A New Type Of Vulcan (Me & apollo247)


May 13, 2016
Kezra let out a heavy sigh and pushed her blonde bangs out of her eyes. The young Vulcan, human hybrid made her way towards her quarters glad that her training session was over. She was the youngest captain in the history of the Star Fleet crew at only 18 years of age. She had long blonde hair, dark brown eyes and those famous Vulcan eyebrows. She as 5'4 1/2 a good 120 lbs with a slender yet athletic body. She had worked hard to get where she was, however she had emotions unlike Spock who was on the Enterprise. She showed her emotions and was not afraid to show when she was angry or not.

Kezra would wake up the next morning and made her way to the bridge of her ship named "The Phoenix". "Captain on the bridge." said her first mate Leka who happened to be a Klingon woman. Kezra stated her orders for that day but later on that afternoon they would come across a ship floating in the middle of dead space. They had tried to contact but came across now answer. She had went on board and brought a bunch of chryo pods back where they stored them in the storage bay of her ship. When she had finally had a chance to be alone she made her way down to check the pods out.

Slowly she would run her hand over the first one they had found and carefully she stared at the handsome face under the glass. "Who are you, where do you come from?" she whispered. However she was unaware that she had accidentally hit a button on the side of the pod and the being inside of it was waking up. Slowly Kezra turned around to stare at the other pods around her, she was wondering what she should do with them? However something in her gut was telling her to destroy them and not take them back to Earth, however she was unsure with herself.
He had no idea how long he was asleep for, Kirk and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise seemed that they had won, they had but made one small victory after the battle against the Vengeance. That ship was superior in every way possible and those inferior minds managed to gun him down, though he did have a hand in that very defeat when he went after Marcus. That Admrial should have let him sleep in the first place before sending him into a world that he had no idea about, but alas he was here in this situation and it was this situation that he would soon rise to the challenge and take back what was rightfully his.

Khan slept, the ship they were place in was sent adrift. It was unknown to Khan and the rest of his crew that an asteroid had knocked the ship of course and sent them into the darkness regions of space. Now he was on board a Starfleet ship Captained by Kezra. Still asleep the pods were moved and he felt something, it was like being woken up after a long sleep, his eyes slowly opened as he looked around, he was confused, he didn’t know where he was or who the lone female was that was next to him, but he however could make out a few words that she spoke to him.

Khan decided that he should lie, charm his way to her and see what happened after that. “Where am I?” He asked. He acted scared, lost and confused. “What is this place? Who are you?” He asked as he climbed out of the pod, he however lost his balance on purpose and fell to the ground with a loud bang. Still he looked around and gathered that he was on a ship, he felt the thing but apart from that he had no clue about anything else.
Kerza blinked and stared down at Khan as he woke up and asked her questions here and there. And before she could help him to get out of the pod she watched him hit the ground. Kerza walked over to him and gently yet firmly grasped his arm and pulled him to his feet then pushed him so he sat on the side of the pod. She was quite strong for her weight and build and he would be able to feel it through her grasp. "I am Captain Kerza of the SS Phoenix. You are in the holding bay of my ship. Take it easy would you, you just woke up." she said gently but stared him over with her dark eyes, he could see that she was a half breed Vulcan just like Spock was. "We found you adrift and about to crash into a sun so we pulled you and the other pods onto this ship." she said in a gentle manner.

"We picked up life signals and I refused to let you be burned to death. Who did this too you? Who are you and these people? Are you part of some crew, why do you look human?" she asked cocking her head to the side. She gently reached into pocket and pulled out a metal blanket and wrapped it around his shoulders. Her eyes still filled with worry as she slowly hoped him to his feet. "We should get you to the med bay, Doc McGillis should look at you." she said softly before she called for the med bay to make room for him in her communicator. Once that was done and out of the way she took his hand and brought him into the elevator.

