House of Cards (Kirby & manofyourdream)


Mar 4, 2010
It was one of those nights again, a night where nothing but the best and most figure hugging dress would do, not to mention a night where she needed to wear those heels which always made her feel as though she would topple over at any moment, they did prove useful though to make people stare at her taut well rounded rear. In fact this was the subject that would bring her to Majority whip Frank Underwood. Last night she had received an email from one of the photographers at the Herald, of Congressman Underwood checking out said rear end, so she felt that this was her ticket to speak to him.

After printing off the image she stuffed it into her purse, and set about getting dressed. She realised that the white dress from the previous nights opera caught his eye once, so perhaps his attention would be easily gained when she wore it again. Stepping out of her well worn robe she had slipped around herself after her shower, and into a white thong she pulled a matching bra across her chest which pushed those well rounded mounds into a nice cleavage. Eventually she wriggled into that figure hugging white number, and struggled to move it up over her curves, although luckily it was slightly elasticated so it wasn't impossible. Spreading some thin amount of makeup across her lips, cheeks and eyes she peered into a scruffy unclean mirror and nodded her head in some sort of affirmation that it was enough. Tousling her hair between slender, less than manicured fingers, she smirked and picked up her purse. Dress

She'd done her homework on the congressman the night before, as soon as she had received the email from her colleague, so an air of confidence surrounded the young female, allowing her a swagger and a sway of her hips as she walked out to hail a cab. She didn't think too much about the fact she was about to turn up to a benefit without an invite, without a guest, but with a firm need to get some information to work her way up the ranks at the Herald. She knew they wouldn't take her seriously if she continued to be a lowly, unnamed junior, she desperately needed to make herself useful, and Francis Underwood was the way forward.

The cab didn't take too long to get to the events location, so she stuffed some notes though the window and with some minor attempt to keep her dignity she stepped out of the cab, making her way to the entrance. For such a high profile gig it was surprisingly easy to slide inside, as though she were with the person she'd been standing beside. Once in though she sloped away from whomever she'd latched onto, and set about seeking out her prey. Dark eyes darted around, and she managed to gain a glass of champagne to make it look as though she really belonged here.
They say, ‘Politics is a cut throat business!’ The Underwoods had every intention of making every word of it become true. Francis came from nothing and lot of people thought he was no good and nothing but a white trash. Well, here he was. He got to where he was by working just as hard and he expected some fruition. Though, he knew that he needed to work a little harder, go that extra mile and he knows he will get there.

He was a power-hungry Democratic congressman from South Carolina and House majority whip, party’s top choice for Speaker for the next Congress. So yeah, he came from nothing and became a Minority whip and now, a Majority. Though, this wasn’t just enough for him and his wife Claire. Speaking of which, he was blessed to have such a strong and powerful woman at his side, making him what he was today. And again, it was true, what they say, ‘Behind a successful man, there’s a woman.’ That was Claire, planning strategically alongside with him, aiding him…them to become what they wish to become one day. They knew the path wasn’t easy and they’d have to come across times when they’d require to do the unpleasant yet necessary thing.

The goal was to secure the election of President Garrett Walker to get himself appointed Secretary of State. It wasn’t just about the money but power. The Underwoods hopes that Garrett would honor their agreement because if doesn’t, he’s going to have to work twice as hard. He’s prepared to whatever that needs be done to get him where he wants to be. A benefit was being held in the honor of Garrett Walker’s success and Francis would kick him over to acquire the throne if he could but he didn’t do that.

Instead, he stood amongst a small crowd of high officials, making small talks and faking a selling smile to them, he slowly moved away to other guests. A lot went on in politics and in DC, only if you were to keep your mouth shut and observe the people at these parties, there’s always somewhere someone’s secrets are being spilled. Call it gossip but in politics, gossips can do a lot of damage if it became public. He finally walked away from the people he was talking to and decided to head over to the bar to get some water since the cheap wine had made his throat itch so badly. They could have at least picked a better wine…he cursed whoever had planned this event.


He wasn’t the one to notice these things usually but a view of a fine form fitting white dress had finally caught his attention. He wouldn’t have gone over to strike a conversation but it seemed that the woman was walking in the same direction, to the bar. Was it intentional? He’d never know but here, his eyes were glued seeing how her hips moved in that nice piece of number. His eyes gazed hard over her waist, trying to see if he could see the shape of her panties in that tight dress but quickly darted his gaze over to the bartender as he approached the bar. He had thought it was some woman and to tell the truth, women in politics were never quite good to look at so he half mindedly thought that she might just be some old hag. He was dressed in a custom made grey suit, white shirt, matching slacks and a grey tie, looking dashing as always.

He tried not to seem like a teenager, trying to steal a look at the bar. He had arrived after she had and so, he went ahead and stood at arm’s distance from the girl, casually tapping his fingers on the bar counter and finally, he turned to see who the woman was next to him…who obviously smelled great! Turning to find out that he was wrong to think that this was some woman, no, she was young girl and a pretty one too. He couldn’t help but nod at her and then at the bartender as he asked what did they want. “Oh please, help this young lady first.” He said and swiftly turned to lean on the counter, “And good evening to you. How’s your evening going so far?” He couldn’t believe himself that he just said that to her. Though, he tried not to stare at her, he did give her a look once over, noticing how lithe her frame was and the tight dress was evident of that. “Francis…Francis Underwood.” He said as he extended his hand for a shake, thinking this was nothing but a casual introduction.
It took a small amount of time to reach the bar, using her trademark swagger to make sure that she was pulling the right sort of attention, in fact this fundraiser was the perfect place to become 'noticed' and she could potentially use these people for her own good. She reached the point in her life where she was growing tired of her life, tired of living above a restaurant and even more tired of the hell hole she called a home. 'Any means necessary' she whispered to herself, knocking back the glass of champagne she had gained.

Biting her bottom lip she looked around the place, attempting to seek out the elusive Francis Underwood. Eyes fell upon him, that handsome man in the sharp suit- She noted how well he wore it, how well tailored it was to his body, and how his elder frame stood and oozed power. Normally she was drawn to the weedy little men that she could control, that she could use, but this was different. This time she didn't exactly want to bed the man, but she wanted to use him to gain more information, and work her way up the ladder. She knew of people that bedded their sources, but she was going to be different, she was going to be all business with this man.

