Light & Dark (Frost and Felicia Florence)


Apr 9, 2016
"Well, the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi —

Her Master and Her Master's Master's Master once explained that the Force was this unseen mystical power that everyone in all the Galaxies posse on some level (Known as the Living Force) Often he wove tales of grandeur meant to astound the senses. Teaching a valuable lesson all at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. This very same man was the Jedi who had taken her in when she was no more than a youngling. Saying 'Little one, you're special. You were born to do great things.' You know what? He was right.

In there time together he spoke of many secrets and skills possessed by Jedi. And the temptations of the darkness that spectered those who were force sensitive. What was strange about Malena Hellworth, that caught Master Lios off guard. Had come in the form of the birth parents. Neither Mother nor Father in their youth had been classified as those who were aware of the Force, ignorant to the 6th sense that came along with the pull towards the dawning of light and hollowing darkness. It's not always clear why some beings whose linage isn't associated with Force Sensitivity; Why suddenly, almost unpredictably, they become 'enlightened'...because the Force was mainly passed inhereditary down through lineage. But one thing was undeniably clear, this child in particular, who exhibited untrained yet somewhat precise control over her unstable abilities...He could expect great things from her.

In associations with this unbeknownst sentiment, Lios clarified the degree of which he pedastooled the youngling. Doing so by means of a life-lesson, a tale of an unnamed man of legend who worshiped the darkness, later revealed to her to be Darth Vader, he too did great things. Terrible, terrible things..... But great nonetheless. What kind of person did she wanna be, that's the question that Lios constantly posed to Malena. And that story taught her that you can be a horrible person but still achieve greatness. Although the greatness you'll be known for would be an empty affirmation, meaningless, so one couldn't very well explain your actions as being 'great'....which once again bring the word 'terrible' in.

During the rise of The First Order it became more than apparent that there was no line justifying innocents in their eyes.Whole villages were rumored to have been slaughtered....Innocents...What did they think innocents was, where did THEY draw that line, what weren't the rest of us seeing? Then, the question practically answered itself, I realized that if the villagers hadn't chosen to disclose information from this new foe then they'd sided with the Resistance (Malena wasn't entirely informed on who they were but was aware of their existence. History would display a kind of Déjà vu whenever an inbalance of power had manifested itself. Wherever there is oppression there is resistance.) So that meant, to The First Order, there are no innocents. There were heroes, and then there were lawbreakers. (Punishable by Death; as it were)


2 years has passed since Master Lios had be lucky enough to grow old and become One With The Force. Leaving a 20 year old Malena to graduate from Padawan to Jedi Master. Though, more often than not, she left out the 'Master' part. Currently, she was on a planet that had yet to have been visited by the First Order. Training an 6 year old with a hell of an uncontrollable temper tantrum who'd accidentally psychically thrown someone across the room into a sandstone wall. The planet in particular; Orobiaca (Colonized by Humans), generated it's prosperity and wealth by means of trade (Information, Goods, Rarities), popular vacationing spots, and other various amenities that Malena had yet to really indulge in. Too busy keeping an eye on the one she now called little one, who followed behind her like a puppy. Occasionally mimicking her body language and demeanor. So training her, as you can imagine, was sort of a learning experience in itself. The once proud Padawan had gone from Jedi to Baby-Sitter in a split second. In hindsight, this was good training for when she wanted children of her own. So far she'd handled most of the situations like the child, Claudia, was her own daughter. Maternal skills kicked in at the drop of a hat for some females. So the instant there was a single tear rolling down Claudia's cheek; A little voice began running over a list of things Malena could do to calm the emotional little bundle of force.

Bartering worked, but combating emotion with emotion worked best. Holding her and weaving tales of the past from Lios would distract her from whatever was plaguing her mind. To think, a year before this Malena had been teaching children 10 or so years older than this little one and now life had given her the most emotional of all stages of life close to that of Toddler. At least with the older kids it was easier to Barter....or at least more often than anything say no and explain why. Regardless if the terms were fair or not. But despite the tantrums, salty tears, the girls progress became somewhat irregular. Improvement this quick meant that she was growing up, learning the importance of self control. They were, at this very moment in time, (Afternoon) hanging out in the grotto, somewhere amidst the jungle the possessively took root outside the city-limits. (The planet was ideal for vacationing or sightseeing due to it's natural picturesque climates and landscapes)

Malena meditated, establishing a deeper connection to the force while her student was drawing little pictures using some form of watercolors. whereas the Jedi meditated to quiet their minds and connect with the Force, Sith Lords meditated to concentrate their anger, their fear, and their hatred into a pure point of ruthless power within them. Whereas the Jedi meditated to quiet their minds and connect with the Force, Sith Lords meditated to concentrate their anger, their fear, and their hatred into a pure point of ruthless power within them. Vision of the past and future riddled the mind of this Jedi 'Master'. An affinity to see into events past and future could be both a blessing and curse. Suppressing this ability during meditation took time and effort. Unfortunately, sometimes, visions can't be avoided. This was the case with the latest image that tormented Malena's mind, startling her to the point where she'd all together gasp, inhaling deeply through her mouth, eyes widening in panic as her concentration was completely broken by the sight of a man dressed similarly to Darth Vader presented himself. Bathed in Fire. Ordering the execution of innocents. Leading Storm troopers back to a ship with a prisoner....whether this was past, present, or future had remained to be determined; In this instance it might have just been an echo from the past. But sometimes an echo could be just as powerful a statement as events that might come to pass.

"What's wrong, Malena?"