Slowly she would bring him into the Med bay where he was looked over and the Doctor told him to get some rest. "After you tell me your name, would you like me to find you some spare quarters that you can rest in? Then we can figure out what to do with your friends." she said calmly. The Doctor nodded his head and left the med bay for a few minutes so the two of them alone. He came back and handed her a data pad. "Nope from Starfleet about that mission." he said before ht left again, Kerza would put the pad in her pants pocket an turn to look Khan over, her gut still bothering her about something.
He was confused with everything that was happening, where was he? How much time had passed since the battle with vengeance? Everything was a blur for him, everything was strange. Khan wondered if his crew made it safe and sound, he wondered if Spock and Kirk managed to send them to an endless sleep as well as what they did to him. This was all confusing, he hated not knowing what was going on around him, but in a sense of things he was glad that he was out, glad that he was awake again.

He listened to her as she spoke about being the Captain of the Phoenix. He was happy that he was on a Starfleet ship, he could get back on his feet once more, but first he would need to play dumb for his crew, because his crew was his family. "All I remember is my name. John Lawson. I think we were an experiment." He explained. His first task was to make sure his crew was secured before he acted. "Are they alright? I have images of their faces. It's all a blur. I have no idea how long we were floating in space for." He explained feeling so lost, it was all an act though to see what her own crew would do.

He nodded, thanking her for all that she gave him. "Some quarters would be excellent. I still have no answers you the questions you have. I don't even know what has happened to me." He lied.
The Vulcan hybrid stared at Khan a shiver ran down her spine once more as she brought him to his guest quarters. She had a gut feeling he was lying to her but she didn't say this allowed, her Vulcan side was screaming at her to be wary and closed. Slowly she moved her hands forward and sat him down on a clean bed. "Your crew is safe and sound in my storage hanger, they are with us and not going anywhere. When we figure what is going on and where you are from we will find a safe way to wake them. I don't want them to get hurt or brain damage." she said gently before she sat down on a chair across from Khan on the bed her eyebrows raised as she looked him over.

She made a straight face and then brought her hands up gently to his forehead, she reached into his mind and pulled out a few images and names. "You are telling a lie to me slightly, your name is Khan that is all I am getting though." she said as she slowly stood up and bit her bottom lip. "I will let you sleep things over and let you tell me some truth to what you know." she said carefully. She slowly made her way towards the door and then froze as her hand came up and she brought an ear piece to her ear, she however did not say his name or what she had seen to the person on the other end.

"I may be a half breed and I may be human as well. But I am part Vulcan and my gut was telling me you were keeping a few things from me. However my mouth is sealed and I won't say anything until you have gathered your thoughts." she said and slumped down in a chair by his door. She slowly ran her hands through her long blonde hair, it was coming out of the braid she had it in, her bangs fell into her eyes and covered then for a moment. As she thought about his crew she felt bad for him and knew that she would have to help him out someway or another.
Khan looked back at her and grinned, he was still confused with everything that was going on around him and yet he wanted to move things along. He nodded to her when she told him about his crew and was glad that they were still safe, he would soon find a way to bring them all to the land of the living and wake them up without anyone noticing what he truly was up to. He watched her for a moment as they entered the guest quarters, he looked around as he wondered what he should do first, though plans were already forming in his mind about how he should proceed.

He should have known that she was half breed, that pathetic Vulcan mind trick always finds its way to foul his plans, however it would seem that she only got half of what he was planning and even then it wasn’t enough to actually inform her on what he was doing, just a name and a feeling that he wasn’t being truthful and he could work with that very well indeed. “It makes little difference that you know my true name.” He replied to her. “Did you forget that your Vulcan abilities work both ways. You may have entered my mind but I have also entered your mind. Thanks for the information you handed me Captain.”

He receiving something in return of her intrusion into his mind and he was glad for that. He approached her with all the confidence in the world as he leaned in towards her, he looked down her body for a moment. “You may think that you have gained the upper hand here but you really don’t know the full story.” He explained to her as he fell silent, his attitude and personality changed when he realized that she knew his true name.
Kerza narrowed her eyes as he came closer and she glared up at him, she showed no fear as she stood up and return the same look to him. "You do not know me as well as you think. Unlike certain Vulcans I can control what other's get to see when I mind meld with them." she said and she was telling him the truth. "I see that you ran into Commander Spock a few years back. Him and Captain Kirk could have sent you into the sun but they decided not too." she said and pushed her hair from her brown eyes. "I know how my abilities work, Commander Spock trained me but I taught myself other things as well, Khan." she hissed before she shook her head slightly.

