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Would you like to tell a tale? (Currently full up, sorry)

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Ursus Peregrinus

Jul 28, 2013
Hello and welcome,

I'm in search of something a little different from my usual, and so I'm throwing this together in the hopes of finding one or two more writing partners.

Let me say first: I'm male (mid 30's if it matters), but looking to play female character/s for a change. If that bothers you, no worries and good luck in your search. If not, read on and maybe you'll find something interesting?

<<<** STYLE **>>>

I like to think of myself as a decent writer. I’m quite literate, with pretty good grammar and spelling and I rarely hit send on a post that's less than three paragraphs. If I am really into the story and the inspiration hits, the sky's the limit. Basically, I try to make every post I send a good one: quality over quantity and on a good day I can do both.

I won't promise daily replies but it happens. Two or three day turnaround is what I aim for, so if you don't hear from me in a week feel free to start throwing things to wake me up.

When I write I prefer to work via PM or Email, but thread or even IM are possibilities (skype over yahoo, and don't ask me to install something else because why?) if we come up with something particularly toothsome and tasty.

Now then, to business.

<<<** CONTENT **>>>

While I adore a good story, I like some smut too. The ratios vary depending on my partner, but just now I'm feeling a need to write something naughty and wicked. I don't usually jump right into the fuckin' (though if it served the story...) but this is definitely a search for something sexy, taboo and deliciously dirty.

That doesn't mean it won't have a plotline. I think I'm incapable of writing just porn without a story to it. I like to bring my characters to life and see what they do, if that makes sense.

I have written a little of everything over the years, in settings from High Fantasy to Space Opera and everything in between. Historical romances, Western tales, cyberpunk, noir detective stories and urban fantasy. Really, if you can name it, I can probably come up with SOMETHING for a storyline. Throw me a suggestion or look a little further down and see some of my own ideas, plot seeds and concepts.

When writing women I really tend towards a more submissive role. Not passive, though, my ladies can be spitfires at times, but I do love strong characters to play against. Feisty women can still want a man to pin them down and make them feel wanton and needed, after all.

I also have a bit of an obsession with non-human characters. Aliens, robots, dragons, monsters, furry/anthro characters even if you catch me on a good day. If you want to play a non-human character, or if you'd like me to play an alien or android or monster-girl let me know, I love to take on that kind of role.

As far as my kinks, well, it's a broad list. I'm open to an awful lot (my f-list is here) but I can summarize some of the cravings I'm hoping to indulge with this thread:
Foreplay, Teasing and Romance - Yes please and I'll give as good as I get.
Dominance/Submission - Do you want to break a slave or discipline a pet?
Nonhumans - I’ve always liked interspecies romance, and I'll admit that bestiality is a bit of a kink too.
Bondage - Every boy scout should know his knots, right?
Oral - Giving or getting, what’s not to love?
Anal - I admit, it’s the naughtiness I enjoy about subtext. *facepalm* buttsex, not subtext. Whether giving, getting or just teasing play, I'm in.
Seduction/Corruption - I love the idea of giving in to temptation, or tempting another. Of being so twisted up inside that you'll do almost anything your partner asks. You may feel guilty later, but it's irresistible all the same.
Incest - Goes so well with the idea of corruption and giving in to temptation.

There are oh so many more, but that’s a taste. Again, check my F-List for a full breakdown and do feel free to ask questions and set boundaries. Tell me your limits and I will do my level best to heed them or let you know that I cannot. When writing’s involved I try to be flexible and considerate - if my partner isn’t enjoying themselves, I am not likely to either. We are all here to have fun, right?

<<<** PLOT SEEDS **>>>

Feel free to come to me with your own ideas, these are just a few that have been on my mind.

It's Family Business
Imagine discovering that a relative (cousin/aunt/mother/daughter/sister) has a dirty little secret? Running an adult website, or working as a model or escort to help pay the bills. It's just their bad luck that your character recognized her on that website or online ad. What would the rest of the family say? Will you keep the secret? Will you out them? Or... will your character take advantage?
This could be played out slowly, with little hints and a rising tension between the two before the truth comes out or it could be a more direct confrontation that changes their relationship forever.
Possibilities: blackmail, prostitution, bdsm, slavery, humiliation, corruption, gang bangs, public sex or anything else you can think of.

The Assistant
I love the idea of a secretary/personal assistant falling for (or being seduced by) their employer. It could be a straight up romance, or something darker as her new lover leads her into more and more depraved situations.
Possibilities: adultery, bdsm, reluctance, group sex, non-con, etc.

The Lady of Ravens
Morrigan is the Goddess of Death, a lonely duty and a cold one. Then on a battlefield she finds one man who will not die. His refusal to give in to death fascinates her, and slowly she finds herself fascinated with this stubborn mortal. Seeking him out in mortal guise, she wants to learn more of him and soon discovers far more than she bargained for.
Possibilities: Fantasy (or modern if you like), Romance, seduction, enslavement, etc.

Pixie's War (WH40K)
Private Priscilla Harkness is an Imperial Guardswoman, a volunteer conscript dropped down into a warzone. A medic by training and more than a bit of a troublemaker, Pixie (as she calls herself) is the self-appointed morale officer of her company. Whether it's sweet-talking the quartermaster into extra rations for her platoon or running a sub-rosa gambling operation she always has something on the go. Of course, that was when they were just a garrison unit. Now that the shooting has started things are going to get complicated. The Emperor Protects, but Pixie's hoping for more than just survival. In the Grim Darkness of the Future, isn't there room for a little fun and profit?
Possibilities: if you know the universe, feel free to run wild with it. I picture something like Hogan's Heroes, McHale's Navy, Sgt. Bilko... but it could just as easily turn into a tense war story or a grim horror tale depending on your predilections.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
I've been reading a Manga lately (Monster Musume no iro Nichijou) where the central conceit is that monsters (most of them female and in search of human men) have come out of hiding and are trying to integrate into modern society. Various government agencies exist to help these newcomers and a program of cultural exchanges helps find homes for them while they acclimate. Would you like to host a monster of your very own?
Possibilities: Romance, slice of life, humour, seduction... or it could be a darker tale where the humans take advantage of them, with slavery, training, bdsm, prostitution, pornography and more.

Well, if you made it this far, I owe you cookies. Feel free to throw your own ideas at me, I always love hearing new plots (and I may steal them if they strike a chord)
RE: Would you like to tell a tale?

You won't regret RPing with this one... trust me... ^.^
Send a PM his way and get started in an awesome RP .. get lost in a tale and trust me you will truly enjoy and indulge in your deepest darkest fantasies... Prepare for the feeling of ecstasy...

Bump for a great RP Partner and, now, Friend...
Good Luck in your search :)
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