Toy Box (Duxt, Mofo)


Jul 16, 2015
Fin Ronalds an average round faced, spectacle wearing, slightly round bellied, average every day otaku. With an unshaven black beard along his jaw, and rounded lower half of his face. Settled on the bridge of his nose some round lensed Adolfo brand eyeglasses settled. He was not attractive, but in his own mind his beloved collection didn't care. Having been kicked from his mothers basement Fin had managed to settle into a cheap 1 room apartmant to which he shared with no one save his collection of 12-17 inch model figures from various shows and fandoms. The move had been easy for Fin, who settled the 12 inch Tracer figure with the rest of his Overwatch set. The timer beeped. "Well I should get to job hunting." He said getting dressed for Job Hunting. Little was Fin aware the moment he stepped out something amazing would happen to his collection.
When Fin left something happened, no one could say what, for no one was there to witness. But after there was plenty to witness what happened next. Tracer, who was once a top of the line figure, gave a sudden gasp as life was pumped into her. what was plastic became flesh and clothing, as if the it was the real her, only miniature.

The girl blinked, her pose suddenly relaxing as her body became hers. She looked around the room, lifting her goggles up to make double check what she was seeing. "Whoa.... this place is 'uge! Were are we?" Glancing around from the room, she turned to the little set she was on, well, life sized to her... That is when she spotted Widowmaker aiming down her sights at the girl.

Two things happened at once here, first Widowmaker pulled the trigger and second, Tracer tried to teleport to safety... Neither of which worked. So baffled, both girls stood their baffled, inspecting their respective equipment. Widowmaker's gun was a convincing prop, it felt right in every way, but the weapon just wouldn't fire. Same for Tracer's stabiliser, a prop with all the right lights and sounds, but when she tried to disengage it to phase out of existence, nothing happened. "Uhm... call it a draw love?" The little cockney girl shrugging as she looked up at the disgruntled assassin.
Fin had stepped out of the house, and settled on the idea of focusing on jobs around the apartment. The first few places he checked were a few restaurants about 5 blocks of a walk from his place, after all Fin couldn't drive, and had to take the bus if he wanted to go farther now. It was all to clear that however, a few hours he managed to land an interview at a local comic shop. Which was perfect for him, he interviewed with the owner for a bit, they talked about various comics and genres. "No way man that comic is rare, you can't have known about it..."

The owner retorted when Fin spoke about owning a limited edition League Comic. "Yup I have it, and its not for sale." The two of them chatted on and on time flew and he landed himself some stable work for the time being, returning home he stopped at a fast food joint then walked home. Upon his return and the turn of the key in his lock. He entered in to the room, ad noticed something off about his model displays.

All of them had been... moving. Rubbing his eyes and looking around, looking to his computer noticing it had turned on. "What..." Walking up to it, he grumbled. Then noticed upon the desk two of his figures, his Widowmaker and Tracer figures, however something was unusual about them. He reached out and taps them with his fingers.
Fin would be surprised to feel that the two girls didn't feel like plastic, pushing them he felt give, like pressing against flesh and clothing. He'd also be surprised to hear them speak. "Connard!" Widowmaker suddenly exclaimed as she was tapped, easily pushing the foot tall woman down. She spun onto her back and flipped onto her feet, raising her gun to start firing, only for nothing to happen again.

Tracer, who also got up, quickly pulled the angry french woman's gun down. "Easy love, easy. We don't want to anger to giant man...." Looking up to him she smiled sheepishly, giving a friendly wave. "Hello, mr giant man..." Giving a nervous laugh, seems they were about unaware as him in regards to this whole mess.

From the shelf the rest of the girls watched from various sets. On closer look, he'd be able to see them moving, hiding mainly to see if he was hostile or not, which would go bad for them considering their weapons didn't work... though there was one notable, missing exception. D.Va and her mech were nowhere to be seen... least until Fin would notice his computer tower was opened up, the girl seeming to be checking out his hardware.
Fin itched his scalp a little at the whole thing. His models had come to life were moving around as if they were live. "Well, this is strange, I leave for a bit come back, and now everythings moving..." He wondered if this was a dream, giving his round cheeks a pinch he blinks. "Oww... so that hurts, meaning... this is real?" He looks down at Tracer and Widow, he plucked the gun from Widow and would put it up. Sighing, well this was strange, but, not something he seemed to mind. "You all are moving, and I now have a job, and am away from the old buzzard at home."

