Two Bats Stained with Red and White (Ryllin&Sexykitten20)


Apr 2, 2016

A city in only description, but not in identity. Most people would call it a hell, a ses-pit, a breeding ground for crime, while others were forced to call it home. The occupants only considered it one thing, a home. There were though, two gleams of light in the shadows of the city. Well technically one, but very few new or understood the implication of that knowledge. Those two lights were Bruce Wayne and the knight in the shadows, Batman. A man who worked in the light of the cameras and sun to better the city for the average citizen, while the other worked in the shadows to protect the weak.

A recent development had plagued the city of Gotham for many years, but now it had lifted like the early morning fog in the afternoon. The Joker, a madman bent on tormenting and amusing himself with the antics he thought of on a weekly basis against the Batman. To torture, to hear the citizens scream, and most of all to enjoy his psychopathic games of madness with his best friend in the world, the Batman.
This clown of crime had suddenly disappeared from gotham leaving a distraught and confused Harley Quinn, the joker to the Jokers King.

It had been recently that Harley had been found and apprehended by police. Was she terrifying people? Arming bombs? Letting loose her hyenas on citizens? She was drunkly spray painting the words, "Where are you sugar?" across the statues guarding the Library of Gotham Congress.

"What am I going to do with you Harley?" Gordon asked with a deep sigh. Looking across his desk at the chained up girl.
Gordon was the head of the Gotham police force, though most of their job was cleaning up after Batman's antics.
His mustache twitched as he took a sip from his white mug, long since turned muddy with use.
"You weren't always like this, you know."

I yank roughly on the handcuffs shackling me to the chair, glaring angrily towards Gordon. The metal digs into my wrists, peeling a layer of skin from me as I struggle. The pain transports me to another time - another place. 

I imagine being locked up, cuffed to a wheelchair which Puddin' had retrofitted with rollercoaster wheels. It was incredible, I tell you... Like something straight out of the mind of a genius. I remember the clickity clack of the chain pulling me up the hill, the rush of looking onwards towards the unfinished rollercoaster. The thrill of dropping down the hill, riding through the loop, flying the rails....and into a wonderfully deadly slumber dedicated to my Mr. J....

"Oooh.....Mr J.......where are you pudding...." I sigh, the illusion fading as I return back to the present. I'm sure to Gordon, I must seem delusional - or worse. I don't care though. No, there's only one man I care about what he thinks....and he's gone! GONE! Gone without a trace...a phone call....or even a booby trap. I don't have the faintest on where he could possibly have gone.

*2 hours later*
The air atop the police station was bitter cold. Gordon's hair and tan trench coat blowing with the wind. The steam from his foam cup dissipating against the roar of the wind, the smoke only slightly illuminated by the light of the bat signal.

"I...hhh...hate winter", he muttered, as he reached into his pocket for a lighter.

"Thought you quite" replied a voice from the shadows.

An almost inaudible click, then the signal illuminating the sky disappeared, once again shrouding the roof in darkness.

Gordon shrugged, his hand returning from his pocket empty. "I'm trying, but old habits die hard", looking up at the shadow. "You should know that better than most!"

Apparently that reply didn't warrant an answer, as an awkward silence passed between the two. It was Gordon shivering from the cold who decided to break that silence.

"You took longer than usual" his almost frozen mustache twitching in irritation. "Get stuck in traffic?"

The form the comment was meant for silently shifted into view. Tall, dark, with a willowing cape and an attitude for action, even violence.

"I've got a new....complication....its...taking more of my time" he growled in reply.

"Make that two" Gordon wordlessly replied with a sigh. "I've got that favor from you to turn in"
The glare could be seen from the shadows even with in the dim light.
"I want you to take Harley Quinn in. I think you might be able to fix her, since the Joker is no longer in the picture."

*meanwhile, back downstairs*
Harley was lost in one of her fantasies again, thinking about when she first met her Mistah J, how scared she had been of him. Now she knew who he really was, she prided on being the only one that did. Her puddin' mean the world to her and his happiness was all that really mattered to her. She can remember him flirting with her, telling her he understood her pain, understood how it felt to be cast out. She'd fallen for her puddin' quickly. She talked aloud now, as if he were here. Tears rolled down her pretty cheeks, the white clown paint mingling and leaving white puddles on the floor.

"Mistah J why'd you leave me? I know you'll be back for me." she murmmered before bursting into hysterical laughter. "It's a test right Mistah J? You want to see how much trouble I can cause?" she pulled against the handcuffs and screamed out in anger and frustration. She kicked over the table in front of her and laughed as the papers came down around her. "OH JIM" she shouted before laughing her head off.

Outside the room, other officers just shook their heads. "Why doesn't he just send the crazy bitch to Arkham again?" one of them asked as she continued to laugh and talk to herself.
Gordon received no reply...just a leveled....stare.

After a few minutes, the shadow replied.

"...You're serious...", batman said in a surprised voice. "You have got to be joking with me."

Before Gordon could lower his steaming coffee from his lips long enough to say anything, the shadow had come into the light, his looming form standing before the cop.

"Do you have ANY idea what taking her in would mean? She'd have to be kept in an issolated location, we'd have to keep her oblivious to our location." Glaring down at the cop, "She's broken and manipulative, Gordon. Besides...I've got my own problems to deal with..." With a whoosh of his cape, he turned on the mustache twitching cop, intent on leaving this ridiculous conversation.

