Star Wars : Force amongst the Seeds (Closed for Lonegladius and Naomi David)

Nov 19, 2012
Liam Crost walked along through the First Order base. Like most of their military installations the facility's location was a closely guarded secret. Crost himself had only been told about the base's location two days before when his commander had assigned him to his newest mission. Crost was Force Sensitive and associated with the elite warriors of the First Order known as the Knights of Ren. He had not served Kylo Ren at the beginning but after being found on a backwater storm world the 6'2 Human with dark brown hair and sharp features had been trained in the Dark Side.

Today his assignment was to investigate some anomalies that had been reported at the base. In one of the Stormtrooper units currently garrisoned on the secret base there was a doctor. He would start there first to investigate the mysterious circumstances that had brought him there. On more than one occasion it appeared that the stormtroopers of the unit had reported losses in the battle and yet somehow later the unit was reported at full strength. Normally an officer in charge of the unit would have handled the investigation but his commander had ordered Liam to personally inspect the situation. So here he was on a dark rocky world on a mission to find out exactly what was going on.

ST-2200 was a Doctor. All of her 22 years, she was raised by the First Order. Raised by the First Order to be the best stormtrooper. To be the best Doctor. She could have specialized in either one. She could have become a Commando. She could have become the Supreme Medic. Instead, she did not specialize, and decided to choose both. She loved doing both. One day, she was a Doctor, tending to patients on base and on the battlefield. Other days, she was raising hell on the battlefield to enemies of the First Order. She was respected as both a stormtrooper and a Doctor.

She had a way with her patients. When her fellow stormtroopers and Doctors abandoned the patients, she had an odd, odd way of healing them, of bringing them back. If one didn't bother with much investigation, it would easily chalk down to being a good, fast Doctor. That's what ST-2200 assumed it was, that she was just really fast. She didn't know it was the Force. She didn't know she could use the rarest of all Force Abilities. Dark Transfer. The ability to bring back the dead and dying. She also had a way on the battlefield. She had a way of sensing out hidden snipers. She had a way of sensing out hidden mines. She had superior reflexes, superior senses to boot. She didn't know the Force was aiding her.

Today was projectile throwing. Testing to see how far one could throw a weapon, how accurate said throw was, and how hard it was thrown. Right now it was knife throwing. The legion she served in, everyone was being tested. Everybody scored relatively well, but she was the only one to score dead on in kill zones. The only one to actually crack and break the targets. If there were any other Force Sensitives in the area, they would be able to sense ST-2200.
Crost made his way through the legion's training area. He noticed soldiers in gleaming white armor, the newest soldiers crafted from Imperial training methods that had been appropriated by the First Order. Various groups were training in hand to hand combat, ranged weaponry and siege tactics. As he walked through a couple of the training squads he suddenly felt it .... a presence in the force. It became more than that as his black boots started to take the Knight of Ren on a new path. Someone within the legion was strong in the force, untrained but strong enough for his senses to detect them.

He made his way deeper into the training area until he came across a unit of Stormtroopers. It appeared that they were finishing up a training exercise. His curiosity was kindled and he stepped closer as he looked at the group of black bodysuited and white armored soldiers. Each was unique save for the armor. When his eyes stopped watching the soldiers he noticed the targets that a few aides were taking down. One in particular had been broken from some very accurate knife throws. Crost raised his hand to lips as his gray blue eyes went back to studying the stormtroopers. One in particular caught his attention. Given that it was a training exercise some of troopers had their helmets off.

