The Merc and The Belle (HeartToStart & VitaObscura)


Feb 21, 2016

...There were only short, very brief moments of consciousness. Every waking second filled with nothing but immense burning pain. Mr. Sinister knew the dangers of taking in a mutant as powerful as Rouge, and had made the necessary precautions in order to contain her. It wasn’t complex, the plan actually very simple, keep her sedated and on round the clock observation. Any flinch, twitch or uneven breath was taken into account, as if she were to completely snap out of her drug induced coma...there would be a few new holes in the genius mutant’s lab.

There was no possible way he could resist the allure of the southern belle’s abilities though. Deadly, powerful...limitless potential, and all obtained with a single touch. Numerous injections had been given, all of which needing to be applied with a powerful claw like arm and enhanced needle to compensate for her heightened durability. Sticking a syringe into someone who could resist the impact of a bullet proved difficult, but certainly not impossible. They had managed to get an IV in her, coursing the sedatives through her system, and that had been a bit of a chore.

The hospital gown hung loosely from her frame, obviously put on in a rush. Nobody wanting to risk exposure to her skin for a prolonged period. This of course meant it looked like a blind one armed monkey had put it on. The laces along the back tied off in the wrong positions, the collar sideways and causing the cheap cardboard like fabric to pull awkwardly off in the wrong direction and bunch up along her left flank. Had she been awake long enough to notice...she wouldn’t have been too pleased about it.

“Mmmph…” The groan was soft, eyes opening slowly and revealing the emerald irises beneath. The pounding in her skull was intense, set to the rhythm of her heartbeat. Everything was blurry, sounds came in as though she were underwater, distant and subdued. The glass tube she had been locked inside was tilted upward, numerous harnesses holding her in place and keeping her secure. “Son of a..”

It was no sooner the words were spoken she noticed something wasn’t quite right. Everything below the neck down was numb, despite her desperate efforts to move her arms or legs, absolutely nothing happened. “Ah, look who has decided to join us.”

The southern belle furrowed her brow as she took in the sight of the other man that had been captured. Something about him seemed familiar...but she was unable to place it in her memory.

Deadpool was only known through reputation as far as she went, and of course the files that were kept on him beneath the school. A few of her teammates had made it clear that they were not a fan, but when one of them was Logan it was hard to tell if it could be taken with more than a grain of there were a lot of people he didn’t care for in this world. It was only after she accepted that he was an unknown that her gaze pulled back to Nathaniel Essex. The two of them shared a not so pleasant history, a lot of it steeped in some bad decisions that a rather charismatic cajun had made.

“I wanted you to be awake for this, as I think you will find it...quite intriguing.” Bending he moved to release the seal of her container, the pressure releasing and hissing out into the room. Rogue was still trying to move, free herself somehow, but it was all for naught. The only thing she could do was glare, and if looks could kill…

As soon as the lid was lifted a young man was waved over, couldn’t have been more than 25. Ruffled blonde hair, thick glasses and a tall wiry frame...he looked to be incredibly nervous. “Go on Henry. We need to see if we have made any progress”

The kid stammered, looking from Mr. Sinister over to the southern belle and back. It was obvious he wanted to protest, but was too terrified to actually do it. Instead, he took a deep gulp, the sound audible in the relatively quiet underground lab, and raised his hand up and outstretched his arm. “N-no...don’t..”

Rogue could see where his hand was going, fingertips headed for the bare skin beneath the sleeve of her hospital gown. All she could to was flinch, close her eyes, and prepare for the horrible sensation that overwhelmed her whenever someone touched her. The memories, the was never a walk in the park. Although it was probably worse to be on the other end of it. Due to the paralytic she couldn’t actually sense the contact, but it had happened. Fingertips pressed down, followed by his palm, and pain. Mr. Sinister could only smile in amusement.

A few moments passed before Rogue hesitantly opened her eyes, Sage and Warpath looking on in silent shock at what they were seeing. Neither of them were keen on saying anything anyway, afraid to pull any attention as it had lead to nothing but excruciating pain when they had. “What did you do?”

There was anger, confusion and a hint of excitement behind that southern voice. Eyes wide and searching for some kind of answer on either of the men’s faces. Of course Mr. Sinister was pleased, but it wasn’t a breakthrough for his research. Suppressing her mutant gene had been done before, but it was at least a step in the right direction.

“Very good. Secure her and make sure those paralytics don’t wear off. I think we’ve done enough work for today.”

Just like that he brushed her off, not offering her anything but as sidelong glance of amusement. Oh, she wanted to hit him. Send him flying across the room and pound on him until she grew too exhausted to beat on him anymore. Still, her body wouldn’t move, only having control of her head and neck. That certainly wasn’t enough to bust her loose. With that the lab started to empty, small mumblings from the workers about the day's work, machines shutting down while others sputtered to life. There were cameras everywhere though, so just because the room was empty, didn’t mean they were alone in the slightest.

Why do you do this to me?

Seriously, look at her. . . and you know what goes on here at Bluemoon.