Luckily her glass was empty, so she had a legitimate reason to be at the bar, so carefully she climbed onto the stool in the most ladylike fashion and leaned against the surface. Her ploy was to ignore Francis for the time being, and wonder if the dress would do it's thing. So far, so good. Smirking to herself she bode her time, and peered out the corner of her eye at him, not turning for the moment.

She did smell great, and she felt great, the bottle of Dior Pure Poison that her ex had left her as some sort of 'nasty' message had backfired, as the perfume actually smelled amazing. The sound of the man tapping his fingers against the bar went right through her, and she found that she could no longer ignore the man, she turned to face him with a slight smile. "Thank you, but I'm sure I could have gotten his attention myself" She scoffed, and adjusted her bra slightly so the cleavage was more apparent. "I'll have whatever he's having..." She said, nodding to Francis and slightly changing her tone for the moment. She knew she wasn't going to sleep with him, but sex definitely sells, and in this business she knew that more than ever.

"Zoe, Zoe Barnes" She added finally, offering a hand to meet his extended fingers and taking them, giving a light shake. "But I knew who you were Congressman Underwood, such a shame you didn't recognise me." She added rather cryptically, waiting for him to order his drink before she got her random order.
Francis’s attention was drawn towards the woman in a white dress, watching her frame move ever so elegantly in the bar’s direction. Luckily, he was also making his way towards it and so, he didn’t want to keep staring at her backside and instead, nodded at a few guests who he happened to walk past them. He was good at manipulating people so he can bend them at his will. He had done that plenty times to get where he was today. Despite everything, he was a good judge of characters, putting him one step ahead of them.

He loved to make people feel they’re beneath him and so, it makes him feel powerful. Most of the times, he succeeds and just like the crowd he was chatting with earlier, they dared not speak against what he was proposing. It was merely a small step towards a direction that might help his wife, Clair, with her water project. He promised he would speak to proper people and he did that. Pleasing him brought a great feeling of contentment as they did have a unique relationship despite being married. Let’s just say that they’re not your typical married couple. They complimented and supported one another, making them stronger when they’re together.

He had no idea that the girl sought his attention and yet, planning to ignore him. Though, when he was seeking someone’s attention, he’d have it. A simply comment at the bartender had certainly caught her attention. He was expecting a kind thank you in return but it was evident that she spilled lava through her mouth. Snotty little girl she was, watching her pretty face turn around and her blonde strands of hair cascaded over to the side when he looked at him. It was then, he realized that she wasn’t some woman but a young girl.

It’s hardly a reason for a girl her age to be present as such events. They were boring and it made people his age run away or sneak away from here so he could only imagine why a girl her age would want to be here. Little did he knew, she had a reason to be here. He chuckled at her comment, “You could have, for sure.” He humbly agreed with her, allowing her chest to puff with self-confidence. He scoffed and then smirked when she told the bartender that she’d take what he was having. “You sure?” he murmured as he had a strong vodka on the rocks earlier. The bartender would know from the smell of it and Francis simply nodded at him as if nodding an approval nod.

“Zoe…Barnes… it’s nice to meet you!” He kept a proper distance between the two as he didn’t like mud being spilled on his image. He shook hands and liked how soft and tiny it felt in his grip. The name would have meant something she were a famous reporter and at the time, he had no idea who she was. She must have been someone’s company or an arm candy. He gave her a surprising look and then exude confidence, “Underwood is a famous name Dear. I am sure you’ve heard it a lot on TV or in conversations with your colleague, or from your daddy.” He said and smiled softly, taking the drink that the bartender served.

He passed a glass towards her and took one for himself, “You sure?” he asked her one last time before she’d realize it’s a strong drink to have for a girl, especially for a girl her age. It was then, he inquired a bit more about what she was claiming, making a face at her as if he had no idea what he was talking about, “Hmm, Am I supposed to know you from somewhere?” He asked as he did liked her white dress and liked a similar styled dress on another woman a day or two ago, but that’s simply him or any men checking out a girl. He shook his head, leaning forward a bit to show he was interested in knowing where he knew her from, “Sorry, you’re going to have to remind me Ms. Barnes!” he said as he sipped on his drink with much ease.
Oh how she would give anything to snatch her hand away from his grip, to leave him sitting there with his 'strong' drink, and infuriating arrogance. She pondered him for a moment, wondering how it was that he'd managed to maintain a marriage, or any relationship for that matter. How was it that he'd managed to secure a high up seat within congress, and held so much esteem among his peers. Of course all of this thinking happened in a rather short moment, and when her drinks was passed back to her she was all sweetness once more. She'd removed the hateful glare, and attempted to regain an amused one as he spouted remarks about his name and how she'd heard of him.

Forcing a fake chuckle, she removed her hand slowly from the icy powerful grip and cupped the glass of clear fluid. By the time she'd actually got around to picking it up, the glass was covered in condensation which coated her regular unkempt nails and dripped down her chest as she pulled it to her lightly painted lips. Leaving signs of said paint on the rim of the glass, she allowed the liquid to burn it's way down her throat, making her cough rather embarrassingly. Turning her head away from the majority whip, her hair following suit, she attempted to regain her composure and desperately tried not to look like a child taking her first sip of daddies whisky.

Placing the glass on the white counter top, she wiped the tears that had gathered in the corner of her dark eyes with the back of her hand, and brushed away the beaded condensation from her bosom. Luckily there hadn't been enough water to seep through her dress and expose those darkened rings beneath.

Being nothing but relentless, Zoe pulled the glass back into her hands and sipped it again, and this time managed to survive with just a small cringe and a deep burn of her throat but no coughing. Grinning at her achievement she looked back to Francis with a confident gaze. She then set about easing the curiosity that she had planted within him upon introduction, and reached for her purse. Pulling the folded piece of paper from inside, she passed it to him across the bar, without unfolding it. "Perhaps that will go some way to explaining where you know me from, and for your information I have written many a report on you, congressman." She spat the final words as though she did produce venom, and used it to silence her prey. "So I certainly didn't have to ask my father" She hissed those words "About you!"

