The New Eden Project {darkest_fate&Google}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
In many ways, the gala wouldn't look too different from the hundreds of others that Emma Watson had attended throughout her impressive career. Gathered men and women of wealth and privilege milled about and socialized with one another. Clothing with price tags that would feed small countries draped exquisite bodies, sometimes with roughly the same amount of money fueled into them. Nip, tuck, pull, paint, cut, whatever it took to remain as timelessly beautiful as possible. All the while they laughed and dealt, money exchanging hands and sometimes flowing faster than the champagne around them. Occasionally such events were in celebration of something truly worth celebrating. Many of the ones Miss Watson attended and championed backed worthwhile causes. Hunger, poverty, disease, all needed the attention of the wealthy to truly be tackled. And Miss Watson was so frequently at the forefront of all that, her smiling, girl-next-door, camera ready face eager to be attached to worthy causes. This gala should be in many ways just like those.

Except this gala had their recent visitors.

Emma took a sip from a long-fluted glass of champagne, her white fingers trembling slightly. Her eyes, a soft brown with just a hint of amber beginning to swim around the iris, swept the crowd. There, intermingled among the earth humans, were the visitors. The group had several labels attached, a handful of which were even tolerable in good company. Their appearance, to Emma's eyes at least, most closely matched "the creature from the Black Lagoon" than anything else. According to some of her more "nerdy" friends and companions, they were almost dead ringers for an alien race known as the Drell, which apparently were part of some sort of media or video game franchise. They did have a slight attraction in their quasi-humanoid faces, even if their dark eyes were often quite unsettling. Emma's eyes flitted over a small gathering of them, and she fought to suppress a tremble. Her tongue slid out to just wet her carefully made up lips, a slightly shaking hand going up to attend to her coiffed brown hair.

The tremble did not merely come from the slight unnerving that came from being in the same room as an alien species. No, it came from something deeper than that. These benevolent visitors had offered their technologies for the use of the earthlings. They promised only aid, only to help the people of the planet. Within mere weeks they'd already went to work curing some of the more troubling diseases and dealing with poverty in the countries that would help. Their reach extended particularly in genetics, where they pushed for what was popularly known as "Splicing."

Human females were apparently close enough to the visitors to be able to cross breed, much in the same way a horse and a donkey could produce a mule. Therefore that sex could actually obtain some hints of the aliens genetic processes. This would have innumerable benefits: the Spliced would be healthier, stronger, possibly even smarter. They could more readily understand the alien language, and there were hints of even more intriguing powers.

Unfortunately, there were apparently... side effects. The women who had volunteered (or "volunteered") for the procedure soon discovered that they would enter estrus at remarkably regular intervals. At least once a day, oftentimes as many as three or four times, a female would be overwhelmed by sexual urges, often needing to drop everything to tend to her needs. This issue grew all the more amplified in the presence of any visitor... particularly males, and even more particularly the most virile of the species.

As an advocate for human rights, Emma had of course volunteered early. The benefits were quite tremendous and she'd been quite convinced that she could handle the so called side effects. Early on, she'd even dismissed them as being excuses for the humans to enjoy some exotic play. Now, however, she realized that the heat affected even her. Proper British upbringing fought against it fairly well, as did Emma's impressive mind. Usually she could simply take some suppression pills, or, if absolutely necessary, excuse herself to tend to her needs in private.

Usually she wasn't dropped in the middle of an alien oriented gala at the request of meeting what amounted to the royal family.

To Emma's embarrassment, she kept feeling the waves of heat or near-heat each time she passed near a visitor delegation. The last few times the visitors had most certainly known, giving her looks that were somewhere between encouraging and lecherous. Emma knew she needed to meet her host and excuse herself immediately.

The prince, however, had been making Emma wait. Now she flushed simply looking at the aliens, and she kept fighting the urge to lick her lips or squeeze her thighs together. Fortunately, it appeared that a visitor servant had arrived. Emma felt another flush, but the servant soon escorted her through the crowd, hopefully heading straight for this Prince Jandrex, with Emma hoping she could hold it together through this crucial meeting.
For Prince Jandrax, third in line for inheriting the throne of the Rangnar Empire, the soft conquest of Earth was going swimmingly. It had been a stroke of luck that his small expedition fleet had found this planet, one where the dominant species was suitable for Splicing. The Rangnar were expansionists, they saw the entire galaxy as the birthright of their species and were determined to see to it that every planet that could support life had their flag flying over the great cities. The fact that this expansion had been proceeding for nearly three thousand standard cycles did not discourage them in the least, they lived long lives and as a species they were very patient. Their rule was inevitable, no reason to risk their own lives of the planets they desired by rushing things or engaging in some unnecessary warfare.

In fact standard policy was to avoid martial conflict when it was not necessary, when other paths existed to ensure the Empire could take control of another world. One of the most popular and most successful of these methods was the Splicing. First there would be some isolated abductions to test the female population of a planets dominant species, to see if they were compatible. If they proved to be compatible then the Rangnar would reveal themselves to the planet, careful to avoid any hostilities that were not needed. Offers were made, they could fix the planet, they could bring peace to the world, they could help the locals live longer and healthier lives...

What planet would ever turn down such an offer, especially when the Empire was so forth right about everything. Oh yes they would like your planet to be counted as allies of the Empire, joining a consortium (which was actually just made up of planets in the early to mid stages of a soft conquest) of worlds for the benefit of all. The first solutions would be to deal with any pollution, offering technology to improve the quality of life... then a little while later once trust was won offer the Splicing to any who would volunteer (and encourage governments to find some volunteers as well). Of course they were upfront about what the Splicing could mean in terms of side effects but weren't the benefits worth it.

Of course it wasn't quite that simple because the Splicing was a tool for conquest. The initial generation to receive Splicing would have no major issues with it but after a generation or two things would change. The birth rate of males would plummet among the species, causing only females to be born over time. Over generations the population would become more and more interbred with the Rangnar until there was little difference genetically between a person with human heritage and a pure blooded Rangnar. This of course meant that breeding with humans was being highly encouraged and as always harems were something of a status symbol.

But Prince Jandrax wasn't just looking for have a harem filled with the dregs of humanity who had volunteered for splicing. He had been observing earth culture for some time, drinking it in, absorbing as much as he could, and he had come to the conclusion that celebrities were people of greater than normal value to the human culture. Thus he had made it a point to have the young and beautiful celebrities of different cultures accept Splicing, this would further encourage youths to volunteer for the procedure but it would also make these celebrities available to him. His harem would contain Spliced celebrities, handpicked and of course black listed for any other of his species who might make an advance under pain of death.

