Where There's Trouble: A DC RP (pods6827 and Frost)


Apr 11, 2016
Gliding through the air with better grace than was usually expected of a man his size, Steven Steele landed relatively silently on a rooftop, watching the world turn from a few stories up, on the lookout for any signs of criminal activity. The Steven of a year ago would never have been able to dream of flying by his own will, let alone the other powers he'd started to develop over the last few months, and despite the issues that they had occasionally caused he knew that he wouldn't have it any other way.

A year ago he'd been little more than one of countless guys who dreamed of getting superpowers through one means or another; as a kid he'd tried to make a 'super serum' out of what he'd found in his family's kitchen (the only thing he'd managed to make was a mess sadly) and he'd been raised on the stories of the various heroic groups that protected the Earth and it's inhabitants: Ranging from the Seven Soldiers of Victory (his grandfather had met them once while in the army) to the more recent Justice League. So when his powers had started developing he'd been ecstatic, knowing that now he could be the hero he'd always wanted to be.

Standing on the rooftop, Steven, slightly better known to the world at large as Relentless, waited, knowing that in a city like this, crime never slept, and so neither would he.
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