release yourself | s e a r c h

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Dec 16, 2015
Seattle | WA
P E S C H 'S x S E A R C H


let's roll the introduction shall we?

YO !
you can call me cole, pesch, dig. doesn't matter to me.
pretty straight forward, this is a search thread.
i'm looking for partners to engage with short / long rps.

feel free to take a look below & please pm me your own ideas.
but for the love of god, do not ask me if i'm interested
in roleplaying without some engaging plot or some semblance
of an idea. i would appreciate effort in some form of
a reply. otherwise i'll just ignore it altogether.

this also implies that you tell me what role you're interested
and what direction you would like to go. more plot or more smut?
just basic little things like that. telling me you like one of my plots
does not exactly help me in the plotting department. i do not want
to feel like i'm doing all the work.

B r e a k i n g x Y o u x I n
This is how I run things​

` be respectful, pretty straight forward. this is a no judgement zone.
it's cool if you don't agree with me, or like what i have to offer
just don't be a dick.

` my kinks
didn't bother to list what i don't like - you can ask / suggest, i try to be open
minded. a definite NO to vore, bathroom, torture / mutilation, snuff

` idc what your gender is behind the screen. you can play any character
you want to - i think it's bullshit to specifically be constricted to playing
the gender you are in RL. writing should be able to transport your creativity
in enjoying said created character. if you judge the writer by their gender
and not what they can write then simply don't bother reading on. i will not
disclose my own personal information regarding my own gender because
frankly it's none of your business.

` speaking of gender. i play male & female characters
i am also open to all sexuality pairings and other lgbtq+ identities

` i only write in third person

` i do not cyber. i am here for creative purposes.
i will not insert myself into any roleplay.

` my preference for writing is in threads.
i may consider emails, please ask.
pms - you may have to convince me with a good plot.
NO INSTANT MESSAGING. i will not budge on this.

` i write a variety of post lengths.
i don't expect a certain word count / paragraphs.
that being said NO ONE LINERS. please put in some effort.
i do adore detail, and i can get carried away if you let me.
seriously, you do you. i'm down for whatever.

` post frequency
if you expect instant replies every second - i envy your life
i don't have time for that. i'd say 1-2 posts a week +
while i do check things frequently, i'm slow and like to take
my time with my roleplays, and characters.



craving : smutty Disney - always down for more serious character development over smut any day.
but i can't stress enough that i am going to be picky when it comes who i'm writing with. sorry not sorry.
i love crossovers. and would love to do some beautiful f// or m// - but open to m/f.
suggest, i do have some ideas / pairings.

HAREM + or multiple partners
i am looking to do f// or m// or mixed gender harem.
can also include monsters, anthros, furrys - whatever you want !
i would prefer to play the main character interacting with said harem.
( i am flexible and will play the harem itself if you prefer )
also i would really like to build relationships, and explore character development!

loose ideas ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
school harem ( all character will be 17+ )
maybe specially selected students are allowed to choose their own
partners for their harems. to build better relationships within the

or this could be a teacher teaching sex head - in a pretty hands on
way. they like to get involved and physically educate their students
believing it to be much more effective.

you've just won . . . !
they have either been on a game show, won the lottery, or were
on a radio show and won a cruise / harem. it's unexpected, but
something new to add into their mundane life. if it's a cruise maybe
they sail around to different tour zones meeting a variety of people?

alice & wonder land themed
take the classic book / movie and make it sexual
a girl / boy who has been sexually repressed their whole life.
ends up in another land and is met with everyone around them
trying to please them.

feel free to suggest your own

loose ideas ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
strangers come in all the time, this could be very fluffy and romantic
- sort of serendipity if you'd like. OR if you want to get kinky, instead
of paying with money the guest offer themselves to rent a room. Or
maybe it's the owner who takes advantage of the average person who
was just looking to pass the night.

monster + bed breakfast
what happens when a human stumbles into monster run inn ?
maybe they are forced to work there, or maybe they are a regular
who comes by frequently.

please note i will NOT play your typical seducing character, i want more
depth than just a typical milf or lust in general. i prefer to play mother's who are
more simple minded, sexually naive / repressed, and daughters/sons who are innocent,
exploring their sexuality and pushing boundaries. by all means feel free to play
a character who is seductive, but please know that they won't be banging right
away. if i wanted that i'd go watch porn, i want build up to that taboo PLEASE ♥

loose ideas ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
will do :

father x daughter / son
mother x daughter / son
sister x brother
sister x sister
brother x brother
uncle x niece

` post apocalyptic or survival
this could range from a plane crashing onto an island
and they are the only survivors. or to a full blown
zombie out break & or disaster.

` magical girl / boy themed
this might be a loose blackmail situation. in which
the relative knows their identity but will keep their
mouth shut if they do whatever they tell them.
this could start off pretty harmless at first.
or maybe they are a family of magical transforming
heroes. this could be like panty & stocking where it's
just vulgar, and that they remove enemies monsters
by destroying them in a sexual nature ?

` family hunters
they hunt super natural beings.
maybe a super natrual being bewitches the other to
be attracted to said relative. or maybe the being takes
on their form and seduces them.

other things i'm up for :
student x teacher
blind dates
twisted fairy tales
otome sort of theme

monster girls ( new )
these are characters i'd like to play or pairings based off of images
tentacle girls | one two
tentacle girl x girl


will do canon x canon or oc x oc
you may have to convince me to do canon x oc
i likely have a pairing / character i'd like to play feel free to ask
movies / shows

OUaT (watched up to SE2 )
american horror story ( watched up to SE5 )
salem ( watched up to SE1)
mad max fury road
star wars
kung fu panda

dragon ball z
wolf's rain ( prefer ocs )
pokemon ( prefer ocs / pokemon )

the last of us + walking dead crossover
harvest moon
animal crossing
any crossover with princess peach ~ !
resident evil


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