The Cure (Sano and Marie)

Marie Massacre

May 2, 2010
Lillith Cousland was far from from most would consider a normal woman. Even before she became a Grey Warden and the Hero of Ferelden, she had always been a little odd. Spending her time with the knights of Highever Castle bashing practice dummies with her shield rather than sewing, or cooking, or the things a 'proper' noble lady should do. Those were things that she had always hated doing, but she was forced to do because they were the right things to do. Then things changed when she became a Warden, the Warden... The Hero of Ferelden, the Warden Commander.

She had saved Thedas from the Archdemon, and then saved it again during the Darkspawn Civil War. Now she commanded all of the Wardens of Ferelden. Though as of recently they hadn't really been in Ferelden much at all, not since the false Calling and Corypheus. She had taken a small group of her best Wardens and they were going to find a cure. She wasn't going to lose any more people to the Calling, even a false one like this last one was...

She had Shaethari Alerion, her most trusted healer. An elf of Dalish origins, who had been with her during the Blight. Shae had saved Lilllith's life on more than one occasion, she wouldn't want to do this without her.

Kallian Tabris, a city elf. A rogue who could flip between shooting you at a distance and stabbing you in the back so quickly that it was blinding. Lillith still wasn't sure how Kallian had made it out alive of that hell that was the Denerim Alienage after what happened, but she was glad she had.

There was Nathaniel. Her lieutenant and second in command. She couldn't do this without him, if she had left him behind she would've hated herself for it for the rest of her life, however short it may or may not have been...

Then there was Arani. She was a stout little thing. She had always liked dwarves for that. And Arani was no exception. She didn't know how, but that woman could wield any weapon you put in her hands. A bow, daggers, a sword, a maul. It didn't matter. Arani could wield it.

Olaf was can Avvar ranger, who's hunting and gathering skills had certainly been much appreciated on this crazy trip. He could find food in even the most asinine of places, including the Deep Roads. And his companions were always welcome.

Pierre was a former Chevalier, turned Warden. Of all her men, Lillith and Pierre got along the least. They butted heads and he tried to contradict her orders at every turn, and it had nearly gotten Kallian killed at one point. She wouldn't put up with it down here, not in the Deep Roads.

Cassius, she knew Shae disliked him, and for good reason... He was not only Tevinter, but he was a convicted rapist... But he was also a damn fine mage... Something that Lillith was in very short supply of, so she had invoked the Right of Conscription and forced him into the Wardens. At least in the Wardens, she could keep and eye on him and decide his punishment if he stepped out of line...

And finally, there was Sojan. Initially he had come to them as an experiment to see if Qunari would make good Wardens, let alone take part in the Joining. As it turned out, they most certainly could. This hulking beast of Qunari had made a fine Warden ever since. He'd become an invaluable member of her team, that was for certain. He had brought Shaethari out of her shell...

It was hard to tell day from night in the Deep Roads, so Lillith judged on how tired everyone seemed to be. She saw that everyone seemed be beginning to wear down, she wasn't even really sure how long they'd been hiking through muck and Darkspawn slime at this point. So she figured it was time for a break.

"Okay everyone. Lets break and make camp here, we need to try and make a run to the surface soon. Water is getting limited and if we run out, it's not going to be good for any of us..." Lillith said. Looking around at them.

Shaethari nodded, beginning to undo her pack from her back, letting it shift to the ground with a groan. Her back was aching from the weight. She and Kallian were the smallest among the them. Arani, she may have been the shortest, but they were more petite. Shae sat down on her back, too tired to try and set up her tent just yet. She needed to rest for a bit and regain her energy before trying to set up her tent.

Kallian did the same, flopping down on top of her pack. Laying on top of it on her stomach. Not even really considering what kind of position this left her in. She didn't care she was exhausted and wanted a nap.

Arani laughed as the two elves collapsed, she moved over and began setting up her tent as soon as she laid her pack down. She knew if she wanted to get away from the idiots in this camp, she need to seek refuge in that tent. So she got to work quickly hammering her stakes into the heavy shale floors of the Deep Roads.
Nathaniel Howe supported the ludicrous endeavor of Warden Commander Cousland out of sheer faith in her abilities to mutate impossible odds into realities. Corypheus' bore an innate power to imitate the calling, bringing strife and complete discord among the Grey Wardens hierarchy. Submerged in the shadows whenever presented through openings, Nathaniel sustained silence amidst lingering in the homes of the Darkspawn.

