seeking some misogynistic raceplay bizness

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May 27, 2016
sup. Short and sweet! Here's what I'd really like to play!

Or well, here's that after some of the housekeeping kinda stuff. You might remember my last prompt thread. Well, this one's different. Kinda! But what remains the same is that I like to play in first person (I know, so uncool), and you can play first or third opposite me. I like to play in private messages but can be talked into a thread. I'm like, super literate and shizz, but also try not to spend hours rocking out pages of hot and heavy smut per post. A couple of paragraphs will do it for me. We can write the next great novel, but man, my time to post is already kinda limited sometimes, so I prefer tennis to baseball when it comes to pacing. I post whenever I can, so sometimes that's a lot per day, sometimes that's a little per week. You know, adulthood, retail job, kickin it with the love of my life instead of internet perverts, takes up a lot of time and all that.

My sexual kinks ain't that different, I'll tell you right now: cocksucking and facefucking? Pretty much the best. Oral fixation, can I get one poured out for all my pen caps? Casual or systemic misogyny? Be still my feminist heart! My limits are pretty much always the same as always: keep it away from foot fetish territory, femdom island, latex land, scat central, and anal play archipelago and we're probably square. (You can stick it in, just don't you know, use tongue or stuff.)

So what's changed? Simple enough, this request thread is solely dedicated to misogynistic raceplay stuff. Go, go, hit your back button if you don't care! Spit on me if you must (that's kinda kinky). Like, standard disclaimer about the views of this roleplay do not anymore endorse my actual views than real porn endorses most people's goddamn sex lives, you dig? But with all the HOT BUTTON shit going on in American politics these days, I kinda wanna dig into those to work out some of my demons.

So hey there honey, I'd love you to play a super swanky Alt-Aryan type who knows where someone else really fuckin' belongs. And here I am over here, Miss Second or Third Generation Whatevs, but just because I'm American don't mean I am, ya dig? I wanna play as a Mexican or Chinese or Libyan or -- well, you get the point, right? Someone non-white who's still as American as apple pie, but you, you fuckin' asshole, have reduced to the color of her skin and where her parents came from. Which yeah, see, normally that'd be reprehensible and soundly smacked down, right? But that's just the way the country is going these days, after all, so maybe that cute little Korean gal in your English class is going to be raped, mind-broken, and tossed in the metaphorical or literal gutter by the end of seventh period and it'll just be seen as boys being boys.

Point being: I want some fucked up raceplay; I want the dude being all fucked up to essentially be above reproach in the eyes of their peers, law enforcement, authority; I want her to end up doubting or otherwise completely disaffected of her own self worth by the end of things. Some elements of bimbo-ization / mind-break / violence / even snuff? are all cool with me, but basically I want you to prove that the superiority of the all-mighty white dick isn't just being waved around as some last dying gasp from an obsolete demographic, but it's an actual real fuckin' thing.

Sound fun? PM me!

Think I'm a monster?

Prolly not wrong, oh well. But I'm not the one who instituted the patriarchy and rape culture. I just get off on hyperbolizing it.

Oh and if there's special models or folks who really do it for ya, let me know, I'm open to faceclaim suggestions. I might throw a few default options up here in a hot sec~
RE: all the fun things (age regression and dolcett oh my!)

bumpdate! Two slots open for the time bein'
RE: all the fun things

a bump for maybe one or two more friends!
RE: eat me!

gulp! wait crap that's not a bump. oh wait. theeere it is.
RE: eat me!

It don't matter if you're black or white
had to take a bit of an unfortunate sabbatical, but i'm back to make America great again
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