He had mostly got false information from her, he did however see that she really had refused to let her security crew destroy Khan and his crew. "Unlike some Captains of Starfleet, I had enough heart to keep you alive. You owe me your life Khan, your ship was close to the sun, if it wasn't for me and my crew you and your own crew would have burned up." she said and pushed him back from her. "Neither have you gained the upper hand, remember your indebted to me...you and your crew for your lives." she whispered again as she shoved him back on the bed her anger fueling her strength and you could see it in her eyes.

"I however am not one who is afraid to show my emotions, raised on Earth I am not like Commander Spock, do not rub me the wrong way Khan or you will wish you hadn't. I could have told my Commander who you and your crew are and have you destroyed but I did not, another thing you owe me for." she reminded him as her hands grasped his shoulders and he could feel the strength behind them. "Why don't you tell me the rest of your story so I can understand. I am not some fucking idiot like some humans, or so you amuse." she hissed as she let go of him and backed up. Her strength was more than he would have thought could come of a female of her kind.
He grinned at her, she didn’t fully understand his intelligence, only she thought that she had gotten away with certain things. Even though he had only just woken up from a very long deep sleep Khan had already gained his senses again but he didn’t know exactly where he was in the galaxy but still they were details that could be filled out later. Details that he could get from the Vulcan Captain. Now it made sense that she was in fact trained by Spock, that pathetic half breed that caused his entire crew to be like this, he glared at her as it all fell into place. “So it has been years since they have dealt with me and placed me under cryo sleep.” Khan replied back now knowing some bits of information.

“I owe you nothing Captain. However you do owe me as few things. You see I have learned a few things from Spock as well.” They were more observations than anything else, however a more intelligent mind as come to the conclusion that a Vulcan’s mind could be warped if they entered a mind meld with someone of equal abilities and that is what he had done with her. “You see. It would seem that you have underestimated me.” He explained as he approached her, he wanted to see if his plan had worked, he made her more willing now with her mind warped. “Emotions are a powerful ally for sure.” He continued to explain to her.

“My crew will remain where they are for now. If your own crew does anything to harm them in the slightest way I will destroy them.” He said as he ran his hands across her body, teasing her, making sure that she was his now. “Do we have an understanding?” He asked her as he looked back at her, wondering what he should do first. He had a Vulcan half breed to himself in the guest quarters and using his intelligence he had most likely secured his own freedom. Khan stood there in front of Kerza lifting and lowering her shirt as he waited to see what she would do.
She narrowed her eyes and grasped his hand tightly, her strength tightened around his wrist as she threw him back from the bed with a harsh force. "Oh you want to play mind games do you? Well I am not an easy person to warp or break, you have a lot to learn as well Khan. You do owe me and if you touch my crew I will go berserk on you." she said and stood up. She was enraged now and she tensed her hands, her body ready for his attack. She remembered when Spock had done a mind meld with her and things came flooding back, when Spock had faced Khan before and the ass kicking that the super human had gotten from the other Vulcan. She narrowed her eyes again as another feeling took over and she froze suddenly realizing why she had gained more strength.

Kerza smacked him harshly across the face before she felt her mind clear fully now. "Do you think it wise to mess with a Vulcan when they come close to a certain season? The males have their own version of it, its called Pon Farr." she warned him lowly. There was a deadly look in her eyes and he could see the urge to kill flood past her eyes. She suddenly jumped on Khan and pushed him harshly into the bed, sweat poured down her cheeks and her body under her clothes. She brought her hands to his throat and smirked as a look of both need and rage shot through her face, however she pulled back panting softly.