To be honest Zoe knew that she would be able to use this photo as some leverage with the man, but she wasn't entirely sure how he would react, and what sort of situation she was about to find herself in. She knew that he wouldn't want the image to be leaked anywhere, and if he valued his name as much as he seemed to then he would play her little game, and he would co-operate. For certain the Herald would take her seriously if she had someone like Francis in her pocket. She was fed up of Tom looking at her like she was something on his shoe, and he would remember her name now that was for sure.
The more his gaze lingered on her face, the more he noticed how pretty the girl was. His gaze noticed and ran down the length of her red silky hair. It seemed as if she’d taken each strand of hair and nicely put into place to make a pony to give her the look she was donning, almost perfect. Noticing her forehead and her light and well-shaped eyebrows, followed by her pretty eyes…it all went hand in hand, adding more to her beauty. He also noticed how she wasn’t wearing a lot of make-up, not even an eyeshadow or eye liner perhaps, unless of course she did and he was blinded by her beauty to take note of such accessories.

Whilst she was lost in her thoughts, he admired the rest of her face, tiny little nose and them pert lips which were lightly painted. When she wasn’t looking, when no one was looking, he quickly gave her a once look over, noticing her swells which were tucked away in the cups of her bra probably and how the dress came to her mid thighs, displaying her slender legs. Speaking of which, he also noticed how short she was. He was 5ft 11 in and if he had to guess, she’d be somewhere around 5ft 2inches or 3 top. Such a tiny little thing and if he hadn’t noticed her that day, he sure as hell noticed her today, probably won’t be able to forget her from this point onwards.

His grip on her hand was natural, lingered a little more than usual before he released her small hand and picked up his drink, a fine glass fill with ‘Southern Comfort’ which would feel smooth if you’re used to drinking it. He tipped the glass to his lips and took a large gulp, letting it trickle down his throat as he looked at her curiously, taking notice of few drops of water that landed on her chest. His frame shifted towards her when he saw her cough after sipping her first sip from the glass of whiskey. He almost smirked softly as she turned away, trying to recompose herself, “Too strong maybe? Mix it with some soda…” he said and almost turned towards the bartender who was also ready to offer another drink.

He wondered what she was trying to prove. He did fish out a handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her when he saw how she wiped the tears with the back of her hand. He almost wanted to move closer and rub her back, but, he didn’t. Keeping safe distance was a safe play for now. Though it was tempting, he let her recover on her own. When she did, he almost stopped her when she put the glass back to her lips and sipped from it. He wondered if she was trying to prove her point that she was a strong girl. ‘Feisty little one’ he called out to her, watching her in admiration as she did keep the liquor down well this time around. ‘Stubborn, are you now?’ he thought in the back of her head as he couldn’t help but be amused by her behavior.

All this while, he had grown curious and wanting to learn where they’d met before. He was pretty sure now that if he had, he wouldn’t have forgotten a pretty face and a strong personality of hers. He stood patiently but he knew he was growing curious as he fished out a folded paper from her purse. Without a delay, he grabbed the paper and unfolded it, finding a picture of him leaving with his phone in his hand while she was entering the event that seemed to have taken place not long ago. It wasn’t the event, the circumstances but it was the way he was noticing her buttocks that her tight dress displayed. It was then, he remembered catching a side view of her face but not enough to plant a memory in his head.

He stared at the picture while she continued to speak, telling him about the reports she’d done on him, hissing venomous words as to how she didn’t have to ask her father about Francis. Zoe Barnes, the reports, Herald! It all made sense. Doug had brought her name and reports up once, paying no mind as he thought it was one of many reporters trying to make a name for themselves and considering there will always be haters, he was least worried. He couldn’t help but feel mixture of feelings inside him. If it was any other person, a male reporter perhaps, he would have simply downed his drink and walk away without commenting. He would cut the matter at its root, give the person no reason to quote anything he’d say about the picture. One thing for sure, the girl was playing with fire and that’s when he passed of an amusing chuckle, “Tell me something Ms. Barnes, do you like playing with fire?” he asked her in his sweetest tone but a smart person would easily pick it up as a threat. He folded the picture and put it in his pocket after showing her again. His gaze lowered to her thighs, her ass and back up to her face, “It’s almost as if you enjoy the attention from men like me.” He tilted his head forward to notice her from the front, “Or why would you wear the same dress again?” He said as he prepared himself to leave from the bar. The conversation was over, for him. Unless she manages to keep his attention, give him reason to stay back, “Refill please,” he said and downed his drink before sliding it down the counter where the bartender was standing, without taking his eyes off of her. As soon as the refill would arrive, he would leave…
As soon as he unfolded the piece of paper, Zoe gripped the drink with both hands, peering into the amber liquid before glancing back up so as not to miss a moment of this glorious reaction. She could see the change in his stance, the way he stood, the way he attempted to tower over her after he had been so kind as to offer a handkerchief in some mild mannered way of showing affection. His eyes seemed to glower, and she revelled in the fact, revelled in the little bit of discomfort he must be feeling. She considered things that must be going through his head now, how she was a reporter and that she could have easily leaked that photo with the headline that her colleague at the Herald had sent with the photo, but she didn't she had decided that this was to be a calling card as such, for a meeting with the unapproachable. She knew he didn't usually talk to press unless it was via the right channels, and it simply wasn't enough.

Sipping the liquor once more, the more times she sipped the less it burned her esophagus, and the better felt for it. She knew she could handle the 'big boys' juice, and she wasn't about to have an arrogant ass tell her she should water it down. With one last gulp and a smirk in his direction to make sure he was paying attention, and in almost answer to his query about playing with fire, she necked the rest of the contents of the glass and slammed it down onto the bar, with slightly more force than she would have liked. This of course spoiled the air that had puffed out in her chest, as she stood straight confronting him, and she was once more slightly deflated as she sighed after startling herself.

Biting her lip she looked away for a second, as she felt as though her retinas were about to be burned from his gaze. Blinking a few times, allowing moisture to glaze those beautiful dark orbs, she then regained his stare and held it for a longer. It was as though this entire confrontation was exactly that, a confrontation but also some lesson in how to play with the big boys. It would seem that Zoe was a little naive when it came to such things, but she was so ambitious and she so longed to enhance her life and career. She knew she had to remain strong, even though his presence was daunting and making her legs quiver as he spoke in such a different tone. She wasn't exactly expecting him to come quietly, but she didn't expect hostility or threats.

Raising a brow finally, she looked straight at him, and remembered how she had once stood up to her father, and forced him to tell her mother about the hooker she'd caught him sleeping with. It was then that she learned how to deal with scumbag males, and she had to embrace that strength once more to deal with Francis.