A most virulent task, retracting closer to the campground where everyone would hopefully be most prudent despite opinions on his commander's quirky selection. Brandishing his ancestral longbow, an austere gaze kept until reaching into the encampment. " Lady Cousland, the perimeter is secured ! " , he spoke courteous despite the closeness shared between them during the years.

Olaf never wavered far without an animal companion, this one manifesting as a wolf of considerable intelligence. Stereotypical, the Avvar outdoors man accessorized with warpaint prevalent in the tribes he belonged to where relationships with Feraldens hovered to hostile levels by warfare and discrimination. Beholden to the semblance of his people, distinguishing features included wavy blonde hair descending passed his shoulders, a thinned physique tightly cored like a muscular feline , and majestic light blue hues. Darkspawns and its averse source of power known as the blight were discernible visually, somewhat by movement, and definitely by scent. Primitive means of martial combat he excelled it, weighed down by numerous throwing axes on his person and only barely armored by the customs of the wardens.

" The blighted ones do not come, but we cannot stay here too long. Ogre was here, wes caught its smell! " , he announced in a neutral tone to the group

Batching it an astronomical distance from the privy of the asylum from inevitable demise judging by how the taint from these burdensome walking plagues coursed in his veins. Still it was preferable to death, shame those whom he could sample from were formidable dishes of flesh. Cassius held a wiry exterior, pale like a corpse with amber orbs closer to red as he peered at the formations of the rocks. Toting a darkened gorge sloshing with the plasma of fallen victims, this blood magi borne a horrid reputation prior to this enslavement for overindulging in women and candidly testing his talents with the blood. Commander Cousland stopped advances from the pretty Dalish encircling near that horned beast, trailing the boundary with a combination of his blighted blood with the collection of Darkspawn blood. Crooked teeth drew a sinister grimace, enacting a specialized spell that gave off the scents of his their kin, hence fooling them slightly as a decent ward.

"Ogre? Barbarian you might wish to abrogate that declaration. We already have him right here.", baleful in tone and purpose was Pierre for the contempt under these circumstances. Barring the company of the Warden Commander and the disgraced 2nd in command, the Chevalier perceived this mission as a ruse, a juvenile endeavor for further glory to supplement more prestige. Pierre de Montfort arrogated seniority in his mind, although earnestly despite his years within service probably ranked lower than her pet knife-ear Shaethari. Behind the elegant armored mask was a shorter stature man of Orlesian blood, vibrant with hints of aging through his graying slicked back brown hair, atheletic form from a decade in the ranks of the Chevaliers and when bared a dazzling smile.

A meager glance at the beast he mentioned, he sneered in disgust knowing it wouldn't dare become confrontational unless physically provoked. " Commander, how far along are we on this wild chase ? "

The tall, imposing beast of a Tal-Vashoth procrastinate of the significance of this ordeal knowing well the peril they would be confined towards facing in opposition. Paranoia set in, already hampered to the outcries of certain wardens in addition to the unrelenting dangers of the dark spawns. Enticement for combat broke him from his timid nature, a notable attribute only Shaw whom has gotten close to knows partially of the treatment he faced under the Qun. Visually and statistically, Sojan was deemed an abnormally large, extremely muscular Qunari that a nickname christened in the days as a mercenary and the ignorant as Ogre. A mountainous warrior, his horns protruded out, obsidian in shade closer to the darker grey hue almosy symbolic of his passage into the wardens. A maroon Vitaar smeared onto his brawny hide, recognized that crafting armor was an exhausting attempt on resources and time. Only the Griffin embroidered bracers of metal were afforded to him as a piece of the uniform and protection.

Animalistic red hues stared at the pompous Orlesian momentarily, very long, thick, swept-back white hair that resembles a mane in its unkempt fashion akin to the insults he fought back against by bestowing no reaction thus far. Building camp nearly improbable, pulling out a large beaten pavilion he utilized for an improvised bedroll for his immeasurable stature. Positioned in the camp near the Dalish, he maintained silence watching her, slowly leaning to the stone wall. Audibly slow with a strong, granite like voice he addressed her though it was simply from time for both of them mutually becoming more sociable. " "
"Nathaniel, how many more times must I tell you to call me Lillith before you begin doing it?" Lillith asked.