"Nothing, little one." The child could sense the dismay, reading the body language of the Jedi. Children, force sensitive or not, had the astounding ability to read situations and known when an adult was lying to themselves even when the adult could not see it themself.

These visions of this strange hooded figure had come to haunt recent dreams over the past 3 days. Becoming stronger in her conscious mind as time passed. The images shown were always the same.....only this time, as she sat on the cavern floor looking up into the sky, she mumbled. "Somebodys coming...." Worse case scenario, it was the man, she could practically sense his life force, too close for comfort.

Was that the only way?

Will you help me?

I can't make it stop. Master, guide me--

Yes. Anything.

That should have been the end of it. All the years of strife. It's not fair.

Yes. Anything.


"... Lord Ren?"

Kylo Ren looked up, fiery embers glowing off the surface of his mask. His lightsaber was in his hand, heavier than it had ever felt. The weight had never gone away since--

A face, disappearing into industrial smoke below. Finally gone, but--

The lightsaber dropped from his hand, its flickering blade disappearing back into the handle on its way to the floor. He turned his head, leveling one eye upon the officer who had interrupted his thoughts. "... yes?" he asked, voice reduced down to its usual gentler register, with just the slightest hint of unsteadiness.

The control room around him was nearly in flames, its consoles ripped to glowing shreds by an unstable blade. It wreathed the Sith Lord in an aura, like a cloud backlit by a setting sun.

"We're in orbit above Orobiaca. Your landing vessel is ready. At--" an officer of the First Order spared a look to the console, and unconsciously edged backward out of the room. "--ah, at your leisure. My lord."

The lightsaber picked itself up from the ground and floated unsteadily into Kylo's grasp. He holstered the antiquated blade. "... you may go," Kylo said, and he didn't even have to look or feel with the Force to assess how quickly the officer had beat his retreat.

Shaking hands clasped his cloak over his shoulders, and he turned, striding from that ravaged room with a horrible purpose.


That was right.

There were things to attend to -- just one more thought that clung to his mind like a parasite to a wounded animal. He kept seeing a face, a pretty young thing in the mists of memory. And every time it appeared, she saw him. Perhaps she was what vexed him so.

Snoke had been clear on the subject. There was only one way to rid oneself of the chains that bound and grasped and made one weak.

One had to break them.

The trip was not a long one. In a clearing not so far from a couple strong in the Force, a landing ship was setting down. With a pneumatic hiss, its landing door lowered. The fall of heavy boots echoed off of the tight-knit forestry, and in their wake moved a man. His stance predatory, his steps quick.

"Fan out. Find the girl."

Two dozen First Order stormtroopers, faces a horde of merciless and passionless masks, disappeared into the jungle. Their armor made it impossible for them to blend into the foliage and the bark of trees. It didn't matter if you could see them coming. For their quarry, it never had.

"And bring her to me."
"Who's coming?" Maybe speaking aloud wasn't the best course of action around a child who picked up on situations after than most adults. Then again, Claudia's attentiveness could easily be attributed to her training. "Master?" Scrunching up her face, Malena sighed, she couldn't very well keep the child quite when there wasn't much to do about nothing. Assign her minimal tasks would always result in some sort of ultimate life lesson. Perhaps this too was one of those days. "Who are those marshmallows?" Wait, what? Marshmallow? Clearly there was some sort of miscommunication. Turning to look at the young Padawan who'd wandered outside of the grotto's edge. She spyed men dressed up in white armor surrounding the ancient temple like structure.

Holy fuck in a hand basket, how the hell did she miss this? Then again, 15 minutes had passed where she had been laying on the ground saying nothing. Claudia had taken notice of this and kind of walked over to her in the time frame. Setting there and brushing the hair away from Malena's face, comforting her as only a child could before wandering back to her watercolors. So...that could have been part of why she hadn't really registered the presence of the enclosing threat. Rushing to her feet the Jedi Knight grabbed hold of the child; Tucking her face into a comfortable position against her left shoulder before literally flying out of the cave and landing along the shore of the lakeside. Sprinting when her feet made contact with the earth below. "We're going to have to run. And when I put you down, you don't stop until you reach he city. Run home Claudia."

Yes, there was no doubt in her mind. These were Stormtroopers, belonging to none other than the infamous First Order. And they didn't take a trip here to pick posies and go on vacation at an luxury resort, she could tell anyone that much. Breathing heavily, the heart in her chest raced faster than it did the first time she ever layed eyes on the man in her visions...Though his face remained obscured by behind a mask...there was always this impending sense of doom. No real way of explaining it other than there are certain beings who carry this strange stagnant aura. Whoever this presence was like a cancer. Widdling away at whatever strength and connection held with the forces of light. Drawing the darkness so close to you that death seemed inevitable. Then again, this could have easily been a projection of her own feelings...Not exactly how he plagued those in her visions but how he presented himself.

Nonetheless, she let go of Claudia who ran from the forest to a small land-cruiser, taking off like a rocket towards the city. Now, pacing slowing down in the jungle like forest..she caught her breath...Taking out her lightsaber the moment she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. "Sir, we've found the girl she's-EEEEH!" Striking down the stormtrooper before he could finish his sentence...she scaled the trees and animalistically swung from vine to vine playing cat and mouse with the stormtroopers until she landed on her feet like a cat when one of the branches gave under her weight. 'Unsheathing' her lightsaber from the hilt she blocked blaster bolt after bolt. At one point she deflected one back at the solider who'd attempted to shoot the lightsaber out of her hands. Before long she'd either disarmed, knocked out, or severally wounded the 15 of the men presumably sent to 'assassinate' her.
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