The Gala that night was how he planned to start things off, the first official state function that he was hosting and among the normal dignitaries that would be in attendance he had made sure to extend a personal invitation to Miss Emma Watson, not only a beautiful young woman of some fame but also one who was very politically active, the perfect cover for arranging to meet her.

As the Gala progressed he watched from a private viewing chamber, uncaring about most of it and happy to let his ambassador's deal with the trivial matters. Instead he waited just to ensure that Miss Watson had been suitably exposed to the Rangar around the room, knowing full well the little pills that were offered to keep the side effect under control was only of limited use in such crowds and practically worthless before one of his status. With a slight smile playing over his face he signaled a servant to go find Miss Watson and lead her to the preplanned point.

Then, in a fluid motion, he rose to his feet, standing a full seven feet tall, adjusting the human style formal suit that he had chosen for the evening, making his way down into the Gala proper, towards a particular stretch of bar that he knew would be emptying, his height letting him see his servant lead Miss Watson towards the same location, reaching it not long before she did and looking down at her with what would pass for a charming smile among humans. "Miss Watson, I am delighted that you have chosen to join me this evening." He spoke smoothly, reaching out to take a kiss her hand, knowing full well that it was considered long out of date anymore but enjoying the pantomime.
The starlet paid close attention as the servant led her onward. Her exquisite white dress swished about her fine legs, showing hints of flesh only a tone or two darker than the pristine ivory of the gown itself. After a few glances caught the visitors, forcing more flush into Emma's pale cheeks, she instead opted to try and focus ahead. True, she had a visitor escort directly before her, which only aided in her keeping herself in check to some degree. But that was only one compared to the mixture of others that filed the room.

Emma already started making promises to herself. First, she would make certain to take several pills before such an event, and quite possibly keep a few more tucked away in a handbag. Second, under no circumstances would she dress in something that left her this exposed again. While the flowing white dress did cover her up in a way that artfully danced the line between sexy and elegant, it also bared shoulders and left nearly her entire back bared. This in itself wouldn't be too great of an issue, but it left her with little to cover her chest, which had started to ache, particularly around the central area. The slit at least wouldn't put Emma's expensive panties on display any time son, so at least she had that going for her.

She also had the introduction to the prince. Emma looked up at the impressive figure, feeling another pang shoot through her. That only made sense, based on her understanding of how the estrus would affect her. Plus there was the simple fact that the more likely she would naturally be attracted to a male, the more likely her newly tweaked body would react as well. A well-spoken, admittedly handsome man with a charming smile would set most girls' hearts aflutter, and it even would have made Miss Watson's skip a beat.

"The pleasure is all mine, Your Royal Highness," she replied artfully, dropping into a fair curtsy of her own. The girl's cheeks flushed as the visitor's lips brushed her fingers, a flash of desire rushing up within her. "It's a great honor to be present at tonight's event, and I'm quite pleased that you've invited me to be in your presence."

She smiled, showing off her nearly perfect white teeth. Hopefully she could get her hand back and quickly, yet politely, work her way through what was sure to be a slightly uncomfortable conversation. Already the girl nearly fought the urge to start rubbing her thighs together and had a growing suspicion that she may need to visit the loo before even leaving the gala site proper.
Jandrax watched her with a smile, taking in her blush while also noticing the scent of her in the cool air of the room the gala was being hosted in. He had to suppress a smirk, pleased with the knowledge that the Splicing had worked properly with her. This would be the first encounter that she had with anyone nearly his status so even if she had been around the Rangnar before there was no way she could possibly by ready for what his presence would be doing to her. This was something of an experiment for the prince as well, so far he hadn't bothered to take advantage of a Spliced human, he had wanted to let his first experience with this recently encountered species to be with the highest quality of of the human race. Emma Watson was the pinnacle in his opinion, or at least as close to the pinnacle as was possible. There was no good reason for the prince to deny himself the best when he could have her with ease.

He didn't release her hand right away, his bare hand on hers, enjoying the warmth of her flesh on his, the scent of her, the near flawless beauty that would soon be begging for far more intimate contact from her. The prince would enjoy making her beg, he would toy with her for a little bit before claiming her as his own consort. The first among many of course but being selected at the first was an honor that he expected her to be immensely grateful for... in time.

“It was my pleasure to invite you Miss Watson, not only are you an exceedingly lovely and talented actress but you are also a outspoken advocate for those things you believe in.” A smile, a little bit of flattery before he released her hand, looking her over a little more closely now. Such beauty, to think that such a backwards world was able to produce such aesthetically pleasing women was a wonder, though the Rangnar had left their gods behind eons ago it was enough to make the prince wonder if perhaps some supernatural force had placed this world in his path. No doubt this world would soon become something akin to a pleasure resort for those with the resources among their kind.

Turning towards the bar he raised a hand, catching the attention of the bartender and in a few moments a tumble of bright blue liquid was poured before him, Ixian Armasec, a particularly potent liquor that was favored among the Rangnar royalty. A slight sip, a nod of his approval to the young man who had poured it, savoring the complexity of flavors that the english language just wouldn't be able to properly describe.

“Of course you are also one of the most prominent individuals to accept Splicing so far, another reason you were invited.” He remarked conversationally, still entirely polite and charming though now there was a slight smirk on his lips and perhaps a lecherous gleam in his dark eyes. “Tell me, how are you enjoying the effects of the Splicing? Have you been experiencing any of the side effects?” Of course he knew, he knew at a glance what his presence was doing to her, but he wanted to see if she would mention it to him. “You don't need to fear any judgment, such things are a natural consequence that we are very familiar with.”
Emma's smile widened slightly as the prince complimented her. She couldn't help but feel some enjoyment for it, not least of all because he gave her a genuine compliment. Most men had been commenting on Emma's looks since puberty started to take its hold and develop her into the beautiful woman she would become. By now, Emma had grown almost weary of their attentions, particularly their looks and awkward stares. However even she had to admit to feeling some joy at having her sharper mind and stances complimented, particularly by such a dashing figure.

Briefly Emma wondered if the prince was single, before almost immediately dismissing the idea out of hand. Doubtless an interspecies relationship would be quite the scandal, and Emma wasn't quite certain she wanted to engage in such a partnership, with things as delicate as they were already. This didn't mean her body wasn't nearly roaring at her, demanding that she give into baser urges and kowtow before the rather impressive specimen.