Coughing to clear her throat, just to make sure that she didn't sound like a tiny girl when words eventually did find their way to the forefront of her tongue, she spoke up. "Mr Underwood, it is precisely for men like you that I wear this dress, without it we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we?" She grinned, tilting her head to one side and glancing back to the barman. "I'll take another one too" The barman of course obliged, filling her glass and the congressman's. Once it was filled she picked it up and raised it in his direction "As for fire" She scoffed and poured the entire contents down her throat "I adore the burn" She breathed after a tiny wince. The thought of the little bit of dutch courage she had drunk at home, followed by the couple she'd hand in such a short time here made her legs wobble, or perhaps it was adrenaline that was coursing through her as she spoke to Frank in such a way. Something made her shiver, perhaps it was the mixture of whisky and champagne, or maybe it was just the way the majority whip stared at her body, she wasn't sure be she sure as hell hoped it wasn't the latter.
Even in the picture, Francis took a moment to admire her dress from behind, something that he couldn’t do so openly at the moment, in person. He noticed the curve of her back and how the dress hugged her, coming over her buttocks and ending at her mid thighs to expose her creamy slender legs. The white of the dress also allowed a faint view of the color of her undergarments and the very shape as well. Glancing up at her, he should be mad at her for pulling a stunt like this but he kept up his calm demeanor. He had a way to vent out his feelings, at home and away from public eye. When he was outside, he always kept his cool and knew it was much better for his image if he’s going to want to succeed in his plans in near future.

The girl had a lot of nerves to come on head strong like this in front of a bull such as himself. With a snap of his finger, he could remove her from the face of this earth. He knew a guy who knew a guy. Sure, it would take a lot of channeling through so it couldn’t come back to him. Though, he was awkwardly amused by her. Feeling a mixture of feelings that consisted of anger, admiration and even a bit of lust. He yet had to find out what was it that she wanted from him. If he asked her, he’d seem guilty to her and agreeing to his defeat as he’d be negotiating whatever terms. Everything was being processed in the back of his head as he showed not a thing on his face. He watched her glance at him as he took that last gulp of the hard liquor, almost as if she was taunting him, ‘Look! Even I can handle big boy’s juice!’ Noticing something about her eyes, he found himself not even needing to blink until she slammed the glass on the bar counter.

‘Did she just startle herself?’ he wondered as it didn’t go unnoticed. She continued to amuse him and he was torn between taking it easy on her or proceed with harsh measurements. It almost made him wonder if the girl was actually tough or acting to make her seem tough. He almost wanted the former as it would be more fun, playing against a stronger opponent who’d challenge him in return. From the first look, he would read into her naivety, but seeing her like this, he knew there was much more to this girl than she lead on. It was the way she downed her drink and then asked for a refill just like him. He turned back to the bartender, “Actually make it a double shot, neat.” He said to modify their drinks into much stronger tasting after she admitted that she adored the burn. It was almost like a challenge for her as he passed off an amused smile.

He finally chuckled at her crude comment, “Well Ms. Barnes, I don’t know what you think of me and I could care less as to what you think the kind of man I am to tell you the truth.” He said as he picked up his drink refill once arrived and continued, “Since we are having this conversation, who else knows about this?” He asked him curiously before adding, “And what is it you want from all of this. You seem like a smart girl so you wouldn’t just turn up with that piece of paper with not wanting anything…” he paused and added, “…or having to offer something in return.” Perhaps, he may have a use of her politically but the idea was far-fetched. He wouldn’t admit to anything just yet, just testing water, testing the girl. The game seemed exciting already.
She wanted something alright, she certainly wasn't here for the free booze, the general hobnobbing with men and women with far too much money than they knew what to do with, she was here to claim what was truly hers, the right to progress- to make something of herself. The photograph was just her ticket to this privilege, to this right that she had to better her life. Being young and ambitious was perhaps a good thing, but ambition is no good alone, so leverage and insider information was what she needed and would certainly get. Assessing his every word, his every move his expressions, his tone, she had a talent for reading people and she knew that he was slightly agitated by the photo, especially since he was concerned with who knew about it.

Smirking, she inwardly smiled when he effectively returned the drinks she'd ordered to make them into a larger volume, and once they were filled to a proper measure she slipped her fingers around the quality whisky tumblers, and pulled it to her lips. She took a deep breath, her nose dipping slightly over the rim to inhale the slightly smokey undertones from the amber fluid. Although the drink was strong, it was smooth and almost sweet at the same time, the scent of it filled her nostrils, intoxicating her thoughts. Sipping the drink she tilted it a slight bit toward his glass, as though to toast him, but more of a thanks for making it a double.

Finally she spoke, she had been having a hell of a lot of fun and wanted to watch him silently for a little bit longer, but she knew she would need to get to the point or risk losing his attention. She knew that it would take a while to regain it, and she didn't feel like working that hard. "Alright Francis...May I call you that?" She asked, or perhaps it was more of a rhetorical question as she didn't exactly wait for a reply before continuing. "Information. That is what I want. I want the scoop before anyone else, and I'm offering to pretty much be the reporter in your pocket. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" The corner of her lips curled a little, her trademark smug look firmly printed on her face.

"As for the picture, well perhaps you'll just have to trust me that only the right people know about it" She purred these words, as though they rolled off the tongue. For a small naive girl from Chicago, she had certainly developed a certain arrogance to her since being in the capital. With that she finished the contents of her glass in one large mouthful, and thought for a moment that the fluid would start to seep out of the sides if she didn't swallow quickly. So in one gulp the liquid had burned it's way down her throat, and this time the burn stung so badly. She so regretted that decision, but she desperately wanted to look as though she were in control of the situation. Clenching her fists down at her side, she looked down before returning her dark eyes to stare into his, waiting for his reply and hoping that he didn't perceive the last action as a moment of weakness, especially not after all she had been through to even be talking to this man.
The girl seemed enthusiastic and courageous to actually go into lion’s den and challenge the man himself. Though, it made him wonder if it was her courage that drove her to be enthusiastic or it was the other way around. Whatever the case, she was here, trying to claim something that wasn’t hers but ready to grasp it in her claws. Having such a quality was almost like having a talent and such a talent, he sure could use on his side. He did need pawns to play his game right. Now, he had many pawns, in different place and moving at a different pace, she’d just be one more in his collection.