Giving him a playfully admonishing look. She rarely had to actually admonish Nathaniel, he had always worked hard to make sure she didn't need to. Her gaze softening a bit for him. She was tired, she tried her best to hide the signs. She didn't want the others to see it, but the more time they spent in these Darkspawn infested Deep Roads the worse it got... The Calling had begun, she was resisting it with every bit of willpower she had. Even that could only get her so far.

Shae looked up as Sojan next to her, she had finally manage to set up her tent. As exhausted as she felt. Her long white hair was swept up in a long braid, to keep it from tangling in the the muck. She heard his voice and grinned a bit.

"Well, Lillith wants to have all our theories available to test... I'm not sure which one may be true... If there is one at all... I just hope that there is... I always wanted children one day..." She said softly. "Sounds silly doesn't it? Pinning my life on the idea that I might someday get to have children..."

Lillith looked up when she heard Pierre's words, anger boiling her blood. She moved over to him, her armor thick plates of Volcanic Aurum armor clinking on the stone as she did. The glowing eyes of The Armor of the Sentinel, the armor belonging originally to the Warden who slayed Archdemon Dumat, staring at him.

"This 'wild chase' will be done once tracked down one of the only remaining Old Gods, slayed it before it can be corrupted, and taken it's blood! I will find the cure to the Calling! I will not watch more Wardens die!" She growled.
" Apologizes, I try to look courteous before these wardens. Perhaps in private in the tents."

Flustered at the extent of her frisky stare, branding a shade of red throughout the stern demeanor demonstrated before the encampment. Nathaniel knew the impairments which stricken subtly at the Warden Commander with confidence in his silence. Admiration for her strength was limitless, acknowledging the acceleration of these darkspawn skirmishes wore Lilith tremendously yet fought on perhaps realizing she would be sacrificed for this future. Eavesdropping on the portent statement to the Orlesian in a fervent display of anger amused him slightly for the shift of disposition on the Chevalier as he remained silent, saluting and walking away from her presence submissively.

" Do not dally too much effort on him milady, Pierre either is vocal in cowardice or wishes to undermined your command. A threat to either I assure with your beauty reputation, and surely prowess in warfare. ", he winked to comfort her.

" Its...not..silly Shaethari!! Many...long..for..child.", stumbling for words awkwardly at the offhanded compliment delivered through his coarse lips, draping his enormous form into the pavilion fashioned into a bedroll only emphasizing the moniker he detested for the comparison only discredit him, merging such a name with a feral creature.

The Qun as this benevolent Dalish elf has heard dubbed him Karashok or Infantry private in Qunlat. Most demeaning they affirmed him as Saar or dangerous in the context of the language which was only a few degrees higher than a Saarebas. The common human tongue proved strenuous to the mind, yet necessary for the career choice which was established to him since his youth. The mission parameters were unclear, preferring secrecy for a clear objective rarely weighed on his nerves.Irregardless, time spent with this Dalish whom made time less lonely was something he couldn't needlessly offer for the success of the wardens. It embarrassed him, discerning the perception of himself in all walks of life. A sentient war golem he been called on employment, an accurate assessment he felt life has deemed for him. At least Shae removed that impotent thoughts of himself momentarily, shying away a small grimace.
Lillith moved back over to Nathaniel, leaning against him a bit. Knowing she needed to sleep. She hadn't slept well the previous couple of nights thanks to the Calling. She steadied herself against him. Looking up into his eyes. Taking a deep breath, she knew if the others saw her weakness they would begin to question her capability to lead this mission, and that was not something that she could afford... Not for this mission... Not when she knew that Alistair could be the next to fall to this, he was the one who struck down the Archdemon...

She couldn't risk their King, she had to find the Cure and she had to find it now. She used Nathaniel's support to get back to her tent. Sitting down on her bedroll.

"It's getting harder to withstand... It seems like the closer we get, the harder it becomes to try and hold off the effects...." Lillith said softly. Running her fingers through her hair.

Shaethari smiled a bit, she blushed a bit as he mentioned her beauty. Looking up at him with shy eyes.

"I am a blood mage, most Elven men would turn their nose up at me..." She said softly. "They would say I am the consort of demons... Though that is simply not true. Yes, we draw our power from the blood that courses through our very veins and can draw on demonic energies, not all of us make pacts with demons."

She paused, leaning up to kiss his cheek gently.