"It's my hope that we may start spreading unity between our people, sir," said Emma, nodding her head slightly. "As far as my effects, they've been far more pleasant than not. I'm certainly enjoying the various positives. Who wouldn't enjoy being stronger than the average man? Or having such stamina that extended periods of stress don't bother? there's also the alertness bits and so forth, but I'm sure it's all data you're quite aware of."

Emma smiled and nodded before smoothing down her dress with a hand. She could feel her body trembling ever so slightly, almost like an addict in the midst of withdrawal. Emma took a slight sip of her drink, hoping that the bubbly liquid would help stabilize. If nothing else, she still had to answer the prince's other query.

"I don't believe there would be much judgement in this, sir," said Emma, shaking her head. "After all, it's rather natural for your species, and it's essentially a natural urge for those such as myself now as well," this had about been the line Emma had developed and parroted to various media outlets. She firmly believed that they needed to make certain to present the enhanced sexuality in a positive light. "I do admit to having some difficulties managing it, but your people have been most generous in providing me the required aid and attention."

Flushing slightly, Emma took another sip of her drink. Was she flirting? It almost felt as if she were flirting. Well, no harm, right? Surely the prince had to be used to receiving such attention.
The prince as not the sort to miss a single detail when something caught his attention and at that moment Emma Watson essentially had his full and undivided attention. His every sense was tuned in to learn what he could, to make sure nothing went beneath his notice. The dress she wore for example, very conservative by the tastes of the Rangnar and even among much of this planets culture but for an event of this sort it might have been approaching daring, the way it hung across her body, the flesh it revealed and of course what it did conceal only served to make the prince desire what was beneath all the more. Of course his mind was also awash with the possibilities, aware that in her culture as well as many others white could have connotations of purity, especially as part of a dress. That was something that intrigued Jandrax quite a bit. He had studied as much as he could about her and while she had been rumored to be romantically attached to different people on a few occasions there never seemed to be anything solid, no evidence of a little tryst or affair.

Was it possible that she was pure, that she had unknowingly saved herself for him? The thought made the prince begin to swell within the pants of the suit he wore, an bulge swiftly becoming visible to anyone who looked below his waist. He was a possessive man... and to have something that no one else had ever laid claim to appealed to him.

When she answered what he considered to be the most important question she just got a knowing smile, a look that was almost calling her out. The prince was well aware of just how potent what she was experiencing was and the smile along with the look were making it as clear as possible. "You don't have to call me Sir Emma..." He spoke, laughing lightly, reaching out to lay a hand on her shoulder, shifting forward to close the distance between them slightly. Simultaneously looking to put her at ease with him and make her aware of just how powerful these sensations would get. Jandrax didn't intend to let her go that evening without sampling some of the pleasures of her body, if he had to stand and drink with her all night until she gave in he would do just that. "I may be royalty among my people but right now lets dispense with the formality, being straight with each other I believe some humans call it."

His voice, when he spoke English, was cultured, slightly accented though most would have trouble placing it they might venture that it was from the north east of the united states, something that he found most people responded too very well, putting world leaders or people watching from television at ease. They weren't supposed to be frightened after all, no one wanted the people of earth to realize they were being conquered until it was far too late.

"I am happy to hear that you have been receiving the aid you need Emma, from what I hear the pills can take the edge off though I understand they aren't entirely effective for everyone all the time." A pause, still the same knowing smile as his eyes locked on hers. "The secret ingredient is a synthesized version of Ragnarian testosterone... though it doesn't work nearly as well as a fresh sample. Apparently the natural compound can do more then just take the edge off for a few hours, I have heard that it can keep the side effects under control for quite some time." Was his voice taking on a suggestive tone?

Would she notice? Would she suspect the truth?

That the prince wasn't being honest when he told her that supposed secret ingredient.

"Of course I suspect you aren't eager for the scandal that might result if you were to seek out the more effective compound. You are already doing a great deal to help smooth out relations for our people but there is such a thing of going well above and beyond... and the press is always watching." A pause, dragging out, fingers on her shoulder shifting slightly in a small massage. "However the press is being kept outside of this gala tonight and if you crave some relief from the sensations you feel then I can guarantee your discretion." Oh yes, more then suggestive now, still understanding but doing more then just hinting.
The light dismissal of royal protocol made Emma laugh slightly. She'd experienced something like it before, particularly with the younger, more flirtatious royals. They acted as if simply dropping civility were enough to make them more approachable. The laughter that this action drew died out slightly as Emma felt the hand upon her shoulder. Her estrus flared at that light touch, the Splice no doubt recognizing the touch of quite the impressive male. Emma felt another quick flush overcome her pale cheeks, even spreading slightly toward her slightly exposed bosom. She almost wished that fans were still in fashion, so that she might at least attempt to cool the rising ardor.

"If you insist, prince," Emma replied, nodding slightly, allowing herself a slight smile at still being able to slide the title into the conversation. She took another sip as the prince continued, expressing standard concern regarding his people's work and the possible ingredients of the pill. That differed slightly from what Emma had been told: something about a natural supplement drawn from native life and the visitor females to help balance hormones. It could be that the prince was ill-informed. Or it could be that he was simply using it to respond to her flirting with some of his own.

Oh yes, Miss Watson most certainly picked up on the sly undertones of his words. Even were her body not already keying itself to his biology she would have noticed the hinting remarks, particularly as he continued and pushed the subtext into the realm of outward text. Could he perhaps be putting himself forth as a mate? No, that would be much too forward, particularly of someone of royal blood. Doubtless he already had a mate, or at least an arranged marriage. Emma struggled to recall whether or not sleeping with a human was considered taboo or a prestige boost, and if such things would render the same for a---

A hand massaged Emma's shoulders. The woman couldn't suppress the groan that came from her, nor could she quite stop her head from lolling back slightly. The part of her that flared opened her lips, almost followed up that groan with a suggestion for the hand to drift lower. What was a small discretion at a royal behest, after all?

"I... thank you for your suggestion," Emma said, forcing herself to look at the prince, forcing a smile that twitched slightly at the edge. She took a sip before moving slightly, not quite slighting the prince, but at least moving his hand off her shoulder. "Blame my proper British upbringing, but I still struggle with finding the... sexual freedom that your people display so proudly, prince," she smiled again, took another sip, her hands fidgeting along the stem of the glass. One broke free, reached up to play with a bit of loose hair that threatened to tumble down from her updo. "I am afraid that I may have to excuse myself early. Female troubles and all that," another smile, this one a more apologetic one than before. No need to let the prince know that the estrus had hit her hard enough that her hands kept wanting to slide between her legs and deal with the problem.

