So this Porn Star walks into a bar. ( Alpha and Seductive Enthrallments)


Dracula's not an Avenger? That lying fuck!
Aug 4, 2013
It was slow for a Wednesday night. The usual crowd who would be out celebrating the middle of week where strangely absent form The Cracked Keg. The small family owned dive bar sat comfortably on a block with that was home to plenty of office building and another block over apartments and these places ensured the place was always busy.

Except for tonight.

There where maybe a dozen people there total, a couple of small groups chatting and laughing and a handful of loaner enjoying the peace and quiet with a drink. For Max,the thirty year old with the shaggy brown hair slouched over his drink at the end of the bar, the silence was welcomed. He had been having a rough week. Sunday he had gotten laid off from his job as a security guard and went to visit his girlfriend only to find her in bed with another man, and another woman.

The company had given him a generous severance package, enough that he had been able to spend the last several days drinking alone and reflecting on his life and choices.

At thirty Max stood a shade over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a well toned body that at the moment was largely hidden on the jeans, T-shirt and leather jacket he sported.

Dark blue eyes stared into the bottom of the Jack and Coke in front of him from behind a narrow,rectangular pair of glasses.

He was angry, buzzed and thinking it would be nice i f he could find a decent looking woman in the bar to make him forget about what had happened. But the odds of that happening bordered on non existent given how small the crowd was tonight.
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