"Besides, no one ever said that I had to marry and have children with an Elven man... I have never met an Elven man I fond of enough to marry, let enough... Well... Make love too...." She said. A bright red blush caressing her cheeks.
Cassius conserved fluids of his own through these unorthodox techniques mustered by what theories were conferred through the archives of Avernus that from prying heard was regarded for this mission. Everyone wielded some form of apprehension varying by his craft of magic , crimes that deterred his forceful recruitment, and naturally his Tevinter ethnicity to topple it all off. Wardens and Darkspawns both were aligned by the corruption of the noxious taint rushing in their bodies, making it a beacon to track each other. Abhorrent runes of darkspawn blood and his own were now completely traced, embezzling the energy of life from it to siphon it, causing a magnetic field of sorts far away from the encampment making the beasts of the taint to perceive it as kin instead of them. " Such elegance never appreciative, but the wardens cherish anything for the mission."

Caressing lady Cousland by the privacy of the tents, Nathaniel testified towards the grueling hardships of responsibilities befalling her during not only the fifth blight, but the troubles surrounding Thedas as a whole. Notoriety helped bolstered ranks, however that often triggered plenty of inconveniences that only made battling this sickness a courageous endeavor. Maintaining the embrace he hoped this moment of silence would comfort her demons, the realization of the burden that continues to stack onto her well being. " We will manage as best as we can, even if its just us against this beast."

Together ineptitude in relation to intimacy felt foreign, floundering ridiculously under the outlandish demonstration of emotions. Observant of her brief blush, Sojan neglected it, vigilant over her soft response noting of the familiarity of her own strife only one lingering with insecurities and inferiority could comprehend her worries. Shae was the quintessential definition of mythical to his eyes, concentration wavering the moment her lips planted onto his cheek. Leaving a rosy shade prompting the giant to lower his head almost subtly amongst the topic at hand, hearing her remark such relations did not necessary have to extend to her own species including sex cut the tension like an Antivan having an orgy in the Chantry. Silence consumed the space between them for approximately half a minute, mustering enough strength to warrant anything to stir back conversation between them. Anything but silence.

" Funny, I...did..not..think..Dalish...really..saw...other a..romantic...way? The Qun...they forbid mixed..raced..intimacy.. much not like how they are..They sooner..cage you..for being different than hope..", memories behind the rulership of the Tamassran, treading with slight caution akin to Saarebas. Extraordinary monitoring was reserved for those Qunari who are not mentally able, or are too physically impaired to function without a lot of help. It spoke volumes for the Tamassran regulated selective breeding programs, even psychological counseling and rehabilitation. Thoughts of being estranged from society, socializing at bare minimum. Crawling further into his bedroll it left Sojan relieving the tragedies in his mind, an issue Shae learned time from time that the damage ran deep like a prisoner of war.
Lillith found comfort in Nathaniel's warm embrace. Closing her eyes for a moment she inhaled deeply, looking up at him.

"I think I may try and get some rest... Will you help me out of this armor?" She asked softly.

Her head was throbbing, she looked up at him with tired eyes. Her eyes spoke volumes. Usually so bright, and filled with life. Now they almost seemed dead in comparison...

Shaethari looked up at him as he mentioned the Qun, making her sigh. She saw him retreating into his bedroll further. She moved over and knelt down next to him.

"Not all Dalish are so horridly against other races," she said softly. "And try not to think about them... I don't like to see you sad..."

She leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before standing and heading for her tent. Knowing that there was rotation for who would be on watch at what hours. She hoped Lillith had put herself off of watch completely for the night, their Commander needed rest.
" With utmost urgency, a reinvigorated warden commander is a happy warden commander ", he chimed hinting closer onto that seldom playfulness only exhibited by the solitude between them for public exposure invited an omission of whom he represented to the other wardens partially disillusioned by the fabrication of this visage of a stern, competent veteran of the organization already impaired by the disgraced family name his father help sully by his actions against the very group he now found himself stationed. Fixated on the lames of her full plate, Nathaniel was delicate with deft hands over the various movable rivets and leather straps. Gradually separating each portion, it only took approximately twenty minutes with regards to not get overly physical for that was inappropriate despite the close encounters in her chambers they have shared.

