Inside Kat's head... Interests and Other assorted ideas...

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May 11, 2016
Western U.S.
***(((Thank you, Everyone, for the interest and ideas! I have so many now that I need to hold off on accepting any others for now.)))***

Well, after spending a few day perusing the site and chatting with a few people, I think I can finally put forth a few thoughts. This list is by no means exhaustive and it will be updated as needed.

First... my online time can be a bit sporadic so as far as posts go, there will be times when I can only reply every few days or so. That being said, it should be a rare thing (computer or internet problems) for me to take longer than 3 days to get a response to you. Ideally I can respond to threads at least once a day (2 days tops). Also, because of time constraints and in the interest of making as few people wait as possible...I will be limiting the number of RPs I am involved with somewhat. So, if I say is NOT PERSONAL :) ... It simply means I most likely don't have the time currently. ***I am rarely able to be online during the weekends (RL Roleplay commitments lol), so a post on Friday will not usually get a response before Monday***

For now, for simplicity's sake, I prefer to RP through thread posts. PMs are not out of the question though.

GeekyKat's F-List

The above list should give you some idea of what interests me, and more importantly...does NOT interest me. :p If you have any questions about it, always feel free to PM me. :)

Anyway...after wracking my brain for all my various fandoms, I have a list of settings that could spark my interest. If you have any ideas involving characters and settings in these areas, I'm always up for discussion! :D

Reality Based
* High School/College
* Family

TV Shows & Movies
* Glee
* Game of Thrones (I haven't read any of the books yet)
* The Walking Dead
* Marvel Cinematic Universe (Or other Superhero series/settings)
* Star Trek
* Star Wars
* Friday the 13th (One on one with Jason as setting or even 3 or more with someone AS Jason)
* Criminal Minds

Video Games and Tabletop Game Settings
* Skyrim (My video game obsession lately)
* Mass Effect
* Dungeons&Dragons
* New World of Darkness

(Will be added to or updated as needed)
RE: Inside Kitty's head... Interests and Other assorted ideas...

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