A new body and a new adventure

Jan 17, 2009

It was Cloud, Cid, and Vincent traveling together, currently they were fighting against an unknown monster, they were all getting tired and getting ready to run away when the mobster suddenly jumped over to the group and grabbed Cloud. "Shit! Get off of me!" He snapped before it suddenly let out a breath of pink smoke and things started to go black in the hero's eyes, he could hear his friends yelling for him just before he blacked out.

A soft groan slipped from soft pink lips as Cloud slowly started to come to. The former soldier slowly started to get up from the ground, balance off for some reason, looking down, blue eyes suddenly went wide in shock when Cloud saw that he was now suddenly a she. "What the hell?!" She cried out in shock as she looked at the mounds on her chest that were her breasts. Quickly, Cloud pulled her pants away from her to look down them and saw that her cock was gone as well, she felt slightly faint but quickly shook it off when she noticed that she wasn't in the forest like she had been before and she didn't even have her sword with her. "Shit...where am I?" She mumbled as she looked around, she could smell the sea and saw a water fall near by, she wondered how far the nearest village was.
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