Frank knew what sort of impression he was giving off when he asked her if anyone else knew of the picture. It wouldn’t do a whole lot of damage to his career or Claire’s for that sake. But he was running a tight race and he needed to be clean. More importantly, she seemed helpful if he could play his cards right, why not? The pros and the cons of having her on his sides played through his mind while the girl brought the glass of drink to her lips and inhaled the scent of it first. She wasn’t all there but she could get there, classy and sophisticated. He chuckled when she tipped the glass a bit in his direction, toasting it and he couldn’t help but find amusement in it all.

Meanwhile, he punched his thumbs at his phone, the glow from his smartphone giving his face a different shade, ‘I need everything you can get on Zoey Barnes.’ He sent the message to Doug Stamper. He didn’t know anything about the girl but it sure as hell was going to change in a few minutes. Finally, he put the phone back onto the counter and attentively looked over at the young girl as she spoke. The girl liked playing with fire it seemed, addressing him by his first name. His eyebrow raised a little when she didn’t wait for his answer and continued on. He kept quiet for the most part, even after she was done as he noticed how her lips curled a little.

He made no further judgement until she told him that she’d have to trust him and that’s when a smirk slipped his lips, “Tell me Ms. Barnes. Do you take me for a fool?” he spoke in is southern accent, continuing, “Trust? Says the little who came in here, threatening an old man!” He exaggerated a little…politics. “Something you should know, I do not respond to threats.” He said as he knew very well that she need not spell it out, but the moment she handed him the picture, it was no less than a threat. “Besides, which silly little bird told you that I need a reporter in my pockets.” He downed his drink to the last drop, placing the glass back down on the counter as he continued, “Why should I settle for a low level reporter when I can have someone with a good status.” He insulted her right back, “This conversation is over. I do not trust you and I sure as hell have no need for you, no matter how good you are at what you do.” He told her on her face before he started walking away, throwing a hundred dollar tip since it was an open bar.

Nodding at the bartender from afar, he moved over to join a crowd of half a dozen diplomats and mingled with them. He did continue to think about the deal she was offering. It wasn’t a bad one. He just couldn’t be linked with her. He’d stayed at the bar with her more than he needed to. While he continued to assess the risks and benefits of partnering up with Ms. Barnes. ‘She did have a nice little ass…’ he thought to himself and chuckled a little, carrying on a conversation with the crowd. He always kept his ears open and even tonight, he learned a thing or two. That is how politics worked. When it was time, Doug came over, “Sir, I sent you an email on the subject you just asked me a few minutes ago. And your car is ready and waiting for you outside.” Francis fished his phone out after excusing himself from the group, bidding farewell before he started moving towards an exit. If Ms. Barnes were to cross his path, he’d simply stare her down hard enough to let her know he wasn’t interested.

He had his eyes glued to his phone, reading Ms. Barnes’ background information and learning everything about her. He’ll go into details later on, for now, he needed superficial information and it was crucial if he was going to get in bed with her. Little did he knew, he was literally going to get in bed with her in near future. He did gather that she’d been stuck on Herald’s metropolitan pages, filing stories such as the local fireman marrying the meter maid and new jogging paths in Rock Creek Park. It was nothing big and that’s why he could see her dilemma, she wanted to do more, much more. In a way, she reminded him of his old times when he had nothing and was trying to make name for himself. Thinking to himself, ‘Perhaps I may have a use for her after all.’ He knew one thing, he always liked to know everything about a person before making any sort of deal with them. He wasn’t sure what kind of a deal he was making with Zoe and that’s what he was going to find out. He was seated in his car in no time, Doug would be dismissed to go straight home after the event. Just as his driver started pulling off, he spoke over the comm, “Hold on for a second. Keep to the curb, stay idle until I tell you.” He said and kept a look out for Zoe Barnes, waiting for her to leave and assuming she will catch a cab. Finally, he saw a lady in while walk out of the building and as she came down the stairs, it was clear that it was no one but Ms. Barnes. “Okay…pull up next to where that lady in white is standing.” He said and that’s when a black colored Lincoln pulled next to where she was standing, Francis instantly lowered his side of the window, just enough for her to see who was inside. He moved to the far end of the seat, indicating that was her cue to get into the car. He did watch her curiously, wondering if she will bite.
So that was that then, Zoey had failed on her quest to get Frank Underwood in her pocket, and it seemed as though there was no hope of reconciling her mistake. She knew she was being a bit too bolshie, a bit too harsh perhaps, but she thought that someone as powerful as the congressman would be used to all of this and that he would not take offence to such things. She assumed he would just flip what she said, and turn into something he wanted to hear. All of a sudden she felt incredibly small, as though she could be trodden on at any moment, perhaps even mouse size. She watched as he made his way back into the crowds, and within a few moments he had truly blended in and was becoming one with masses.

It had been a long time since she'd been made to feel so small, and so like a child, she wasn't used to it. She shook her head, silently cursing herself for being too cocky, for flying too close to the wind as it were. She didn't know what to do next, although she was pretty renowned for having a plan of attack for almost every situation. Shaking her head, she knocked back the remaining fluid in the bottom of her glass, and slammed it on the bar. She was definitely not going to leave a tip, mainly because she had spent most of her last money getting that dress, and making sure she looked spectacular.

With her drink finished, her mark gone and no desire to actually speak to anybody else, she stood slowly and made her way across the venue toward the exit. She hadn't bought a coat or a cloak with her, so she didn't even need to bother chatting with the staff she could just make her exit and make it quietly.

Sauntering down the steps carefully, as she hadn't quite mastered those heels to perfection, she stepped onto the sidewalk and begun her journey to find a taxi home. Maybe she'd be able to get a lift from a handsome gentleman, or something as she didn't particularly fancy paying for a cab across town. Those thoughts crossed her angered little mind, when she felt a presence to her left. Glancing around she noticed that the black car had pulled alongside her, and she waited with baited breath to find out who the occupant of such a vehicle was.

It was the slightly greying hair that she noticed first, and then those chiselled features of the handsome Majority Whip, followed by his piercing eyes. Perhaps she'd had a little too much to drink, as she gasped when he scooted over. Finding herself looking around, she checked to make sure they weren't being watched, followed or worse- Photographed, she bit her lip and opened the door, slipping in beside him. Noticing how the window seemed to roll up on its own, she placed her hands in her lap and tried her best to not be nervous in his presence. She thought she'd done so well in holding her own, and keeping her cool, and now she was becoming a wreck in such close proximity to him and with such privacy.

