, however she always avoided it. Meanwhile Tony had just found out that SHIELD and a few other Government people were out to get Lynx and he was worried, he had been told by her earlier that day that she was going on the run and into hiding. He had phoned Logan up from from bar a few towns over and told Logan what had happened and who this girl was. However he was rather surprised that Logan said he would be on it right away and was willing to look for her and protect her.

Now that she was hidden away in the building she curled up tightly in a ball on the makeshift bed she had made and buried her head into her pillows that she had managed to find. Letting out a huge sigh she bit her bottom lip and smirked softly as sleep came over her. However a few hours later she would wake up with a start as a smell entered her nose. Her dark brown eyes glowed slightly and she turned her head looking about here and there. Slowly Lynx stood up and made her way a few more levels in the building before she hid herself in a dark room. She was a feral mutant like Logan but sometimes she really hated fighting and at that moment she was feeling to sleepy to deal with some intruder.
Logan stood just outside of abandoned building with a smoking cigar in his mouth, he gave it one last long puff before taking it out of his mouth and fling it to the floor. After about a minute he went ahead and let his sense of smell pick up what is around and sure enough he could smell the girl that is here. Tony told him much about this girl named Lynx, which reminded of himself in many ways. That was the only reason why he agreed to come and help her in the first place. When he found out the age of the girl it only angerd him that she went though the same weapons program as he did and on top of that she had some other power as well. For a kid to go though that only made Logan want to find the basterds and kill them himself.

Logan came soon as he could on his motorcycle, on the way however he thought about what would be the best way to help this girl. The first thing that pops up was Xavier's School, but really he didn't want to get them involed or at lest not yet. However the first thing he have to do is build trust with Lynx, just saying Tony sent him might not be enough and for all she knew he was just agent to take her in her. "Lynx! I know your in here." he called out just as he walked inside "I'm not hear to hurt you, Tony sent me here to protect you. If you think I'm bullshiting you then call him up your self! If you do get hold of him then tell him Logan is here!" he called out.
Lynx groaned softly as the smell of Logan hit her nose and she froze, she was still wary of him but when he called to her she froze. She cocked her head to the side and slowly pushed the door of the closet open and stepped out. She moved towards the railing of the broken balcony above Logan and she stared down at him. Her night vision picking him out clearly as day and she sniffed the air. His scent smelt familiar to her however and she seemed to calm a bit. Slowly she lifted herself up and jumped from the balcony and landed on the floor ten feet away from him, she then pushed herself up so that she was standing.

Lynx sniffed the air again and picked up Tony's scent all of a sudden, her eyes moved over Logan warily. "Weapon X, Wolverine....you are the real deal." she said softly. Her voice was slightly gravely with a rather thick accent, meaning she came from Scotland. "I believe you were with Tony, I can smell the scent of him coming off of you." she said softly and made her way a bit closer towards him though she stayed her distance. Her eyes glowed a dark black color as the shadows shifted around him and cloaked her her slightly just so she would feel comfortable, she was not going to attack.

"Why did you come looking for me really, its not just because Tony asked you." she said softly. Her claws itched to come out from under her skin but she didn't let them. "I really don't know who to trust though around here anymore." she said warily as she stepped closer to him then stopped so she stood in the light of the full moon as it shown through a broken window, he would get a good look of how beaten up she looked. She was trembling slightly as well, her clothes were ripped and covered in her own dried blood from fights she had in the past. He could see the fear and worry in her eyes as well.
He knew she was close and it seem like she was getting closer to him. Was she really going to attack him or did she think she can sneak up on him? All a sudden he seen some one land about ten feet away from him, that alone almost make him draw out his claws but quickly kept himself check. Logan was surprized to hear you say weapon X and knew very well who he is. As she came closer all he could see were her eyes and a figure in the shadows that she controls. It was only when he got a good look at her though the moon light did he see the girl.

She is indeed a beautiful woman and with a all too well familiar look in those eyes of hers. Fear, lost and not sure who to turn to. He was very much in the same boat as she was. "After what Tony told me about you, how you went though the weapon x program and how you were treated. I would say I am the only person who would come close to know the hell you went though and how you would be feeling right now. To be used, hunted and who knows what else. I came because I wanted to met you and to help you any way I can." he said to her in a calm voice.
She would slowly relax until her body stopped wanting to claw him and she stepped closer to him now so that she was only a few feet away. She sniffed the air around him and she could smell he was calm as well. She bit her bottom lip and slowly slumped onto a broken down couch not far from him now. However she was not going to go near him, no that would be his job to go near her. "I know all about you Logan, however did you get abducted when you were 11 by some dark beast from another galaxy and had things done to you that you can hardly remember? I was spit back only to be taken over by the Government again and only released a few months ago." she croaked trying not to get angry.

Lynx let out a heavy sigh and brushed her hair out of her eyes and stared down at the floor still trembling. She owned nothing and the clothes on her back were ripped and shredded. He would be able to see huge and ugly scars that where on her skin, showing through the rips in her clothes. She bit her bottom lip once more and pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her head into her hands. She was going to show him no threat nor was she going to attack him, he would be able to approach her now that she had fully calmed down. He could see why Tony was worried about her now as he got closer to her.

"Those damn SHIELD agents messing with me next when I got free. They held me down, cut me ope and left me scarred, unable to heal for weeks." she said and ran her hand over her right scarred eye. "I can hardly believe how cruel normal humans can be, what they do to us mutants to make us super powered and shit. Its a fucking pain in the ass." she snarled. Her fangs showed a bit and glinted in the moon light as she shook her head. When he was close to her now he would be able to see her sniff the air and take his scent in even more, his scent seemed to calm her now though.
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