He sets the bag on the counter and opens it up laying out the burger and setting the coke and fries out. In terms of size the food was massive looking to them likely. "You all hiding can come out, and tell me what seems to be going on here..." Fin asked of them and stared over at noticing she was messing with his computer. "And what are you doing little lady?" Obviously she could see the star craft icon upon his desktop.
The various girls came out, mainly those from the Overwatch set. Pharra, Mei, Zarya, Mercy and Symmetra stepped to the edge of the counter, looking down to Tracer and Widowmaker. "So... no attack?" The muscled russian woman asked in her thick accent.

"No attack love, please!" Tracer insisted, trying to keep an incident from breaking out it seems.

"Bah, still think should torture the giant for information." Widowmaker scoffed, getting a glare from Tracer.

D.Va meanwhile ignored the drama up above, turning her attention to Fin. "Well, wanted to see what sort of specs you've got. Seems a little primitive, but hey, seems to work. Mind if I give it a go?" Quickly backing up and closing the tower back up, she used her mech to hop back up the counter.
Fin settled into his computer chair. With his burger and his soda with him. He looks to "Your welcome to try it out, not sure if you will have an easy time being so small.." He wasn't paying the others much mind. They would likely explore the appartment at their own leisure, it was one room they wouldn't likely get very lost in it. The food was settled down beside the computer. He then plucks from her mech and settled her on his shoulder. "Careful not to fall, paid good money for you, don't want you breaking." The big man turned on the computer.

The screen flashed on, and he clicked the starcraft icon. He then settled down relaxing back watching her for a bit. Then turns his attention to the others keeping an eye out for where they would be and what they would be doing. "Well, introductions I guess, you all may call me Fin, and this is my Apartment."

It was odd he didn't mind this as much as he thought he should, it was tiny live versions of the women he'd kill to fuck. "If you want anything the cupboards are full..." He looked to the door hearing some footsteps mail was here. "Let me get that." Moving to the door he would get the bills and such. Eying around...wait if they were squishy did that mean he could do that and this with them...

Moving over to Tracer he picked her up into his hand looking her over, she was a foot tall figure so she fit decently in his hand atleast. Pressing into the straps of her device which kept her locked into reality. Which in this case was just a fancy thing with flashing lights. It did come off, though likely not without her fidgeting and fighting, but if push came to shove he'd manage to get it off her at the very least. "So that does come off now?"
Tracer squirmed as expected in his grip. "Hey, hey, easy now love. No need to do that, hey!" Her protests made little difference, as he removed her pack. She closed her eyes, expecting to phase out again, though opened them and blinked as nothing happened. She was still here, real as she used to be. "This place is weird..."

"I think it's cool! Though going to need to figure out playing st this size." D.Va commented, turning her attention to the screen as she sat on Fin's shoulder. Perfectly content to watch him play Starcraft than anything else.

Mercy, the winged woman coming down from the shelf was the first to ask the obvious question, or semi obvious. "You said you paid good money for us. Are you implying that we are slaves here?"
Fin settled by his computer after having molested Tracer more then enough for a bit. Settling down he makes sure was on his shoulder in a good spot as he didn't want her falling, as from this height she'd hit the ground and it probably be to her death seeing as she was so small.

The young man played a bit of Starcraft leaving the living figurines to do their own things for a bit, he was playing a real game and managing to flank and route the enemy perfectly. He was notably ripping off pieces of his burger and offering it up to so she could have a bite now and again, of course it was likely to be real tiny nibbles.

The coke on the other hand he had to lift up, and see if she could drink from the straw at her size. When Mercy came down and perked up that question he was mid swallowing some coke which he readily spat out and maybe a little all over the unfortunate Widow standing near his spit radius. Wiping his lip and putting a napkin around Widow, even if she wasn't likely to enjoy that. "Slaves... no no, when I got you in the mail, and various contests... I just ya know put you on shelves and enjoyed looking at you, but now your moving, and this is all very strange..." watched, occasionally throwing advice every now and again as he played. When offered food, she ate, biting off tiny chunks to eat, barely noticeable when compared to the whole burger. The straw didn't quite work however, though she wasn't sure how to solve that problem with any elegance, not really wanting to dunk her head too close to the liquid.

Mercy tilted her head at his explanation. "The way you speak it sounds as if we are... toys..." She stopped, looked around, looked at her self and then the little set up on the shelf they had come from. "Ah... I see..." It clicking for the girl and soon for everyone else, the room starting to fill with quiet conversation between the various groups.
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