"Well, I guess I deserve a lift home after such a scolding" She finally found some courage to speak those words, not bothering to turn to look at him, she found something to stare at out of the window and fixed her gaze upon that.
Frank had an upper hand now. If not that, he at least knew of the person that was threatening him, even though it was a very menial threat. It would do him small harm, something which he could rise above the scandal in no time. He knew her background, a newly graduate reporter who was trying to make big. It didn’t matter how…matter of fact, she knew now that she’d have to play dirty to get somewhere in this business or any business. That was the key fundament.

In a way, she intrigued him because he’d learned to play a dirty game long time ago. He knew that if he wanted to go somewhere, become something, make the name ‘Underwood’ be recognized for something, he’d have to get his hands dirty. Because, out of everything that’s out there, politics is a very dirty game.

He gave it all a good thought and in such a minimum amount of time. And such decisions, he’d be making if he were to reach his goals. There would be no time when some situation arrives and he’d have to make a decision. Tonight, he could have crushed Ms. Barnes but he chose not to. He decided there’s something that he could do, make use of her since she was a reporter and that too, an enthusiast.

The car pulled over to the curb, right near where she was standing. She’d surely be able to see who it was inside if she took a closer look but not the people who were far away. Unless of course, they knew his car by number plate. He noticed how she looked around her first and then entered his vehicle. A sign of someone who could be discreet and such quality is what he would appreciate in her writing. The moment she entered, the car started rolling towards an address Frank had given to his chauffeur. Her place, an address that he’d gotten from the information he’d received. He would want to converse with her during the ride and then drop her off at her place before he’d go about his way. So what the plan.

The presence brought in some fresh air that was mixed with her distinctive peachy scent in which he swam. He was quiet surprised from the way she spoke. She was merely nothing but if she wanted, she could be something big. Her sharp tongue amused him to great length and he managed to slip a chuckle at her comment, “You did deserve that scolding for pulling off such a daring stunt Ms. Barnes.” He said and grabbed a bottle of fine whiskery which he poured in a glass for him and glanced at her, “Care for one?” he asked her and would fix her one if she’d want one.

It was obvious from the way she gazed out of the window that she was trying to avoid looking up at him. “Tell me, Ms. Barnes. What do you have to propose? How do you see this benefiting me? How can I trust you? Trust…” he laughed, “That is a harsh word. But, I do need reassurance for us to be able to work together.” He said his speech and went quite, letting her speak now as it was her time to shine. It was her time to convince him and if he’d sense tiny bit of deceptiveness in her, he would kick her out of his car the very moment, not even provide her the courtesy to clarify anything or even drop her home. Oh and of course, he would then destroy her and she could kiss her job a good bye before going back to where she came from.
In an attempt to stop her skirt from riding up, and as a consequence revealing her rather tiny white thong, her fingers laced beneath and tugged at the hem of the dress. Sliding across the leather seating, Zoe continued to watch the non-descript fixed item that she had picked to give her attention to, although her ears still picked up what her fellow passenger was saying.

Eventually she turned to look at him when he begun to clink around, and pour himself some amber liquid. As the glass was filled, and he offered her one, she nodded and smiled. “Please” Once he had poured her one, she took the glass gently whilst nodding her thanks, and placed it against her lips.

Once again she wasn’t exactly used to drinking such strong spirits without mixers, and even the smell of this one made her nostrils tingle. Sipping at the tumbler she held the fluid in her mouth, thinking that perhaps she’d already had enough to drink, but she wasn’t about to give up on the ‘catch of the century’ and it would seem that hard liquor was something he was in to. Swallowing hard she breathed a sigh as the liquid disappeared, and her eyes fixated on the amount left in her glass, watching it swish from side to side as the vehicle continued on its way.

Thinking for a moment she pondered what she was actually proposing, and cleared her throat ready to speak. Her mind had turned rather hazy thanks to the amount of booze she had consumed, and it took her a few minutes to actually come up with something- Although earlier she had a clear plan in mind.

“A partnership of sorts” She finally nodded, sipping from her glass once more, her legs crossing as she reclined. The one good thing about the amount of alcohol in her system was that her inhibitions had been lowered, and she felt she could offer anything right now. “Basically I see it that you can give me snippets of news, and well I can publish it. Perhaps this could work in your favour, with regards to your opposition? Maybe even expose some things that could paint you in a better light?” She thought for a moment “As for trust, well I could have posted that picture as soon as I received it, and used it for monetary gain- But I chose to show it to you… So read into that what you will.” Her attitude was almost childlike and antsy girlish, as if she were on the defensive.

“I hope that’s enough for you Francis, if it’s not I really don’t know what else to offer you. I could be in your pocket, you could use me at your will, if you’ll just give me this opportunity.” Her tone was almost pleading now, as she finished the contents of her glass, adding more to the haze that shrouded her.
The girl might not seem rich and full of elegance, definitely not like Claire, but she did have some spark inside her. It was hard to point it out but he could feel it, seeing how she ran her hand down the back of her dress to hide her assets before she slid back down into her seat. He continued to speak while she looked in some corner and when she looked at him, he sipped from his glass while looking at her from the clear glass.

She was a tiny little girl and he told himself that that would be the last glass he’ll offer her for the night. He didn’t want to be the one dragging her up to her room and to be the one to put her to bed. Though, she was doing very well for a newbie, handling her alcohol to great extent. He curiously watched her, noticing how she inhaled the scent of the brown liquid before gulping some of it. ‘Such a big girl, trying to prove something to me, ehh?’ Francis thought in the back of his head.

He now knew the area in which she lives in and so when his fancy car took an exit for the downtown area, he knew that they would reach her place sooner than later. Maybe, it was time to wrap up things. He intently looked at her as she paused briefly before speaking. “A partnership? Of sorts?” he fixed his coat and leaned forward, “Amuse me Ms. Barnes.” He leaned back as to allow her a chance to present her idea. She oozed confidence in the way she also leaned back after crossing her legs.

