Scarlet Widow

Jan 17, 2009

Her brother was dead...she still couldn't believe it, it felt like someone had ripped out her heart, the worst part of it was that she had even seen his death through his eyes for a moment. Wanda Maximoff shuttered in her seat on the giant shuttle that held so many people, she hadn't been allowed to even get on the same shuttle as her brother's body was on, it caused her anger to rise and her hands glowed red slightly. The young woman took a deep breath before she got up to her feet and quickly moved away from the other people, trying to hide herself away from the others on the plane.

It took nearly nineteen hours to get back to the states, drop off civilians, and get everyone else to the new Avengers base, in that time Wanda had not even taken a nap despite how tired she was. As they made it into the building, there was Nick Fury waiting for them.

"Natasha, we have a bit of a problem, we are going to need you to room with Miss. Maximoff for a bit since her room is still being built." He said as he looked between the two women, he wasn't sure how Natasha would feel about the idea after Wanda had messed with her head, but she was the only other female here.

After all the craziness of the last few days, from being brainfucked, to the Hulk rampage, and then getting to deal with an insane evil robot... this was perhaps not how Natasha wanted to cap off her day. She glanced idly to the younger woman standing beside her, trying to hide her deep bitterness and annoyance behind her usually indifferent expression. Of all the people to get stuck with...

But, she couldn't complain. Didn't have the energy after all that had transpired.

"Fine," Natasha finally admitted. The busty redhead moved to stand upright and brushed some lingering bits of dust and debris from her tight black suit. Having to share space with this girl... even if she was cute, there was a lot of annoyance simmering under the surface. "It's only temporary anyway," Natasha said, before making her way off to the living quarters. She could put up with this... or even find a way to enjoy it.
Wanda was shocked when she was told that she was going to be rooming with the lovely older woman. It would have been nicer though if the red head didn't hate her, she didn't even need her powers to know that considering what Wanda and her brother had done to these people. The thought of her brother sent a dagger right through her heart, she was alone now without her brother, he had always been the one to help her focus on not losing control of her powers. "I can sleep anywhere, I don't really need a bedroom." She said as she looked down to the floor.

She was use to sleeping on floors or tiny hard metal beds, she was sure that she could just find a place to hide and get some sleep. Wanda slowly looked up at Natasha and lightly bit her bottom lip. "I'm sorry for what I did, it was a horrible thing to do." She apologized before gulping softly and closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the other woman to hit her like she felt she deserved to be.
Natasha looked down at the slightly shorter woman. "If you're sorry, then being mopy won't solve the issue. Forgiveness is earned through actions and not self-loathing," she explained. And after everything that had happened recently, she was a little too sore and tired to waste the energy on throwing a punch. "You can take the sofa. Knowing Fury, it has a fold out bed too it." With that she opened the door.

The room wasn't much to write home about. Of a respectable size, it had one bedroom, a bathroom, and the main body was a 'living room' with a large sofa opposite a wall mounted TV. Natasha sighed as she made her way inside, unzipping her bodysuit and letting the material slide down her strong shoulders, revealing the white tank top housing her bust beneath.
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