Thank God for all the "wands" her fans had been sending her throughout the years.
Though Jandrax was only third in line for the throne he had born as the fifteenth in line, Rangnar political intruige and ambition had helped him move up quite a bit in the standing of the empire. He fully intended to rule as the emperor one day, after all he was only a hundred and threes standard cycles old (roughly two hundred years) which was still young to his people, plenty of time to move up.

He had been born into privilege no human could imagine, nothing had ever been denied to him as he grew up. Jandrax was not a man who was accustomed to being denied anything in the entire galaxy should be crave it. To have Emma Watson reject his advance was something unprecedented in his life... Oh she was gorgeous and he desired her greatly but she was still only human and not of royal standing. How dare she reject him at all, even if it was a rather cordial manner. He had heard how she groaned at his gentle if relatively innocent touch, she wasn't just denying him but she was fighting her own needs and urges.

The apologetic smile meant almost nothing and for a single instant irritation flashed in the eyes of the Prince. It was annoying, bordering on enraging but Jandrax was not one to be easily discouraged. She didn't just want him, she needed him, her body would be going crazy without his touch and attention. This girl should be begging him but her stubborn pride was forcing her to behave. That drove him wild, though it was angering Jandrax it also made him want her all the more. Having never been denied anything made this a new experience and he was emotionally conflicted.

Another slight step forward, now there was almost no distance between them, intimately close, towering over her, wanting to overwhelm her with his presence. "Emma, leaving now would be a mistake." He cautioned her, his voice soft. "Maybe you feel you can handle what you are experiencing but it will only get worse for you. I am not seeking to mate with you... To fuck you as some of your kind may say." A slight chuckle, looking to make her laugh, smile, anything to keep her close and engaging with him.

"My people aren't entirely honest with the ingredients in the pill because we fear there might be something of a scandal... So I can understand if you don't take me at my word. I want to help you though, no need for us to make love, in its most concentrated source it can still be taken orally or even applied to the skin and it will help out. If I let you leave now then I fear you may resort to some desperate measures to find the relief you need."

A momentary pause, a reassuring smile, doing his best to appear trustworthy. "We can slip away for several minutes Emma, no one will take any notice, and once we are done I will arrange transportation to get you home... And if you like we can collect some of the excess seed in a bottle so that you will be able to take more as you need it."

Of course it wouldn't do anything to help her though it might start some of the potential changes brought about by the Splicing. The prince was curious to see if Emma would change and what she might become.
The increased proximity again forced Emma's estrus to flare. She felt a twinge in her sex, moisture gathering between her legs. Fortunately the panties should keep that from showing overmuch, though Emma almost feared what would happen should it increase too much further. The prince's presence scared as much as it appealed, with his almost command dropped toward her so lightly. She forced a smile back, feeling the more feminist part of her rail against his almost insistence that she need to mate with him. Were this a normal human, he would already have received a drink to the face.

Emma also didn't know if she believed him even as he continued with his discussion of what would quell the Splicing's side effect. It did strike her that the people administering the treatment to her may soften the blow, though she highly doubted that the visitors would want to alienate those whom they had so recently approached. That last bit, the mention of "desperate measures," had Emma chewing her lip for a few seconds. Surely a few more pills and a little personal time would handle it well enough.

Oh, how tempting his offer sounded all the same. The promises to just slip away, that everything would be arranged, that she didn't have to do much besides "take it orally." That sounded as if the prince expected a blowjob, but Emma could also picture herself jerking him into her mouth, her tongue outstretched to catch the semen and slurp it down. True, some might catch on her face, but surely that would be less demeaning than simply swallowing his load, as it were. Having a bottle of the stuff could prove convenient...

at the same time, Emma didn't see why she had to give in period. Yes, the prince was appealing, and part of her was already craving him. But why bend when there was a clear alternative present? "I do appreciate the offer," she said, making sure to speak slowly, not wanting a loose word to offend, accidentally or otherwise, "but wouldn't it be simpler simply to give me the... seed in a container without the mess? Certainly would seem less of a scandal and put us both in a better light. Aid with visitor-human relations, as it were."

Also would mean that she wouldn't end up kneeling before the admitted impressive specimen of masculinity, feeling her estrus and Spliced genes insisting on doing whatever it took.
It seems at though the young woman saw a little flaw in his offer, seizing on words that had been spoken in haste, an offer born out of curiosity. He wanted to see what his seed would do to her, what changes might be wrought... If any. A part of him also wanted to know that then his offered help didn't do anything at all she might desperately drink an entire bottle of his seed... Something that would no doubt be quite humiliation when she came to her senses.

"That would work Emma but I am not offering to just... jerk off into a bottle for you. I am a prince among my kind and I am offering to help you but I do want to get a little bit out of it." Well no doubt she suspected what he wanted by now so no reason to try and be entirely coy anymore. "You want relief from the heat you are suffering from and I would very much like to have you get me off. Your mouth or your hands would be quite enough to satisfy me and in doing so you will be able to take a measure of control back." Bending lower he whispered what came next into her ear. "The Rangnar do have a powerful sex drive, I believe you remarked on that easier, and if you would just agree to do this for me then I would be very greatful."

Tha gratitude of royalty, of a man who was changing her entire world, was she so short sighted that she would reject him now that he was being far bolder. Reaching out he took hold of her wrist, long fingers easily wrapping around her slim arm, pulling her hand towards him once more. There was no kiss this time though, instead he pulled her hand to his crotch and pressed her palm over the growing bulge there, letting her feel the heat and the hardness. Bolder now then before, far more direct as he made sure that he wouldn't end up missing his chance to have what he wanted.

For several long moments he held her hand there, watching her face closely before he let go. "I am going to move into a private lounge area nearby, I'm not expected to speak for a little while yet and a chance to relax would do me some good. You are welcome to join me."

A momentary longer before he turned his back on her, long legs carrying him from the bar to a discreet door nearby, slipping through it and making sure that it was still open just a crack to help entice her.
The prince made the whole affair sound rather crass. Emma still didn't see that way, was quite ready to protest, her mouth already opening and a slight noise of disagreement starting to bubble forth. The mouth even widened slightly as he continued, dropping all pretenses and formality. At the very least he hadn't mentioned actually outright fucking her, though Emma could practically hear the confidence in such a thing behind those words. In truth, some part of her, and not simply the part being yanked by alien gene splicing, found that appealing. Who didn't find themselves drawn to confidence?