But Hotdogs aren't supposed to go there.

Wade awoke with a yawn, it wasn't beneath him to wake up in weird and at times compromising places or positions. The sealed tube wasn't exactly new and the hospital gown brought back a swell of emotions that were quickly quelled beneath a tirade of self deprecating sarcasm, "That is the last time I let you take me out." The words were directed at no one in particular.

Fuck you

His amplified healing factor was making short work of the sedative cocktail that coursed through his veins, several saline IV's were attached to his arms and legs along with a dialysis machine that seemed to be replacing his blood with additional tranquilizing additives. "My whole body is like The Stranger." The dialysis machine was taxed to its limit as his body continually pumped out a steady stream of blood to replace what was being taken out. Given the nature of Wade's abilities, tranquilizing him with the lethal equivalent of what's given to those being executed was the only way to keep him here along with the additional restraints that bound him in place.

A breeze chilled him and Wade shivered beneath the hospital gown, "Oh, it's like The Dead Stranger."

A sigh escapes through keloid scarred lips as he fights against the restraints, moving enough to see the others also bound to his same fate. "Oh hey. . ." In many ways he was happy to see that he wasn't the only one here, it meant he could talk to someone who wasn't himself.

Wade tilts his head to the side, using a few reflective surfaces to his advantage, it reminded him of the time he spent an entire hour trying to see a breast through the static of Pay Per View, which he admitted to himself was probably last week.

It was a good boob.

"So uh hey." His words directed at Rogue or really the round distorted reversed image of her rear, "Come here often?"

That's not going to work. . .

You miss all the chances you never take, bro.
Rogue was in full blown escape plan mode, so caught up in her own thoughts the the other voice in the room actually startled her a bit. It didn’t help that being paralyzed from the neck down was putting her a bit on edge. Feeling defenseless and weak was something she was not accustomed to. Most of what the man was saying seemed to be nonsense, or simply a conversation he was content on having with himself. Eventually he did seem to direct a question in her direction though, was an odd one.

“Oh yea, all the time…” Sarcasm dripped from her words as her eyes continued to move through the room. Maybe she was a bit panicked, but being caught by Sinister was not on her list of ‘good things’. “It’s mah favorite vacation spot.”

There was a little grunt that followed, the girl with the dual colored hair trying once again to get one of her limbs working. Now of course her intention was not to be mean, or dismissive, but she wasn’t really in the mood for conversation. At least not one that didn’t seem to help the current situation. It didn’t help that she was already frustrated, and a bit on edge...maybe in a different situation she would have found the bizarre behavior entertaining.

FInally her eyes moved to try and actually see who was speaking. The image was a bit distorted, as it seemed their captor had intended to keep them just out sight of one another. All she could really make out was the shape of his body, and the large machine he was hooked up to. Was there something wrong with his face? Rogue squinted a bit, but it didn’t help too terribly much. The bottom like was, it didn’t really matter who he was, as long as he could potentially help.

“Ah don’t suppose you happen to have a brilliant plan of escape rattlin’ around in that ya?” Maybe she should have introduced herself, but at the moment, it didn’t seem to be too important who she was. If he was a mutant, he would probably know of her, or at least know her abilities. If there was one person you didn’t want to let get their hands on was Rogue. Well, it used to be. Who knew what was going on now. There was a good chance he might place the southern lilt, or if he could see her head...that streak of ivory in her hair was usually a dead giveaway. If he pieced it together, good for him, if not...the could go through the introductions once they were out of the horrible tubes. “Ah would really like to be gone and outta here by the time Dr. Douche gets back…”
Wade would nod, "Last time I was here, they had this tube go up my hoohah, didn't need fiber that night." He's been 'captured', mostly to pass the time and to ease his way into their base of operations, it made infiltration easier if they did all the work for you after all. Admittedly, an unknown did contact him through a secured channel and a large amount of money had been transferred to select accounts that haven't seen use in quite sometime, it wasn't that he was overly cautious; he just didn't care enough to hide.

It's pretty much a public secret, we all know what you do.

It felt like a trap, if it was, he'd find the guy and turn him into a complicated hand puppet. The more he thought about it, the less jovial he felt and that in itself was bad, for everyone else.

My common sense is tingling. . .

"Oh GOD damn it, it was A trap." An excessively long sigh escaped him, "Oh yeah, I have a plan."

No you don't.

"Shut up. . ." Annoyance lingered upon that truth as he concentrated, pivoting and testing his restraints at the expense of his limbs which snapped and popped out of place, "They did their homework." The pain was no more notable beyond what he normally felt, he could take it and mold it, he had viable coping mechanisms in place and they were often at times at odds with the world at large.

So he snapped his forearm until the Radius and Ulna were shoved beyond the flesh, jagged edges cutting rather haphazardly into the leather restraints, "So, this'll take some time sugar." Wade fought against his healing factor and the voice in his head telling him that this was fucking retarded.