She could hardly believe she had attacked him, her emotions being too much for her, it had brought about her heat. Something that really didn't have a name for it however. She took a deep breath and ran her hands over her hair and slowly backed away towards the door. However she froze a little bit worried about what he was going to do to her. She was very aware of the smell of want coming off of Khan. She knew that he wanted her, wanted her to have sex with her...mate with her. She shook her head and glared. "Don't even think about it, my body is not for you to mate with." she snapped.
He wanted her, though for Khan he wanted control of her and her crew. Khan saw this and thought that it was the easiest way to get onto the bridge without causing many problems that would lead to his crew being destroyed and besides he had slept for a very long time it would seem. Khan grinned at her when she yelled at him, for a Vulcan half breed she sure allowed her emotions to flood in all the time but never less she didn’t know that she was falling deeper into the trap that he had set out in front of her. It didn’t take long for this whole situation to go south and now he had an angry Vulcan woman.

“You realize that I do know all about that certain season.” It was one of the many ways that he could gain the emotional upper hand, made her see that he could emotionally tear her mind down and build her up the way he wanted her to be and not some Starfleet protocol nonsense. He however was caught off guard when she attacked him, he fought back and aimed a punch to her gut, hoping that shock would send her mind into overtime and make her realize that he was just as dangerous as she was, perhaps more. “I understand more than you think I do. You can hit me over and over again and yet It is foolish as I’ve compromised your mind. Made you feel anger, made you tear down all your Starfleet training by a simply mind meld that you did yourself.” He said teasing her as he went.

“I’ll do more than just mate with you Captain. I will take ownership and control of everything you hold dear in the world.” He explained to her as he approached he once more. He then tore open her shirt, hoping that she would soon understand what he had done to her. “Has your mind told you to fully submit now?” He asked her as he smelt the sweat from her body as he fell silent just looking at her, wondering what she was going to do next.
She hardly felt the punch to the gut as she slumped back into the chair, her mind still as clear as ever, though she knew her anger had gotten out of hand. It wasn't her fault though thanks to her being in heat. "Fuck you Khan...I am not going to let you gain control." she snarled softly. His words echoed in her mind and she clamped her eyes shut as a shiver shot up her spine. She didn't understand though why he was sexually attracted to her in such a way. Though he may have done something to her, she had returned the favor to him. Soon Khan would start to feel overly sensitive, hot and sweaty as her heat poured into him.

She came aware of him tearing her shirt open but she felt no shame in it. Her scarred body appeared before him and she would slowly lean up and grab him hard by the shirt collar. "Then you must know that females of my kind are a lot more violent then the males. I will not summit to you, you will not have me in your grasp. You try to take this ship over by yourself you will be leading yourself to your death. My crew out number you, we have weapons able to kill you as well." she snarled. She didn't know where the weapons where though, only one person did but they were elsewhere on the ship so Khan wouldn't find out. She didn't know who this person was either.

"We have taken protocols since your last attack, there are many things in guard in case creatures like you returned." she hissed and her muscles rippled under her flesh as she slammed him off her and back into the bed. She sat on top of Khan and stared down in his eyes. "Its a shame that a monster like you has such a handsome face." she muttered softly. She stared down at the light bruise left on her flesh and smirked as she brought her face close to him, her heat making her more enraged. "I will admit though, I have seen a few past attempts to bring humans like you back. Other experiments, these illegal though." she purred as her hair fell into his eyes and her hot breath hit him in the face.
He wasn’t worried that she was angry right now, he wanted her to be so emotionally destroyed that it would cause her very mind to break down and explode. He saw how emotional Spock got when he thought that Kirk was dead, though he was sure that he was able to revive Kirk. Again the details weren’t on his side at the moment, he would spend time catching up with the details of the years that he had been asleep for. For Khan it was all about superiority minds and he was designed to be the best. “I see that your emotions are getting the better of you Captain. Here I’ll even stand here while you hurt me. Would you like an easy target?” He grinned at her, knowing that his words were damaging her.

“And yet you are doing exactly what I want you to do. You may be stronger of your species in this time of year but you must know about the Augment strength. Far stronger than that of a Vulcan, even a female in session. The genetically engineered humans are capable of resting several traits and abilities of different species such as Klingon’s and yes Vulcans.” He grinned, surly they would have to do their homework after his attack on Starfleet and the Earth after the Vengeance crashed down. He wondered what had happened since his attack, though he would soon find out and he would use her as an example.