" I..know..this old, sorry. Wounds..that..defined into this.. horned siege weapon. talking.. It helps..even a little.", compelling a fragile smile behind the anguish over her ingratiating attempts in comforting him. Her angelic brushing of her lips over his forehead endearing, far fetched in association to his culture expunging connection to those whom biologically cause his birth. The other wardens encompassed the encampment slowly, crimson hues zealous on the Tevinter. Enough illustrations of his character combined with the terror in Shae's eyes made safeguarding her a priority. Most were volunteer unlike this raper, citing him the stereotypical design of blood mages whom only brought further discrimination onto the one he pined for. Still him and even the haughty Orlesian were companions in this momentous quest of epic proportions.
Lillith let him help her remove the armor. Once she was down to the linen pants and breast binding she wore beneath she turned to him. Touching his face gently.

"I should go let the others know the watch schedule, you're on final watch before we break camp int he morning," she said softly.

She leaned up to kiss him gently on the lips, she had missed this. Since entering the Deep Roads, they hadn't been with one another much for safety reasons. They still slept int he same tent, in the same bedroll... They simply weren't constantly tearing one another's clothes off.

She pulled back with a soft sigh and moved out in just the linen pants, foot wraps, and breast binding to deliver watch schedule. Though she dared someone to say a word to her about it. She started with Sojan, as he had first watch, followed by herself, then Cassius, then Pierre, followed by Aarani, then Nathaniel before they broke camp. Letting Shae and Olaf have the night off. Every night two people got the night off, it just depended on the schedule.

Lillith made her way back to her tent once she delivered the schedule, moving into the bedroll to lay down she unbound her breasts. At least until she had to go back out for watch. Sleeping with them bound wasn't a good idea.

Shae was already drifting off to sleep when Lillith let her know that she had the night off, she knew that meant that Lillith had scheduled herself for watch... It frustrated her, but there was no changing the woman's mind once it was made up. She just let herself drift off and decided it was high time to see one of her Fade lovers. A Spirit of Love. She waited until she was sure it was safe and no one would hear, or she thought no one would.

While she was only in the Fade, and nothing she did with the spirit had any real effect on her body. The arousal she felt was real. So her moans came through, even as she slept.
Inhibitions were renewed constantly in the proposition of defending the lives of the Grey wardens, distinctive customs from those arduous days as a mercenary for hired to be extinguish like the flames of a dragon. Preserving an airs of composure worked wonders in the presence of the capable Warden Commander of recent fame, her tales legendary amidst the Grey wardens and her ascension throughout the ranks thanks to garnering support of diverse factions, each brimming with obstacles at the time. Coincidentally, the gigantic beast wrangled with vice at the form of her no longer restricted by her magnificent armaments of master work quality. Receiving a reticent response through facial expressions and body language, he branded her body passing by with the acknowledgment it heightened the basin of lewd desires concealed by discrimination.

Eavesdropping on the whereabouts of each compatriot, Sojan mind grew hazy with the abrupt tranquility of the campground. Loathing the existence of the Tevinter bordering from ignorance under the Qun and simply enough precedents of how they abuse their station and if one truly welcomed the stories from the Chantry of this horrid predicament did not inspire much eagerness for friendship. Still, he warded the perimeter, earning no immediate action against him.

Seclusion at this time of the watch meant contending with his emotions alone, a disheartening experience knowing the cruddy habits utilized to weaken his resolve and sleep. Pivoting his body sideways, Sojan clutched between both hands his flaccid manhood after peering at the campground. It was his shift, meaning solace momentary. He was discreet enough to never be discovered, the embarrassment powerful should any should linger a stare. The pavilion rose with time during his shift, mind conjuring thoughts of Shaethari with sultry maidenhood guiding him, suppressing a hoarse gruff or two. The tension only built the last couple of months, ashamed the Tal-Vashoth was so lamentable. Rocking his rigidness, twirling, even intertwining as loneliness only emphasized imagination. Time was still allotted, eyes still in view where the abominations should strike. If necessary his monstrous growth could bludgeon one, opting to instead think of the Dalish mounting him like the beast they proclaim him as.
Lillith groaned, she hated getting up for second shift. But she had made the schedule long before her sleep troubles began. She slipped out of Nathaniel's arms and bound her breasts again. It wasn't comfortable, but it was the only way that her armor sat right thanks to her ample bust size. She slipped on a linen tunic, moving out into camp as she stretched. Cracking her joints and attempting to stretch her aching muscles as she went. It seemed like every muscle ached, and every joint seemed to hurt now... She was't sure if that was the Calling, or just getting old...