The glass containment tube would be his next obstacle to freedom, but he'd deal with that in due time, "Girlfriend." He'd say with sass, "You're having a bad wardrobe malfunction, like damn." Wade laughed, admiring the distorted reflected curve of her rear, "Dr. Douche probably has extensive counter measures installed and a security guard detail longer than my penis."


"I like my odds already." Wade continues to work upon the restraint until he's able to shave his way through the thick leather, the next minute is spent trying to flop the Radius and Ulna back in place, for additional help he blows heavily in his arms direction, "Come on buddy, don't you like your home? That's where you live. Go home already." Eventually his bones realign, flesh begins to reknit itself, but it'll take awhile, "I'm going to take a nap." The blood loss took hold and Wade's vision would fade to black.

The southern belle couldn’t see what was going on, but she could hear it, and it sounded...awful. Despite the fact that she had personally caused a bit of bodily harm in her day, the sound of bones snapping still could make her cringe. The fact that he was doing it to himself, well...that made it all the more stomach churning. There was a silver lining though, as it narrowed down to who the man might be. Assuming he was able to do all of this due to a healing factor. It wasn’t Wolverine, or Warpath...and the only other mutant with regenerative powers that came to mind was...Deadpool.

There was a sigh of annoyance at the thought, simply because she had heard PLENTY of stories about how he was impossible to work with. Well, beggars couldn’t be choosers, and he was surely a little bit closer to breaking out than she was.

The comment about her wardrobe didn’t go unnoticed, and she wasn’t too happy about it, but there wasn’t much she could do. Of course she also wasn’t aware he had a view of her ass from where he was positioned. It all seemed to be going alright, probably incredibly painful, but alright...until the man announced that he was going to be taking a nap. What? The southern belle could only assume it was due to pain or blood loss...something that had to do with those noses she had heard. Still, it wasn’t the time to be going night night.

“! Don’t go to sleep…” Rogue turned her head, trying to get some kind of glimpse of who she was talking to, but it was a fruitless endeavour. Chances were, whoever was watching those security cameras had seen what he had done, or would soon figure out what he was up to, which meant they didn’t have a boatload of time to work with. “Shit…”

With a groan she tried to move, focusing all of her energy on her right arm, just one appendage, that’s all she needed. The groan turned into a yell as she tried to fight the paralytic coursing through her system, which was...a losing battle. Unfortunately she needed who she could only assume at this point was Wade Wilson, and he seemed to be...every bit of idiot as people had claimed.

“Really...this is who ah’m stuck with…” The words weren’t said to anyone in particular, just talking to the empty space in the room as though it might do something and lend a hand. With one final try she decided to put everything she had in pushing forward. By some stroke of luck it works, the metal bracers around her wrists and ankles snapping open with ease against her strength as the force of her movement shattered the glass container she had been trapped in.

There was a problem though, not she was still barely able to move, and on the ground. Maybe some people would consider it forward progress, but Rogue felt as though she had jumped from the frying pan and into the fryer. People would most certainly be heading this way soon.
Wake up

The pain was there, a constant reminder of who he was and what he's been through. Whether the psychological agony of sanity strained to its outer limit outweighed the crippling electric sharpness of flesh torn asunder sometimes came down to the realization that both were shouldered in equal amounts.

Holy shit, look at yourself

"I don't wanna." Wade would fumble with his bloody limb wiping away the spittle and tears that sometimes came with self dismemberment, replacing the crystal clear liquid with various shades of viscous crimson. Eyes expanding in amazement as he tentatively touched the glass, "Holy shit." He exclaimed even louder, "HOLY SHIT".


After dislocating his still bound arm in excitement, Wade removed the restraints, his happiness knew no end as he worked his way out of the glass tube as he actively took care to avoid further injury, side stepping over the broken glass that his involuntary roommate had decided to scatter in her escape.

"Holy shit!" He fell to his knees, pressing his face ever so close to the woman, his blood acting like crude warpaint, "Do you see this?!" He admires his reflection in the pools of her eyes with the rabid fascination of a man gone mad, "I'm back, baby."

Wade was no longer bound by the keloid scarification that restricted him to a suit and mask, there was a point of pride within his identification as Deadpool, but Wade Wilson was back. The hospital gown he wore had come undone, his rear laid bare as he spun in place to face the trample of feet echoing off in the distance.

"Save the girl, save the world."

The first two men to run through the door met a messy end that involved a dental pick and a digital thermometer, as the last one collapsed to the ground at Wade's feet, he couldn't help but reach down to pull the thermometer from the man's ear, the majority of it covered blood and flecks of gray matter. "Oh, he's done." Their weapons and gear were retrieved, haphazardly applied over his still open hospital gown.

Wade decided to remove the IV's from the woman who had graciously decided to shoulder her equal weight when it came to the nudity department

"Nice butt, much better in person."

The IV's had been cast aside and he waited, "So, what do you want to do?" Wade looks around, "I'd offer you a hand, but then I wouldn't be able to two fist these nice MP5K's they gave me."
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