Crost noticed one stormtrooper in particular. She had sharp features with a beauty that seemed out of place among soldiers. Her brown eyes were as keen as the rest of her features. Crost could feel the Force flowing through her. He had found his target.
ST-2200 could sense that somebody was watching her. She did not know how she knew somebody was watching her, she just knew. She did not know this was the Force at work. She had a plan. Surely, this watcher would follow her as she went to a different training station... Or if she treated a fellow soldier. Soon enough, one of her fellow soldiers hobbled up to her from the martial arts station. "Doctor, can you fix my right shoulder and right knee? My partner was over enthusiastic." She smiled a kind, warm, and gentle smile as she gently lead her fellow trooper over to one of the fancy resting chairs. She spoke,"Just sit and rest and let Doctor ST-2200 fix you up." She gently took off the armor plates covering the affected areas and gently began working the area with her fingers. Soon the trooper that was in pain began to relax as the pain left his body. ST-2200 began to feel great exhaustion as she finished her work as the trooper thanked her for fixing him up. She stumbled as she stood back up.
Crost's eyes did not miss the oddity that occurred nearby him. Once he had gotten close enough to his target's general area finding out who among the stromtroopers was the force sensitive was relatively easy for his skilled senses. Learning how to find force sensitives and other potential Jedi had been a lesson that Crost had learned early enough. So when his target was asked to assist an injured comrade he watched and waited and then suddenly found himself thrown off his relative balance. He had felt something in the Force, something strange and new when the female stormtrooper; who appeared to be specialized as a field surgeon, put her hands on the injured man. The strange sudden wave of different energy than he was accustomed to feeling through the Force. One thing was clear to him, the female doctor had used the Force. When his mind returned to the hunt he saw that his target was suddenly stumbling after she assisted the stormtrooper.

Reaching out his hand he directed his own energy through the dark side. Before the doctor fell she could feel an iron resistance pushing up against her own body and keeping her from falling onto the ground.
She almost fell backwards. She didn't know what she had done, but after healing people, she almost was always tired, even more so when working on those people had given up on. She almost fell backwards, but find that she did not stumble again. She felt resistance in her body, an odd energy that simply would not let her fall. She was still standing, wondering what had just happened. But her head was swiveling around, like she could sense that somebody was assisting her, and she wanted to find out who was assisting her. Then her head turned once more, and fixated on Liam, and her eyes narrowed. He wasn't wearing stormtrooper armor, he looked so out of regulation, who was he and what was he doing here? Was he one of the Knights of Ren? She had heard rumors that Ren and his cohorts were allowed to dress as they wished. Yes, he certainly had to be, no normal person was allowed to be here, he had to be a superior of sort.
Liam moved forward with his hand still upraised and is mind still connected with the Force. The specialist had noticed him and he allowed himself a small smile of pleasure. She was quick, hopefully sharp but she would need to be more cautious with her gifts or someone worse may decide to investigate her. It was fortunate that Liam had found her first. Even among the Knights of Ren there were truly ruthless killers and worse. Liam at least had some class.

"What is your unit number?" Liam asked with a tone sharp as a vibroblade.
"My number is ST-2200. Who the hell are you?" she spoke, sounding equally sharp. Gone was the warm and fuzzy Doctor, replaced by the harsh Stormtrooper. She didn't like strangers roaming around. She had heard stories of higher-ups that came around every so often, checking the stormtroopers, checking for 'special' people. Those chosen were never seen or heard from again. She most certainly did not want to end up like those who just vanished. Subconsciously, she was thinking of her rifle, of her need to defend herself, and it found its way into her hands, even though it was well over 25 feet or so away. People were changing stations again, so nobody noticed the mysteriously floating rifle amongst the hubbub.
Liam slowly released the force grip on her so that she could stand on her own two feet. My name is Crost ST and I am one of the Knights of Ren. I suggest you remember that when addressing me." While the resources of the First Order were spread thinly enough it was no longer the usual mentality to just kill off officers as Vader or Palpatine had done before. Management of their resources was the only way that they could have managed to start building up their projects. Crost knew that if others got their hands on ST-2200 that she would turn into a new project. Her force power was quite powerful and rarer still. She would need to get it under control and not use it simply to help stormtroopers. It was a dangerous use of something that would get her in grievous trouble. Crost did not want others to find her. If they did than she would be of no use to the man.