"What do you want me to do then...send her BACK TO ARKHAM?" the commissioner yelled. "It hasn't worked the other times she's been thrown in that hell hole, and it won't WORK THIS TIME." he bellowed at the back of the dark figure.
Harley in the meantime was starting to feel quite lonely. Her grip on reality usually so twisted was becoming clear. There were times when she would snap back into Dr Harleen Quinzel, usually in situations like this. Handcuffed to a chair in an interragation room, surrounding by police paperwork. She burst into tears "Oh what have I done". she cried quietly. She felt a sudden pull towards Arkham, probably the closest place she had to a home. "Jim," she shouted. "Get rid of me, god just lock me up." she shouted in anguish. Already feeling Harley taking over once again.

She started singing to herself, a sad, lonely song. A song which she often cried herself to sleep singing. Wishing for her Mistah J back, wishing that he loved her.
....1 hour later

"...a week", the dark figure groaned. "I'll give her one week..see what happens after that." he said dropping off the side of the the building, his cap helping him to glide down to the window of Gordon's office.

Back above on the roof, Gordon took another sip of his now cold coffee. "Lets hope this works...he's all she's got" he groaned, taking a seat on the ground and waiting.

*Gordon's office*
The lights suddenly went dark, the room pitched into an alien darkness. The wind from the open window brushing against Harley's yellow pigtails, mirroring the movement of the shadows cape.

"You get one shot Quinn" The shadow commented to the dark room. "One chance...."

"Do you want to be cured?"
"Hey Bats, nice of you to join our little party, Harleen keeps trying to make an appearance, silly woman." she laughed manically

She looked up at the dark figure in confusion, his words making her pause. Did she? Did she want to be cured of her madness? Surely Mr J wouldn't love her without her insanity? Would she still love him if she was sane? All these thoughts rushed through her head at lightning speed.

"I don't know Bats, lets give it a go though shall we?" she said timidly, part of her, the part that had gone to college to study psychology wanted to help people. To be good again. Maybe Batman was the one to help her?

A darker though appeared, even if Batman didn't save her... she would know where to find him, if she could get out... she could tell her Mistah J. Then he would have to love her.
Batman glared down at the bound clown, her makeup ruined by what he thought could have been tears.
"No more jokes Harley!" He growled, his face mere inches from her own. Reaching behind him, the hooded figure pulled out a document and threw it on the table. "This is a document stating your incarceration next time you visit Arkham. Apparently the city can no longer justify your life as it currently is." His eyes narrowing to slits, as he stared into her bloodshot eyes.

"One chance Harley. No games, no jokes, no gags." Almost in a kinder fashion, he placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, but still as cold and hard as granite in tone.

"So once more i ask you. Do you want to be cured?"
Harley looked at the paper in shock, her beautiful blue eyes filling with tears. Had she finally gone too far? Had she taken the joke too far? "Yes" she whispered, "YES, is that what you want Bats?" she screamed into his face. Shrugging the strong hand on her shoulder off.

"I GIVE UP, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE GAMES" she screamed before hanging her head, sobs taking over her body, trails of red and black running down her white face as the tears spilled freely.

"I'm exhausted, I don't even care anymore Bats." she said honestly, looking up at him, with sane, sad eyes and he could see within her the kind, loving Dr. Harleen Quinzel. The woman Harley Quinn had destroyed, had transformed with her insanity.
The dark figure sighed, his shoulders shifting. With a smooth motion he circled her chair, reaching into one of the many pocket on his belt. "You're coming with me then" he growled, unlocking her from the chair, her hands still heavily bound.

Standing the tear soaked clown up by her arm, his grip strong but not harsh.

"Follow" he said, leading her out the office door.
Harley followed Batman with her head hung low, she could feel the men's eyes roaming over body. She looked down at her costume. She grabbed at the corset and tore them. She screamed and shouted and collapsed on the floor, curling up into a ball. The two halves of her battling each other in her mind. She started murmuring to herself.

She heard Batman halt in front of her. Could hear the men laughing at her. Could feel them pointing. Part of her wanted to make them pay, the other knew they had every right to stare and point.

She screamed one last time and stood up. Glaring at Batman then glaring at all the men. Daring them to laugh. "funny is it? To laugh at someone with mental issues?" she laughed herself "well fuck all of you, my friend Bats is gonna change me" she turned and started walking up the stairs
Batman was somewhat surprised at her outburst, but he had seen worse...much worse. Still holding her arm in his grip, he diverted his eyes, focusing on a spot on the wall. Pulling a long blanket out from somewhere on his belt, he wrapped it around the naked harley, obscuring the officers view of her young body.

"Let's go Quinn" he said softly, leaning down to pick her up.

Pulling her along by her arm, the figure in black stared at each cop individually, his glare piercing and threatening enough to cause them to take a step back.

Continuing down the hallway, he led her towards the front swinging doors and out the front door.
Harley watched Batman grab a blanket and he put it over her. She looked up at him with those big, blue eyes. She’d been treated many ways by this man. Kindness was new. She found she… liked it.

She followed after the dark knight willingly now, knowing somehow deep in her gut he’d protect her. She was starting to get tired now and all she wanted was to lie down and sleep.

“Bats, how far we got to go? Harley’s getting tired over here?” she whined sleepily, rubbing her eyes and smudging her already ruined make up, making her look younger, reminding him that she was just a lost young lady.
The dark figure pushed the stations front doors open, his other hand still firmly grasping Harley's arm.

"Here" he growled in a mono tone, and pushed a button on his belt, a red flashing light against the gold and black. With a sudden roar and a squeel of tires, the long sleek car that used to fill her with dread pulled up, steam spraying from the burning tires.

"In" he said, pushing her towards the opening batmobile, before suddenly pulling her back, his face mere inches from her own.

"Don't try anything!" his voice accompanied by a scowl. With another gentle push, he moved her toward the vehicle, the dark knight already jumping into the drivers seat.
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