Still, Emma didn't intend to bend. She already shook her head, reopened those pretty pink lips... only to let out a gasp as his lips came so close to her ear. She felt the puff of his hot breath upon her, just caressing her skin. Her body, the hormones, jumped, seized control. Nipples tightened, nearly pushing out from a dress, likely tenting it to the careful viewer. Her sex grew a little more moist, liquid seeping into the panties at a regular rate. Regular sex drive indeed, and she'd be able to partner with someone quite appealing. Hadn't that always been her desire? Someone intelligent and handsome and all that, and here he was, standing confident before her, whispering in her ear.

A hand seized hers, and Emma fought a moan. The moan leaked out as her delicate fingers pressed against him. She could feel his hardness, far greater than any man and by far bigger than the "wands" Emma had used on herself. Just beneath her fingers, trapped in fabric, surged what her estrus wanted so very, very badly. The heat seeped from her fingers, traveled up her arms. Upper lips parted, nearly gaping as the beautiful woman stared. Eyes flashed with lust, pupils darkening for a moment. The breasts rose and fell just a little more rapidly. The pulse skipped, dragged along her insides. She swore she could almost feel her very womb throbbing at the sensation.

Something dribbled slightly down her leg. Emma could feel the warm liquid just barely glazing her white flesh. Her arousal had started to grow to such an extent that even her fine lingerie couldn't contain it any longer. The legs closed. Emma shifted, attempting to somehow draw it back up. The friction helped... some. But it helped in the way that scratching an itch sometimes did: momentary relief followed by a much worse urge than before.

Words, there were words. They drew Emma's flushed face upward, looking into the handsome alien prince who spoke. Private lounge. Relax. Only a little longer and he had left her. Emma kept dancing for a few moments, her hands smoothing her dress. "It's just for the condition," she mumbled to herself, eyes flitting. A few people noticed, but it wasn't as if Emma were the only Spliced in the room. She swore she could already see a few women rubbing against visitors. At least one seemed to have a hand wrapped around a cock.

An inferior cock. Because surely the royal cocks would be the best. Filled with the best seed, precisely what the Splicing craved. Just think about what it would be like. How it would satiate the urge, restore normality for so long. And a bottle! Emma could simply bottle it up. and she could spin this: just a handjob. People needed to be more open about their sexuality anyway.

"It's not as if I'm going to sleep with him,' she mumbled to herself, reaching a hand up to brush back more hair. A passing server glanced at Emma, and she reached to take another flute of champagne. This she drained almost immediately, before finding a visitor servant. "Could you please escort me to the prince's private lounge?" she asked, before handing him the empty flute.

The servant smiled, nodded, bowed, and gestured. And thus Emma Watson found herself led into this... "private lounge." The servant moved slightly ahead, signaling to his liege and stating that Miss Watson was present to take him up on his kind invitation. At least Emma could spend a few moments trying to gather up some more strength, examine the room, examine the prince, try to gauge what she'd be dealing with...

Perhaps it was crass or overly direct but in truth the prince was not used to being patient and it was not an experience he enjoyed. He got what he wanted and he was used to getting it immediately, the fact that he had not just had her escorted to the suite he was using at the top of the hotel so he could ravage her until they were both exhausted was showing remarkable restraint as far as he was concerned. Maybe the mistake was who he had chosen to start with, her upbringing and outspoken views may make her impressive but it also was giving him something of a headache.

But Jandrax knew he would prevail in the end, from the moment he brough her hand to his crotch it had been evident that it would soon be all over. Even that slight contact had her moaning and breathing heavily, the scent of her arousal was intoxicating in the air. He knew for a fact that she would join him before very long, even as he slipped into the lounge he was certain of that.

Truth was Jandrax would have been perfectly comfortable copulating the the first of the conquests this world would provide him with but he was aware that the thought of privacy might smooth things along and so this lounge had been reserved for him.

It wasn't a particularly large room, perhaps fifteen feet by twenty, but there was enough room for the purpose it would serve. The lighting inside was dimmed below the norm, still easy to see but also more comfortable and intimate. The room itself was dominated by a large couch, comfortably stuffed and softly upholstered, the only other feature being a small bar along one wall and a large holographic projector before the couch for entertainment purposes.

The prince swiftly undressed inside, seeing no reason to remain clothed as he hung the suit he wore with care before making himself comfortable on the couch, closing his eyes and relaxing for the few moments he had until there was a knock at the door and a servant ushered Emma in and then left himself. Jandrax didn't bother to look back to her though, only opened his eyes a little and smiled, pleased to see he was right about it all.

"I am glad to see you have come to your senses Emma." He praised her even as the door was shut tight, leaving them entirely alone. "Please, make yourself comfortable, there is no reason for us to rush things." Though he suspected her self control might make that difficult.
The voice drew Emma's eye away from the strange projector, away from the bar, away from virtually anything in the room. Her dilated brown orbs shot straight to the visitor, straight to the erect monstrosity between his legs. Emma had seen a snapshot or two of the visitor anatomy. It had been a joking thing to send to a few people when they'd first arrived. How many testimonials had she read proclaiming that such members were, in fact, one hundred percent real? The thing looked like it had been ripped off a fantasy set or something along those lines.

And Emma wanted it.

She felt that drive welling up within her, stronger than nearly anything she'd faced before. It felt as it did when she'd been craving a stellar role or when she'd been particularly hungry and had her favorite food laid out before her. The bodily need screamed at her. She had thought her sex had been leaking before, but now it felt almost as if it had sprung a complete leak. Her hand had smoothed down her sides, lingering upon her breasts, before she could even consider or begin to process the words. The door closed, but Emma was only dimly aware of it. She had the sneaking suspicion that she very nearly would have bent down before that royal cock in a crowded room with cameras covering every angle.

Fortunately, she still had her will. She forced her head up. Forced a smile. Forced herself to walk, walk ever so slowly, toward the prince. "It did seem like a mutually beneficial arrangement," she said, moving to smooth her dress again. Her pulse raised and she knew the flush would be all the more noticeable. Emma had only a vague understanding of how the Splicing worked, but she believed that she was most likely producing pheromones of her own, her body letting any male visitors know that it was quite ripe for the taking. Perhaps that was why the prince was already erect.