She moved out to find Sojan so that she could tell him to head to bed. She realized he was already laying down. She moved over, and was about to confront him when she realized what he was doing.

"Oh! Oh Maker... I... I'm sorry..." She gasped.

She bit her lip, trying her best not to stare. Though it was admittedly difficult, she had been curious about Qunari ever since she'd known Sten. Sojan had peaked her curiosity more out of his sheer size. And now, judging from what she could see even under the bedroll... Maker he was big....
Feverish in replicating a portion of sexual gratification left the behemoth of a Tal-Vashoth caught literally with his pants down, members virtually flapping in the wind. Alleviating took astronomical like his scandalous manhood strife to properly deafen the billowing hormones provoking the indomitable warrior. If the fable proved closer to reality than fiction, Grey Wardens adhered onto a reputation of incredible stamina only worsening the odds since the joining to combat the hunger from his loins. How the Warden commander bestowed such stealth was unknown, brandishing his members under the pavilion with both hands cradling him.

"Oh! Oh Maker... I... I'm sorry..."

Speech for excusing this atrocious action in the middle of his shift inflicted him deeply. Comparable to the blood nurturing a mighty erection, Sojan felt the warmth attributed towards his rugged features as a darken shade of red complimented the distress that stricken like the quickening of his heart rate. He saluted as best as he could in this state, offering no verbal explanation except the realization his time for rest was fast approaching. Holding onto the pavilion to shield his nudity, he strolled to the opposite of the encampment. Fighting a horde of darkspawn, even the famed Arch demons prevailed under this moment of dishonor.

Given swift stares or keen observation. Swinging nonchalantly by the fabric was a large appendage almost bestial like an animal. Veins bulging profusely with abnormal girth complimenting the leathery grey foreskin with a bulbous mushroom leading like a spear for impalement. Possessing a upward curve, one could only imagine the penetration as the embarrassed warden knew the few women looking passed him...retreated once the literal extra limb was in focus and it was opposing knowing it was flaccid. Over a foot made him more a freak than he felt...slowly backpedaling. Damn did he screw up.
Lillith saw him walk off to the opposite side of camp, making her sigh. She knew she needed to talk to him. She moved after him. She approached him slowly, and placed a hand on his back. She knew when she needed to be Commander Cousland, and when she needed to be Lillith, a friend... Right now he needed Lillith....

"Sojan, there's no need to be embarrassed... It's natural, especially for us Wardens. Something about the Taint... It makes our sex drives higher than your normal person..." She said softly. "When I'm away from Nathaniel... Or times like now, when we're not having sex... I do it to..."

She bit her lips, glancing down now and then at the massive cock swinging between his legs. She tried not to, but it was hard to keep herself from look at least every now and then.

"It's completely normal to need to get your rocks off, we all do... Every single one of us..." She said.

She pushed her hair back behind her ear. Smiling at him. She couldn't help but secretly think how it would feel...
Blatant stares, even intervening for support left hefty amounts of bewilderment from the tower of muscle representing this elite squadron of wardens to undertake a mission with a high percentage of fatality. Either the calling eventually came reaping them to whichever patron deities they believed in or as many tales went shrouding this woman and do the impossible. Her words relented at making this casual, normal, but how even his orbs of crimson occasionally caught her leering at him brought a multitude of speculation upon its significance. Gaining quite the distance before confronted, at least this dilemma could be attacked in private akin to his own hiding as best as he could muster in distress.

" I, normal."

Breaking into conversations like this overwrought his senses, recollection of two separate lives ending in solitude. Kinship a rare trait to experience and love of any structure a foreign construct. Warfare was the bridge between them and here, its only harbinger and salivation of self-worth. The wardens were esteemed even to the radical Qunari, something perhaps earning a grain of respect before his time. Pretending to be a person felt strange, releasing the pavilion as he consciously let everything sting into his being.

" Everyone..even Cassius more normal than I. than ally..more than..just friend. Tal-Vashoth disgraced for reason, a flaw to see others as will atone..tomorrow."
"This is about Shae... Isn't it... I've seen the way you two look at each other," Lillith said softly. Her look softened some. "She adores you, she already thinks of you as more than a friend. I can see it in the way she looks at you... If I know one thing about Shae though, it's that she's painfully shy... She'd never tell you how she felt. Certainly never act on her feelings."