When he was slammed against the bed, he grinned as he looked back at her. He took the moment of her speaking to move his hand towards her pants, now that he had her shirt of her body he wanted to take things further and further. If she did another mind meld he would be ready for that as well, though he was sure that he had things worked out and covered. “Have you now?” He asked as he took her mind away from what he was doing to her pants.
She grunted slightly and a grin came across her own lips as his warm hands grasped her hips and worked at her pants. "I already know all about you, what you can do and what you are good at." she said softly as she clutched tighter at his shirt and tore it from his own body. He really was going to have a hard time to make her mind break and bend to his will. "Do you know of Vulcan's and mental blockers? I guess you were asleep when these were invented." she grunted aware as her pants where opened up. She knew he wanted her badly now, she could feel the huge cock throbbing between her legs as she sat upon his hips. "There is a lot you need to brush up on you know." she growled as a shiver ran down her spine.

Her body trembled and she stared down at the toned chest under her, a hand ran up his flesh and she slowly leaned down. "You still don't know much of me fully." she whispered and leaned back. "Did I not mention to you that there is some interesting things to my human side? My father was illegal." she purred to him before she moved her hands down and grasped his own hands. "I really would have never thought your type would be wanting to mate with my kind. I guess your wanting to make a stronger version of your flesh?" she said cocking her head to the side.

"I saw it in your mind, you wanting to mate with me. Make me pregnant with your seed and bring a new hybrid into the world, not to mention that you want me to become something like you as well. Now where are you going to get that stuff from?" she asked. She bit her bottom lip and stared deeper into his eyes before she leaned down and pushed their heads together though she did not try to mind meld with him. "You know that my heat is going to effect you as well Khan." she purred before she slowly let his hands go, her heat so bad now.
It would seem that they were both on equal footing between each other, though he knew that he was superior he would just have to prove that to her, but still he wondered if shielding his mind from her probing even worked. Khan was taken back a little when she informed him about the technology upgrade that Starfleet placed in while he was asleep but he was sure that he could take that down, even go as far as to hack the system to his favour. “Well in time I’ll know all that I wish to know. But for now we’ll just work on breaking your mind into a thousand emotional pieces. I bet by now you want to be so angry with me.” She would be so angry with him that she would even forget about her Captain duties and submit to him.

Khan grinned, it wouldn’t be too long until he had control of her and she would be a walking mess, able to submit to his very will. His own cock was hard, only because the fact that she did look good, good enough to mate so that he could continue on his great work even after death. With genetic memory attached to the offspring they too would work to create a better world of their own choosing. Even if he failed here and now he would defeat Starfleet in another life. “It would seem that you have been studying up on me, even if you didn’t know it was me in the first place. Perhaps it was wise to have let me crashed into the sun.” He replied back to her, hoping that she would see the faults of her own doing.

“It may very well affect me as well, but knowing that I will have control over you is all the worth I need. We shall create a new hybrid and they were bring the universe to dust and ash.” He said as he pulled her pants of her body and rolled her over so that he was on top. “You will submit to me if you want your crew to be safe. I could very well eject them out of the airlock one by one until there is nothing but you left of your own crew.” He explained as he placed his hands on her breasts.
She glared at Khan when he spoke but she knew that she would continue to fight for as long as she could. "One problem with you Khan is that you feel no lone and you need to know it. Also if you take pity and caring out of your emotions it makes weaker not stronger. You will not be able to hack anything and you will not hurt my crew or I will return the favor. Now shut the fuck up and stop threatening me." she growled as she felt him push her over so that he was on top. "Yu really are stupid you know Star Fleet knows many things about you, has done many things to go against you. You bring out a war its your down fall." she said with out warning and grasped his wrist tightly.

