Old Flames: A Warcraft story (zellsantal and Whizz


Dec 9, 2012
Shin sat on the wooden floor crose leged and infront of him sat a small table with a jade colord tea pot along with tea cups that match the color. The Pandaren monk tryed to relax as he waited for his long time friend to met him here in Booty bay, he sent a letter stating he have some news for her though she may not like what he have to tell her which on of them is the guest that is with him. "Is she here yet Shin, you told me she would here any time now and this room smells funny. Are you sure this is the best you can get here in this run down port?" another voice in the room next to the one hes in called out. Shin took a quick deep breath before replying "yes Cho it is, trust me you don't want to ask the Goblins to do more for they truely don't know how to make a Pandaren such as your self more compable." and would take every coin you have if you even try. Shin might be a commoner but still he have spint a few years going around the world and see many things in that time, one of which is know the race's well enough.

Cho'Long, a Panaren Noble just like Shin's friend that they are waiting on. Cho is not too bad of a person the only thing with him is he is way too picky about almost everything. Truth be told Shin wished he could have left Cho behind, saidly part of the new he was to give his freind have to do with him. He did hope she would get here soon for he wasn't sure how much long he could stand taking care of Cho.
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