Final Fantasy: Summoner's Lament -[Haru|whizz]-


As you wish.
Sep 27, 2011
United States (CST)
Cid Arclight, dragoon knight of the Order of the Diamond Path, and sworn protector of the Realm - this was a man who had given his fealty, not to a King, but to an ideal. His obligations rose above such secular matters, and to that end he had taken it upon himself to put an end to a centuries long cycle. The monstrous entity, Sin, was a plague upon the Realm, and Cid had done his due diligence and research. Summoners and their guardians made their pilgrimages, each time that the beast would appear, and always Sin would be vanquished, though in time would reappear once more.

The times when Sin had been defeated and driven back, before it would appear again, was known as the Calm. Cid had spoken to the scant few guardians that had lived, for each time that Sin was defeated, none of the summoners had ever returned. He'd learned their secret, and found that the summoners called for their Final Aeon, giving up their life to defeat Sin. It was as if a sacrifice was made to the beast to appease it, to drive it away. This was not acceptable, and no matter how much Cid petitioned the church of Yu Yevon to try another way, they refused to listen.

The fact that the church would allow the cycle of destruction to continue, the destruction wrought by Sin and the lives it claimed was unacceptable. Cid knew that there were only a few summoners left in the Realm and so he had set out to find them...


Cid had resigned from the Order of the Diamond Path, creating his own Order; the Corpse Brigade. In his mind, all the people of the Realm were dead, though especially him and the Knights under his command, giving their lives for the Realm without question. The Corpse Brigade drew like-minded men and women of the Realm, most of them had lost someone to Sin's rampages, and all wanted to see the creature gone.

Summoners gathered in the holy sites, and that was where the Corpse Brigade intercepted them. Cid had found a summoner and her small entourage, praying at the altar, and he leveled the point of his lance at the young girl.

"In the name of the Corpse Brigade, Protectors of the Realm, surrender yourself and no harm will come to you." Cid said.
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