He laughed meekly, hearing her comment about publishing the picture but not doing it and instead, she sought him out. “From the way I see it, the only person benifiting from this arrangement is only you. Maybe me too but not to the great extent as much you are.” He shrugged his shoulders as his car pulled right in front of her apartment. There were businesses all around so he figured that her apartment would on the second floor of some shoppe. “I am not sure if I am convinced just yet.” He looked out his window to glance up at the building, as if stating to her that she lived in this shithole?

He smirked, “You speak about trust but how can I be sure that you wouldn’t just run the story with the picture in future, after you get them snippets of news from me. This is me being in your pocket, not the other way around what you claim to me.” He said as he was the one to hold something against someone, not the other way around. Right now, she held the loaded gun…even though it wouldn’t do him much harm. He wasn’t worried about Claire because they knew each other’s darkest desires and secrets. A perfect couple in a perfect marriage, rooting for one another’s success. “I believe this is where we part?” he made no deal with her nor made her feel as if she was in charge here, even with those pictures that she had of him. He hoped that she would be done talking about this silly topic and never bother him, but if she wanted to present her case further, he couldn’t mind doing it over some tea or a coffee at this late hour. It’s not like he had to be anywhere.
With the haziest of minds now, Zoe glanced across at Francis. Her beautiful eyes were half lidded as the effects of far too many whiskeys took hold, mixed with the late hour and the fact she had been working all day, and continued to do so right now. She really did expect things with Francis to be simpler, she assumed that he would jump at the chance to control a reporter, to have her in his pocket. But she had never been so wrong. Francis was proving to be a rather difficult fish to land, and she was working harder than she ever had before.

Being a little insecure about her own look, and about the feminine sexuality that she oozed she had never really attempted to use this for her own gain. The figure hugging dress, the lacy underwear and the bra that acted as a shelf for her breasts was all pretty new. There was a slight tinge of disappointment where she had thought that a red blooded male such as the congressman, would have simply swept her off of her feet, used her body for a while and then agreed to her terms- But not Francis.

When he spoke of how he couldn’t trust her, she placed the crystal glass down in its fancy travel holder, and glanced out of the window for a moment. This was a ploy to think for a few moments without having to hold her companions steely glare. Eventually she came to a solution and leaned across Francis to pick up his cell phone. Holding it up in front of him, she waved it around a bit and smiled. “You have a camera on this thing, do you not?” With that asked she noticed that they had actually reached her apartment. Keeping hold of his phone she opened the door, and edged her way out.

The alcohol really was taking its toll, and she was struggling to remain ladylike as she moved out of the vehicle. Her dress rode up and revealed to the world her thong, she quickly moved it down though to cover herself up, and almost staggered across the sidewalk. With her hand and his phone still in hand, she ushered him out of the car and wobbled toward her door, pushing the key in and battling with the stiff door to open it.
Looking into her pretty eyes that were sort of hypnotic, he gulped down the rest of the liquid before putting the glass away and stared at her face. He still had a good handle on himself and she seemed to be doing just fine as well. If the girl thought that everything be handed to her on a silver plate, she was out of her mind. This was the capital’s arena and the game here that gets played is dirty politics. The word ‘simple’ didn’t exist.

Everyone must work hard, even reporters, despite having many stories to scoop off. Though, one would need the right story to make their mark, something that Zoey still didn’t. One thing for sure, if Zoey wouldn’t succeed in her career as a reporter, she’d surely make a great escort. Something of which happens to go around a lot in this city. That tiny frame and the curve hugging dress of hers proved to be so that she was indeed pretty with a nice frame to that cute face.

The car had pulled over to the curb for over two minutes now and he was curious why the girl wasn’t leaving his car just yet. When she placed her glass down and stared out of the window, he wondered if he’s going to have to ask his driver her to throw her out of his car. He wouldn’t want to be as harsh to the girl as she did remind him of himself few years back, when he was trying to make his mark. Her hair brushed his chest softly when she leaned over him to pick up his cell phone that was on the other side, curiously looking at her to see what she had in her mind.

“It’s pretty obvious…” he said to her when she had opened the camera app on his phone and wavered in front of them. Was she stealing his phone? He wondered when the girl finally opened the door to step out of his fancy car. And he couldn’t help but notice how her dress rode up and revealed her thong, licking his lips but keeping his cool as he was a calmer person.

When she ushered him out of the car, he moved hesitantly, glancing around quickly to find the neighborhood was pretty much quite. Besides, it was pretty dark for anyone to notice whose car it was and who was stepping out of it. Soon, they were by the door and he helped her push the door open since the tiny girl was struggling a bit, holding it open of her as he wondered where she was going. Finally, he spoke, “Ms. Barnes…I suggest you give me my phone back so I can leave.” He was curious for the moment.
The pale skin on her cheeks was burning red, the consumption of alcohol throughout the evening, and the drop in temperature due to the night setting in and the late hour, was perhaps an explanation for this. Either that or the sheer embarrassment she felt for showing her most intimate region as she tried to elegantly step out of the vehicle, failing miserably. However, she had quickly rectified the event by yanking the cotton down quickly, and composing herself.

A full nights drinking was taking its toll on the tiny specimen of a girl, but she wasn’t about to allow it to take over her thoughts completely. Knowing full well what she was doing, Zoe continued to wave the phone teasingly at Francis, expecting that having such a precious object in her possession would bring him closer. She assumed that there would be plenty of little bits of juicy details on his cell phone, but that wasn’t what she had in mind when she took possession of it.

Pulling him inside, they were greeted with a set of steep stairs, that lead to the top of the fast food restaurant she lived above. The smell of grease and fried chicken acted like some sort of air freshener, as it had clearly seeped through the cracked and almost broken walls. For someone who could be so big in her world, she definitely lived in the cheapest of places. It was a dank smelling apartment, with what can only be described as once magnolia coloured walls, but now what could also be called tea stained. Although not dirty, despite the number of glasses and the odd plate in the sink awaiting sanitation, the place just oozed seediness.

Heels were proving to be such an awkward thing right now, and a distraction to boot, but she persevered with the pain and discomfort in order to remain tall and sexy. The heels allowed her calves to look taught, and somehow pushed her rounded rear out some more, giving her a swagger as she moved- Although that might have had something to do with her tipsy state. “Wine?” She finally asked, grabbing an opened bottle with perhaps two normal sized glasses left in it. Taking a couple of mugs from the sink, she washed them out with water, and placed them on the side, beginning to top them up with crimson fluid.

