Mostly story m/f [CLOSED]

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Witch Body
May 15, 2016
Hey peeps!

Brand new here. I'm looking for someone to RP with over PM. I want something long-form at a relaxed pace. I won't freak out if you don't answer me for a few days and I want the same allowance please. I am also open to trying multiple plots with the same partner as it's more important I find someone I enjoy writing with. My ideal is responding 2-3 times a week.

I am looking for someone that mirrors my effort or challenges me in terms of post length and skill. I am fine with single paragraph responses as long as they're done thoughtfully and in a spirit of reciprocation. And I would much rather someone be willing to wait a few days to respond if they need time to think rather than giving me something with half-effort.

I am female irl and would enjoy a f/m pairing, but you don't necessarily have to be male irl, as long as you're confident playing male characters.

I'm interested in some BDSM elements but am not looking for any master slave or cliche sub dom pairings. And I don't want that to be the main focus. Let's have it make sense and feel natural, and I'm fine leaving it out.

-no furries, beastiality, incest, scat
- no first person or txt talk

*I do want to play against a character that is assertive and demonstrative, but a little romance and love would be good too. I'm more interested in a pairing of mutual badassery

*I want build up and foreplay as well as non sexual plot. Story/sex would be at 60/40 hopefully.
* I would like fleshed out characters with flaws and motivations
* 3rd person
* rebels are so sexy
* Intelligence and humor is huge for me, both in the characters and in writing style
* I like absurd or psychedelic settings
* Action and horror is a fun way to move things along
* vampires, werewolves, and demons are fine but not huge for me

I don't have very many specific plots in mind but here's some of the things clanging around in my head:

~~Female bounty hunter/ assassin hunting her target which is a male renegade, who she ends up falling for despite herself and then they could go around infiltrating castles and stuff

~~Zombie apocalypse, dragon apocalypse

~~Female is more of a femme fatale with a penchant for manipulation and lies, Male is a badass. They lie and badass their way through their obstacles together

~~ female is a wild samurai girl with a crazy streak. Guy more level headed but a bit crazy too

I am definitely open to your ideas as I prefer collaboration in building plots and don't want to put too many rules here in that it's mostly going to be whatever I end up responding to viscerally in terms of your personality and writing style, which is a hard thing to quantify.

Send me a PM if you're interested!
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