"I must say, your... your..." Emma gestured at the cock, "anatomy is quite impressive. I'd heard much, but you know how people make these things up," she'd taken a few steps closer, hovered near the cock. A lily white hand had risen up, just hovering about the thing, fingertips just shy of actually touching...
Even if one ignored the unique (at least by human standards) shape of his cock Jandrax was still sporting a rather impressive member. Now rock hard it was nearly fifteen inches long from the tip to the very base of his cock, far thicker then even the most well endowed of humans, its shape was something far different from anything seen on earth, small ridges and flares covering the entire length to stimulate his lover and encourage ovulation, a slight bulge near the base indicating the knot that would swell when he was about to climax in order to tie them together. The Rangnar didn't just manipulate the DNA of others through the splicing, over countless generations they had modified their own DNA, an attempt to find perfection, in all things. Soon Jandrax would have his first experience copulating with a human woman, her body would find pleasure in his anatomy and soon find it impossible to find satisfaction with anything but Rangnar cock... his cock.

She was right in the belief that her pheromones would be affecting him, not just because his cock was hard but because he was already leaking precum, his swollen balls almost throbbing from his powerful arousal, a thin and clear fluid leaking from the tip of his cock, trickling down the shaft and filling the room with a much more powerful scent then before, especially in an enclosed space without anything covering his body.

As she stood closer to him, talking about mutually beneficial arrangements and his cock in the most dry terms possible Jandrax just watched her with a small smile. His long serpentine was moving around idly, almost as if it had a mind of its own, the very tip tracing over Emma's ankles. “You are stalling.” He commented with a slight chuckle, knowing that she wasn't entirely sure even at this moment, right about to take action but frozen at the very last possible moment. Frustrating really, perhaps it was time once again to be bold and push her along a little bit. “Such dry tones and technical speaking Emma... why don't you just admit that you are curious about how it might feel inside of you.”

Reaching out he took her hand in his, his other hand coming to rest on her shoulder, and a gentle nudge from his tail to the back of her knees in order to encourage her to kneel down before him. “From what I hear human women enjoy the taste of Rangnarian cock.” He mused, knowing full well that there were already women addicted to his kind. “Perhaps you will be kind enough to tell me if that is true or not.” The hand on her shoulder moved to her head, long fingers stroking through her hair in gentle encouragement.
Shouldn't an alien cock look ugly? The thought flitted through Emma's already hazy brain as she looked at the massive tool jutting from between the prince's legs. Everything she knew about sex insisted upon it, and she did think that the penis looked a little odd. Still, there was just something... majestic about it. Something that kept her hand drifting toward it every time her mind trailed off, which was happening more and more. She could even see something glistening at the tip, drizzling down the strange ridges. Precum? Emma was fairly certain it was called precum.

Something touched her feet, nearly startling Emma. A tail, perhaps? Did the visitors have tails? Emma felt like that was something she should have noticed before now. Not that such a thing mattered in the grand scheme of things; just that she would like to know about that ahead of time. The prince drew her attention away from it regardless, using more teasing words. Emma reached out to protest, only to find hands on her. Her nerves danced, another flare starting between her legs, and just at that touch. Her knees buckled even as he nudged her down. The dress bunched and spread slightly around her, effectively creating a slight pool of white around the bowed woman.

"I am a little curious," Emma admitted, seeing no point in doing otherwise. Her eyes nearly crossed as she stared at the cock, focusing again on that slit, which almost seemed to wink. Jandrax said something about tasting it and Emma could feel her tongue moving to run along her lips, bits of saliva and almost drool coming in anticipation. "Perhaps," Emma offered in response to Jandrax's last query, eyes again flicking to him. Her hand reached up, the white digits trembling, looking about to falter entirely. Still Emma forced herself, moved forward, touched.

The fingertips just grazed the flesh, at least at first. Emma's light touch fluttered about, feeling the ridges and contours of the impressive tool. Hard? Soft? What would it feel like between her fingers? What would it feel like... in her mouth? Or, no, she daren't even think about the possibility even as her sex twitched. Damn Splicing certainly encouraged improper behavior.

Emma's hand kept swirling, following ridges and the natural slope of the cock, feeling out its length and girth. Her nails occasionally dragged, but Emma certainly seemed to know how to at least touch a cock. "I don't think I've ever seen one this large before," she mused aloud, head tilting slightly. "I don't believe this could even fit inside me if we wanted," Emma tilted the cock slightly, pointing its head toward her mouth. She opened her lips wide, hovering just a few inches from it, comparing the girth to the wide maw of her mouth. Breath puffed against the head for a few moments before Emma pulled back, drawing the cock back into its more upright position, her hands still moving along it. She could smell something wafting to her with the movements. How did this alien smell to her human senses...?
Most of his kind did not posses a tail, though Jandrax doubted many humans knew much about the distinction between the classes of the Rangarian race he knew that this was one of the most obvious. The royalty weren't just taller and more fit then the others, they also possessed tails, strong and powerful with a great deal of flexibility, entirely prehensile. It wasn't just a cosmetic thing either, the royalty often made use of the extra appendage, Jandrax in particular found it very handy to have another way through which he can manipulate the world and object around him. Emma Watson was what he was manipulating in that moment, the tail helping her kneel easily before moving up to stroke its tip over her exposed back, in particular tracing her spine with feather light touch.

At her touch the prince grunted a little bit, working to keep control of himself and maintain his dignity. The Splicing made the sex drive of the recipient exceptionally powerful but it was based of Rangnarian physiology. Sure his own sex drive was no where as strong as that of a human affected by splicing but her presence was still a potent aphrodisiac, he wanted her in the worst possible way, wanted to drain his balls deep inside of her cunt until she was carrying his young. All of that made him more sensitive then he would normally be and even that touch was enough to send a rush of pleasure through his body... but the prince maintained control.

“The changes wrought by the Splice are more wide spread then you might think.” He assured her as a reaction to her comment about not knowing if it will fit. “Your body would have to stretch a fair deal but I assure you that you could ride me without far too much trouble.” Oh sure he knew it would be a bit of a painful stretch of course but she would be able to handle it.

His flesh was not unlike that of a human, warm and pliant though there were some subtle differences. The texture almost seemed to have something of a scaling pattern to it though only so much that it wouldn't be perfectly smooth. His cock was much the same as that of a human when it came to touch, even when hard it still had a little give though the ridges and small spines were harder then the rest of the flesh was, still pliant but not quite as much, they would maintain their shape the entire time he was deep inside of her, lightly catching and dragging along her walls.

