Time Turning (Me & intimate)


May 13, 2016
Meila kept tapping her foot over and over again on the floor of her bedroom her mind thinking over the argument she had just had with her now ex boyfriend. She slammed her hand down on her dresser before taking a few deep breathes to calm herself down. "Alright....that does it....Jack is going to get a talking to." she growled and made her way down the stairs of the Torchwood hub. "Jack what the hell where you thinking, drugging my boyfriend just because your jealous of him?" she asked and shoved a finger into his chest, making sure it hurt him a bit, to make a point of mind to him.

Meila looked like some 18 year old school girl, however she actually was a 600 year old Time Lord, though she had kept this truth hidden from Jack until recently.It was more Ianto who had brought it to their boss's attention which just made Jack even more protective of her. Meila had light blonde hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin. Her body was an athletic build, her chest small around, her ass tight and athletic. She had the height of 5'4 with the weight of 120 lbs, though it was all muscle. One thing that made her so attractive to most me was her temper and how cute she looked when she wan angry.

"I should send your ass back to your room and tie you up again." she growled before shaking her head. "Thanks to you Jack, he broke up with me." she hissed then spun around and made her way to her desk where she slipped into her chair. She pulled her headphones on over her ears and began to type away at a report trying to ignore him now. Biting her lip she ran her fingers through her hair and grit her teeth together tightly. "You really know how to get on my nerves and you should be proud of it either." she went on saying.
Jack loved it when Meila was angry, the way her brow furrowed and she got these little dimples in her cheeks that made her look even younger. He imagined that sex with her when she was angry would be quite an event. But then she might try to kil him so, you know, swings and roundabouts. It was true, he had been jealous of her boyfriend, but then her boyfriend had also been a dick and not someone he wanted anywhere near Torchwood. He couldn't help but feel a frisson of excitement at the thought of meila tying him up again, but he quickly shook the image away and strode over to her.

"You might want to try to remember who's in charge around here. We don't need dead wood like....." he genuinely couldn't remember the guy's name, "him, hanging around and casuing distractions." he paused for emphasis, but he wasn't even sure she was listening to him. he tried to soften his tone a little. "Look we're getting some strange anomolous readings coming through the rift. Temporal waves. I'm not sure what they mean, so if you could apply your massive intellect to that I'd be most grateful." Too patronising? He thought maybe yes, but what the hell.

Jack span on his heel and marched away to his office, just as Ianto's boyish face appeared at the top of the stairs, "Don't let him get to you," he said in his sweet welsh lilt, "He's just a big pussycat really." ianto smiled. He was in love with Jack, but there was something about Meila that stirred something in him he'd never experienced in relation to a woman before. Even a 600 year old time lord woman.
Meila muttered something in another tongue as Jack scolded her and she turned her head and watched him walk off. "Fucking bugger...." she grumbled something else under her breath before she hit a few buttons on the computer and the rift came into view. "Sure leave it to the one with all the brains to do all the work while the asshole goes and fights aliens. Jack...ass." she growled and her eyes scanned the screen. "Just some electrical waves and a minor alien disturbance but it looks like nothing is coming through." she said then printed off a report. She turned her head and smiled up at Ianto when he spoke to her and she laughed softly as she headed up the stairs towards him.

"Oh Ianto, always trying to fix our relationships whenever me and Jack fight. You really are a sweet heart and my favorite." she said softly, she looked rather tired when she came close to him. "I know I shouldn't let him get to me but he always ruins my relationships whenever I find someone I really like." she said sadly. "After finding out what I am...he hasn't stopped ridding my ass, hes over protective and it pisses me off. I am older than him, seen more than he has and he talks to me like a child. I am a fucking Time Lord, I was here before Earth was even created." she mumbled and gently fixed Ianto's tie. "Why do you humans have to make everything so hard, I don't understand you." she whispered softly as she brushed a few angry tears from her eyes and sighed.

"Though thanks for making me feel better Ianto, you always do." she said and kissed him on the cheek before she stormed into Jack's office. "Hey asshole, nothing really bad coming through the rift. Here is your fucking report. And let me remind you who is older and who has been alive since before your planet or your race where made." she hissed. She then shoved her finger into Jack's chest once more and lifted his head. "You fuck up another relationship for me again I will find a way to kill you." she whispered softly into his ear. Though Jack would know that she really did care for him even though they always fought. "Oh and his mane was Daryl, and your the dead wood around here. Now for fuck sakes back the bloody hell up before I remove your bullocks." she said and turned out of his office.

