Dragon ball Z: Oc (Krystal x Liva)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Far queen Krystal yawned as she sat in her large silver throne. She was bored with her life, and wanted some excitement! She ran a hand through her hair, chanting softly until a mirror with an intricately carved silver dragon frame appeared. "Where should I visit this time?" She asked the morror, and an image of a fighting tournament flyer appeared. Her nlue eyebrow raised, and she scrolled through the other images, trying to remember where her modest mansion lay in this dimension. She smiled when she found it.

Krystal made the mirror disappear before callingbfor her right hand man, Roreck. He bowed respectively before smiling at her. "What is it you reqire, my queen?" He asked, still in a kneeling posistion. Despite the two of them having been friends since they were in diapers 2,000 years ago, he still was so formal.

Krystal smiled softly. "I'm leaving the dimension for awhile. You are in charge, old friend." She replied softly, Roreck nodding. He knew all to well the routine of his queen. She would always go to a new dimension, camp there for awhile, then just disappear. What he wouldn't be expecting, is that this time, she'd bring someone home with her.

In a flash of blue light, she was there, gi securly on her form as she floated above the tournament area a moment before decending. "I'd like yo enter this fighting tournament." She told the man, aware of the looks she was getting. It was obvious not many girld were fightersbin this dimension.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Far queen Krystal yawned as she sat in her large silver throne. She was bored with her life, and wanted some excitement! She ran a hand through her hair, chanting softly until a mirror with an intricately carved silver dragon frame appeared. "Where should I visit this time?" She asked the morror, and an image of a fighting tournament flyer appeared. Her nlue eyebrow raised, and she scrolled through the other images, trying to remember where her modest mansion lay in this dimension. She smiled when she found it.

Krystal made the mirror disappear before callingbfor her right hand man, Roreck. He bowed respectively before smiling at her. "What is it you reqire, my queen?" He asked, still in a kneeling posistion. Despite the two of them having been friends since they were in diapers 2,000 years ago, he still was so formal.

Krystal smiled softly. "I'm leaving the dimension for awhile. You are in charge, old friend." She replied softly, Roreck nodding. He knew all to well the routine of his queen. She would always go to a new dimension, camp there for awhile, then just disappear. What he wouldn't be expecting, is that this time, she'd bring someone home with her.

In a flash of blue light, she was there, gi securly on her form as she floated above the tournament area a moment before decending. "I'd like yo enter this fighting tournament." She told the man, aware of the looks she was getting. It was obvious not many girld were fightersbin this dimension.

After the whole saving the world yet again had come to an end and things had calmed down, it was nice seeing things returning to normal. Even though the upcoming tournament was almost nothing compared to what Goku and his friends had fought through before, the young man couldn’t help but be fired up about it and train to get ready for it; you never knew who you would encounter as your opponent there and Goku saw the tournament and the training leading up to it, as something like a nice work out and to stay in shape.

“It sure is nice, getting to experience things like this again” Yamcha said after signing his name on the admission paper together with Tien, Chaozu, Krillin and Goku. “Yeah, even though it will be a piece of cake” Tien answered, “The other fighters here doesn’t look as strong as us”. “You’re probably not going to have a problem winning this tournament, Goku” Krillin chuckled and patted his taller friend on the back. “Why do you think that?” Goku asked with an expression of slight confusion. “Ehm.. You’re basically the strongest fighter in the world” Krillin shrugged, “the other participants don’t stand a chance”.

“I don’t believe that, Krillin, you never know who your opponent will be in these tournaments and only the strongest fighters make it to the finals.” Goku looked fired up about the tournament and smiled with his fists balled up, “also, I know that you guys will give your all”.

There were a lot of fighters, different kind of people of all ages. “There’s something you rarely see” Krillin blurted out at the sight of a beautiful woman, Yamcha almost having hearts for eyes as he laid eyes upon her, “Do you think she is participating as well?” Goku tilted his head, it was unusual to see women participating, the last one he had fought against was years ago. “Nah, she is probably just someone coming to watch” Yamcha shrugged, “I’m gonna show her my best side” the boy said confidently although he was awkward around women.


The young woman had entered the tournament despite what common sense told her. It was unusual for women to join the tournament; most of the participants there were men and gave Hana weird looks as she walked among them in the hall. It was supposed to only be one of her brothers participating to win the money-prize and had tried to convince his older sister not to, saying that it wasn’t a place for a woman despite her powers. It had been enough to make her participate; she wanted to test out her abilities but still knew she would probably have to hold back a little.

“Thank you, Bulma, for watching Quill while Bodhi and I fight” she smiled at Bulma, someone she had known from her own childhood years and had been a great help. Since it had been just Hana and her brothers for years now. “Sure, but isn’t he big enough to not need a babysitter?” Bulma glanced at the young boy, who looked around with bright eyes at the setting of the tournament. “If your sight leave him for one minute, the whole place will probably blow up” Hana sighed and patted her much younger brother on the top of the head, “be good, Quill, and cheer for you big sister”.

