Ship Sister

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May 10, 2016
This is a story I am working on and would like feedback for. I think if you read this first entry you will get an idea of where I am going with it. If one of the characters seems like one you could RP for me/with me, that would really help me.

Since I go hope to publish this someday I mention that I retain all rights for what I write.

Please read and give some feedback :angel:

Earth Date: September 9th 3014: 6:40 am ship time
Local: 2 Days in transit from Platform Deep Dive 6

I did not expect to have companions as quickly as I did. The Captain of this vessel was so nonchalant about the idea of even having a ship’s sister on board that it lead me to believe most of his crew was coupled up and comfortable with each other. After two days I now know better.
Of the seven male crew members on board four have already taken advantage of my presence, and one of them has done so twice; but he is just 18 and obviously needs my attention so I am happy to give it. Even if it wasn’t my job description I would still want to. He is sweet to me because of his youth. Not that anyone has been improper in their attitudes or actions with me – not at all. But there is a certain cynicism about sexual things that adults gain as they age which the younger man lacks. So I find it refreshing to have someone so enamored with me.

But I am getting ahead of myself in my dialogue, as he was not the first man to approach me and as this diary attest, I do like to record things in order. The first man to seek me out was also the oldest. He is one of two general crew members on board who handle such things as the loading and unloading of cargo, cleaning the ship, and providing security to shore leave personal. Add to that the job of manning the ship guns in the case of trouble and you get a good picture of the type of individual one would expect with so many responsibilities.

I had barely unpacked my things when my door buzzed. I opened the door to see an older man, easily 60+ years of age standing there. He was dressed in a tan coverall that zipped up the front, the zipper pulled down low enough to display greying brown chest hair. He had a solid look to him and a little grin on his face. He looked me up and down taking me in and his grin got wider. The tenting of his coveralls left little doubt that he was happy with what he saw. “I love redheads. Especially petite ones like you.” He said as a way of introduction.

I had to check myself in the mirror to remember what my appearance was, like most woman in my profession I had plenty of bio genetics installed to alter my appearance. A curly read head with blue eyes and freckles across the nose greeted me in the mirror. The figure was full with a perky looking bottom and chest. At only 5’2” I wasn’t as tall as I usually appeared but since he was happy with what he saw I decided to go with it. I asked him if he wanted to come in. He stepped into my room and looked around. “Looks like I caught you still unpacking?” he said half statement and half question.

I told him that was okay that I could finish that up later. That I was glad he stopped to see me as I was getting lonely already anyway. He grinned at that and leaned in to kiss me. I accepted his kiss feeling the urgency behind it. I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck pressing my face up to meet his. The kiss slowed and softened as I felt his hardness pressing through our clothing into my belly. I was going to step away and relieve him of his clothing but before I could his hands cupped my butt and easily lifted me into his arms. He carried me to the bed sat me on it and then proceeded to undress. Eight inches of hard flesh, thick and straight bobbed in front of my face as he undressed me, I watched it and willed my body to respond with desire for it feeling my own arousal as a small moan escaped my lips before we even touched. This seemed to amuse him as he laughed lightly upon hearing me do so.

He knelt in front of me and I was certain he was going to give me his manhood. Instead he pressed my legs open and gently kissed my sex. “I haven’t ate a pussy in an over a year,” he told me. “Hope you don’t mind if I catch up a little.” My response was lost in the feeling of his wet tongue lapping up from my anus to my clit. A lick that was slow and deliberate, so much so that I never wanted it to end. He lapped like that over and over till my legs were trembling and I was begging him to give me release. His response was to bury his face deeper between my legs. I felt the picky roughness of his face on the inside of my thighs at the same time his mouth engaged my clit, lips locking around it like a soft wet vice.

My hips bucked up and down like mad as he gnawed and kissed at me down there. His fingers entered me demanding my attention and I responded Cumming hard for him, juices flowing from my sex – a totally unexpected surprise for me to enjoy that pleasure with my first shipmate. He knew what I had done, what he had done, and I more felt then saw him mount me pressing my legs open wider with his own before lowering himself into me. He filled me inch by thick inch as trembles of my own orgasm rippled across my sex, his entry causing me to spasm again on his hard cock, pulling at it like a hungry mouth. I heard him moan, “Oh fuck yes fuck yes” as his dick spent itself in me quickly shooting hot fluid into my willing receptacle. I wrapped my legs around him as he collapsed on and in me.