She made her way outside where she stood staring up at the sky, aware the rain was going to fall once more. "Fuck...can't we get at least one sunny day around here." she said before turning and grabbing a fag from her pocket and lightening it up, she took a deep inhale, held it before exhaling as her headache calmed down. Once she was done she headed back inside and headed over to Ianto with a bag in her hand and handed it to him. "Its your favorite, its thanks for earlier, but could I talk to you for a few minutes." she whispered into his ear as her hand brushed over the top of his. She then walked up another set of stairs and made her way into her own bedroom Jack had set up for her and sat down at her desk.
Jack had his buried when Meila stormed in and started ranting. He stood to meet her but she jabbed him in the chest. God he wanted to fuck her right then and there, maybe slap her about a bit first. But he was also aware of just how dangerous she could be. Angry sex was great but, despite his immortality, he had no particular desire at that point to be killed - again. He ran through the list of reposts but was distracted. Daryl, of course, he knew it had been one of those annoying names, by the time his brain had clicked back into gear she'd swept back out of his office again.

Jack sat back down with a sigh and scanned the report she'd slapped on his desk. She was right. Nothing particularly seemed to be coming through the rift, but he couldn't get over the feeling that something bad was happening. He hated having to sit and wait. He was a man of action and this was killing him. He got back to his feet and paced the room. He took out his revolver, checked the cylinder for rounds and weighed the weapon in his hand. Time to go hunting he thought.

Ianto was flumoxed. She was beutiful, female, but beautiful. She was so confident and strong and when she adjusted his tie the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. What was happening to him. when she kissed his cheek and walked away he found himself rooted to the spot and touching the skin her lips had brushed. Was it because she was a timelord? Did they perhaps give off pheromones he was unaware of. He shook it off and sat back down at his desk, finding it difficult to concentrate. Even when he got a call from Tosh describing a strange signal she'd picked up from the edge of Cardiff near an area of old mines called Hen Fwyng.

When Meila returned and handed him the bag he was surprised and pleased, noting the treacle toffee - a guilty pleasure - contained within. She wanted to talk? Then she brushed his hand and once more he felt the strange tingle he'd experienced earlier. Then she left and he looked after her. Unable to take his eyes off her ass. Did she want him to follow? Ianto was in many ways like a dog, and not just because of the big brown sorrowful eyes, he was loyal, intelligent and always wanted to please. he thought sometimes that jack took advantage of that but.... She was different. Wasn't she?

Ianto checked his computer, then hurried to Meila's bedroom, knocking softly before entering. "Tosh just called in something, I need to let Jack know soon. I know he can be an ass at times, but he really does care. About all of us." Ianto stopped in front of her, uncertain how to proceed.
She remembered the argument she had with Jack earlier and she felt guilty knowing she might have hurt him. However she jumped slightly when Ianto came in and she turned to look at him. "You don't have to worry about Tosh and what is going on in the mines. I already sent the message to him. It seems to be more Weevils at it again. Though they are in some type of group, I think they are trying to mate." she said and stood up. Melia remembered the way Jack had looked at her, the sexual tension between him and she shivered pushing it out of her mind. "Ianto, do you really know the real reason why he is so harsh on me? Its because I am like him in a few ways and he...is both in love with me and wants to shag me." she said weakly as she shot the door behind him and let out a heavy sigh, she was pale in the face and she grasped his tie and adjusted it again.

She never thought of Ianto as some dog, she wasn't there to take advantage of him or use him. Melia cared for him deeply and he was one of her only friends. Everyone else seemed to just want to fuck her as soon as she walked in the room. "I am so sick and tired of Owen....the girls coming after me as well. Your my only friend here Ianto." she whispered as her hand brushed a few crumbs from his chest. "You always look so handsome in your suit, its the only thing other than the person in it that cheers me up when you come around." she whispered and leaned up kissing his cheek again. Her heart was racing in her chest and she clamped her eyes shut as she hugged him tightly, her head against his chest as she listened to his one heart beat while her two raced.

"You are the only one who seems to calm my temper as well, when it gets worse and I am about to explode." she purred. She wasn't thinking about shagging Ianto at the moment, no she just wanted to have someone hold her. Slowly her hands puled him towards the bed and she let out another heavy sigh as a few tears streamed down her cheeks. Ianto was the only person she had let seen her cry. "Don't you ever get sick of having your heart broken over and over again?" she whispered as she buried her head gently into his suit shirt and breathed in his scent. She knew she would take a bullet for him, she had done it a few times before, almost had her arm ripped off as well protecting Ianto from stray aliens.

She couldn't take it anymore and she lifted her hand and stared straight into his eyes. "I love you Ianto, I want you to know that but I am not going to force you or push you into anything. I am not like Jack, I won't abuse your trust in me." she said as she let him go and slowly pushed her bangs out of her eyes. "Just wanted to let you know my true feelings, I can't keep them hidden from you anymore, it just felt so wrong." she said and swallowed as a lump formed in her throat. Slowly she lifted her head and grasped his hand but only held it. Sure she was powerful and deadly but Ianto was her krypton and he could tell. "I will never stop protecting you as long as I can, I don't care how many times I have to regenerate." she whispered and brought his hand against her cheek and sighed.
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