The scent of cinnamon seemed to fill the air, faint and fleeting, the scent of the Rangnarian body would be familiar but not quite identical and difficult to place. The taste of his seed would be similar, reminiscent of different spices but the identity of those particular spices would be elusive and on the tip of her tongue. “Your hands feel good Emma...” He praised her as the leaking fluid from the tip of his cock helped to ease her hands over him, the more her hand moved over him the faster it poured from the tip. “But I know that you need more then that.” Emphasis on the word know, he could smell her, she seemed to be filling the room, his entire body seemed to throb with the need to have her. “Just stroking me with your hands won't relieve the pressure that you feel right now and I am dying to feel your tongue working over my flesh.”

His tail was moving, it had been teasing along her spine but now was starting to slip down into her dress, slowly running over more and more of her body as it progressed towards the source of her own discomfort.
Changes... yes, Emma was all too aware of the changes. She could feel them surging throughout her body, demanding that she follow suit with what Jandrax not so subtly suggested she do. Just climb atop him, skewer her hot, needy sex upon his mighty rod. It was altogether possible, nay, probable that the Splicing had made her body compatible with this particularly striking bit of anatomy. It had clearly altered her sex drive, so it would make some sense.

Still, Emma's will proved as strong as ever. The beautiful woman couldn't fight from fingering the cock. Couldn't stop her hands from running along the ridged contours. So strange: that odd mixture of softness wrapped about a pulsing rigidity that promised to thrust against and inside. The bits and ridges didn't seem to give at all, which must mean that they would scrape against her. Emma could almost feel the sensation transferring to her sex as her fingers ran along it. The bumps pulling along her sensitive insides. Dragging against her sex, scraping the walls and pulling against her most tender of areas.

The woman moaned, her eyelids fluttering, pupils yet again dilating. A deep, shuddering breath followed, Emma swallowing a spicy, yet pleasing taste. Her head rolled for a moment, lips still hovering just above that head. Each puff of air drew in that exotic aroma, so much better than a human male's, probably better than her own. She drew one glistening hand up toward her face. The seed, the seed smelled quite similar indeed. A pink tongue darted forward, just lapping at it, and Emma shuddered, her body sinking a little lower. God, did that taste good. She nearly wanted to suck at her fingers like they were coated in chocolate or something even more delicious.

More and more of the stuff slid over her hand as she kept going, the warm liquid sloshing against her. "Well, yes," Emma agreed, shifting slightly. She swore she felt something sliding down her back. It made her shudder, but she didn't seem quite aware of the tail's journey. It would, of course, still have an expensive pair of panties to deal with as it drew lower. "But as I said earlier, I don't believe this would fit comfortably in my mouth, see?" She again lowered her mouth, stretched out, directing the cock toward the opening. Her tongue lolled out slightly, and Emma felt a little of the seed hit the outstretched muscle. She shivered again, hand gripping the cock tightly.

"Sorry," she said, flashing him an apologetic smile. "I promise I'm usually much more put together than this," she gave the cock another pump, now moving from teasing to outright working the massive tool with her hand. She could feel it throbbing, the sensation driving her to move a little more. Her face hovered near it, but still didn't seem quite willing to touch. "Well, maybe just a taste. For now," she said. Her eyes flicked up and she bobbed her head. The tongue slid and just slurped the tip, gathering the seed in her mouth. Emma's eyes closed, bliss settling on her face as she let the sensation wash through her.
The fact that she objected, pointing out that it wouldn't fit into her mouth was entirely pointless to Jandrax. He wasn't planning on fucking her face, no doubt her throat would have some trouble dealing with its girth but none of that really meant a thing. The prince didn't care all that much about how it was that she got him off, her hands would do just fine but in the end he planned to finish inside of her mouth, holding her in place while she drank his cum. It wouldn't bring her the relief that she claimed and Miss Watson would likely figure that out before very long, really all the prince wanted was some physical release. In time he would have the pleasure of seeing her humiliate herself and beg for further attention as she desperately tried to get some kind of relief from the heat that would consume her.

“You like the taste of that don't you?” He asked with a slight chuckle, quite pleased with the little show that she was putting on for him. All that dignity and self control that she had struggled to maintain before was falling apart now that they were alone together, her body responding to him in the most pleasing of ways. The touch of her tongue to his cock was enough to make his hips shift and his eyes to roll back a little bit, the hand that was resting on her hair wrapping itself in her hair, keeping her from pulling away, wanting to keep her close to his cock, wanting to keep her from being able to think about anything other then the exotic shape and the precum that was slowly but surely lubricating it and her hand. “Its alright to admit you like the taste, its one of the changes brought about by the Splicing. I will be making sure you have all you need to satisfy your cravings.”

Sure he had promised to help her with those cravings earlier but in truth he was speaking of what he really had in mind for her. Jandrax didn't just want her to be some little plaything for the night, he intended for her to be his for a very very long time... not that he expected her to know the difference. Slavery was a long tradition among the Rangnar... something they didn't tell worlds they were taking over slowly so he really doubted Emma would be aware of that aspect of their culture.

The tail never ceased its movement down into her dress, slow and sensuous it massaged her flesh, always winding and twisting in its journey downward. It took time but eventually it brushed against her panties, the very tip of her tail finding the lacey edge of the material, pleased to find that she had unknowingly dressed for him so perfectly. As the tail continued downward, still outside of her panties and rubbing over the moistened material. The feel of the soaked fabric got little smirk from the prince as he looked down at Emma. Of course they were both aware of how aroused she had been since entering his presence but it was still nice to find the physical confirmation of that. Slowly he teased her, trailing the tip along her slit through the expensive panties while letting the rest of his tail inside of her dess writhe and run over her flesh to further stimulate her body with his touch.

“You really do need this.” He commented, his tone rather smug. “I have no idea how you resisted for so long while you are in this state.”
The taste somehow kept getting better each time Emma licked her lips. She found her fingers alternating between stroking the cock and coming to her mouth. The motion looked greedy; Emma knew that. Knew it looked like a naughty girl dipping her hand into a honey pot and bringing it to her lips. Except the raw urge kept moving her hand forward, and what remained of her thinking mind insisted that this was far better than the alternative. That strong mind could feel the lust digging away at it, but it had long been ingrained within her. The mind didn't intend to break... but bending, on the other hand.

"The Splicing does seem to have rather odd side effects," Emma admitted. She guessed that the heat would make some sense, if it could be controlled. But this seemed to spring up every time she drew near one of the males. Perhaps it simply died away after satisfaction? The way Jandrax spoke certainly hinted toward this. But Emma didn't feel the urge dying down as she sucked her fingers, putting one in her mouth at a time. She needed to stretch the sensation, after all.