"I will keep my mouth shut about you and your crew. What you are wanting if that is what you want. However I can be just as blood thirsty and as much of a monster as you." she replied. But she put her hand to his lips and shook her head wanting him to just shut up. "Look at you, your straining in your pants....I never have seen a man want me to bad. You are worse than Spock when he came after me." she laughed as her hand almost brought blood from his flesh as her nails cut into him. "You release your seed inside of me Khan, I become like you." she said simply as her other hand grasped his cock sharply.

She was aroused yest but he would really have to work her pussy carefully if he really wanted to make her carry his seed and bring forth a child. "You know...if you step out along yourself, I have the ability to abort the child at will." she said and he could see it was true. Slowly her hand moved from his wrist and she began to work his hard cock through his pants and she smirked. She would continue to fight him for awhile yet. "Call me Kerza you idiot if we are along." she panted through her mouth and shivered
She would soon come to an understanding that his abilities were greater, even with this push of power they were doing to each other would soon come to an end. He would have to trick her into thinking that it was her idea to do so, her own plans if he would corrupt her and hack into the new implants that Starfleet had put in place, however he wondered if she was even telling him the truth about those new Vulcan implants, there was only one way to find out and that was to see for himself but he would wait and bide his time until the right moment to strike when all was in his favour.

“If you keep your mouth shut about my plans and not contact Starfleet, then I will not harm your own crew. However. An additional request. Submit your body and soul to me and I won’t harm them.” He explained, yes he wanted a hybrid offspring so that his own plans could unfold but he still wanted a ship that he could use and the phoenix was just in the wrong place in the wrong time when they woke him up. “It is in your favour to accept these terms.” He explained to her as he were forming up ideas of his own if things turned south and he needed a way out of this situation quickly.

“Yes but I am better than Spock.” He said as he squeezed her breasts and pulled his cock out for her. “I’m sure that it won’t come to that.” He said as he carefully pushed his cock into her pussy. “Kerza it is then.” He said as he kissed down her neck and towards her breasts, toying them, making her feel a whole new set of emotions. He wondered what Starfleet would do if they found out that he was in fact awake and alive again, though he would soon get what he wanted in the end.
She narrowed her eyes slightly and shook her head sick and tired of his mind games, she bit her lip as he still played around with her breasts. However she slapped him when he said he was better then Spock. "Hah...that is not true, your not better than him. He may be emotionless some times but he knows how to mate." she growled softly. She winced though when his cock shoved deeply with in her, her walls clamped weakly around him as he took her virginity. Kerza would say nothing more aware of what she could do and that she would make it hard for him to have offspring with her if he didn't start treating her body any better.

"Calm it down, you think with your cock and not your head." she growled and pushed her hands up against his chest. "You want this child you treat my body and my pussy better or I will not give you what you want. Even if you are going to try and get your way you have to learn some respect." she hissed softly in his ear. How she regretted now that she did not take Spock's invite and advances to be his mate. She more she thought about it, the more she ached to be with the Commander again, he loved her and she returned the feelings.

She squirmed her body and watched as a bit of her blood ran down Khan's shaft, she felt strange since she was super sensitive being a Vulcan and such. "Vulcan's males are better lovers, they know where to touch when a female is so sensitive." she hissed. She pushed up against him once more and then shoved him back and stared into his eyes. "Haven't you heard of foreplay? As a human your rather stupid, even Vulcans do foreplay." she growled lowly to him.
He would have done something to her a lot sooner, the push to mate with her was so strong that he couldn’t have waited any longer. He knew that he took her virginity from her the moment that his cock was deep inside her, he guessed that when her walls wrapped around his cock. It was strange how quickly he jumped into the sex part, but with everything that was happening he believed that it was emotions running wild that caused him to jump ahead, though with the way that she was acting right now it would seem that she wanted the foreplay before the sex, but still he didn’t mind as he going to mate with a Vulcan to create something better.

He knew that he would have to slow his emotions down so that he wouldn’t be ruled by this woman but then again he still needed to make damned sure that she knew that all this was her plan instead of his own. Khan looked back at her. “You haven’t experienced an advanced human then. We are better in every way however if you want foreplay then fine, so be it.” He would have to lower his standards and actually do the deed instead of rushing things over. He grinned at her when she snapped at him, though he knew that he would have to pretend to make it up to her.