"We should talk alone." Crost said noticing that the people were changing their stations around them. He hoped that the issue between the two of them would be lost in the movement. The stormtroopers around her would probably protect her but ones from other squads could very well report her abilities.
ST-2200 held a straight face as this 'Crost' said he was a Knight of Ren. So her first suspicions were correct after all. She nodded, and walked towards him, glad there was much hubbub, still enough that them slipping away wouldn't be noticed. She wondered what she had done to have gotten noticed by a Knight of Ren. Rumors were they were a nasty little group, they could do what they wanted and they got away with it. They were equally feared and hated by the troopers.
Crost managed to find a tent that was currently unoccupied. He closed the opening behind them once the stormtrooper specialist had come through and then he took a moment to collect himself. Protocol demanded that he called in the situation but something stopped the man. Her power was quite unique among Force users. In the fragmented documents that someone like Crost had come across the abilities he had seen her use occurred about once in every ten thousand Force users. Many people would be hunting for her if they were aware of her abilities.

"When did you first find out you had this ability. Was it triggered when you became an adult?" He asked as he rubbed a thumb over his right hand palm. If only he could somehow take the power that was in her veins. There were legends of Dark Siders who cold accomplish such feats but it was a lost art, something not even Kylo Ren appeared to have knowledge about. He still did not know why he stood there, not reporting the girl in. There was something about her and the situation that drove him to resist his orders, resist what was expected of him.
She was nervous, distrustful as she followed him into the empty tent. Right now, she was thinking hard, remembering all the times where she saved lives when people should have clearly stayed dead. She was remembering all the times when she showed far superior actions and such. She looked loose enough, but in a second she was ready to blow the man away with her rifle. She spoke,"For as long as I can remember, I've always been able to do things that most of the other stormtroopers can't do. Sense things, find things, that not even the best machines and troopers can detect. Save people that should stay dead. The saving started as soon as they got me into medicine. I was trained under the best that the First Order had to offer. Any ill, wound, injury, whenever I touched the patient, it went away. But I get very tired afterwards. I don't know what to make of it. I don't want to be one of those troopers. One of those that disappears when higher ups come snooping around. If anything, I've been able to do all this since I was very young."
Crost was amazed that the ability had been with her for so long. It was amazing that it hadn't been detected earlier but that was probably the only thing that had saved her. Of course his mind quickly returned to the task at hand. If she stayed here things would only get worse. The time would come when both of them would have to make a choice. He would have to report her or do something stupid and she would either trust him or end up apprehended and taken to the Knights of Ren, either by Crost or whoever came next.