It was as she sucked that Emma at last noticed the tail. Her eyes widened as she looked down, seeing the outline against the front of her dress. It teased and flicked right along Emma's dripping sex. Doubtless the moisture would make the tip quite wet, a thought that made Emma shiver. Her hand fell for a moment, fingers spreading slightly. How easy would it be to grab it and use it? To fuck herself with it like so many other toys. It had the shape, and Emma could almost too clearly picture it being used as such.

Of course she couldn't. Not to her host, and certainly not in semi-public and with someone she'd just met. Only the extenuating circumstances had stretched things this long. Emma frowned and moved a hand down, sort of nudging the tail away, even though she felt her own muscles screaming out for it. The hand went back up, noticing that at some point the alien had threaded his hand through her hair. When had that happened? Emma could feel the control slipping, not simply her own mental control but the impressive visitor's obvious physical takeover.

This did not slow her hand. It kept stroking, running over the bumps. Emma ignored Jandrax's teasing comment, her eyes fixated on the cock. "Is there a particular way you enjoy this?" she asked, shuddering slightly as she twisted her hand. The delicate fingers glided over the slick wet brought about by drizzling precum. Emma dared leaned forward a little more, spitting slightly to add a little more moisture. A bit of it stuck to her lip, creating a bridge for just a moment. Emma shuddered and suppressed a moan at the sight, easily picturing her mouth lowered upon the shaft. instead she broke the strand with her hand, moving to work the cock, to try and milk it. She definitely needed that relief and soon. Her hips were already starting to buck, and she wasn't certain she could offer up more than a token resistance for much longer...
Odd side effects, oh she was trying so hard to remain detached and above it all but Jandrax knew that she couldn't hold out for much longer. He could feel her hips moving as he continued to tease her with the tip of his tail. He could penetrate her with it, very little effort would really be needed as soaked as she was. The prince would of course enjoy that, it wouldn't be the first time tat his tail had been used to penetrate a willing young woman though he had no intention of spoiling the pleasure of taking her with his cock first.

No, he wouldn't be taking her. That was the wrong way to think about it and Jandrax was quick to correct himself on that. He would claim her when she offered herself to him willingly, desperately begging him to fuck her like a wild animal. Of course she wouldn't understand what she would be inviting on herself, once his cock was buried deep inside of her Jandrax intended to inform the young starlet that she belonged to him. That from that day forward she would be his consort, at his side to satisfy his needs whenever he chose to make use of her.

“How do I enjoy this?” The prince asked slowly, teasing her with the rhetorical question as his tail pressed against her a little harder, the tip just barely spreading her pussy open with her panties the only thing that separated his flesh from hers. “In truth Miss Watson I have been enjoying your hand and the occasional touch of your tongue from time to time but I think I am going to need quite a bit more in order to get off.” His patience was starting to disintegrate, normally the prince was extremely proud of his self control but the scent of Emma and the touch of her skin upon his was entirely electric, arousing like nothing else. His body seemed to be practically throbbing, humming in anticipation. For his race the conquest of this world might be manifest destiny but for the prince this was a far more personal and enjoyable conquest.

It would start with Miss Watson learning what her place in this new world was... more would come of course but the greatest pleasure came from when it all started. He would end up leaving this world in a few years, taking his favorites with him, finding new worlds for his people to exploit and new sensations to experience.

That was for the future though, in that moment the prince couldn't think past the pleasures that awaited him, the pleasures that Emma's mere presence promised.

“First of all Emma you forgot to address me as Sir or your highness.” Gone was the earlier casual tone, replaced with a stricter and far more commanding edge in his voice. “I will over look it this time but you will need to remember what your place is.” His tail moved faster against her, remembering the human anatomy that he had studied earlier as he teased her clit through the lace. “Now what I would really enjoy is for you to beg me to fuck you... we both know that you need it at least as badly as I do.” He was smirking down at her now, uncaring of how she responded with the idea now planted inside of her mind. Perhaps she would even try to find the strength to storm off on him in that moment though the prince had his doubts about her ability to even make it out the door. Entering the Gala proper in her current state would be a clear sign that she was suffering in heat... something every Rangnarian would pick up on almost instantly the same way a shark would notice blood in the water.
That tail kept moving, kept working Emma's lower half. She could feel it pressing, questing, teasing, no, not teasing. It had moved beyond teasing. The prince most certainly knew what his tail was doing, what he was doing. That flexible appendage worked Emma's sex over with a skill that no man could hope to match. She couldn't even deliver such complete coverage of her sex with a pair of toys and a lot of determination. The slick area grew increasingly swampy, the trails of want leaking down Emma's side. That tail seemed to even part her lips, as if to peel her apart. The girl couldn't help but be thankful for the garment that prevented any further embarrassment.

yes, embarrassment. For the heated Brit couldn't help but feel that this whole situation humiliated her more than she cared to admit. Being on her knees, before a stranger. The prince's friendly demeanor had helped ease it some, made it seem more casual. But that was quickly melting. Emma found herself gripping the cock more tightly, a drowning victim clinging to the only floating object. Her mouth opened slightly as he berated her for not speaking properly.

"But you said..." she managed, before the tail worked her sex, wriggled and writhed. Her words turned to a gasp, her body jerking. The constant leaking had turned into a mounting pressure, a very familiar sensation. That tail hit a little button on each pass, and each hit added a little more. A little more pleasure, a little more pressure, a little more want. The words punctured through the lust, no, not punctured, they'd been carried through. The alien used the lust as a delivery system for those very words, the commands.

Did she want him? Bodily, yes. Obviously.
Mentally? nearly?

"That---that wasn't the agreement," she said. A hand went to try and move the tail, while the other squeezed the cock. She began working it more feverishly. Her gentle digits kept bumping into ridges, catching on the swoops and rises of the pulsating thing. Surely something would rise from the tip, and the moment it did, Emma's head descended. Those pink lips pressed tight against the cock's slit. They pursed together. They sucked, Emma's cheeks caving slightly. She needed the leaking fluid. Craved it. Desired it to her core. She felt a little sucking in, and she moaned, eyelids fluttering, head descending, trying to suck more of the cock in. Throat muscles worked desperately, swallowing, moving about the cock as the craving starlet forced more and more alien cock inside her quivering gullet, hoping that she could milk what she needed before having to fully debase herself...
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