Lillith glanced down briefly. "She's not very experienced you know... And what experience she does have has left her... Jaded... You may need to approach her first... With a little experience under your belt if you really do want her to see you as more..." She said looking into his eyes.
Commander Cousland addressed the ire of his heartache, enlarged optics zoning quicker onto the ground like a preadolescence boy caught smitten with his first love. From his comprehension she was not magically inclined, communing with spirits or demons to be aware of such feelings. Either this was the famous women intuition that was transpiring or Shaethari imparted this information in confidence to her. Regardless, a confrontation of the focus of it all left him further embarrassed. Ears perked at her mention of adoring him, harboring similar feelings yet with a different means of reservation compared to his own. " that.", confessing his concerns even with his appendage flowing to the wind it seemed. When she opened her mouth about experience it left a surge of anxiousness that made him recollect the memories at once, times where kissing was his best times until astonished at his manhood.

"", awkwardness flourished at the mere mention of his monstrous limb gleaming with life, hunger for the plucked embrace of a woman. Admittedly her form did not help, dark impulses stirring if he were less disciplined of lewd acts on her body. This sullied him even pondering, looking for escape even with the gaze between them currently eye to eye. " I....only...hurt...her.....I...only...hurt anyone...who fancies me... Its in check!", dread filled in his gaze, searching for an appropriate spot opposite of the encampment to relieve himself in seclusion.
"You won't hurt her... Not if you know how to use it properly..." Lillith said softly.

She took a deep breath, she couldn't honestly believe she was about to do this. She knew how badly Shae wanted to confess her feelings for Sojan... How she wanted to be with him... And she knew if Sojan had no experience with a cock that size he'd rip Shae in half... She had to help some help.

"I can teach you... Let me show you what to do, so when Shae is finally ready... You won't hurt her..." She said.

She reached out, turned him to face her. Taking hold of the cloth covering him.

"May I?" She asked softly. She wouldn't continue, not without his consent.
Underestimating the generosity of his superior officer, Sojan looked completely startled at her suggestion, penetrating at the primal instincts surfacing earlier and potentially transforming all of it into some perverse reality. Contenting to this earnestly felt like a betrayal to Shae, disposing of what innocence which might have appeared alluring to the Dalish elf. Lilith's explanation over cultivating some wisdom behind his own anatomy was an unthinkable endeavor, yet here she was willing to cause herself strain for their benefit, their shared feelings of romance. The Tal-Vashoth yearned for it, why feel ashamed if she taught him like the experienced warriors under the qun. "....You...may.."
Lilllith nodded, she would've never continued if he hadn't given full consent. She had learned about the Qun from Sten, and while it had frustrated her, some of it intrigued her. She undid the cloth and moved the heavy material away. Placing it aside.

"I suppose it's only fair that I be nude as well..." She said softly.

She slipped the tunic up over her head, this revealed a large portion of the scar she had received from the Archdemon during the Battle for Denerim. Shae save her life that day. The scars were raised and discolored from the rest of her tanned skin, a angry looking red. Like because they were from the Archdemon they never truly healed. Part of them were still covered by the breast binding and some of them under the hem of her pants. But the majority was on her taut abdomen. That large, slashing claw marks of an Archdemon, a corrupted Old God.

She undid her breast binding. In her armor, and in the binding, her breasts looked small. But once they were set free of of the binding she had much fuller breasts. I was part of the reason she had to bind them.

She shimmied out of her linen pants, which as a general rule she didn't wear anything under. The linen was comfortable enough without having to put something under it. This left her entire body, open to his gaze. Long, toned legs. Sculpted by years of fighting and working to ensure that everything would be okay for future Wardens. Wide hips, that, had the Taint not corrupted her body, would've been perfect for bearing children. A toned, but voluptuous ass. it was a body that she had worked long and hard to get. One that was betraying her now.
Mesmerized by thoroughly exploring each detail of her derobed form, it reinvigorated his stiffen prick at the tenacious exterior marred by years of combat and it only sparked further erotic musing typically starved off from becoming a reality. Succulent, curvaceous, and unlike most maidens chiseled in muscle which strangely enough seem arousing for one bred for warfare. Ample patterns of scars decorated his monstrous musculature crafted from unrelenting training by the qun, a demand even as an outsider to be a paragon of violence under its tutelage. Muscle memory rested his callous hands onto his mighty members, captivated before reality shot back reminding him this wasn't a dream and someone was amenable to the pursuit of touching him intimately. Words could not express his thoughts, taking every fiber of his being to shuffle closer. Unintentionally basked with inexperience, Sojan's curved length pressed onto the underside of her full breasts. Utterly inept at this scenario he blushed, looking too enthusiastic despite handling this with enough composure.

