a WHIZZ-BANG kind of search !

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Feb 11, 2016
&& they whisper to you | && they whisper to you -
a whizzy rp search! thanks for clicking & reading. ❤ ❤ ❤

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        HELLO! So, after a bit of an extended hiatus, I've decided to come back to Blue Moon
        to source some long & short term smutty roleplay! But, before we begin on that, I
        have a couple of things I need to make clear -- as is this will save us a lot of
        headache in the long run.

        My name is WHIZZ, and I'm a twenty-two year old lady from Australia. I have a crazy
        timezone, and I'm in a relationship.
        I ONLY roleplay on Blue Moon & I'm NOT looking for out of site communication.
        Blue Moon is a place where I practice my erotic roleplay skills, and I'd rather just keep
        it limited to that. However, you're welcome to chat to me over PM's on site!
        My hard no's are characters under eighteen, body fluids ( scat, blood, pee -- you get
        the idea ) & complete non-con. Aside from that, I'm pretty open to most ideas;
        so just ask!
        EDIT -- I also roleplay in third person and have no issue as to the gender/orientation
        of my partner(s) OOC.

        I prefer my roleplays to have a split of about sixty/forty for plot/smut -- meaning that,
        while I enjoy and expect sex in my roleplay, I like having context around why the
        characters are fucking and how they feel about the person & the situation. This applies
        less for one-off interactions, but it's something to keep in mind!

        My favorite things are age differences, height differences, positions of power vs non
        ( mentor/student etc ), cohesion, manipulation -- etc, etc.
        Frankly, I'm a sucker for dark
        situations -- and ADORE playing the innocent, unsuspecting characters against darker,
        knowing counterparts. I'll do MxF or FxF, and I prefer to play the submissive &

        I think that's about it for intros and the like, so below are fandoms and things I'm craving!

        EDIT -- I've had a couple of people ask some questions about things like incest as far as
        'taboo' topics and, while I'm not against them, I'm also extremely picky about what I
        want to play as far as the trope. If I'm doing that sort of an RP, I don't want it to be a
        quick scene. Think something along the lines of Game of Thrones or Crimson Peak -- I'd
        like to explore the 'wrongness' of the affection, how the characters might make up excuses
        to justify their actions, and the consequences of such ( whether internal or external ).
        Give me things like a sibling who is marrying someone else at the rage of the other,
        for example! I love substance and tension.

        EDIT -- Please do not just link me your own search thread when coming to me about
        roleplay, unless you have a specific plot or idea that's fleshed out there. Nothing grinds
        my gears more than people who want to RP but don't offer anything as to what they
        want to do. Even if you have a rough idea like a fantasy setting, I'm happy to
        expand upon it -- and you're welcome to send me your plots from the search threads!

        Please feel free to suggest to me ideas -- I'm always looking for something new!

( an ever expanding list! )
Life is Strange ( Chloe x Max )
World of Warcraft
League of Legends ( I love playing Sona )

( all of these are very basic & can be fleshed! )

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        Character A is an incredibly talented mage from the School of Etridus -- a magical sect within the kingdom of Xeoria. Having surpassed most of the students ( and some of her teachers ) despite her young age, recommendation was made for her to mentor under the more recluse wizards and sorcerers who lay within the land. This is where your character, B, comes in. An exceptionally powerful wizard, B begrudgingly takes on the idea of an apprentice and allows A to study at their home. But, upon seeing A, they are struck with how young and beautiful she is, and the platonic/professional lines become blurred as they begin to lust after her. Their teaching, therefore, begins to take on a different note, as B claims it will help channel A's magical ability.

        ( I'm a-okay to work this into a slightly different setting/context -- I just like the abuse of power dynamic. That being said, the plot as it stands is my current hard craving. If you can give me this, I'd be incredibly happy. )

        Currently RP'ing this idea here!

        This is a less developed idea, but it can go one of two ways. Your character, C, is a warlord who has dominated the lands of Yr'e for almost ten years. Where their armies go, cities fall -- and men, women and children both revere and fear them. Character D is a princess of one the lands they have recently captured and, upon seeing her, C wants them for their own. Instead of giving her to the armies as was expected for C, they take her back to their camp and proceed to have their way with her. Alternatively, character D can be given to C as a 'gift' -- a means to preserve their land, kingdom or for the nobility to keep their titles and power. Whether or not C chooses to accept such gifts is up to you, but they take the girl anyway.

        Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a young woman who likened herself to Cinderella. Her mother had died when she was very small, and her father had married another woman with two other living children. But, when her own father passed away from an unknown disease, character E became almost a slave to the whims of her stepmother and step siblings. Disowning her as a daughter, they turned her into a kitchen servant and tried to hide her out of sight.

        However, your character (F) is a noble from a far off land whose assets promise to set the family up for life. Both the mother, sisters and E travel to your lands in order to seek an audience but, despite everything they do to please, F takes more of an interest in E.

        This doesn't appear to be a detriment to E's family, however. Under the idea that E is naught but a kitchen servant, they rig a plan to tarnish F's reputation by making them fall for a common girl -- to which anything they does to her could be used as blackmail. While E opposes the idea, she doesn't have much of a say, and goes along with them begrudgingly.

        This is less thought out idea, but I wanted to explore the dynamic of a woman who is given up to a god/beast against her will as a sort of 'sacrifice'. They may choose to do so as a means to appease the said creature, or it might ask it of them. When this particular woman gets thrown in, she becomes at the mercy of its whims. It's not completely formulated in my head, I just like the idea.

Aside from that, give me all of your dark and depraved ideas ( or not! ) and we'll see what we can come up with.
HEY! So I know I only made the thread last night, but I ended up making
some quick edits this morning and added in a new plot. Feel free to check
them out and see if anything takes your fancy!

Right now I'm really craving either taboo topics, age differences and/or
abuse of power. I'd love to be able to do my first plot with someone. That
would make my day.
Hey there! So, since this thread has nearly reached page three, I'm going
to give it a lil bump to the top! I did make some slight edits to the
search -- in particular, I added in a section about taboo/incest plots just to
clear up some questions I kept getting. I'm currently not craving any one
particular idea, but I'd love to see what you guys have!
This is a small bump!
I know I owe some posts/pm's to people and they will be done asap. I'm bumping
this thread for more interest, as I'm still really craving innocent maidens being at
the whims of darker counterparts. Give this to meeee.
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