"Estee you need to listen to me closely. If you stay here you will die. I'm supposed to bring you in but I think we have an oppurtunity here to benefit both of us. It sounds like neither of us wants to just remain a pawn of the First Order. Together we could do great things, but you have to trust me or we'll both end up dead." Of course if things got bad it wouldn't be beyond him to try to say that her untrained powers had surprised him but that would still make him look weak in front of the eyes of other Knights. He was playing with fire now and he had to play smart or a burn would the least of his worries.
"How can I trust you? You speak of words that beg for trust, but how do I know you won't take me to your superiors straight away?" she coolly spoke, even though she could tell he spoke truth. Perhaps he spoke of the truth in this instant, but she had no assurances that he wouldn't turn on her in a few minutes. Too many of her fellows had disappeared under circumstances too similar to her own. She did not want to end up like them. She spoke,"The way I see it, nobody wins in this situation. The First Order will hunt us both down and kill us. What can two people do to stand against such forces?"
Crost looked at the girl for a moment and didn't know exactly what to say. She had no reason to trust her of course but if they wasted more time than he might get grabbed and experimented on the same as she would. "We can fight. Your power is unique and with training I am sure it will become even more powerful than some of my abilities. With training you might stand a chance against a Knight of Ren. But if you don't come with me now all that is going to happen is that you will get captured, thrown in a cell most like and never see the light until they are done ripping your gifts from your body."
"I have been trained in many methods of combat, and in all environments." she replied. The First Order wanted all of their troops to be ready for any situation. She continued,"I want to survive." Indeed, she wanted to live and to fight another day. But really, if she could do what he said she could do... What were her limits, really?
"Good to hear but once the Knights of Ren come after us it will be like nothing you've ever seen." Crost said before he moved out of the enclosed space and immediately scanned the area. They still had a chance to get out of the immediate area and back to Crost's ship if they were lucky. "Come on. If they find us we will be in trouble. If they find us trying to escape it will be even worse." Crost said before he led the Force enhanced woman out of the battle tent where she had been training. The Imperial agent used his skills to help keep the as many heads turned away from them as possible, which wasn't easy given how attractive the female behind him was.
She managed to snag her helmet as they left the tent, and she put it back on. Today certainly didn't turn out the way she expected it to turn out. She was ready to fight, to defend herself, to defend her comrades. It was in her training. But she didn't know if she would blow away her own brothers and sisters, people she had been training with as early as she could remember.
"Hey you two stop." Crost heard the voice of a stormtrooper call out nearby as they continued making their way through the base. They had to get to his ship or this new life was about to be tragically cut short. For him they would likely just blast him for being a traitor For the woman beside him she would be subjected to numerous experiments and potentially worse as they worked to unlock the secrets of her blood. Up ahead he saw his ship and some of stormtroopers and technicians around the area. They were getting close but right around that point the first blaster bolt snapped past his shoulder and he knew they would not be escaping unnoticed as he had hoped.
ST-2200 was nervous to the extreme as they made their way out, but her nerves only got worse when they were told to stop and the first blaster bolt zipped past his shoulder. She turned around, breathed in, took her helmet off, made eye contact with all those in front of her, and slowly, and calmly spoke,"Nobody here will be firing any more blaster shots today unless it is for a training exercise." She was surprised she was so calm, but when she talked like this, a lot of people tended to listen to her all at once with no degree of disobedience. Everybody stiffened at once, and all walked away, putting their weapons to their sides, and went back to their various activities. Now she was exhausted again as she put her helmet back on.
Some of the First Order listened to ST-2200 but more than a couple of them looked to other soldiers, other superiors. No one else shot at the pair for the moment but Liam had a feeling that it wasn't going to last. Once that first shot had echoed out through the camp their odds of getting out cleanly had diminished.

"Come on!" Crost called out to Estee. He wasn't drawing his lightsaber just yet but he could feel the anxiety and rising anger. The sergeants were checking for new orders from their lieutenants and so on up the chain of command. The shuttle was close but each step the pair took getting closer to the landing ramp felt like it could easily be their last. His fingers tensed and inched closer to his lightsaber but he kept it secure.
She was staggering as she followed Crost, she didn't know what she just did, but she was dead tired once more. She really needed to rest, to regain strength, but she knew that was not a good idea right now, to slow down and stop. She followed along side him, doing her best to keep up with him, to not slow him down.
Finally Crost and Estee made it aboard the First Order shuttle. Crost turned around after Estee made it up the landing ramp. A group of stormtroopers were just about to open fire on the pair when Crost raised his hands up and directed a powerful Force Push towards the group. The white armored troops were smashed by an invisible wave that sent them crashing back into another group of troopers coming in behind them.

After that Crost turned around and moved past Estee and into the cockpit as the landing ramp sealed up to keep them safe. "I don't know if you know another trick but if you can focus on their minds you might be able to distract them. It's an rare power but you already know one that's even rarer." Crost said as the First Order agent set his hands on the controls and lifted the shuttle off of the landing pad. All around the ship stormtoopers and other base personnel were firing away at the undercarriage of the ship as they prepared to blast off.
ST-2200 was glad that she and Crost made it into the ship alive, and he fended off another wave of troops. She weakly spoke,"I've got no more juice left." She had a raging headache and her vision was getting blurry. She spoke,"I think I overdid it, whatever I did..."
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