Notified at how this would appear should the rumors spread throughout the camp, the enlarged warrior hoped for the best. Bewitched like the addictions that befalls Templars with lyrium, he could not justify what his perverse mind was pondering for her. Hundreds of images conjured by what he seen, read, or even heard described sprang up, but none could muster the courage to touch her barring the cock that insisted in brandishing itself. He stared into her own eyes, attempting to battle the lust lurking deep within. ""
Lilith gasped softly upon feeling his cock pressing against the underside of her breasts, making her look up at him. The sheer size was incredible. When she heard his question she smiled a bit at him.

"Well, first you must prepare one another," she said softly.

She moved her hands down to the massive length that pressing against the underside of her breasts, wrapping her hands around it. Slowly beginning to stroke him ever so gently at first. Her hands were slightly callused from years of of using a sword and shield.

"Most woman will try to pleasure with their mouths, you're a little too large to that. So I'll you my hands and my tongue..." She explained.
Introduced into foreign territory on the grounds of sexuality pertained solo until now. Her exclamation generated a subtly grimace of pride he never portrayed, many mocking or more often frightened at his manhood. Handling himself took both hands which spoke of enough visuals behind the actions to release him properly. Hearing her instruction tugged at some enthusiasm hidden away, yet her words of being too large was a mixture of pride and shame. Her experienced hands encasing his length, staring intently at her with curiosity. Such intrigue brought along an inquisitive look, insistent on learning but perhaps hold a better reputation for her willingness too.

" I..know..same..could be...said to it to...them. What..saying, and..I rub yours?", he expressed as he pulsed eagerly in her delicate hands.
"You scratch my back, I'll scratch your's," Lillith said softly a small smile on her face. "Make yourself comfortable, it will be easier on us both if you're comfortable..."

She let him sit back against the wall of the cave at the edge of camp, moving in between his legs on her knees she decided that she was going to at least try to let him feel like a normal man for once. She leaned down and let her tongue slide up his shaft slowly, starting at the base near his balls and working all the way up to the tip.

When she got to the tip, she began to work her lips around the massive head. She was actually going to attempt to suck at least the head of his cock.
Complying with her orders the massive Tal-Vashoth made himself cozy, vision fixated on her uniquely curvaceous body toppled with muscles few could dare mimic only heightening the beauty behind it as Sojan found his brutish form pressed on the wall of the cavern of the deep roads. Almost crammed between his legs she resurfaced, catching her gaze converge onto his crotch perhaps graciously unlike potential suitors. Basked in the negativity, everything rewind the moment her irriguous tongue measured his length. A leisurely trailing of her tongue ascending from his cumbersome tentacles throughout each inch of his curvilinear cock. Titillating and ripe of curiosity leveled with anxiousness, Sojan shivered excitedly only inquiring how much more invigorating things would get.

Impelling the giant with lips gorging onto the mushroom head, struggling to fight off a hurried moan at this remarkable occurrence amidst the backyard of the Darkspawn legions. Drafting how he ever repay this magnificent individual, only a perverse smile revealed how he might eventually with hushed whispers of the sexual reputation of the Warden Commander. Touching her felt instinctive, lust awakened by her generous display of foreplay. Leaning back he admired her work, awaiting suggestions for although willing he was too inexperience to tackle this task ignorantly. Notified on the hardship with her lips parting to fit just his tip, lewd thoughts were recollected in his fantasies of women sharing him.
Lillith went at her task eagerly, he would let him reciprocate once she had let him feel like a normal man for once. She knew most women wouldn't give his cock a second glance before completely ruling out even putting their lips near it. She was going to do what she could to remedy that, as much as she could anyway.

She worked her lips over a good six inches of his cock before it just became too much. Normally she would've been able to take much more, but his girth was preventing it. She had to pull back panting softly. Smiling up at him. Before moving back down and sinking her lips over his cock again.
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