I was in the shower cleaning up from my first visitor when the door chime sounded again. I had changed appearance to suit my own mood, adding 2 inches to my height, turning my hair a darker shade of red – almost chestnut in color and allowing the freckles to fade to nothing leaving a smooth unblemished face. I also increased the size of my breast and removed about ten pounds of weight over all so I looked slimmer and more athletic than before. It was this me that greeted my next visitor who happened to be the ships cook. She came bearing a piece of chocolate cake so I knew we were going to get along wonderfully. She was very attractive Asian woman, with large expressive eyes in a moon shaped face, an almost boyish figure but as tall as I.

I invited her in and she handed me the plate with the cake on it. “Welcome on board,’ she greeted me with a smile. I took note that even though she was pleasant enough she also scanned the room taking in every detail. “This quarters used to by mine and my late husbands, she informed me. I acknowledged with a nod – “hopefully my being here will not be a cause for grief,” I offered. She simply nodded and stood there. I could tell that being here reminded her of much and suggested a walk. “Maybe you could give a quick tour of the ship?” I inquired. “I just got on board and assume everyone is busy.” After acknowledging my request we set out. I followed enjoying the view of her from behind. She was wearing what was called a frill skirt over a leotard and lace up wrap boots that covered her dainty feet and ankles, before winding around her lower legs stopping at the top of her calves. My eyes ran from there up the back of her legs to the skirt that barely covered the filled out bottom of that leotard. The look was elegant, simple and sexy all at the same time. I stored it to memory to use at a later date for myself.

I almost bumped into her when she stopped in the mid stride, palming a scanner on the wall to out left. “As you probably know we are walking with the skin side of the ship to our right. This part of the hall, contains,” she turned giving me a profile of her lovely body and I couldn’t resist, I interrupted her leaning in for a kiss. She was surprised but did not pull away. I probed her lips with my tongue and she opened to me. Our kissing taking on passion. Pulling me to her, she nuzzled her frame close to mine. I responded wrapping my arms around her protectively, letting the softness of her own body melt with mine. Kissing across her cheek and down to her neck, she was trembling with need and I so wanted to meet it for her, I started to slide down onto my knees when I heard a giggle. The sound of it popped the bubble the cook and I had been in like a hairpin popping a party balloon. I turned to see a young girl of approximately 10 years of age standing in the open door of what I would come to know was her quarters. She was wide eyed and blushing 3 shades of red. She turned her gaze between my companion and me and back again taking it all in. “aren’t you suppose to have a room to do that?” she snickered.

The cook recovered her equilibrium before me, “Carolyn, this is and then realized she did not even know my name. I stuck out my hand, “Jenny” I told her, and “I’m the new ships sister.” From the way her eyes popped even wider and the little grin she got I knew I did not have to explain what that meant to the girl.

She shook my hand eyeing me, “Carolyn, my dad’s the captain.” She told me.

Great I thought caught necking outside the quarters of the captain’s underage daughter. “Just how long were you standing there anyway?” I asked her. She just smirked at me – “long enough.”

She turned to the cook, “Did you make chocolate cake? I am sure I smelled it.” Cook nodded yes to her and took the girls hand, leading us all down the corridor.

By the time we got Carolyn her cake and made a few other stops to show me the cargo bays and common areas for the crew, we came full circle back to my rooms. Of course being wired into the ship itself I had all this information at my command, but I needed the interaction to better understand the crew I was here to take care of. Between the captain’s daughter and the cook I picked up a lot of details about the crew I did not know. Unfortunately the cook and I were unable to pic things back up because the girl clung to us like a second skin – something I would find was an issue with her but being the only girl on board that is understandable.

After the cook excused herself to get back to work Carolyn ask me I would like to see more of the ship and at my suggestion we made our way to the PT area on the deck below us. The area was what one would expect a wide open space made from variable hardening buffer boards – these would soften and stiffen according to the speed and weight of something coming into contact with it. The room also had a variable gravity bed which is nice when working out since most ships do not maintain planet side gravity when in space. I adjusted the dial to earth gravity plus 15% and started to work through my routine. I did this changing my outfit to a leotard and workout shorts in the blink of an eye forgetting about my young companion. She giggled again looking at me a little astonished. “Wish I could change that quick.” She told me. “I’ll be right back. The girl stepped into one of two small changing rooms and came out wearing a simple t shirt and shorts. She had the skinny boney frame girls that age possess but also one could see her pubescent pointy nipples poking at the fabric and the beginnings of hips forming. She joined me for my routine matching me step for step.
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