Khan leaned in further towards her and kissed her neck, making her feel better for pushing in, though he hopped that with his kissing it would sooth her angry nature and make calm down a little so that he got what he wanted from her. He continued to kiss her. He rubbed his hands against her shoulders so that her body would tense up to his touches. He was silent now as he continued on with the foreplay wondering if she even liked what he was doing with her.
"Advanced human or not, you would be cock and a jerk in both ways, even if you were a normal human." she said and shut her eyes tightly. A shiver ran down her spine as his cock stayed deep with in her and she pulled herself back from his massive member removing herself from his shaft. Even though he kissed her neck and moved his hands around her she almost lost her mind from the instant pleasure he gave her. It was all thanks to the over sensitive actions of her body. She hated that he was playing mind games with her, hated that this had come to happen but at the moment there was nothing more that she could do about it.

Her body squirmed softly under his touch and he would be able to see how wet her pussy was along with the blood he had made her lose. Her body tensed and relaxed until she grasped his hand and brought it down between her legs. "See, its much better to not push things along so fast. It wouldn't make me take your seed if you continue to be rough." she whispered and slowly brought her other hand up and touched his cheek. She would allow Khan to explore her body and touch her, get to know what a Vulcan like her felt like.

She touched his forehead, but she did not mind meld with her however. He would be able to feel what she felt, he would become over sensitive to the pleasure that he would bring her and it would be pleasure to himself. "Advanced humans move too fast and are too pushy. Relax a bit Khan.....its good for you." she replied and her eyes shut as a shiver shot through her body and she let out aloud moan when he touched her clit. "Ah...right there." she croaked as her other hand grasped his cock.

He wanted a few things from her and if he were going to treat her body a lot better than he had done so, it meant that he should get something back from it and not her controlling him like she thought she was doing so. Khan was superior, he had everything when he was awake last and even though he was defeated it still meant that he had seceded in ways that little minds didn’t think that was possible. Khan always had a plan and even though he was pretending to give this half breed satisfaction of foreplay he still had a backup plan. She was a Captain, a Starfleet Captain that had codes and details that he needed so for now he would play her game for a while.

His mouth moved down to her breasts, he licked her nipples and grinned. He actually enjoyed the feeling of this half breed Vulcan that he was seducing. “Only if you promise me the things I want from you. I shall continue doing this.” He explained to her, even Kerza should know that the moment that she broke her own word, he would spring back and break his own word and make her life a disaster. His moments touched her clit and it sent shockwaves of emotion between them, he felt connected in a way.

“It would seem that you are enjoying my touches.” He said to her as he traced his fingers around her body, rubbing his own touch against her sensitive skin. Khan moved a little so that he could tease her clit and make her pussy even more wet than it already was. He remained in that position now as she grasped for his cock as he returned to teasing her nipples making both of them feel this new sensation.
"Way to ruin the moment." she growled softly as his hands played with her body. She arched up as his cock seemed to throb in her hand. However she shook her head and arched her hips up some more. She was getting used to this new connection, it was almost overwhelming for her to do so. She would allow him to push that cock of his inside her later and make her body fully his. She knew that their connection would be very deep after that, after he had cummed deep inside of her gentle body. She cried out softly as her pussy grew wetter and wetter the more he began to play around with her body.

She felt her body arch up some more and she grasped his cock some more, her hand moving up and down his massive shaft as he twitched and throbbed in her grasp. "You really are eager aren't you." she whispered softly her body trembled and she clamped her eyes shut. She bit her bottom lip as she suddenly came hard, her pussy leaking cum down between her legs and against her ass. She breathed heavily as sweat ran over her naked flash, a smile came across her lips and she let his cock go gently, ready for him now.

"Just enough with the power thing for now could you do that for once? Can you just act like a normal human and get me more into the mood." she grumbled really not enjoying herself at the moment. She wanted to push him off of her and leave the room but she knew that it was not the option anymore. She would slowly spread her legs and pull his cock down between her legs and allow him to enter her deeply. "Fuck....your huge." she croaked and brought her body back more onto the bed.
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