With that she left for the hall where all the fighters were. As she expected, there were hardly any female fighters; she wouldn’t be surprised if someone told her then and there that it was a ‘men only’ place. “Hey little lady” a deep voice said behind her, she had to tilt her head back to look at the man’s face, “You lost? This is the fighters hall”. “I know” Hana smiled, “I’m fighting too”. The man and those who heard among him started laughing, “that’s a good one! You’re funny, little lady.” The man sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder, “but pretty little girls like you shouldn’t participate. It’s only for strong men, like me”.

“Oh really? I am so glad you were here to tell me” Hana said sarcastically and shook his hand off her shoulder, “if you think so, then why not prove it?”, the man looked confused, “hit me, if you can” she crossed her arms, “or are you scared?” she tied her long pink her up into a pony tail.
Krystal looked all around at all the participants, adrenaline pumping through her system as she set her eyes on a spikey haired man with an orange gi on. "Hmm, he looks really powerful, and handsome. What's wrong with the guy next to him though? Is he coming closer?" She thought to herself, concentrating. She was taking in all the energy around the tournament, gauging the other's powers. She only fought like this for fun, but it was still good to get a feel for what you're up against.

Krystal twirled a long luscious lock of her midnight blue hair on her finger, blowing a few bubbles with the gum she was chewing. She didn't look threatening, and that was the way she liked it. If people underestimated her, it was more fun knocking them down and showing them she was just as good as anyone. 2,000 years of fighting training in her home dimension paid off. She was intrigued was intrigued by all the fighters that seemed to be chattering like friends, but she was especially interested in the spikey haired one. There was just something different about him, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Meanwhile, another spikey haired man plotted. He had heard of the powerful fighter Goku and he wanted to battle him to assert his dominance as beinge the best fighter in any universe. His name is Prince Vegeta, and he as far as he knew, was the most powerful of the last of his race. He was arrogant, loud and had alot of issues with athority. Someone needed to gove this cocky prince a piece of humble pie.

Vegeta smirked. "Raditz! You will go to this "planet earth" first and assess just how easily we can take over. Lord freiza wishes to have every planet." He barked, his older subbordinate merely nodding. It was legendary through the galaxy that the temper of the prince was nog to be tested. He wasn't gonna be the one to test that theory. "Yes, of course prince." He promised, bowing before getting inbhis ship and setting a course for earth.
"Do you think she is lost?" Yamcha asked, still looking at the blue haired girl, who walked alone among the fighters, "it's unusual for a woman, let alone a beautiful one like her, to participate as a fighter."
Goku shrugged, she was a beautiful woman, but he knew better than to judge a book by its cover; "hey, maybe she's a new and really strong fighter in this tournament. It would be fun to get some challenge".
"Guys, isn't it kinda rude? To stand here and talk about her while she is looking this way?" Krillin had crossed his arms and blushed slightly upon noticing the woman looking.

"you're right" Goku said and decided to walk over to the blue haired woman, "Hey!" he said with a bright smile and reached out his hand to introduce himself, "My friends and I couldn't help but notice that we haven't seen you around at the tournaments before".


The man gave her a provoked expression; Hana had embarrassed him in front of the people there and she was even questioning his strength.
Normally, she wouldn't be picking a fight like this, yet her sarcasm and playful behavior sometimes got her into trouble. "You little.." the man grunted, balled his hand into a fist and tried to aim for her, of course not as strongly as he probably could, she thought. However, his hand never touched her, it stopped inches from her face and the confused expression on the man's face clearly gave away that he wasn't aware of what happened.

"Oh, what a gentleman" Hana smiled with a small chuckle before moving on just as it was announced that the participants needed to line up and draw their numbers which would decide who they would fight in the first rounds.
"hm, 24" Hana shrugged when seeing the black number on the small note.
Krystal knew they were talking about her. She had enhanced hearing, and knew what they were saying about her. It made her smile a little, because it was flattering to know they were curious about her. She kept her power levels tame, not wanting to give anything away. She preferred to surprise her opponents.

Krystal smiled and shook his hand. "I just moved here. Thought it might be fun to test my strength. Fighting is one of my passions. But, usually I have two samurai swords." She explained with a chuckle, smiling. Those swords were her prized posession, as they were made for her especially by her father before he and her mother were killed.

he played witb a lock of her hair, looking thoughtful as she smiled. "Its nice to meet you all. I'm Krystal." She added softly, geting in line when she was told. She pulled a number, looking at it curiously. It was funny how she'd pulled her favorite number, 22.
A newcomer who had decided to participate in the tournament; even if the other men there seemed to give the few girls, who were there, strange looks, Goku didn't notice and frankly didn't care much for the opinions of the genders in such things.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Goku" he introduced himself while the rest of the group joined them, Krillin also introducing himself while Yamcha seemed to try to introduce himself but was stumbling over his words which only came out as weird sounds. "You okay Yamcha?" Goku asked confused over his friend's behavior.

When it was time to draw their number for the first preliminary rounds that would eventually lead to the real fights with the stronger opponents. "What number did you get?" Krillin asked after drawing number 11. "I got number 7" he said and looked at the board where their names were written. "Well, good luck on your battles guys. I hope to see you in the finals".
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