The phone had been placed inside her bra, to the side, so that he had no designs on just grabbing it and leaving. Grinning at her own ingenuity, she sipped at the rather childish Winnie the Pooh mug filled with the rather adult fluid. Bottom leaned against the counter, as she waited for him to speak. The best part about her apartment was the view outside, leading onto the roof of the back of the restaurant, that looked all across the city. It was one of the reasons that she remained here, and didn’t move somewhere swankier.
The girl was a mystery to Francis. She managed to keep him up on his toes by adding surprise to this boring evening out he had planned. The peek of her panties sure had his heart raced but he’d seen plenty of it going down the girl’s legs that it wasn’t a joke. And he was married so the girl didn’t have that strong of a hold over him, not yet at least. Even though Claire and he doesn’t have sex as often, they were partners in this life, no matter who says what. They’re perfect of one another.

The girl’s pale skin flushed red and he could see that she was embarrassed a little. Liking the quality of a good girl, he followed her inside when she took his phone with her. He sure did have plenty of things on his phone but it was just chatter and she couldn’t really use it without his permission, making her evidence falsified.

He felt her pull him inside and he followed right behind her, going up the stairs and he couldn’t help but feel the disgust in this downtown apartment she was living in. Though, he wasn’t bothered by it. Besides following her, he managed to take a peek at her slender pale thighs and so the dirty hallway was barely noticed.

Before they knew, they were inside her apartment, at last. He was at relief now that they were away from the prying eyes. Quickly taking out his phone, he texted his driver, “Go and park around the corner. I will call you when I need you to be pulled up.” He had to take precautions and it started with not letting his car linger in a place like this. He stared at her as she moved around her place, offering some wine as he nodded, “If you must…Ms. Barnes.” He replied and watched her grab a bottle and two glasses before she went on to clean a few things in the kitchen.

Watching her do the chores, he decided to move around her cozy little apartment, noticing how everything was a bit mess. So she lived a busy life. Moving over to the window, he watched his vehicle move out from the front of the building. And then around to the other side where he caught another view with was much better than the street. “Pretty view you have going here for you.” He said and sipped on the wine she had poured for him and tasting it, he set it down without making an awkward face. The cheap wine wouldn’t do it for him. At last, he moved to the center of the living room, “You obviously didn’t bring me up here to give me a tour of your place. So what is it you want Ms. Barnes?” He asked her and chuckled seeing where his phone was placed, inside her bra.
Although she had clearly had more than enough to drink already, the young lady proceeded to sip at the cracked youthful porcelain, a receptacle than one should never enjoy decent wine from, luckily this was anything but decent. In fact, the wine itself had gone bad, so she found herself spitting the fluid back into the mug, and placing it back into the sink. Shaking her head, she moved to the mug he had placed down, and put it into the sink. “Euw, that’s disgusting, I’ll get rid of it. Would you like something else to drink?” She asked, stalling a little bit, turning on her heels to reach into the nearby cupboard. Sighing she knew she didn’t have anything else alcoholic, but she could offer him some instant coffee, or water. She actually hoped he would say no to the drink, as she was less than prepared for visitors, especially ones of his calibre.

Slightly pleased that he’d noticed the view, she wondered for a moment what had caught his attention, he didn’t seem like the sort to want to take in a perfect view of the city. It was certainly spectacular, but after all it was just the city, and the city at night. Thinking that perhaps it was a female that had caught his attention, she felt slightly angered, wanting his attention for herself- For now anyway.

The phone threatening to imprint itself in her pale flesh, and starting to get rather uncomfortable, she shifted it from its bra prison and held it in her hand. It was warm, and smelled slightly like her perfume, the Pure Poison fragrance that she had practically bathed in before she’d left the house. When he spoke up about what it was that she wanted, she smirked. “Well, since this meeting started with a picture, perhaps it can end with one?” She proposed, leaning against the wall near her bed, her eyes always upon him and searching for a reaction to her rather cryptic offer. The hand with the phone in it reached out, and offered it back to him.

Turning to face the wall, she moved her hair out of the way, and revealed the zip that held her in that dress. Her feet had started to become sore, as those heels weren’t something she wore often, and normally only for a couple of hours, so she shifted her weight on the balls of her feet to either side. The backs of her legs looked rather taut and toned, as those heels forced her to almost stand on tiptoes, and that dress just accentuated her perfect curves.
Watching the young reporter spit back into her wine glass and moved to the sink to put it away, doing the same with his as he continued to watch her quietly for now. Frank made a mental note to at least send this pretty girl a fine bottle of wine from his collection sometime soon. She'd been brave in approaching him about the picture. She sure had guts and that bought her a benefit of his doubt. He wasn't convinced if he had any place for a woman like her caliber in his race towards presidency but he would keep her close by, for sure. He waved his hand, gesturing 'no' to her question about him needing something else to drink. Watching her tip toe like that, he sure as hell enjoyed the sight of her creamy thighs getting exposed a bit more with her trying to reach something in her cupboard.

There was something different about this city and to many people, it may be nothing but a city but to him and many like him, this was a city where dreams turns into reality. She must be in the same race, being a reporter who was from a small town but working for her big break. One should know how to play the game and only then, the city might give back something to them that's worth holding onto. Ms. Barnes seemed enthusiastic enough.

When she pulled his phone out of her bra and held it in her hand, he looked amused, wondering what she had in mind and asked her because he didn't want to hide behind a bush. A smirk slipped from the corner of her lips when he heard her mention a picture. He did adjust himself to see what the girl had in mind, not saying much but his eager eyes did linger up and down her frame...a small frame. When she offered the phone back, he took the phone, thinking what she had to gain....or lose. For now, all he could see was her losing something dear to her, watching her as she turned to face the wall.

Noticing her supple neck and back from behind as she moved her hair out of the way, revealing the zipper on the dress. He sat leaning forward as he wondered just what the girl had in mind. Though there was a certain calmness about his face, his heart raced faster as he watched her taut and toned legs while she shifted on them. He pressed the power button on his phone to put the phone in a sleep mode since the girl seemed to be just passing some time. Time was of essence and if one fails to grasp the opportunity when it presents itself, it's considered their biggest loss. The question that poked at his brains was if the girl was going to seize this opportunity or it would slip through her hands. It was then, he turned his left wrist to check the time and was convinced that it was awfully late and he should probably head home now. Unless of course, Ms. Barnes managed to hold his attention ...
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